Linux Device Driver open error - linux

I am new with Linux.
I have made a USB skeleton driver and one application program which open and close skeleton.
But it gives error can't open device.
Can anyone tell me the possible reason why this may happen?
This simple driver programs needs any device attached with usb port ?
Here is my application programs
int main()
/* no memory-swapping for this programm */
ret = mlockall(MCL_CURRENT | MCL_FUTURE);
if (ret) {
perror("ERROR : mlockall has failled");
* Turn the NRTcurrent task into a RT-task.
* */
ret = rt_task_shadow(&rt_task_desc, NULL, 1, 0);
if (ret)
fprintf(stderr, "ERROR : rt_task_shadow: %s\n",
/* open the device */
device = rt_dev_open(DEVICE_NAME, 0);
if (device < 0) {
printf("ERROR : can't open device %s (%s)\n",
DEVICE_NAME, strerror(-device));
* If an argument was given on the command line, write it to the device,
* otherwise, read from the device.
/* close the device */
ret = rt_dev_close(device);
if (ret < 0) {
printf("ERROR : can't close device %s (%s)\n",
DEVICE_NAME, strerror(-ret));
return 0;
Here is a my driver open function
static int skel_open(struct inode *inode, struct file *file)
struct usb_skel *dev;
struct usb_interface *interface;
int subminor;
int retval = 0;
subminor = iminor(inode);
interface = usb_find_interface(&skel_driver, subminor);
if (!interface) {
pr_err("%s - error, can't find device for minor %d\n",
__func__, subminor);
retval = -ENODEV;
goto exit;
dev = usb_get_intfdata(interface);
if (!dev) {
retval = -ENODEV;
goto exit;
/* increment our usage count for the device */
/* lock the device to allow correctly handling errors
* in resumption */
retval = usb_autopm_get_interface(interface);
if (retval)
goto out_err;
/* save our object in the file's private structure */
file->private_data = dev;
return retval;


Linux Drivers. Only read IOCTL commands work

I have some trouble with write IOCTL operations on my Raspberry Pi.
My driver:
static struct file_operations st7735_syahniuk_device_fops =
.owner = THIS_MODULE,
.open = st7735_syahniuk_device_open,
.release = st7735_syahniuk_device_release,
.unlocked_ioctl = st7735_syahniuk_device_ioctl,
.read = st7735_syahniuk_device_read,
.write = st7735_syahniuk_device_write
static long st7735_syahniuk_device_ioctl(struct file *file, unsigned int cmd, unsigned long arg)
printk(KERN_INFO "ST7735 IOCTL: Reading display delay\n");
uldata = g_display.display_thread_sleep_ms;
err = copy_to_user((void *)arg, &uldata, sizeof(uldata));
if(err) {
printk(KERN_ERR "ST7735 IOCTL: Error\n");
err = -EIO;
printk(KERN_INFO "ST7735 IOCTL: Writing display delay\n");
err = copy_from_user(&uldata, (void *)arg, sizeof(uldata));
if(err) {
printk(KERN_ERR "ST7735 IOCTL: Error\n");
err = -EIO;
g_display.display_thread_sleep_ms = uldata;
There are IOCTL commands definitions:
#define MAJIC_NUM 'k'
There is test userland application:
if(ioctl(fd, ST7735_SYAHNIUK_IOCTL_READ_DISPLAY_DELAY_MS, &display_delay_ms) < 0) {
perror("Failed to read Display Delay (ms) register");
goto finish;
if(ioctl(fd, ST7735_SYAHNIUK_IOCTL_WRITE_DISPLAY_DELAY_MS, &display_delay_ms) < 0) {
perror("Failed to write Display Delay (ms) register");
goto finish;
When I launch read command is working well but write command gives an error ENOTTY - Inappropriate ioctl for device.
I already tried different magic numbers but all read commands work well but write commands don't.
I checked userland application with strace and noticed something strange. When I open my device file it return me file descriptor number (for example '3'). When I call ioctl with read command strace shows me that the function is called with fd=3. But for some reason, the fd=1 is transmitted with the write command. Why it called with 1 (stdout) instead of fd of my device file?
The reason was that after one of the read commands, my file descriptor had a different value than when I opened the device file. Possible cause memory leak.

Segmentation Fault Error When Reading Two Serial Port with BeagleBone Black

I am getting Segmentation fault error while reading two diffentent serial communication line with using Debian GNU/Linux 7.4 on Beaglebone Black. One of them is CAN-BUS data. I am using Waveshares RS485/CAN CAPE module for this with using can-utils package. ""
CAN log file
And the other one is UART data by a GPS module called uBlox GY-NEO6MV2 module. For the GPS I have this code which works perfectly;
#include <stdio.h>
#include <fcntl.h> /* File Control Definitions */
#include <termios.h> /* POSIX Terminal Control Definitions */
#include <unistd.h> /* UNIX Standard Definitions */
#include <errno.h> /* ERROR Number Definitions */
#include <string.h> /* Array to String */
void main(void){
int fd;/*File Descriptor*/
/*------------------------------- Opening the Serial Port -------------------------------*/
/* Change /dev/ttyUSB0 to the one corresponding to your system */
fd = open("/dev/ttyO2",O_RDWR | O_NOCTTY); /* ttyUSB0 is the FT232 based USB2SERIAL Converter */
/* O_RDWR - Read/Write access to serial port */
/* O_NOCTTY - No terminal will control the process */
/* Open in blocking mode,read will wait */
if(fd == -1) /* Error Checking */
printf("\n Error! in Opening ttyO2 ");
printf("\n ttyO2 Opened Successfully ");
/*---------- Setting the Attributes of the serial port using termios structure --------- */
struct termios SerialPortSettings; /* Create the structure */
tcgetattr(fd, &SerialPortSettings); /* Get the current attributes of the Serial port */
/* Setting the Baud rate */
cfsetispeed(&SerialPortSettings,B9600); /* Set Read Speed as 9600 */
cfsetospeed(&SerialPortSettings,B9600); /* Set Write Speed as 9600 */
/* 8N1 Mode */
SerialPortSettings.c_cflag &= ~PARENB; /* Disables the Parity Enable bit(PARENB),So No Parity */
SerialPortSettings.c_cflag &= ~CSTOPB; /* CSTOPB = 2 Stop bits,here it is cleared so 1 Stop bit */
SerialPortSettings.c_cflag &= ~CSIZE; /* Clears the mask for setting the data size */
SerialPortSettings.c_cflag |= CS8; /* Set the data bits = 8 */
SerialPortSettings.c_cflag &= ~CRTSCTS; /* No Hardware flow Control */
SerialPortSettings.c_cflag |= CREAD | CLOCAL; /* Enable receiver,Ignore Modem Control lines */
SerialPortSettings.c_iflag &= ~(IXON | IXOFF | IXANY); /* Disable XON/XOFF flow control both i/p and o/p */
SerialPortSettings.c_iflag &= ~(ICANON | ECHO | ECHOE | ISIG); /* Non Cannonical mode */
SerialPortSettings.c_oflag &= ~OPOST;/*No Output Processing*/
/* Setting Time outs */
SerialPortSettings.c_cc[VMIN] = 42; /* Read at least 51 characters */
SerialPortSettings.c_cc[VTIME] = 0; /* Wait indefinetly */
if((tcsetattr(fd,TCSANOW,&SerialPortSettings)) != 0) /* Set the attributes to the termios structure*/
printf("\n ERROR ! in Setting attributes");
printf("\n BaudRate = 9600 \n StopBits = 1 \n Parity = none \n\n");
/*------------------------------- Read data from serial port -----------------------------*/
tcflush(fd, TCIFLUSH); /* Discards old data in the rx buffer */
char read_buffer[42]; /* Buffer to store the data received */
int bytes_read = 0; /* Number of bytes read by the read() system call */
int ia = 0; int a;
int test = 0;
char new_read[38];
char curr_read[33];
a = 0;
bytes_read = read(fd,&read_buffer,42); /* Read the data */
if(read_buffer[0] == '$')
if(read_buffer[1] == 'G')
if(read_buffer[2] == 'P')
if(read_buffer[3] == 'G')
if(read_buffer[4] == 'G'){
for(ia=7;ia<bytes_read;ia++){ /*printing only the received characters*/
new_read[a] = read_buffer[ia];
a = a+1;
test = 1;
strcpy(curr_read, new_read);
printf("\n%s \n", curr_read);
test = 0;
test = 0;
test = 0;
test = 0;
test = 0;
}while(test == 0);
close(fd); /* Close the serial port */
And for the CAN logging I am using the code in the link above. What I try to achive is logging two data in to same log file. I modified the code above a little to get the datas only that I need; which is timestamp and location coordinates.
GPS edited data
GPS module gives data every second so I am triyng to get one data from GPS and attach it to the next 1000 CAN data then write in to a .log file then read a new value from GPS. GPS modules communication bitrate is 9600kbps and CAN bitrate is 125000 kbps. GPS is connected to UART2 pin, CAN to UART1. When I try to combine two code into one I get the Segmentation fault error. I made a little research its UNIX error code while violeting the restiricted memory space. But these two codes works perfectly when working seperatly. This is where I got stucked.
The code I tried to merge is like;
/* for hardware timestamps - since Linux 2.6.30 */
/* from #include <linux/net_tstamp.h> - since Linux 2.6.30 */
#define MAXSOCK 16 /* max. number of CAN interfaces given on the cmdline */
#define MAXIFNAMES 30 /* size of receive name index to omit ioctls */
#define MAXCOL 6 /* number of different colors for colorized output */
#define ANYDEV "any" /* name of interface to receive from any CAN interface */
#define ANL "\r\n" /* newline in ASC mode */
#define SILENT_INI 42 /* detect user setting on commandline */
#define SILENT_OFF 0 /* no silent mode */
#define SILENT_ANI 1 /* silent mode with animation */
#define SILENT_ON 2 /* silent mode (completely silent) */
static char *cmdlinename[MAXSOCK];
static __u32 dropcnt[MAXSOCK];
static __u32 last_dropcnt[MAXSOCK];
static char devname[MAXIFNAMES][IFNAMSIZ+1];
static int dindex[MAXIFNAMES];
static int max_devname_len; /* to prevent frazzled device name output */
const int canfd_on = 1;
#define MAXANI 4
const char anichar[MAXANI] = {'|', '/', '-', '\\'};
const char extra_m_info[4][4] = {"- -", "B -", "- E", "B E"};
extern int optind, opterr, optopt;
static volatile int running = 1;
void sigterm(int signo)
running = 0;
int idx2dindex(int ifidx, int socket) {
int i;
struct ifreq ifr;
for (i=0; i < MAXIFNAMES; i++) {
if (dindex[i] == ifidx)
return i;
/* create new interface index cache entry */
/* remove index cache zombies first */
for (i=0; i < MAXIFNAMES; i++) {
if (dindex[i]) {
ifr.ifr_ifindex = dindex[i];
if (ioctl(socket, SIOCGIFNAME, &ifr) < 0)
dindex[i] = 0;
for (i=0; i < MAXIFNAMES; i++)
if (!dindex[i]) /* free entry */
if (i == MAXIFNAMES) {
fprintf(stderr, "Interface index cache only supports %d interfaces.\n",
dindex[i] = ifidx;
ifr.ifr_ifindex = ifidx;
if (ioctl(socket, SIOCGIFNAME, &ifr) < 0)
if (max_devname_len < strlen(ifr.ifr_name))
max_devname_len = strlen(ifr.ifr_name);
strcpy(devname[i], ifr.ifr_name);
#ifdef DEBUG
printf("new index %d (%s)\n", i, devname[i]);
return i;
int main(int argc, char **argv)
fd_set rdfs;
int s[MAXSOCK];
int bridge = 0;
useconds_t bridge_delay = 0;
unsigned char timestamp = 0;
unsigned char hwtimestamp = 0;
unsigned char down_causes_exit = 1;
unsigned char dropmonitor = 0;
unsigned char extra_msg_info = 0;
unsigned char silent = SILENT_INI;
unsigned char silentani = 0;
unsigned char color = 0;
unsigned char view = 0;
unsigned char log = 0;
unsigned char logfrmt = 0;
int count = 0;
int rcvbuf_size = 0;
int opt, ret;
int currmax, numfilter;
int join_filter;
char *ptr, *nptr;
struct sockaddr_can addr;
char ctrlmsg[CMSG_SPACE(sizeof(struct timeval) + 3*sizeof(struct timespec) + sizeof(__u32))];
struct iovec iov;
struct msghdr msg;
struct cmsghdr *cmsg;
struct can_filter *rfilter;
can_err_mask_t err_mask;
struct canfd_frame frame;
int nbytes, i, maxdlen;
struct ifreq ifr;
struct timeval tv, last_tv;
struct timeval timeout, timeout_config = { 0, 0 }, *timeout_current = NULL;
FILE *logfile = NULL;
int fd;/*File Descriptor*/
struct termios SerialPortSettings; /* Create the structure */
signal(SIGTERM, sigterm);
signal(SIGHUP, sigterm);
signal(SIGINT, sigterm);
last_tv.tv_sec = 0;
last_tv.tv_usec = 0;
if (optind == argc) {
if (logfrmt && view) {
fprintf(stderr, "Log file format selected: Please disable ASCII/BINARY/SWAP options!\n");
if (silent == SILENT_INI) {
if (log) {
fprintf(stderr, "Disabled standard output while logging.\n");
silent = SILENT_ON; /* disable output on stdout */
} else
silent = SILENT_OFF; /* default output */
currmax = argc - optind; /* find real number of CAN devices */
if (currmax > MAXSOCK) {
fprintf(stderr, "More than %d CAN devices given on commandline!\n", MAXSOCK);
return 1;
for (i=0; i < currmax; i++) {
ptr = argv[optind+i];
nptr = strchr(ptr, ',');
#ifdef DEBUG
printf("open %d '%s'.\n", i, ptr);
s[i] = socket(PF_CAN, SOCK_RAW, CAN_RAW);
if (s[i] < 0) {
return 1;
cmdlinename[i] = ptr; /* save pointer to cmdline name of this socket */
if (nptr)
nbytes = nptr - ptr; /* interface name is up the first ',' */
nbytes = strlen(ptr); /* no ',' found => no filter definitions */
if (nbytes >= IFNAMSIZ) {
fprintf(stderr, "name of CAN device '%s' is too long!\n", ptr);
return 1;
if (nbytes > max_devname_len)
max_devname_len = nbytes; /* for nice printing */
addr.can_family = AF_CAN;
memset(&ifr.ifr_name, 0, sizeof(ifr.ifr_name));
strncpy(ifr.ifr_name, ptr, nbytes);
#ifdef DEBUG
printf("using interface name '%s'.\n", ifr.ifr_name);
if (strcmp(ANYDEV, ifr.ifr_name)) {
if (ioctl(s[i], SIOCGIFINDEX, &ifr) < 0) {
addr.can_ifindex = ifr.ifr_ifindex;
} else
addr.can_ifindex = 0; /* any can interface */
if (nptr) {
/* found a ',' after the interface name => check for filters */
/* determine number of filters to alloc the filter space */
numfilter = 0;
ptr = nptr;
while (ptr) {
ptr++; /* hop behind the ',' */
ptr = strchr(ptr, ','); /* exit condition */
rfilter = malloc(sizeof(struct can_filter) * numfilter);
if (!rfilter) {
fprintf(stderr, "Failed to create filter space!\n");
return 1;
numfilter = 0;
err_mask = 0;
join_filter = 0;
while (nptr) {
ptr = nptr+1; /* hop behind the ',' */
nptr = strchr(ptr, ','); /* update exit condition */
if (sscanf(ptr, "%x:%x",
&rfilter[numfilter].can_mask) == 2) {
rfilter[numfilter].can_mask &= ~CAN_ERR_FLAG;
} else if (sscanf(ptr, "%x~%x",
&rfilter[numfilter].can_mask) == 2) {
rfilter[numfilter].can_id |= CAN_INV_FILTER;
rfilter[numfilter].can_mask &= ~CAN_ERR_FLAG;
} else if (*ptr == 'j' || *ptr == 'J') {
join_filter = 1;
} else if (sscanf(ptr, "#%x", &err_mask) != 1) {
fprintf(stderr, "Error in filter option parsing: '%s'\n", ptr);
return 1;
if (err_mask)
setsockopt(s[i], SOL_CAN_RAW, CAN_RAW_ERR_FILTER,
&err_mask, sizeof(err_mask));
if (join_filter && setsockopt(s[i], SOL_CAN_RAW, CAN_RAW_JOIN_FILTERS,
&join_filter, sizeof(join_filter)) < 0) {
perror("setsockopt CAN_RAW_JOIN_FILTERS not supported by your Linux Kernel");
return 1;
if (numfilter)
setsockopt(s[i], SOL_CAN_RAW, CAN_RAW_FILTER,
rfilter, numfilter * sizeof(struct can_filter));
} /* if (nptr) */
/* try to switch the socket into CAN FD mode */
setsockopt(s[i], SOL_CAN_RAW, CAN_RAW_FD_FRAMES, &canfd_on, sizeof(canfd_on));
if (rcvbuf_size) {
int curr_rcvbuf_size;
socklen_t curr_rcvbuf_size_len = sizeof(curr_rcvbuf_size);
/* try SO_RCVBUFFORCE first, if we run with CAP_NET_ADMIN */
if (setsockopt(s[i], SOL_SOCKET, SO_RCVBUFFORCE,
&rcvbuf_size, sizeof(rcvbuf_size)) < 0) {
#ifdef DEBUG
printf("SO_RCVBUFFORCE failed so try SO_RCVBUF ...\n");
if (setsockopt(s[i], SOL_SOCKET, SO_RCVBUF,
&rcvbuf_size, sizeof(rcvbuf_size)) < 0) {
perror("setsockopt SO_RCVBUF");
return 1;
if (getsockopt(s[i], SOL_SOCKET, SO_RCVBUF,
&curr_rcvbuf_size, &curr_rcvbuf_size_len) < 0) {
perror("getsockopt SO_RCVBUF");
return 1;
/* Only print a warning the first time we detect the adjustment */
/* n.b.: The wanted size is doubled in Linux in net/sore/sock.c */
if (!i && curr_rcvbuf_size < rcvbuf_size*2)
fprintf(stderr, "The socket receive buffer size was "
"adjusted due to /proc/sys/net/core/rmem_max.\n");
if (timestamp || log || logfrmt) {
if (hwtimestamp) {
const int timestamping_flags = (SOF_TIMESTAMPING_SOFTWARE | \
if (setsockopt(s[i], SOL_SOCKET, SO_TIMESTAMPING,
&timestamping_flags, sizeof(timestamping_flags)) < 0) {
perror("setsockopt SO_TIMESTAMPING is not supported by your Linux kernel");
return 1;
} else {
const int timestamp_on = 1;
if (setsockopt(s[i], SOL_SOCKET, SO_TIMESTAMP,
&timestamp_on, sizeof(timestamp_on)) < 0) {
perror("setsockopt SO_TIMESTAMP");
return 1;
if (dropmonitor) {
const int dropmonitor_on = 1;
if (setsockopt(s[i], SOL_SOCKET, SO_RXQ_OVFL,
&dropmonitor_on, sizeof(dropmonitor_on)) < 0) {
perror("setsockopt SO_RXQ_OVFL not supported by your Linux Kernel");
return 1;
if (bind(s[i], (struct sockaddr *)&addr, sizeof(addr)) < 0) {
return 1;
if (log) {
time_t currtime;
struct tm now;
char fname[sizeof("candump-2006-11-20_202026.log")+1];
if (time(&currtime) == (time_t)-1) {
return 1;
localtime_r(&currtime, &now);
sprintf(fname, "candump-%04d-%02d-%02d_%02d%02d%02d.log",
now.tm_year + 1900,
now.tm_mon + 1,
if (silent != SILENT_ON)
printf("\nWarning: console output active while logging!");
fprintf(stderr, "\nEnabling Logfile '%s'\n\n", fname);
logfile = fopen(fname, "w");
if (!logfile) {
return 1;
/* these settings are static and can be held out of the hot path */
iov.iov_base = &frame;
msg.msg_name = &addr;
msg.msg_iov = &iov;
msg.msg_iovlen = 1;
msg.msg_control = &ctrlmsg;
while (running) {
/*------------------------------- Opening the Serial Port -------------------------------*/
/* Change /dev/ttyUSB0 to the one corresponding to your system */
fd = open("/dev/ttyO2",O_RDWR | O_NOCTTY); /* ttyUSB0 is the FT232 based USB2SERIAL Converter */
/* O_RDWR - Read/Write access to serial port */
/* O_NOCTTY - No terminal will control the process */
/* Open in blocking mode,read will wait */
/* Error Checking */
if(fd == -1)
printf("\n Error! in Opening ttyO2 ");
printf("\n ttyO2 Opened Successfully ");
/*---------- Setting the Attributes of the serial port using termios structure --------- */
//struct termios SerialPortSettings; /* Create the structure */
tcgetattr(fd, &SerialPortSettings); /* Get the current attributes of the Serial port */
/* Setting the Baud rate */
cfsetispeed(&SerialPortSettings,B9600); /* Set Read Speed as 9600 */
cfsetospeed(&SerialPortSettings,B9600); /* Set Write Speed as 9600 */
/* 8N1 Mode */
SerialPortSettings.c_cflag &= ~PARENB; /* Disables the Parity Enable bit(PARENB),So No Parity */
SerialPortSettings.c_cflag &= ~CSTOPB; /* CSTOPB = 2 Stop bits,here it is cleared so 1 Stop bit */
SerialPortSettings.c_cflag &= ~CSIZE; /* Clears the mask for setting the data size */
SerialPortSettings.c_cflag |= CS8; /* Set the data bits = 8 */
SerialPortSettings.c_cflag &= ~CRTSCTS; /* No Hardware flow Control */
SerialPortSettings.c_cflag |= CREAD | CLOCAL; /* Enable receiver,Ignore Modem Control lines */
SerialPortSettings.c_iflag &= ~(IXON | IXOFF | IXANY); /* Disable XON/XOFF flow control both i/p and o/p */
SerialPortSettings.c_iflag &= ~(ICANON | ECHO | ECHOE | ISIG); /* Non Cannonical mode */
SerialPortSettings.c_oflag &= ~OPOST;/*No Output Processing*/
/* Setting Time outs */
SerialPortSettings.c_cc[VMIN] = 42; /* Read at least 42 characters */
SerialPortSettings.c_cc[VTIME] = 0; /* Wait indefinetly */
if((tcsetattr(fd,TCSANOW,&SerialPortSettings)) != 0) /* Set the attributes to the termios structure*/
printf("\n ERROR ! in Setting attributes");
printf("\n BaudRate = 9600 \n StopBits = 1 \n Parity = none \n\n");
/*------------------------------- Read data from serial port -----------------------------*/
tcflush(fd, TCIFLUSH); /* Discards old data in the rx buffer */
char read_buffer[42]; /* Buffer to store the data received */
int bytes_read = 0; /* Number of bytes read by the read() system call */
int ia = 0; int a;
int test = 0;
char new_read[38];
char curr_read[33];
int countc = 0;
a = 0;
bytes_read = read(fd,&read_buffer,42); /* Read the data */
if(read_buffer[0] == '$')
if(read_buffer[1] == 'G')
if(read_buffer[2] == 'P')
if(read_buffer[3] == 'G')
if(read_buffer[4] == 'G'){
for(ia=7;ia<bytes_read;ia++){ /*printing only the received characters*/
new_read[a] = read_buffer[ia];
a = a+1;
test = 1;
strcpy(curr_read, new_read);
//printf("\n%s \n", curr_read);
test = 0;
test = 0;
test = 0;
test = 0;
test = 0;
}while(test == 0);
//tcflush(fd, TCIFLUSH); /* Discards old data in the rx buffer */
close(fd); /* Close the serial port */
while(countc < 1000){
for (i=0; i<currmax; i++)
FD_SET(s[i], &rdfs);
if (timeout_current)
*timeout_current = timeout_config;
if ((ret = select(s[currmax-1]+1, &rdfs, NULL, NULL, timeout_current)) <= 0) {
running = 0;
for (i=0; i<currmax; i++) { /* check all CAN RAW sockets */
if (FD_ISSET(s[i], &rdfs)) {
int idx;
/* these settings may be modified by recvmsg() */
iov.iov_len = sizeof(frame);
msg.msg_namelen = sizeof(addr);
msg.msg_controllen = sizeof(ctrlmsg);
msg.msg_flags = 0;
nbytes = recvmsg(s[i], &msg, 0);
idx = idx2dindex(addr.can_ifindex, s[i]);
if (nbytes < 0) {
if ((errno == ENETDOWN) && !down_causes_exit) {
fprintf(stderr, "%s: interface down\n", devname[idx]);
return 1;
if ((size_t)nbytes == CAN_MTU)
maxdlen = CAN_MAX_DLEN;
else if ((size_t)nbytes == CANFD_MTU)
maxdlen = CANFD_MAX_DLEN;
else {
fprintf(stderr, "read: incomplete CAN frame\n");
return 1;
if (count && (--count == 0))
running = 0;
if (bridge) {
if (bridge_delay)
nbytes = write(bridge, &frame, nbytes);
if (nbytes < 0) {
perror("bridge write");
return 1;
} else if ((size_t)nbytes != CAN_MTU && (size_t)nbytes != CANFD_MTU) {
fprintf(stderr,"bridge write: incomplete CAN frame\n");
return 1;
for (cmsg = CMSG_FIRSTHDR(&msg);
cmsg && (cmsg->cmsg_level == SOL_SOCKET);
cmsg = CMSG_NXTHDR(&msg,cmsg)) {
if (cmsg->cmsg_type == SO_TIMESTAMP) {
memcpy(&tv, CMSG_DATA(cmsg), sizeof(tv));
} else if (cmsg->cmsg_type == SO_TIMESTAMPING) {
struct timespec *stamp = (struct timespec *)CMSG_DATA(cmsg);
* stamp[0] is the software timestamp
* stamp[1] is deprecated
* stamp[2] is the raw hardware timestamp
* See chapter 2.1.2 Receive timestamps in
* linux/Documentation/networking/timestamping.txt
tv.tv_sec = stamp[2].tv_sec;
tv.tv_usec = stamp[2].tv_nsec/1000;
} else if (cmsg->cmsg_type == SO_RXQ_OVFL)
memcpy(&dropcnt[i], CMSG_DATA(cmsg), sizeof(__u32));
/* check for (unlikely) dropped frames on this specific socket */
if (dropcnt[i] != last_dropcnt[i]) {
__u32 frames = dropcnt[i] - last_dropcnt[i];
if (silent != SILENT_ON)
printf("DROPCOUNT: dropped %d CAN frame%s on '%s' socket (total drops %d)\n",
frames, (frames > 1)?"s":"", devname[idx], dropcnt[i]);
if (log)
fprintf(logfile, "DROPCOUNT: dropped %d CAN frame%s on '%s' socket (total drops %d)\n",
frames, (frames > 1)?"s":"", devname[idx], dropcnt[i]);
last_dropcnt[i] = dropcnt[i];
/* once we detected a EFF frame indent SFF frames accordingly */
if (frame.can_id & CAN_EFF_FLAG)
if (log) { /* CODE GETS IN TO THIS PART */
char buf[CL_CFSZ]; /* max length */ /* WHEN PRINTING INTO FILE */
/* */
/* log CAN frame with absolute timestamp & device */ /* */
sprint_canframe(buf, &frame, 0, maxdlen); /* */
fprintf(logfile, "%s %*s %s\n", /* */
curr_read, /* */
max_devname_len, devname[idx], buf); /* */
} /* */
if (logfrmt) {
char buf[CL_CFSZ]; /* max length */
/* print CAN frame in log file style to stdout */
sprint_canframe(buf, &frame, 0, maxdlen);
printf("(%010ld.%06ld) %*s %s\n",
tv.tv_sec, tv.tv_usec,
max_devname_len, devname[idx], buf);
goto out_fflush; /* no other output to stdout */
if (silent != SILENT_OFF){
if (silent == SILENT_ANI) {
printf("%c\b", anichar[silentani%=MAXANI]);
goto out_fflush; /* no other output to stdout */
printf(" %s", (color>2)?col_on[idx%MAXCOL]:"");
switch (timestamp) {
case 'a': /* absolute with timestamp */
printf("(%010ld.%06ld) ", tv.tv_sec, tv.tv_usec);
case 'A': /* absolute with date */
struct tm tm;
char timestring[25];
tm = *localtime(&tv.tv_sec);
strftime(timestring, 24, "%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S", &tm);
printf("(%s.%06ld) ", timestring, tv.tv_usec);
case 'd': /* delta */
case 'z': /* starting with zero */
struct timeval diff;
if (last_tv.tv_sec == 0) /* first init */
last_tv = tv;
diff.tv_sec = tv.tv_sec - last_tv.tv_sec;
diff.tv_usec = tv.tv_usec - last_tv.tv_usec;
if (diff.tv_usec < 0)
diff.tv_sec--, diff.tv_usec += 1000000;
if (diff.tv_sec < 0)
diff.tv_sec = diff.tv_usec = 0;
printf("(%03ld.%06ld) ", diff.tv_sec, diff.tv_usec);
if (timestamp == 'd')
last_tv = tv; /* update for delta calculation */
default: /* no timestamp output */
printf(" %s", (color && (color<3))?col_on[idx%MAXCOL]:"");
printf("%*s", max_devname_len, devname[idx]);
if (extra_msg_info) {
if (msg.msg_flags & MSG_DONTROUTE)
printf (" TX %s", extra_m_info[frame.flags & 3]);
printf (" RX %s", extra_m_info[frame.flags & 3]);
printf("%s ", (color==1)?col_off:"");
fprint_long_canframe(stdout, &frame, NULL, view, maxdlen);
printf("%s", (color>1)?col_off:"");
countc = countc +1;
for (i=0; i<currmax; i++)
if (bridge)
if (log)
return 0;
Actually everything matters works in while(running) block. Inside this block when I make the bytes_read = read(fd,&read_buffer,42); as comment, it didn't write anything but also doesn't give the Segmentation fault error. Same also happens when I connect the GPS' TX pin in to BBB. So the problem starts to occur when the data is coming from the GPS and read by the BBB.
Segmentation Fault Err
What should I do about it?
Your GPS reading code
char new_read[38];
char curr_read[33];
strcpy(curr_read, new_read);
is copying a 38 char buffer into a 33 char buffer, which can result in bad things.
Strcpy will copy the contents of the source buffer into the destination buffer until it reads NULL from the source buffer. If the NULL char is at the 36th position in new_read, strcpy will be writing in random memory which can cause the segmentation fault.
I am guessing that when you run your GPS reading code as stand-alone, the writing into random memory goes un-noticed, but when you combine it with the CAN bus reading, it writes into allocated space and the error happens.

While inserting my kernel module INSMOD exits with error "bad address", warns about "Kernel mismatch"

I am developing this module for custom device that, in fact, a 4*8-bit i-o ports attached to ISA bus with addresses 0x0120 - 0x0123. This driver is based on "scull" by Alessandro Rubini and Jonathan Corbet. My OS is Ubuntu 10.04, kernel is 2.6.32-74 generic, I use built-in console-oriented compiler gcc.
While inserting compiled module using "insmod" I get an error "bad address" and module was not loaded. I've tried to debug it using "printk" and found out that my module successfully gets a range of i-o ports, major and minor numbers and then, when trying to do "Reset_Port" function it generates an error "bad address" and exits.
Can anybody tell me, what am I doing wrong?
Here are __exit and __init functions of my module
void __exit ET3201_exit(void)
int i;
dev_t devno = MKDEV(ET3201_major, ET3201_minor);
/* Get rid of our char dev entries */
if (ET3201_devices) {
for (i = 0; i < ET3201_nr_devs; i++) {
ET3201_trim(ET3201_devices + i);
#ifdef ET3201_DEBUG /* use proc only if debugging */
/* cleanup_module is never called if registering failed */
unregister_chrdev_region(devno, ET3201_nr_devs);
if ( ! port ) release_region(BaseIO, 8);
printk(KERN_INFO "Goodbye, cruel world - ET3201 is unloaded\n");
/* and call the cleanup functions for friend devices */
/* Set up the char_dev structure for this device. */
static void ET3201_setup_cdev(struct ET3201_dev *dev, int index)
int err, devno = MKDEV(ET3201_major, ET3201_minor + index);
cdev_init(&dev->cdev, &ET3201_fops);
dev->cdev.owner = THIS_MODULE;
dev->cdev.ops = &ET3201_fops;
dev->CAMAC_Module_Number = CAMAC_Nmod;
dev->CAMAC_Command_Adress = CAMAC_Adcom;
dev->Driver_Number = ET3201_minor + index;
err = cdev_add (&dev->cdev, devno, 1);
/* Fail gracefully if need be */
if (err)
printk(KERN_NOTICE "Error %d adding ET3201%d", err, index);
int __init ET3201_init(void)
int result = 0;
int i;
dev_t dev = 0;
BaseIO = Base;
/* Get a range of minor numbers to work with, asking for a dynamic
major unless directed otherwise at load time. */
if (ET3201_major) {
dev = MKDEV(ET3201_major, ET3201_minor);
result = register_chrdev_region(dev, ET3201_nr_devs, "ET3201");
} else {
result = alloc_chrdev_region(&dev, ET3201_minor, ET3201_nr_devs, "ET3201");
ET3201_major = MAJOR(dev);
if (result < 0) {
printk(KERN_WARNING "ET3201: can't get major %d\n", ET3201_major);
return result;
port = request_region(BaseIO, 8, "ET3201");
if ( port == NULL ) {
printk(KERN_WARNING "ET3201 cannot reserve i-o ports %lu \n", BaseIO);
return -ENODEV;
goto fail;
* allocate the devices -- we can't have them static, as the number
* can be specified at load time
ET3201_devices = kmalloc(ET3201_nr_devs * sizeof(struct ET3201_dev), GFP_KERNEL);
if (! ET3201_devices) {
result = -ENOMEM;
printk(KERN_ALERT "ET3201: can't get memory \n");
goto fail; /* Fail gracefully if need be */
memset(ET3201_devices, 0, ET3201_nr_devs * sizeof(struct ET3201_dev));
/* Initialize each device. */
for (i = 0; i < ET3201_nr_devs; i++) {
ET3201_devices[i].quantum = ET3201_quantum;
ET3201_devices[i].qset = ET3201_qset;
ET3201_setup_cdev(&ET3201_devices[i], i);
/* At this point call the init function for any friend device */
dev = MKDEV(ET3201_major, ET3201_minor + ET3201_nr_devs);
/*dev += ET3201_access_init(dev);*/
printk(KERN_INFO "ET3201 is initialized with major %d\n", ET3201_major);
if ( port != NULL ){
printk(KERN_INFO "ET3201 is trying to reset %d devices\n", ET3201_nr_devs);
result = Reset_Port();
if ( result != 0 ) {
printk(KERN_ALERT "ET3201: device cannot reset with result %d\n", result);
result = -EFAULT;
goto fail;
#ifdef ET3201_DEBUG /* only when debugging */
return 0; /* succeed */
return result;
and next will be Reset_Port()
static int Reset_Port(void)
int result = -EIO;
int count;
if (port == NULL) goto fail;
for ( count = 0; count < ET3201_nr_devs; count++ )
outb(0x00, ports[count]);
wmb(); /*write memory barrier*/
LastOp = E_Reset;
result = 0; /* success */
return result;
Now, after fixing 'int Reset_Port(void)' I've got another problem -
'WARNING: modpost: Found 1 section mismatch(es).'
After debugging I see that this is a result of calling 'ET3201_exit()'
from 'module_init()' - when I remarked this call, warning disappeared.
Surprising that exactly the same call was made in "scull" driver of respected authors - and it works.
Question: What can lead to kernel mismatch in this code?
Yes! The bug is fixed - after declaring ' int Reset_Port(void) ' the module was inserted and removed successfully. I thought,(but it was wrong) that all functions that can be called from within ' module_init() ' must not be declared as static.

Call to ioctl() on a usb device using usbfs does not work

I am trying to create my own driver for my Gamepad right now, I found out the original reason why I wanted to create it does not exist but I still want to do it for the experience. So please don't tell me there is a better way to do this than writing my own driver.
The part in kernelspace with the ioctl function that should be called is:
static int xpad_ioctl (struct usb_interface *intf, unsigned int code,void *buf) {
//struct usb_xpad *xpad = usb_get_intfdata(intf);
printk(KERN_INFO"(Ongy)IOCTL called\n");
//if (_IOC_TYPE(code) != XPAD_IOMAGIC) return -ENOTTY;
//if (_IOC_NR(code) > XPAD_IOMAX) return -ENOTTY;
printk(KERN_INFO"(Ongy)IORMAP called\n");
return -EINVAL;
return 0;
static struct usb_driver xpad_driver =
.name = "Cyborg-V5-driver",
.probe = xpad_probe,
.disconnect = xpad_disconnect,
.unlocked_ioctl = xpad_ioctl,
.id_table = xpad_table,
The part in userspace to call it is (this is part of a Qt-application):
int openfile() {
char *device = "/dev/bus/usb/005/009";
printf("Opening device %s\n", device);
return open(device, /*O_RDONLY*/O_WRONLY | O_NONBLOCK );
[...] the closefile(int file_desc) is missing here, this and the openfile functions exist because of me not knowing one can call "::open()" when Qt overrides function calls.
void MainContainer::callioctl() {
int file_desc, ret_val;
errno = 0;
file_desc = openfile();
if (file_desc==-1){
printf("Ioctl notcalled because of: error %s\n", strerror(errno));
errno = 0;
//struct usbdevfs_getdriver* driver = (usbdevfs_getdriver*)malloc(sizeof(struct usbdevfs_getdriver));
struct mappingpair* pair = (mappingpair*)malloc(sizeof(struct mappingpair));
ret_val = ioctl(file_desc, XPAD_IORMAP, pair);
//printf("Drivername %s\n", driver->driver);
if (ret_val==-1) printf("Ioctl failed with error %s\n", strerror(errno));
else printf("Ioctl call successfull\n");
ok, the string to the file I open I get with a call to lsusb and change it by hand in the code, this is only for debugging and until I get the ioctl calls working
When I call the callioctl() it prints:
Ioctl failed with error Unpassender IOCTL (I/O-Control) für das Gerät
The German part means "wrong ioctl (I/O-Control) for the device" and nothing appears in dmesg, that is why I think my ioctl function in the driver is not called.
If you look at it says that to send an ioctl to the usb_driver device you need to do:
struct usbdevfs_ioctl {
int ifno;
int ioctl_code;
void *data;
/* user mode call looks like this.
* 'request' becomes the driver->ioctl() 'code' parameter.
* the size of 'param' is encoded in 'request', and that data
* is copied to or from the driver->ioctl() 'buf' parameter.
static int
usbdev_ioctl (int fd, int ifno, unsigned request, void *param)
struct usbdevfs_ioctl wrapper;
wrapper.ifno = ifno;
wrapper.ioctl_code = request; = param;
return ioctl (fd, USBDEVFS_IOCTL, &wrapper);
The documentation is listing usb device under /proc/bus so admittedly this may have changed.

How might I learn to write char device drivers for Linux?

How to write char device drivers in Linux?
A very good example is the Linux "softdog", or software watchdog timer. When loaded, it will watch a special device for writes and take action depending on the frequency of those writes.
It also shows you how to implement a rudamentary ioctl interface, which is very useful.
The file to look at is drivers/watchdog/softdog.c
If you learn by example, that is a very good one to start with. The basic character devices (null, random, etc) as others suggest are also good, but do not adequately demonstrate how you need to implement an ioctl() interface.
A side note, I believe the driver was written by Alan Cox. If your going to learn from example, its never a bad idea to study the work of a top level maintainer. You can be pretty sure that the driver also illustrates adhering to proper Linux standards.
As far as drivers go (in Linux), character drivers are the easiest to write and also the most rewarding, as you can see your code working very quickly. Good luck and happy hacking.
Read this book: Linux Device Drivers published by O'Reilly.
Helped me a lot.
My favorite book for learning how the kernel works, BY FAR (and I've read most of them) is:
Linux Kernel Development (2nd Edition)
This book is fairly short, read it first, then read the O'Reilly book on drivers.
Read linux device driver 3rd edition. And the good thing is start coding. I am just pasting a simple char driver so that you can start coding.
#include<linux/fs.h> /*this is the file structure, file open read close */
#include<linux/cdev.h> /* this is for character device, makes cdev avilable*/
#include<linux/semaphore.h> /* this is for the semaphore*/
#include<linux/uaccess.h> /*this is for copy_user vice vers*/
int chardev_init(void);
void chardev_exit(void);
static int device_open(struct inode *, struct file *);
static int device_close(struct inode *, struct file *);
static ssize_t device_read(struct file *, char *, size_t, loff_t *);
static ssize_t device_write(struct file *, const char *, size_t, loff_t *);
static loff_t device_lseek(struct file *file, loff_t offset, int orig);
/*new code*/
#define BUFFER_SIZE 1024
static char device_buffer[BUFFER_SIZE];
struct semaphore sem;
struct cdev *mcdev; /*this is the name of my char driver that i will be registering*/
int major_number; /* will store the major number extracted by dev_t*/
int ret; /*used to return values*/
dev_t dev_num; /*will hold the major number that the kernel gives*/
#define DEVICENAME "megharajchard"
/*inode reffers to the actual file on disk*/
static int device_open(struct inode *inode, struct file *filp) {
if(down_interruptible(&sem) != 0) {
printk(KERN_ALERT "megharajchard : the device has been opened by some other device, unable to open lock\n");
return -1;
//buff_rptr = buff_wptr = device_buffer;
printk(KERN_INFO "megharajchard : device opened succesfully\n");
return 0;
static ssize_t device_read(struct file *fp, char *buff, size_t length, loff_t *ppos) {
int maxbytes; /*maximum bytes that can be read from ppos to BUFFER_SIZE*/
int bytes_to_read; /* gives the number of bytes to read*/
int bytes_read;/*number of bytes actually read*/
maxbytes = BUFFER_SIZE - *ppos;
if(maxbytes > length)
bytes_to_read = length;
bytes_to_read = maxbytes;
if(bytes_to_read == 0)
printk(KERN_INFO "megharajchard : Reached the end of the device\n");
bytes_read = bytes_to_read - copy_to_user(buff, device_buffer + *ppos, bytes_to_read);
printk(KERN_INFO "megharajchard : device has been read %d\n",bytes_read);
*ppos += bytes_read;
printk(KERN_INFO "megharajchard : device has been read\n");
return bytes_read;
static ssize_t device_write(struct file *fp, const char *buff, size_t length, loff_t *ppos) {
int maxbytes; /*maximum bytes that can be read from ppos to BUFFER_SIZE*/
int bytes_to_write; /* gives the number of bytes to write*/
int bytes_writen;/*number of bytes actually writen*/
maxbytes = BUFFER_SIZE - *ppos;
if(maxbytes > length)
bytes_to_write = length;
bytes_to_write = maxbytes;
bytes_writen = bytes_to_write - copy_from_user(device_buffer + *ppos, buff, bytes_to_write);
printk(KERN_INFO "megharajchard : device has been written %d\n",bytes_writen);
*ppos += bytes_writen;
printk(KERN_INFO "megharajchard : device has been written\n");
return bytes_writen;
static loff_t device_lseek(struct file *file, loff_t offset, int orig) {
loff_t new_pos = 0;
printk(KERN_INFO "megharajchard : lseek function in work\n");
switch(orig) {
case 0 : /*seek set*/
new_pos = offset;
case 1 : /*seek cur*/
new_pos = file->f_pos + offset;
case 2 : /*seek end*/
new_pos = BUFFER_SIZE - offset;
if(new_pos > BUFFER_SIZE)
new_pos = BUFFER_SIZE;
if(new_pos < 0)
new_pos = 0;
file->f_pos = new_pos;
return new_pos;
static int device_close(struct inode *inode, struct file *filp) {
printk(KERN_INFO "megharajchard : device has been closed\n");
return ret;
struct file_operations fops = { /* these are the file operations provided by our driver */
.owner = THIS_MODULE, /*prevents unloading when operations are in use*/
.open = device_open, /*to open the device*/
.write = device_write, /*to write to the device*/
.read = device_read, /*to read the device*/
.release = device_close, /*to close the device*/
.llseek = device_lseek
int chardev_init(void)
/* we will get the major number dynamically this is recommended please read ldd3*/
ret = alloc_chrdev_region(&dev_num,0,1,DEVICENAME);
if(ret < 0) {
printk(KERN_ALERT " megharajchard : failed to allocate major number\n");
return ret;
printk(KERN_INFO " megharajchard : mjor number allocated succesful\n");
major_number = MAJOR(dev_num);
printk(KERN_INFO "megharajchard : major number of our device is %d\n",major_number);
printk(KERN_INFO "megharajchard : to use mknod /dev/%s c %d 0\n",DEVICENAME,major_number);
mcdev = cdev_alloc(); /*create, allocate and initialize our cdev structure*/
mcdev->ops = &fops; /*fops stand for our file operations*/
mcdev->owner = THIS_MODULE;
/*we have created and initialized our cdev structure now we need to add it to the kernel*/
ret = cdev_add(mcdev,dev_num,1);
if(ret < 0) {
printk(KERN_ALERT "megharajchard : device adding to the kerknel failed\n");
return ret;
printk(KERN_INFO "megharajchard : device additin to the kernel succesful\n");
sema_init(&sem,1); /* initial value to one*/
return 0;
void chardev_exit(void)
cdev_del(mcdev); /*removing the structure that we added previously*/
printk(KERN_INFO " megharajchard : removed the mcdev from kernel\n");
printk(KERN_INFO "megharajchard : unregistered the device numbers\n");
printk(KERN_ALERT " megharajchard : character driver is exiting\n");
and this is the make file.
obj-m := megharajchard.o
KERNELDIR ?= /lib/modules/$(shell uname -r)/build
PWD := $(shell pwd)
rm -rf *.o *~ core .depend .*.cmd *.ko *.mod.c .tmp_versions
load script. make sure the major number is 251 or else change it accordingly.
sudo insmod megharajchard.ko
sudo mknod /dev/megharajchard c 251 0
sudo chmod 777 /dev/megharajchard
unload script,
sudo rmmod megharajchard
sudo rm /dev/megharajchard
also a c program to test the operation of your device
#define DEVICE "/dev/megharajchard"
//#define DEVICE "megharaj.txt"
int debug = 1, fd = 0;
int write_device() {
int write_length = 0;
ssize_t ret;
char *data = (char *)malloc(1024 * sizeof(char));
printf("please enter the data to write into device\n");
scanf(" %[^\n]",data); /* a space added after"so that it reads white space, %[^\n] is addeed so that it takes input until new line*/
write_length = strlen(data);
if(debug)printf("the length of dat written = %d\n",write_length);
ret = write(fd, data, write_length);
if(ret == -1)
printf("writting failed\n");
printf("writting success\n");
if(debug)fflush(stdout);/*not to miss any log*/
return 0;
int read_device() {
int read_length = 0;
ssize_t ret;
char *data = (char *)malloc(1024 * sizeof(char));
printf("enter the length of the buffer to read\n");
if(debug)printf("the read length selected is %d\n",read_length);
data[0] = '0\';
ret = read(fd,data,read_length);
printf("DEVICE_READ : %s\n",data);
if(ret == -1)
printf("reading failed\n");
printf("reading success\n");
if(debug)fflush(stdout);/*not to miss any log*/
return 0;
int lseek_device() {
int lseek_offset = 0,seek_value = 0;
int counter = 0; /* to check if function called multiple times or loop*/
printf("counter value = %d\n",counter);
printf("enter the seek offset\n");
if(debug) printf("seek_offset selected is %d\n",lseek_offset);
printf("1 for SEEK_SET, 2 for SEEK_CUR and 3 for SEEK_END\n");
scanf("%d", &seek_value);
printf("seek value = %d\n", seek_value);
switch(seek_value) {
case 1: lseek(fd,lseek_offset,SEEK_SET);
return 0;
case 2: lseek(fd,lseek_offset,SEEK_CUR);
return 0;
case 3: lseek(fd,lseek_offset,SEEK_END);
return 0;
default : printf("unknown option selected, please enter right one\n");
/*if(seek_value == 1) {
printf("seek value = %d\n", seek_value);
return 0;
if(seek_value == 2) {
return 0;
if(seek_value == 3) {
return 0;
if(debug)fflush(stdout);/*not to miss any log*/
return 0;
int lseek_write() {
return 0;
int lseek_read() {
return 0;
int main()
int value = 0;
if(access(DEVICE, F_OK) == -1) {
printf("module %s not loaded\n",DEVICE);
return 0;
printf("module %s loaded, will be used\n",DEVICE);
while(1) {
printf("\t\tplease enter 1 to write\n \
2 to read\n \
3 to lseek and write\
4 to lseek and read\n");
switch(value) {
case 1 :printf("write option selected\n");
fd = open(DEVICE, O_RDWR);
close(fd); /*closing the device*/
case 2 :printf("read option selected\n");
/* dont know why but i am suppoesed to open it for writing and close it, i cant keep open and read.
its not working, need to sort out why is that so */
fd = open(DEVICE, O_RDWR);
close(fd); /*closing the device*/
case 3 :printf("lseek option selected\n");
fd = open(DEVICE, O_RDWR);
close(fd); /*closing the device*/
case 4 :printf("lseek option selected\n");
fd = open(DEVICE, O_RDWR);
close(fd); /*closing the device*/
default : printf("unknown option selected, please enter right one\n");
return 0;
Have a look at some of the really simple standard ones - "null", "zero", "mem", "random", etc, in the standard kernel. They show the simple implementation.
Obviously if you're driving real hardware it's more complicated- you need to understand how to interface with the hardware as well as the subsystem APIs (PCI, USB etc) for your device. You might need to understand how to use interrupts, kernel timers etc as well.
Just check the character driver skeleton from here ahead and read all the topics here, understand thoroughly.(this is kinda a tutorial-so play along as said).
See how "copy_to_user" and "copy_from_user" functions work, which you can use in read/write part of the driver function callbacks.
Once you are done with this, start reading a basic "tty" driver.
Focus, more on the driver registration architecture first, which means:-
See what structures are to be filled- ex:- struct file_operations f_ops = ....
Which are the function responsible to register a particular structure with core . ex:- _register_driver.
Once you are done with the above, see what functionality you want with the driver(policy), then think of way to implement that policy(called mechanism)- the policy and mechanism allows you to distinguish between various aspects of the driver.
write compilation makefiles(its hard if you have multiple files- but not tht hard).
Try to resolve the errors and warnings,
and you will be through.
When writing mechanism, never forget what it offers to the applications in user space.
