Available UDP port - linux

I have a RedHat node behind central firewall and I would like to be able to check if the firewall guys have opened a port for me on which still nothing in listening. When I want to check that for TCP port I use telnet and I get:
When not opened:
[myname#78 ~]$ telnet myhost 4080
Trying myhostip...
telnet: connect to address myhostip: Connection refused
telnet: Unable to connect to remote host: Connection refused
[myname#78 ~]$
When opened:
[myname#78 ~]$ telnet myhost 4080
Trying myhostip...
Connected to myhost (myhostip).
Escape character is '^]'.
So how do I do that for an UDP port?

You can accomplish this using Netcat which you can install on RHEL with yum(1) using command yum install nc.
After you've installed Netcat, put it in listen mode on the receiving end ie. on the host you're trying to reach from outside world. You can do this with nc -l -u <your external I -address> 4080. This command will hang on your terminal and wait for any connections to port you specify on the command line.
Then connect from outside world, using Netcat again, but this time leave the -l out ie. use netcat -u <your external IP address> 4080. This command will also just sit there. Typing any input now should be visible on the receiving end Netcat. In case it is not, something blocks the traffic between two the two hosts.


How to open port 80 for node server on local machine?

How can I use the port 80 on my local Linux machine as the port of my node server?
The netstat command netstat -ptuln says the following about this port, while the node server is running:
Proto Recv-Q Send-Q Local Address Foreign Address State PID/Program name
tcp 0 0* LISTEN -
I found on this site some recommendations for the command sudo iptables -I INPUT -p tcp -m tcp --dport 80 -j ACCEPT. I executed this command but when I make a request with curl (curl 1.97.xxx.xxx.xx) it keeps responding with curl: (7) Failed to connect to xxxxxx port 80: Connection refused.
But using curl the following ways works: curl or curl localhost:80.
My conclusion is, that I somehow have not opened the port correctly, but all I could find on the internet repetitively is the command I mentioned earlier.
I am aware of the fact that I could fix this easily by using an apache server, but I would like to make it without it.
Thank you!
Paste the output from
netstat -ptuln
command.I think the problem is that your web server runs on local address and can not be reachable for other machines in network.

SSH tunnel always trying port 22

I want create ssh tunnel between local machine and remote server, so I use this command on my local machine:
sudo ssh -R 443:localhost:443 SERVER_IP
Everything is working, I can connect to my local machine through remote server - using port 443.
Problem is, that sometimes it just doesnt work and I get a message:
connect to host SERVER_IP port 22: Connection refused
Strange is, that connection to port 22 is working on remote (I can connect there without problem at that exact moment), weird is just, that sometimes it is working and sometimes id does not. Do you have any idea why? Or do you know what is going on?
ssh runs by default on port 22. While your command is setting up a proxy to pass port 443 from one host to port 443 on a different host, the underlying ssh connection still runs on port 22.
Connection refused means that the target host SERVER_IP is not running an sshd daemon and/or is not listening to port 22. You will need to figure out and fix whatever is wrong with the SERVER_IP machine.
22 is the default port, the ssh client will connect to it until you specify an other port using -p, example:
ssh -R 12345:localhost:12345 SERVER_IP -p 443
The error you have is not about the tunnel but about the server's port.
You should check that the server is indeed started and listening on port 22 and there's no firewall in the way.

How to access a host port (bind with ssh -R) from a container?

Using Docker 1.12.1, I face a strange behaviour trying to access a host port created with ssh -R.
Basically I try to access a service running on port 12345 on my local machine from a docker container running on a server.
I opened a ssh connection with ssh -R *:12345:localhost:12345 user#server to open a port 12345 on server that forwards to port 12345 on my local machine.
Now when I try curl inside the container ( is the IP to access the docker host from the docker container) I get :
root#f6873fe1109b:/# curl
curl: (7) Failed to connect to port 12345: Connection refused
But on server the command curl http://localhost:12345 succeeds (eg. no Connection refused)
server$ curl http://localhost:12345
curl: (52) Empty reply from server
I don't really understand how the port binding done with ssh differs from a test with nc on server (it works) :
# on server
nc -l -p 12345
# inside a container
root#f6873fe1109b:/# curl
curl: (52) Empty reply from server
NB: the container was started with docker run -it --rm maven:3-jdk-8 bash.
What can I do to allow my container to access the host port corresponding to a ssh binding ?
From man ssh:
-R [...]
... Specifying a remote bind_address will only succeed if the server's GatewayPorts option is enabled
And man sshd_config:
Specifies whether remote hosts are allowed to connect to ports forwarded for the client. By default, sshd(8) binds remote port forwardings to the loopback address. This prevents other remote hosts from connecting to forwarded ports. GatewayPorts can be used to specify that sshd should allow remote port forwardings to bind to non-loopback addresses, thus allowing other hosts to connect. The argument may be “no” to force remote port forwardings to be available to the local host only, “yes” to force remote port forwardings to bind to the wildcard address, or “clientspecified” to allow the client to select the address to which the forwarding is bound. The default is “no”.
This means that a default sshd server installation only allows to create forwards that bind to the local interface. If you want to allow forwards to other interfaces then loopback, you need to set the GatewayPorts option to yes or clientspecified in your /etc/ssh/sshd_config

cannot open up port using iptables to use rstudio server

I am currently trying to open port 8787 for rstudio server. I have set this up on an ubuntu host, and want to point my browser at the ip address of the ubuntu host, using port 8787 to direct it to rstudio. I can do this from the host machine, but no such luck using a different computer.
When I do
netstat - peantl | grep ":8787"
I get nothing returned, unlike when checking port 22 which is confirmed as listening. I can there ssh from external machines into the ubuntu host.
So I tried to open up port 8787 with iptables:
sudo iptables -A INPUT -p tcp --dport 8787 -j ACCEPT
command runs fine, but then re-checking with netstat I still do not get any output (I was expecting similar output to port 22 as mentioned previously)
I also allowed port 8787 on ufw:
sudo ufw allow 8787
using gufw it confirms port 8787 is open.
What could be the issue? If my network has restricted port 8787 how can I tell? Am I allowing port 8787 correctly with iptables?
All your iptables and ufw commands are doing is opening ports in the firewall itself. The fact that there is no output from the netstat|grep line means that the rstudio software does not actually have the port open for anyone to connect to. This is the issue you need to fix first.

Enable HTTP TCP connection requests in Arch Linux for neo4j

My laptop is running a local neo4j server. I can use it with localhost:7474 but when i try connecting it with it is unreacheable.
Turns out linux is blocking connections other than web server port 80. Because i can access my Apache server on
I am trying to allow TCP connections on port 7474 by using
iptables -A TCP -p tcp --dport 7474 -j ACCEPT
but it gives a response as -
iptables: No chain/target/match by that name.
How can i make other clients access neo4j server running at my laptop on port 7474. My laptop IP addr is
I doubt that it is blocking it. Probably your neo4j server is only running at You can check this out with netstat -nplt: you will probably see something (the apache) listening on or :::80 (e.g. catchall address) but on port 7474 you will probably only see or ::1:7474. If this is the case you need to reconfigure your neo4j server to listen not only on localhost (don't know how, checkout the documentation).
Okay. I had uncommented the webserver address line but it still wasn't working.
So i reinstalled neo4j. That solved it. Weird but worked.
