For my work with hxt I implemented the following function:
-- | Construction of a 8 argument arrow from a 8-ary function. Same
-- implementation as in #Control.Arrow.ArrowList.arr4#.
arr8 :: ArrowList a => (b1 -> b2 -> b3 -> b4 -> b5 -> b6 -> b7 -> b8 -> c)
-> a (b1, (b2, (b3, (b4, (b5, (b6, (b7, b8))))))) c
arr8 f = arr ( \ ~(x1, ~(x2, ~(x3, ~(x4, ~(x5, ~(x6, ~(x7, x8)))))))
-> f x1 x2 x3 x4 x5 x6 x7 x8 )
As mentioned in the haddock comment the above function arr8 takes an 8-ary function and returns a 8 argument arrow. I use the function like this: (x1 &&& x2 &&& ... x8) >>> arr8 f whereby x1 to x8 are arrows.
My question: Is there a way to avoid the big tuple definition? Is there a more elegant implementation of arr8?
Info: I used the same code schema as in the function arr4 (see source code of arr4)
This works, though it depends on some quite deep and fragile typeclass magic. It also requires that we change the tuple structure to be a bit more regular. In particular, it should be a type-level linked list preferring (a, (b, (c, ()))) to (a, (b, c)).
{-# LANGUAGE TypeFamilies #-}
import Control.Arrow
-- We need to be able to refer to functions presented as tuples, generically.
-- This is not possible in any straightforward method, so we introduce a type
-- family which recursively computes the desired function type. In particular,
-- we can see that
-- Fun (a, (b, ())) r ~ a -> b -> r
type family Fun h r :: *
type instance Fun () r = r
type instance Fun (a, h) r = a -> Fun h r
-- Then, given our newfound function specification syntax we're now in
-- the proper form to give a recursive typeclass definition of what we're
-- after.
class Zup tup where
zup :: Fun tup r -> tup -> r
instance Zup () where
zup r () = r
-- Note that this recursive instance is simple enough to not require
-- UndecidableInstances, but normally techniques like this do. That isn't
-- a terrible thing, but if UI is used it's up to the author of the typeclass
-- and its instances to ensure that typechecking terminates.
instance Zup b => Zup (a, b) where
zup f ~(a, b) = zup (f a) b
arrTup :: (Arrow a, Zup b) => Fun b c -> a b c
arrTup = arr . zup
And now we can do
> zup (+) (1, (2, ()))
> :t arrTup (+)
arrTup (+)
:: (Num a1, Arrow a, Zup b n, Fun n b c ~ (a1 -> a1 -> a1)) =>
a b c
> arrTup (+) (1, (2, ()))
If you want to define the specific variants, they're all just arrTup.
:: Arrow arr
=> (a -> b -> c -> d -> e -> f -> g -> h -> r)
-> arr (a, (b, (c, (d, (e, (f, (g, (h, ())))))))) r
arr8 = arrTup
It's finally worth noting that if we define a lazy uncurry
uncurryL :: (a -> b -> c) -> (a, b) -> c
uncurryL f ~(a, b) = f a b
then we can write the recursive branch of Zup in a way that is illustrative to what's going on here
instance Zup b => Zup (a, b) where
zup f = uncurryL (zup . f)
My approach would be writing
arr8 f = arr (uncurry8 f)
I don't know if we can write a generic uncurryN n f function (probably not), but I can offer you a pointfree uncurry_n for each n in a systematic manner like so:
uncurry3 f = uncurry ($) . cross (uncurry . f) id
uncurry4 f = uncurry ($) . cross (uncurry3 . f) id
uncurry8 f = uncurry ($) . cross (uncurry7 . f) id
cross f g = pair (f . fst) (g . snd)
pair f g x = (f x, g x)
I wound up with this skeleton:
f :: (Monad m) => b -> m ()
f x = traverse_ (f . g x) =<< h x -- how avoid explicit recursion?
g :: b -> a -> b
-- h :: (Foldable t) => b -> m (t a) -- why "Could not deduce (Foldable t0) arising from a use of ‘traverse_’"
h :: b -> m [a]
How can I avoid the explicit recursion in f?
Bonus: When I try to generalize h from [] to Foldable, f does not type check (Could not deduce (Foldable t0) arising from a use of ‘traverse_’) -- what am I doing wrong?
Here's the real code. The Right side is for recursing down directories of security camera footage whose names are integers. Left is the base case to process leaves whose names are not integers.
a <|||> b = left a . right b
doDir (Right d) = traverse_ (doDir . doInt) =<< listDirectory d
where doInt s = ((<|||>) <$> (,) <*> const) (d </> s) $ (TR.readEither :: String -> Either String Int) s
f = doDir and g ~ doInt but got refactored a little. h = listDirectory. to answer the bonus, i was just being silly and wasn't seeing that i had to combine all the definitions to bind the types together:
f :: (Monad m, Foldable t) => (b -> a -> b) -> (b -> m (t a)) -> b -> m ()
f g h x = traverse_ (f g h . g x) =<< h x
If you don't mind leaking a bit of memory building a Tree and then throwing it away, you can use unfoldTreeM:
f = unfoldTreeM (\b -> (\as -> ((), g b <$> as)) <$> h b)
I do not believe there is a corresponding unfoldTreeM_, but you could write one (using explicit recursion). To generalize beyond the Tree/[] connection, you might also like refoldM; you can find several similar functions if you search for "hylomorphism" on Hackage.
In Learn you a Haskell, it is given that
fmap (+3) (*3)
is equivalent to
\x -> ((x*3)+3))
However, I can't understand why. Isn't it supposed to be \x -> ((x+3)*3)?
I don't know the implementation of fmap for (*3) functor, but my intuition tells me that since the functor (*3) is equivalent to \x -> x * 3, the map (+3) would be first applied and then (*3) be applied, but it is the other way around. What am I missing in here?
my intuition tells me that since the functor (*3) is equivalent to \x -> x * 3
Functions form a functor instance
instance Functor ((->) r) where ...
Those are the functions mapping from r.
Given a function g :: r -> a you can form a new function h :: r -> b with the help of f :: a -> b via h = fmap f g. It should now be clear that f :: a -> b cannot be applied first but must be applied second. That is h' = (g :: r -> a) . (f :: a -> b) does not make any sense but h = (f :: a -> b) . (g :: r -> a) does.
fmap has to obey two laws:
fmap id == id
fmap (f . g) == fmap f . fmap g
Your proposed definition, fmap' f g == g . f, satisfies the first law but violates the second law:
fmap' id f == f . id == f == id f -- OK
fmap' (f . g) h == h . (f . g)
== (h . f) . g
== (fmap' f h) . g
== fmap' g (fmap' f h)
== (fmap' g . fmap' f) h -- violation, since (.) is not commutative
The correct definition, fmap f g = f . h, satisfies both:
fmap id f == id . f == f == id f
fmap (f . g) h == (f . g) . h
== f . (g . h)
== fmap f (g . h)
== fmap f (fmap g h)
== (fmap f . fmap g) h
A "functor", in Haskell, is a higher order type, F, -- "higher order" meaning, it accepts another type variable, a (denoting any type whatever), -- such that we can have
F a fa
(a -> b) ab
F b fmap ab fa
which is known as "flip fmap" (flip just means that the order of arguments is flipped, flip fmap fa ab == fmap ab fa). There are also some "common sense" laws it must follow.
For F ~ Maybe, say, it means
flip fmap :: Maybe a ->
(a -> b) ->
Maybe b
and for F ~ [],
flip fmap :: [] a ->
(a -> b) ->
[] b
which is more conventionally written as [a] -> (a -> b) -> [b].
In our case here, F a ~ r -> a, or more formally, F a ~ ((->) r) a, which means F ~ ((->) r),
flip fmap :: ((->) r) a ->
(a -> b) ->
((->) r) b
which is more conventionally written as (r -> a) -> (a -> b) -> (r -> b),
r -> a
a -> b
r -> b
which is the same as (r -> a) -> (a -> b) -> r -> b since with types, the arrows associate on the right, corresponding to the fact that applications associate on the left: f a b c is actually ((f a) b) c and
f a b c = d -- f a b c
f a b = \c -> d -- (f a b) c
f a = \b c -> d -- ((f a) b) c
f = \a b c -> d -- (((f) a) b) c
are all different ways to write down the same definition, and different ways to write down the same function call.
This then means we need to implement
fmap :: (a -> b) -> (r -> a) -> (r -> b)
fmap ab ra r = b
b =
So what could the definition be? Is it up to us to decode what goes where? Well, we must produce a b type value. The only thing we have that can do it for us, is ab :: a -> b.
Can we produce a b without it? Out of the blue? Except for erroring out, no, we can't -- we know nothing about that b type. It can be anything. So we're left with
b = ab a
a =
and now we must get an a somewhere, to use it as an argument to ab. Fortunately, ra can give it to us:
a = ra r
and r, we already got! So the types did write this implementation for us:
fmap :: (a -> b) -> (r -> a) -> (r -> b)
fmap ab ra r = b
b = ab a
a = ra r
or, simplifying and renaming, we get
fmap f g r = f ( g r)
= (f . g) r
by definition of the function composition, ., as
(.) :: (a -> b) -> (r -> a) -> (r -> b)
(f . g) r = f (g r)
which is a valid syntax definition, otherwise written as
(.) :: (a -> b) -> (r -> a) -> (r -> b)
(.) f g r = f (g r)
(.) :: (a -> b) -> (r -> a) -> (r -> b)
(.) f g = \ r -> f (g r)
(.) :: (a -> b) -> (r -> a) -> (r -> b)
(.) = \f g r -> f (g r)
All these are equivalent. And its type diagram
a -> b
r -> a
r -> b
As for the intuition, a functorial type value of type F A is, loosely, an F-type "something" than can somehow produce an A-type something, in some F-type sense.
The functor laws mean that F does so in some purely "structural", mechanical way, without regard to what that A value that it produces actually is. In other words, the A values do not influence how they are produced, only the F type itself determines that.
For example, Maybe Int could Maybe produce an Int. Or [Int] could produce several Ints. (*3) can also produce an Int, if we supply it with an Int argument.
What then this fmap is? What does it do? It transforms that would-be produced value. Every functor type must define its fmap, that is what makes it be a functorial type, that it defines the
instance Functor Maybe where
fmap ab (Just a) = (Just (ab a))
etc. So then, with functions r -> a, which produce that a type value promised by their type, after being applied to an argument, we transform that value by applying the transformation function to it:
fmap transf mult3 arg = tansf (mult3 arg)
which is just the definition of the functional composition itself, with arguments renamed.
So that's why, in this case,
fmap (+3) (*3) r = (+3) ((*3) r)
= (+3) (r*3)
= (r*3) + 3
we (+3) transform the value produced by (*3) in the ((->) r) sense, which is application to some user-supplied argument, r. So (*3) must be applied first, to get (it to produce) that value.
I'm learning Haskell by taking fp-course exercise. There is a question block my way. I don't know how Haskell infer lift2 (<$>) (,)'s type, and turn out Functor k => (a1 -> k a2) -> a1 -> k (a1, a2).
I have tried out lift2 (<$>)'s type, and verified by GHCI's command :t lift2 (<$>). step as follow.
I know lift2 :: Applicative k => (a -> b -> c) -> k a -> k b -> k c
I also know (<$>) :: Functor f => (m -> n) -> (f m) -> (f n)
Then by lambda calculus's Beta conversion, I can figure out lift2 (<$>)'s type is
(Applicative k, Functor f) => k (m -> n) -> k (f m) -> k (f n) by replacing a with (m -> n), b with (f m), c with (f n)
When I going to figure out lift2 (<$>) (,)'s type, It block me.
I know (,) :: a -> b -> (a,b)
And lift2 (<$>) :: (Applicative k, Functor f) => k (m -> n) -> k (f m) -> k (f n).
How does Haskell apply lift2 (<$>) to (,)?
The first variable of lift2 (<$>) is Applicative k => k (m -> n).
The to be applied value is (,) :: a -> b -> (a, b)
How the k, m, n replace by a, b?
GHCI's answer is lift2 (<$>) (,) :: Functor k => (a1 -> k a2) -> a1 -> k (a1, a2) by typing :t lift2 (<$>) (,). I cannot infer out this answer by myself.
So I have 2 questions.
1.Could someone show me the inference step by step?
2.In this case the conversion seems not be Beta conversion in lambda calculus (May be I am wrong). What the conversion is?
Type derivation is a mechanical affair.(*) The key is that the function arrow -> is actually a binary operator here, associating on the right (while the application / juxtaposition associates on the left).
Thus A -> B -> C is actually A -> (B -> C) is actually (->) A ((->) B C) is actually ((->) A) (((->) B) C). In this form it is clear that it consists of two parts so can match up with e.g. f t, noting the equivalences f ~ ((->) A) and t ~ (((->) B) C) (or in pseudocode f ~ (A ->), and also t ~ (B -> C) in normal notation).
When "applying" two type terms a structural unification is performed. The structures of two terms are matched up, their sub-parts are matched up, and the resulting equivalences are noted as "substitutions" (... ~ ...) available to be performed and ensured in further simplifications of the resulting type terms (and if some incompatibility were to be thus discovered, the type would be then rejected).
This follows a general structure / type derivation rule rooted in the logical rule of Modus Ponens:
A -> B C
B , where A ~ C
And thus,
liftA2 :: A f => ( a -> b -> c ) -> f a -> f b -> f c
(<$>) :: F h => (d -> e) -> h d -> h e
(,) :: s -> (t -> (s, t))
liftA2 (<$>) (,) :: f b -> f c
b ~ h d f ~ (s->)
a ~ d->e c ~ h e a ~ t->(s,t)
\_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ a ~ d->e
d ~ t e ~ (s,t)
liftA2 (<$>) (,) :: f b -> f c
~ (s -> b ) -> (s -> c )
~ F h => (s -> h d) -> (s -> h e )
~ F h => (s -> h t) -> (s -> h (s,t))
(writing A for Applicative and F for Functor, as an abbreviation). The substitutions stop when there are no more type variables to substitute.
There's some freedom as to which type variables are chosen to be substituted on each step, but the resulting terms will be equivalent up to consistent renaming of the type variables, anyway. For example we could choose
~ F h => (s -> h d) -> (s -> h e )
~ F h => (s -> h d) -> (s -> h (s,t))
~ F h => (s -> h d) -> (s -> h (s,d))
The Applicative ((->) s) constraint was discovered in the process. It checks out since this instance exists for all s. We can see it by typing :i Applicative at the prompt in GHCi. Looking through the list of instances it prints, we find instance Applicative ((->) a) -- Defined in `Control.Applicative'.
If there were no such instance the type derivation would stop and report the error, it wouldn't just skip over it. But since the constraint holds, it just disappears as it does not constrain the derived type, Functor h => (s -> h t) -> (s -> h (s,t)). It's already "baked in".
The instance defines (f <*> g) x = f x $ g x but the definition itself is not needed in type derivations, only the fact that it exists. As for the liftA2, it is defined as
liftA2 h f g x = (h <$> f <*> g) x -- for any Applicative (sans the `x`)
= (h . f <*> g) x -- for functions
= (h . f) x (g x)
= f x `h` g x -- just another combinator
(yes, (<*>) = liftA2 ($) ), so
liftA2 (<$>) (,) g s = (,) s <$> g s
= do { r <- g s -- in pseudocode, with
; return (s, r) -- "Functorial" Do
Or in other words, liftA2 (<$>) (,) = \ g s -> (s ,) <$> g s.
With the type Functor m => (s -> m t) -> s -> m (s,t). Which is what we have derived.
(*) See also:
Haskell: how to infer the type of an expression manually
András Kovács proposed this question in response to an answer to a previous question.
In a lens-style uniplate library for types of kind * -> * based on the class
class Uniplate1 f where
uniplate1 :: Applicative m => f a -> (forall b. f b -> m (f b)) -> m (f a)
analogous to the class for types of kind *
class Uniplate on where
uniplate :: Applicative m => on -> (on -> m on) -> m on
is it possible to implement analogs to contexts and holes, which both have the type Uniplate on => on -> [(on, on -> on)] without requiring Typeable1?
It's clear that this could be implemented in the old-style of the uniplate library which used Str to represent the structure of the data by returning a structure with a type-level list of the types of the children.
A hole could be represented by the following data type, which would replace (on, on -> on) in the signatures for contexts and holes
data Hole f a where
Hole :: f b -> (f b -> f a) -> Hole f a
holes :: Uniplate1 f => f a -> [Hole f a]
However, it is unclear if there is an implementation for holes which doesn't require Typeable1.
The suggested type Hole is needlessly restrictive in the return type of the function. The following type can represent everything the former Hole represents, and more, without loss of any type information.
{-# LANGUAGE RankNTypes #-}
data Hole f a where
Hole :: f b -> (f b -> a) -> Hole f a
If we need to have a return type of f a, we can use Hole f (f a) to represent it. Since we will be using Holes a lot, it'd be nice to have a few utility functions. Because the return type of the function in Hole is no longer constrained to be in f, we can make a Functor instance for it
instance Functor (Hole f) where
fmap f (Hole b g) = Hole b (f . g)
contexts1 can be written for either version of Hole by replacing the constructors for tuples in the uniplate library's contexts with Hole:
contexts1 :: Uniplate1 f => f a -> [Hole f (f a)]
contexts1 x = Hole x id : f (holes1 x)
f xs = [ Hole y (ctx . context)
| Hole child ctx <- xs
, Hole y context <- contexts1 child]
holes1 is trickier, but can still be made by modifying holes from the uniplate library. It requires a new Replace1 Applicative Functor that uses Hole instead of a tuple. Everyhwere the second field of the tuple was modified by second (f .) we replace with fmap f for the Hole.
data Replace1 f a = Replace1 {replaced1 :: [Hole f a], replacedValue1 :: a}
instance Functor (Replace1 f) where
fmap f (Replace1 xs v) = Replace1 (map (fmap f) xs) (f v)
instance Applicative (Replace1 f) where
pure v = Replace1 [] v
Replace1 xs1 f <*> Replace1 xs2 v = Replace1 (ys1 ++ ys2) (f v)
where ys1 = map (fmap ($ v)) xs1
ys2 = map (fmap (f)) xs2
holes1 :: Uniplate1 f => f a -> [Hole f (f a)]
holes1 x = replaced1 $ descendM1 (\v -> Replace1 [Hole v id] v) x
decendM1 is defined in the preceding answer. Replace and Replace1 can be unified; how to do so is described after the examples.
Let's try some examples in terms of the code in the previous question. The following utility functions on Holes will be useful.
onHole :: (forall b. f b -> c) -> Hole f a -> c
onHole f (Hole x _) = f x
inHole :: (forall b. f b -> f b) -> Hole f a -> a
inHole g (Hole x f) = f . g $ x
We'll use the following example data and function, based on the code from the preceding questions:
example = If (B True) (I 2 `Mul` I 3) (I 1)
zero :: Expression b -> Expression b
zero x = case x of
I _ -> I 0
B _ -> B False
Add _ _ -> I 0
Mul _ _ -> I 0
Eq _ _ -> B False
And _ _ -> B False
Or _ _ -> B False
If _ a _ -> zero a
sequence_ . map (onHole print) . holes1 $ example
B True
Mul (I 2) (I 3)
I 1
sequence_ . map (onHole print) . contexts1 $ example
If (B True) (Mul (I 2) (I 3)) (I 1)
B True
Mul (I 2) (I 3)
I 2
I 3
I 1
Replacement of each context
sequence_ . map print . map (inHole zero) . contexts1 $ example
I 0
If (B False) (Mul (I 2) (I 3)) (I 1)
If (B True) (I 0) (I 1)
If (B True) (Mul (I 0) (I 3)) (I 1)
If (B True) (Mul (I 2) (I 0)) (I 1)
If (B True) (Mul (I 2) (I 3)) (I 0)
Unifying Replace
The Replace Applicative Functor can be refactored so that it doesn't know about the type of holes for either Uniplate or Uniplate1, and instead only knows that the hole is a Functor. Holes for Uniplate were using the type (on, on -> a) and essentially using fmap f = second (f .); this is the composition of the (on, ) and on-> functors.
Instead of grabbing Compose from the transformers library, we'll make a new type for a Hole for Uniplate, which will make the example code here be more consistent and self-contained.
data Hole on a = Hole on (on -> a)
instance Functor (Hole on) where
fmap f (Hole on g) = Hole on (f . g)
We'll rename our Hole from before to Hole1.
data Hole1 f a where
Hole1 :: f b -> (f b -> a) -> Hole1 f a
instance Functor (Hole1 f) where
fmap f (Hole1 b g) = Hole1 b (f . g)
Replace can drop all knowledge of either type of hole.
data Replace f a = Replace {replaced :: [f a], replacedValue :: a}
instance Functor f => Functor (Replace f) where
fmap f (Replace xs v) = Replace (map (fmap f) xs) (f v)
instance Functor f => Applicative (Replace f) where
pure v = Replace [] v
Replace xs1 f <*> Replace xs2 v = Replace (ys1 ++ ys2) (f v)
where ys1 = map (fmap ($ v)) xs1
ys2 = map (fmap (f)) xs2
Both holes and holes1 can be implemented in terms of the new Replace.
holes :: Uniplate on => on -> [Hole on on]
holes x = replaced $ descendM (\v -> Replace [Hole v id] v) x
holes1 :: Uniplate1 f => f a -> [Hole1 f (f a)]
holes1 x = replaced $ descendM1 (\v -> Replace [Hole1 v id] v) x
Using a lens library I can apply a modification function to individual targets, like so:
Prelude Control.Lens> (1, 'a', 2) & _1 %~ (*3)
Prelude Control.Lens> (1, 'a', 2) & _3 %~ (*3)
How can I combine those individual lenses (_1 and _3) to be able to perform this update to both of the targets at once? I expect something in the spirit of the following:
Prelude Control.Lens> (1, 'a', 2) & ??? %~ (*3)
Using untainted from the Settable type class in Control.Lens.Internal.Setter, it is possible to combine two setters, but the result will also only be a setter and not a getter.
import Control.Lens.Internal.Setter
-- (&&&) is already taken by Control.Arrow
(~&~) :: (Settable f) => (c -> d -> f a) -> (c -> a -> t) -> c -> d -> t
(~&~) a b f = b f . untainted . a f
You can test this:
>>> import Control.Lens
>>> (1, 'a', 2) & (_1 ~&~ _3) %~ (*3)
You don't actually need to use internal functions. You can use the fact that Mutator is a monad:
{-# LANGUAGE NoMonomorphismRestriction #-}
import Control.Monad
import Control.Applicative
(~&~) = liftA2 (>=>)
-- This works too, and is maybe easier to understand:
(~&~) a b f x = a f x >>= b f
There is a variation on what you are asking for which is more general:
:: (Functor f)
=> ((a -> (a, a)) -> (c -> (a, c)))
-- ^ Lens' c a
-> ((b -> (b, b)) -> (c -> (b, c)))
-- ^ Lens' c b
-> (((a, b) -> f (a, b)) -> (c -> f c))
-- ^ Lens' c (a, b)
(lens1 /\ lens2) f c0 =
let (a, _) = lens1 (\a_ -> (a_, a_)) c0
(b, _) = lens2 (\b_ -> (b_, b_)) c0
fab = f (a, b)
in fmap (\(a, b) ->
let (_, c1) = lens1 (\a_ -> (a_, a)) c0
(_, c2) = lens2 (\b_ -> (b_, b)) c1
in c2
) fab
infixl 7 /\
Just focus on the type signature with lens type synonyms:
Lens' c a -> Lens' c b -> Lens' c (a, b)
It takes two lenses and combines them into a lens to a pair of fields. This is slightly more general and works for combining lenses that point to fields of different types. However, then you'd have to mutate the two fields separately.
I just wanted to throw this solution out there in case people were looking for something like this.