Adding pages and templates to a portlet - liferay

I am using eclipse ide and I have created a liferay project Test-portlet. I haven't written any code for this project
When I ran this project I got the usual welcome screen and I added the Test-portlet to the page and removed other stuff from the page.
I actually want to create a website using liferay. The website already exists which should be rewritten in liferay.
So when I load the project I get this welcome screen and the Test-portlet. At the top of this page I get the the menu-Admin,Sites,.... and LIferay logo on LHS.
I wish to remove all of these and displa only the web page data of the website. I know I can use themes and layouts for such purpose.
If I should use portlet to create this website , how should I keep adding pages and designs?
Also how should I add pages,themes,templates to this portlet?
Before creating this Test-portlet project, I had created pages using control panel.
How should I create this website? Using portlet by creating project?
Also this Test-portlet is displayed as a small portlet on the entire page. WHen click on the gear symbol and click on maximise, it only maximises during that time and when project is run again, it comes back to its original size.
Should I create this websiste using portlets?
Data for website comes from database. Few pages have static data.
Subsequent pages may be added in future.
HOw should the pages be added if I use portlet to create the website?

Please go through liferay themes and liferay layouts


SharePoint 2013, change welcome page layout when a sub site is created

we have a custom page layout, and we want this:
When a new sub site is created by users, we want the default.aspx, AKA welcome page to be based on our custom page layout.
How can we do this?
Two options:
1) Create a custom web template and define a module for the welcome page. This obviously only works for that custom web template, but does not require code.
2) Create a web event receiver (e.g. WebProvisioned), apply it to site collection. In the code behind set the page layout of the welcome page to your custom page layout. This works for any template, but requires custom code.
Option 1 only works in a farm solution, option 2 should also work in a sandboxed solution I guess.
I believe you want this OOTB (Codeless).
Go to page (you want to make home page) set the layout. (you custom
Set this page as a home page.
Remove all data (lists, libraries, pages). except this page.
Save the site as site template(_layouts/savetmpl.aspx). If you are not finding the save as template option. Write the url.
After saving the template, you can
use the same template for all your sites. For creating subsites,
this should be add in list site template in settings. Let me know, I
can explain you more.

Use a web content portlet

I am using web content portlet to develop a portal.
Each page has common theme (which includes header and footer) and we have many portlets placed on each page.
One of the portlet on right side is menu which is common on many pages.
I could have kept it as a part of theme but the menu can be subject to change in future and the end user who will be handling the portal is non-developer.
So if they want to change some data in that menu portlet, they will have to change it on every page which leads to duplication of effort.
Like I said, since end user is a non-developer, I cannot make that portlet part of the theme.
So is there any way where one web content portlet be created once and used on many pages?
You can embed web-content in theme as per link
Here articleId as in above link, you can set in theme-setting, refer to link
I have found a solution right now. If anyone has abetter solution than this..they are most welcome. I would like people to share alternate and better solutions
I am using Liferay 6.2
What I did was added a new web content display portlet which like I said created a new blank web content display portlet.
So my usual method was to add content to this portlet. THis was the method I followed. You can click on Select Web Content button and then select the already created portal from the list and you are done. NO need to create duplicate portlets

Which is the Liferay equivalent of a IBM WebSphere Portal / WCM Menu?

I've developed with WPS and WCM for several years and now I am also learning Liferay. I can't help but compare the features and I understand that in Liferay some things are done differently.
I would like to know the best practices to manage the following simple example:
A simple page with a carrousel with several images and links
Google analytics inserted in the page (Reusable in most pages)
The following is how I'd solve it in IBM WPS:
A HTML component with the Google Analytics code that is called in every page (I can't find how to do this in Liferay)
A content definition of an image and a link.
Create several contents for each image and link.
Create a menu that shows the list of content in the form of a carrousel (I can't find how to do this either in Liferay)
I am aware that Liferay has a list portlet and content that has repeatable items. I know I could use these, however its much more usable if I can have on content for each image/link and one reusable HTML snippet of code.
How should I solve this in liferay in the most efficient way?
You have to use Liferay Web Content portlet for creating the carousel. This is available in Control Panel. For your particular requirememnt you have to create a dynamic web content, which involves using of Velocity language and javascript to iterate over a set of images. Infact if you see Liferay's website, the home page has this kind of stuff.
For Google Analytics there are two ways. Liferay is not just meant for creating one site, it caters creation of multiple sites. Each site has a group of pages. You can create site from Control panel again. In the site settings you have this option to add google analytics id. So with each site can have different google analytics id.
If you want to do it at a global level, we add the google analytics script snippet in the Theme of liferay.
To get a better understanding of all the jargons used in Liferay, you have to atleast go through Liferay's documentation. And while going through it you have unlearn what you have previously learned. Liferay has hell lot of features than Websphere portal.

Kentico Not Showing Added Pages from Visual Studio 2010

I am working with Kentico in Visual Studios (web project) on my local computer. When I add folders or files to the solution and then run it in the browser, the pages do not show up in the CMS desk or site manager. Am I creating these folders/files in the wrong place in the solution (ex: {directory of web project}/CMSPages/filename.aspx)? Or maybe have incorrect settings?
This is not the way how it works - the system has no idea about your pages if you place them on the file system. However, you can create ASPX page templates and then use then for the documents. Please see the Devnet forum
Best regards,
Juraj Ondrus
Where Do you want to use this page?
In the visitor sites or CMS Page
If you want to use visitor site you can create a webpart and add you webpart to the Page create on content tree.
If you want to use in the cmsdesk the you need to register your page in the module

Setting up a new website with Liferay Portal - basic steps?

I know this is not specifically a programming question, but programmers will often have to do this work.
How do I create a website with Liferay portal - the docs are pretty light on this fundamental issue and are all for version 4.4. I am using version 5.2 and the docs don't seem to be relevant.
Do you know what the basic steps are. So far I have logged in as the bruno user and can see the 7cogs website and edit it. But I now need to create my own website (for my company) and be able to develop portlets to add to the parts of the page.
Further I notice that the docs talk about doing work in Eclipse. If our website is all static HTML, (the reason we want liferay is mainly so that we can edit content items using its content management tools), then will there be any need for Java dev, or will it all be drag n drop and clicking to get setup. Any guidance will be much appreciated.
Liferay can be used as a simple CMS, without much Java knowledge : creating, editing and positioning of web content fragments are drag'n'drop and use of the included rich text editor.
But to start using Liferay for your company, there are two main steps : a technical configuration (database, etc.), and a look'n'feel customization.
The technical part
First of all, you should get rid of the 7cogs website : this is called a hook in the Liferay wording. To do that, if you are using Tomcat for the application server, just delete the 7cogs directory as stated here.
You can now create the configuration file for your installation : it's a simple text properties file, named and placed in the webapps/ROOT/WEB-INF/classes folder of your tomcat installation.
This file handles most of the configuration of the Liferay portal, for example :
the name of your company
if you want to display a terms of use page on first login
if you want anybody to be able to create an account on your portal
the database where the data will be stored
To do this, the properties in the override default properties found in a embedded file located in the jar file portal-impl.jar, in the webapps/ROOT/WEB-INF/lib directory. Just unzip the jar file in a temporary folder to access the file.
A sample file :
Once done, you can startup your application server. As the default admin (named test, something you can change in the file), you can access to the centralized web "control center", located in the "dock" (the strange menu labelled "welcome Test" in the upper right part of any page once logged in).
I would advise you to read the administration guide, useful for most administrative tasks.
The "branding" part
Liferay uses "Themes" to automatically decorate the portal pages (logo, navigation, portlet borders...) using images, CSS, Javascript (JQuery) and the templating language Velocity. The themes are bundled in a .war file, like a standard web application, and deployed on the fly either via the control center or by dropping the file in the deploy directory of the server.
Liferay can use several themes at the same time, one for each community (a group of pages, users and content) for example.
Creating your own theme can be done afterwards, using the "Plugins SDK".
The Wiki, forums and blogs can be very useful.
