How to ftp or download a file using a url in linux console without using browser? - linux

How do I ftp or download the following in linux console without using browser?

You can use wget to download files from HTTP and FTP from the command line:
This will create a file named u-boot-2011.12.tar.bz2 in the current directory.


How can I download a folder from google drive or dropbox using command in linux?

I am trying to download a folder using command in linux shell using dropbox or google drive link. The download works but it is not saved as a folder, after it is downloaded I cannot access it using 'cd ..' command. So the folder is downloaded but when I use cd .. , I get the message that the file is not a directory.
How can I download a folder and access it? I am also executing this in virtual machine.
I do not know which method you are using to download the directory. In order to download a directory, you need to recursively download all the files in it or, create a tar or zip for the directory.
You can consider using gdown.
Please also read the detailed explanation from the following post: wget/curl large file from google drive

Download file served by a page using wget

I am trying to download a file served by a particular page in linux using wget. Note that I don't want to download the html page itself, but the .tiff file that is downloaded when the page loads. If I use
then it downloads the webpage instead of the tiff file served by it. How do I do this?
If you use chrome you can view the .tiff file's url .If you get it, you just command this:
wegt the-url-of-.tiff
You can try an alternative i.e cURL command. Its usage is: curl -O url.
Make sure about permissions and other stuff like that.

Shiny Server and R: How can I start the download of a file through the URL?

I want to use the linux wget command on several URLs. In Shiny, right clicking the download button or link gives the following info:
This can be used with the linux wget command to download the file if the page is open.
Is it possible to begin a Shiny download using the URL link without knowing the session data?
My goal is to do something like this:
wget "http://home:3838/../#apples=3" -O /home/../apples.csv
wget "http://home:3838/../#pears=3" -O /home/../pears.csv
and so on.
I already know how to add parameters but I do not know how to actuate the download.

How to download eclipselink jar file from internet in Linux

Hello I want to download jar file from this link in linux.
I used wget command with no success. It only downloads web page not jar.
My command is:
wget ''
Copy the "click here" link location:
wget ''

uploading all files in the folder using ftp

I'm trying to copy a folder from my computer to my android phone using ftp. After I login, I try put * or put *.mp3 but it doesn't work well.
I am using command line in ubuntu linux
You want mput rather than put.
