Using Nodejs and Passport-Amazon - getting "We're sorry" error - node.js

When setting up Oath using the Amazon strategy in the NodeJS Passport module, I'm seeing a generic error page when trying to authenticate. The same error occurs whether running it in my app or running the example app from here:
I'm using the correct credentials (client id and secret) from the Amazon's Sellercentral. Has anyone else got this to work?

On further investingation, I found a comment in the source:
Error Code: 400
Error Message: The redirect URI you provided has not been whitelisted for your application
After adding the callback URL to the "Allowed return URLs", it now works.


eg-01-java-jwt example returning empty body

I'm trying to use the example project, but I keep getting this message:
DocuSign Exception!
Reason: 0
Error Reponse: null
I have configured everything following the instructions in the repository page.
I have tried debugging the class responsible for the HTTP Post, but so far I got nothing.
Probably you need to grant consent for the integration key to impersonate the user.

laravel socialite facebook loging error This authorization code has been used

i am using lavel/socialite in laravel project version 5.4
Now i am facing an error
Client error: `POST`
resulted in a `400 Bad Request` response:{"error":{"message":"This
authorization code has been used.","type":"OAuthException", "code":100,
"fbtrace_id":"F7xwAj18Ez (truncated...)
some times it working and sometimes showing this error.
have any suggestions to solve the issue.
in some cases, you can use a simple condition
if (!$request->has('code') || $request->has('denied')) {
return redirect('/');
because when you try more than once facebook will not allow for gave information request.

Appcelerator Google SignIn using module Ti.GoogleSignIn

Using Ti.GoogleSignIn module by Hansemann, i am trying to access my google drive. Problem is that the google does not honour the token i am getting from module and i am getting Error 401 : Unauthorized Invalid credentials.
On the other hand, if i use the token from Google developer playground, it works as expected.
I am setting the scope in the following way
clientID : "***********************************************",
scope : ['', '', '', '', ''] // Scope
So when using a clientID from the playground, it works in your app? Then your current setup may be incorrect. As the error seems to be thrown for both the Titanium based version and native version (bubbled up), you may receive some more help from the native community as well.

API Error Code: 100 using passport-facebook in nodejitsu

I've been developing this app during the last few weeks, which uses a login system based on passport-facebook, and everything was working fine on my dev computer until I decided to test it on nodejitsu.
The error that im getting is:
API Error Code: 100 API Error
Description: Invalid parameter Error
Message: redirect_uri URL is not properly formatted
The redirect_uri is:
Which looks fine to me, so I'm kinda lost.
This was the configuration that i was using on my local machine:
And this is the configuration that I have now:
Does anyone knows what's going on, or what i'm missing here ? Thanks !
I believe that your Site URL is wrong. Shouldn't it point to
Hasn't nodejitsu dropped its service as it was bought out by GoDaddy :(

Using OAuth dialog for facebook app do not allow to use canvas URL as redirect_uri

I am starting a Facebook app. Following the Getting Started tutorial in the Authorization section, it says I should use this URL to get permission from users:
I am replacing YOUR_CANVAS_PAGE with my canvas URL, the one I see on my app settings:
But, then, if I navigate to that page, I get the following error:
An error occurred with Elecciones 2012. Please try again later.
API Error Code: 191
API Error Description: The specified URL is not owned by the application
Error Message: Invalid redirect_uri: Given URL is not allowed by the Application configuration.
If I replace YOUR_CANVAS_PAGE with:
The permission dialog works fine. But then I get redirected to my website, not the app inside
Any idea why is this happening??
I have seen other apps using a different permission dialogue:
But it looks it is part of another set of APIs.
I got the same problem too. Looks like the problem is in "Canvas URL". You cannot use your app id in canvas URL like:
Instead, the namespace should be used as your canvas URL. for example:
You can set your app namespace in the application settings in facebook.
