I have a string "AB0123456789" and the output I would like to have is: "AB01 2345 6789" ... I want to add a space after every fourth character. How can I do this?
Main> addSpace "AB0123456789"
"AB01 2345 6789"
With Data.List.intercalate and Data.List.Split.chunksOf this is easy:
import Data.List.Split
addSpace :: String -> String
addSpace = intercalate " " . chunksOf 4
This may not be the most efficient:
addSpace xs = if length xs <= 4
then xs
else take 4 xs ++ " " ++ addSpace (drop 4 xs)
Demo in ghci:
ghci > addSpace "AB0123456789"
"AB01 2345 6789"
I would think pattern matching would make this easiest:
addSpaces :: String -> String
addSpaces xs#(_:_:_:_:[]) = xs
addSpaces (a:b:c:d:xs) = a:b:c:d:' ':addSpaces xs
addSpaces xs = xs
You have to include the first case so you don't potentially get a space at the end, but it's pretty straightforward. This isn't extensible, though, you wouldn't be able to use a function like this to dynamically choose how many characters you want to skip before inserting a space (such as in #cdk's answer)
You can use splitAt. Heres a function that adds space after every nth character.
spaceN :: Int -> String -> String
spaceN n = init . go
where go [] = []
go xs = let (as, bs) = splitAt n xs in as ++ (' ' : go bs)
for your specific case:
λ. spaceN 4 "AB0123456789"
"AB01 2345 6789"
window :: Int -> [a] -> [[a]]
window i = unfoldr (\l -> if null l then Nothing else Just (splitAt i l))
addSpace :: String -> String
addSpace = intercalate " " . window 4
I could understand if the question doesn't really clarify my problem, so here is some more explanation:
I am trying to add the string "+" at the start of my string, which I get like this:
printLine :: [Int] -> String --Type of the function
printLine [] = "" --Base case
printLine (x:xs) = "+" ++ foldr (++) "+" f ++ printLine xs
where f = replicate x "-"
The result I get from the above:
The result I would like to get:
Basically my question is: How do I add "+" only at the start?
I can understand that this might be a silly question, but I am stuck for a while now and I can't find the answer on SO or elsewhere.
Proposal: don't detect when you're in the first iteration, which is hard; instead detect when you're in the last iteration, which is easy because it's the [] case in the first line.
printLine :: [Int] -> String
-- final iteration; add an extra + at the end
printLine [] = "+"
-- not the final iteration; don't include a + at the end of the -s
printLine (x:xs) = "+" ++ replicate x '-' ++ printLine xs
If an empty list must map to an empty string, one option is to fold with a special case for an empty list.
printLine :: [Int] -> String
printLine [] = ""
printLine xs = foldr (\x res -> '+' : replicate x '-' ++ res) "+" xs
So that
λ> map printLine [[], [1..4], [5]]
Alternatively, since the original question asked for control during the first iteration, one option is to use a helper function. Here are two alternatives.
printLine' :: [Int] -> String
printLine' [] = ""
printLine' xs = '+' : go xs
where go :: [Int] -> String
go [] = ""
go (n:ns) = replicate n '-' ++ "+" ++ go ns
printLine'' :: [Int] -> String
printLine'' xs = go True xs
where go :: Bool -> [Int] -> String
go _ [] = ""
go isFirst (n:ns) = (if isFirst then "+" else "")
++ replicate n '-' ++ "+" ++ go False ns
With these definitions
λ> map printLine' [[], [1..4], [5]]
λ> map printLine'' [[], [1..4], [5]]
New to Haskell:
Hi can't seem to figure this out.
What I am trying to do is take a string, turn it in to a [Int] (with map ord)
Change some numbers that fulfils something (in this case x mod 3 == 0).
afterwards I'd like to turn the unchanged numbers back to char, and changed numbers still numbers. Combine this into a string again..
This is my problem:
*Main> fromStringToList "hihello"
*Main> changeB3 [104,105,104,101,108,108,111]
What I want is:
I'm stuck figuring out how to use show and map to get this to work without the '_' from Char. Thanks.
My Code:
import Data.Char
fromStringToList :: String -> [Int]
fromStringToList "" = []
fromStringToList myString = map ord myString
PRE: True
POST: every Int that can be divided by 3 is multiplied by 2 and
kept as int, otherwise transformed to char
changeB3 :: [Int] -> String
changeB3 [] = ""
changeB3 (x:xs)
| x `mod ` 3 == 0 = show map (x * 2 ) ++ changeB3 xs
|otherwise = map chr x ++ changeB3 xs
I will comment your code.
fromStringToList :: String -> [Int]
fromStringToList "" = []
fromStringToList myString = map ord myString
The second line is redundant: when myString is empty, map returns [] anyway. You should remove it.
changeB3 :: [Int] -> String
changeB3 [] = ""
changeB3 (x:xs)
| x `mod ` 3 == 0 = show map (x * 2 ) ++ changeB3 xs
|otherwise = map chr x ++ changeB3 xs
You seem to be confused here. You use a recursive function, but want to use map. You use either recursion or map here, not both.
Assuming you want to use map, you should start by defining how to handle a single Int.
changeB3Single :: Int -> String
changeB3Single x | x `mod` 3 == 0 = ...
| otherwise = ...
Then you map that over the whole list. A first attempt might be
changeB3 :: [Int] -> String
changeB3 xs = map changeB3Single xs -- type error!
but this won't work, since map here returns a list of strings, rather than a single string. We just need to concatenate them.
changeB3 xs = concat (map changeB3Single xs)
Indeed, concat (map ...) is so commonly found that it has its own function in the libraries:
changeB3 xs = concatMap changeB3Single xs
(One could make that pointfree, but there's no need to -- especially for a beginner.)
I wanted to write a Haskell function that takes a string, and replaces any space characters with the special code %20. For example:
sanitize "http://cs.edu/my homepage/I love spaces.html"
-- "http://cs.edu/my%20homepage/I%20love%20spaces.html"
I am thinking to use the concat function, so I can concatenates a list of lists into a plain list.
The higher-order function you are looking for is
concatMap :: (a -> [b]) -> [a] -> [b]
In your case, choosing a ~ Char, b ~ Char (and observing that String is just a type synonym for [Char]), we get
concatMap :: (Char -> String) -> String -> String
So once you write a function
escape :: Char -> String
escape ' ' = "%20"
escape c = [c]
you can lift that to work over strings by just writing
sanitize :: String -> String
sanitize = concatMap escape
Using a comprehension also works, as follows,
changer :: [Char] -> [Char]
changer xs = [ c | v <- xs , c <- if (v == ' ') then "%20" else [v] ]
changer :: [Char] -> [Char] -> [Char]
changer [] res = res
changer (x:xs) res = changer xs (res ++ (if x == ' ' then "%20" else [x]))
sanitize :: [Char] -> [Char]
sanitize xs = changer xs ""
main = print $ sanitize "http://cs.edu/my homepage/I love spaces.html"
-- "http://cs.edu/my%20homepage/I%20love%20spaces.html"
The purpose of sanitize function is to just invoke changer, which does the actual work. Now, changer recursively calls itself, till the current string is exhausted.
changer xs (res ++ (if x == ' ' then "%20" else [x]))
It takes the first character x and checks if it is equal to " ", if so gives %20, otherwise the actual character itself as a string, which we then concatenate with the accumulated string.
Note: This is may not be the optimal solution.
You can use intercalate function from Data.List module. It does an intersperse with given separator and list, then concats the result.
sanitize = intercalate "%20" . words
or using pattern matching :
sanitize [] = []
sanitize (x:xs) = go x xs
where go ' ' [] = "%20"
go y [] = [y]
go ' ' (x:xs) = '%':'2':'0': go x xs
go y (x:xs) = y: go x xs
Another expression of Shanth's pattern-matching approach:
sanitize = foldr go []
go ' ' r = '%':'2':'0':r
go c r = c:r
Just started learning Haskell a few days ago and I've come across a few issues. The first issue deals with printing a list of numbers. The desired behavior is as follows:
input: [1,2,3,4,5,6]
output: 1 2 3 | 4 5 6
So its a simple concept, I just need to output the elements of a list with the "|" symbol inserted between every three numbers, but I can't for the life of me figure it out. It seems like most of the stuff I've tried involves strings and even if I were able to get the list to strings such as ["1", "2", "3", ...] all the methods I've tried print the numbers each on their own line which is not what I need.
Any help would be greatly appreciated.
Using the split package (recently added to the Haskell Platform):
> import Data.List -- for intercalate
> import Data.List.Split -- for chunksOf
> intercalate " | " . map unwords . chunksOf 3 $ map show [1..7]
"1 2 3 | 4 5 6 | 7"
Relevant documentation: chunksOf, unwords, intercalate.
Here's one way.
import Data.List (cycle)
format :: Show a => [a] -> String
format = concat . zipWith (++) ("" : cycle [" ", " ", " | "]) . map show
This does has the drawback that the grouping into groups of three is hard-coded, but it is not too difficult to generalise.
You could do
threes [] = ""
threes xs = let (front,rest) = splitAt 3 xs in
unwords (map show front) ++
if null rest then "" else " | " ++ threes rest
*Main> threes [1..10]
"1 2 3 | 4 5 6 | 7 8 9 | 10"
Functions I used:
splitAt :: Int -> [a] -> ([a], [a])
-- splitAt 2 "Hello Mum" = ("He","llo Mum")
unwords :: [String] -> String
-- unwords ["Hello","there","everyone"]
-- = "Hello there everyone"
null :: [a] -> Bool
null [] = True
null _ = False
The first part is the easiest, you need to convert the numbers to Strings,
format :: (Num a, Show a) => [a] -> String
format xs = result
strings = map show xs
does that. Then we need to split any list into chunks of three (more general, n) elements. splitAt splits a list into a front part of the desired number of elements - if the list is long enough - and a remainder. Iterating the procedure on the remainder, while that is not empty leads to the desired result.
chunk :: Int -> [a] -> [[a]]
chunk _ [] = []
chunk n xs = ys : chunk n zs
(ys, zs) = splitAt n xs
That is a recurring pattern, so there is a combinator for that, and we could also write
import Data.List (unfoldr)
chunk :: Int -> [a] -> [[a]]
chunk n = unfoldr split
split [] = Nothing
split xs = Just $ splitAt n xs
So we can continue our format,
format :: (Num a, Show a) => [a] -> String
format xs = result
strings = map show xs
chunks = chunk 3 strings
Then we need to insert a "|" between all chunks, that is done by intercalate from Data.List, and finally, concatenate all strings with spaces between them, that's what unwords does, so
format :: (Num a, Show a) => [a] -> String
format xs = result
strings = map show xs
chunks = chunk 3 strings
result = unwords $ intercalate "|" chunks
format = unwords . intercalate "|" . chunk 3 . map show
I have the following functions in Haskell that must print the sales of weeks. Each sale in a new line. But it is not working the way i expect it to. The problem i have is the newline character '\n'.
printWeeks :: Int->String
printWeeks 0 = printWeek 0
printWeeks x = printWeeks(x-1) ++ printWeek x
printWeek :: Int->String
printWeek x = show(x) ++ " " ++ stars (sales x) ++ "'\n'"
I have tried many ways but the new line character is not working as expected. Everything is printed on the same line whichis not what i want.
Need help?
The following is not working because of compile errors. The errors comes from the second line of formatLines. The type decalaration is causing errors. Need help here
formatLine :: (Name,Price)->IO()
formatLine (a,b) = putStrLn (a ++ dots ++ p)
x=(length a)
p=(formatPence b)
y=length p
dots = printDots z
formatLines :: [(Name,Price)]->IO()
formatLines []= ""
formatLines (a:x) = formatLines x ++ formatLine a
You should use ++ "\n" to append a newline to the output; your current code will add a ', then a newline, then another '.
As #marcog points out, be sure to use putStr to print it out (or don't append the newline at all and use putStrLn). Example:
Hugs> putStr (show 4 ++ "\n")
Hugs> putStrLn (show 4 ++ "\n")
Hugs> print (show 4 ++ "\n")
(Note that the Hugs interpreter adds extra newlines after each output.)
You are probably printing the string using print x, which is equivalent to putStrLn (show x). show x is converting the newlines into readable characters \ and n. You need to use putStrLn x instead, or putStr x if you don't want to append a newline to the end of the string.
You should also remove the single quotes you have around the newline, unless that was intentional.
It's a bit of a riddle why so much action is happening under the heading of IO. This is maybe a little verbose. I couldn't tell where lineLength was coming from so I made it a parameter.
formatLine :: Int -> (Name,Price) -> String
formatLine linelength (name, price) = name ++ dotfill ++ showprice
showprice :: String
showprice = formatPence price
extra :: Int
extra = linelength - length (name ++ showprice)
dotfill :: String
dotfill = replicate extra '.'
formatLines :: Int -> [(Name, Price)] -> String
formatLines linelength []= ""
formatLines linelength (first:rest) =
(formatLine linelength first ++ "\n") ++ formatLines linelength rest
standardPrint :: [(Name, Price)] -> IO ()
standardPrint listing = putStrLn (formatLines 50 listing)
fileAwayPrices :: FilePath -> [(Name,Price)] -> IO()
fileAwayPrices filename listing = writeFile filename (formatLines 70 listing)
testlist :: [(Name,Price)]
testlist = [("oats",344),("barley", 299),("quinoa",599)]
-- *Main> standardPrint testlist
-- oats...........................................344
-- barley.........................................299
-- quinoa.........................................599
type Name = String
type Price = Integer
formatPence n = show n
Re your update: your type declaration is correct, it's the rest of formatLines that's wrong.
formatLines :: [(Name,Price)]->IO()
formatLines [] = return ()
formatLines (a:x) = formatLines x >> formatLine a
A more concise way of writing that is
formatLines :: [(Name,Price)]->IO()
formatLines = mapM_ formatLine . reverse