Groovy - Check last character & if append on condition - groovy

This is an idomism question regarding groovy - what is the simplest way to check the last char of a String and if present not append it to a modified String?
For example in Java you could do some like this;
String url = ""
//check to see if url already has / at the end
if (url.charAt(url.size()-1)=='/')
url =url + "Media"
url = "/Media"

​def url = ''
url += url?.endsWith('/') ? 'Media' : '/Media'
//This should work as well but it would throw an
//ArrayIndexOutOfBoundException if url is empty ('')
//url += url[-1] == '/' ? 'Media' : '/Media'
println url​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​


How to extract value from a url

I have a few requests coming in which follow the pattern below
I want to extract the value which follows right after 'contacts'
In above cases,
1. id
2. x
3. x
4. z
Here is my regex
But it is matching along with the trailing '/' for eg. /id, /x etc
How do I optimize to get rid of this trailing slash?
We can use match() here:
var urls = ["contacts/id/", "contacts/x/id/name", "contacts/x/y/id/address", "contacts/z/address/"];
for (var i=0; i < urls.length; ++i) {
var output = urls[i].match(/\bcontacts\/(.*?)\//)[1];
console.log(urls[i] + " => " + output);
I have a few requests coming in
If you mean http requests, then this is likely the pathname of the requested URL, and they'll start with a /. (This is the value of req.url in a Node.js server.)
To match on a URL pathname, you can use this expression: ^\/contacts\/([^/?]+). Here's a link to another regular expression builder that demonstrates it and includes an explanation for every character:
The [^/?] is a negated set that matches any token which is not a / or a ? and the + means that it matches 1 or more of those tokens. It's important to include the ? because otherwise it could match into the query string portion of the URL — for example, in this URL:
https://domain.tld/contacts/x/id/name?filter=recent # URL
/contacts/x/id/name?filter=recent # req.url in Node.js
/contacts/x/id/name # pathname
?filter=recent # query string
And here's a runnable code snippet demonstrating the same expression, using String.prototype.match():
const contactIdRegexp = /^\/contacts\/([^/?]+)/;
const inputs = [
'/contacts/id/', // id
'/contacts/x/id/name', // x
'/contacts/x/y/id/address', // x
'/contacts/z/address/', // z
'/contacts/x/id/name?filter=recent', // x
for (const str of inputs) {
const id = str.match(contactIdRegexp)?.[1];
You can add the / inside the lookbehind:
See a regex demo.
If you like to continue without regex, You can try below.
//get the URL object.
const url = new URL(`${req.protocol}://${req.get('host')}${req.originalUrl}`);
//extract the pathname and split using "/"
const pathName= url.pathname.split("/");
//get the required value using array index.
const val = pathName[2];

How do I append a string to a URL

I am working on an Angular app and having a bit of a problem.
I am trying to test my API by appending a string into a URL.
It works fine when I hardcode the string into the URL but when I append it won't work.
this is a function that will get the string that I want to append.
getString(str: string){
this.strAppend = str
this is the URL,
url: string = http://localhost:3000/document/id/${this.strAppend}/transaction?from=1610742245&to=1623439932
notice how I use this.strAppend. Well, this is not working. Is this even the right approach?
You can use Template Literals to solve your problem.
var base = 'url'
getString(strToAdd: string) {
return `${base}/${strToAdd}`;
var newStr = getString('test');
First declare the variable in string
for time being refer this
$scope.str1 = 'This is ';
$scope.str2 = 'Sticked Toghether';
$scope.res = '';
$scope.join = function() {
$scope.res = $scope.str1 + $scope.str2;

Hybris prettyURL showing PK instead of the real file name

The file-name of any image is appearing like
/de-de/medias/sys_master/images/images/h9c/h5f/8796178743326/8796178743326.jpg in the url.
Instead of 8796178743326.jpg there should be file-name.jpg
I have already set media.legacy.prettyURL=true
8796178743326 is the PK of the image.
Any help!
With the prettyURL, if there is no realfilename value in media instance then URL will end with PK instead real file name.
If you really want the file name in the URL then you have to edit respective media from the backoffice/impex and assign value to the realFileName attribute.
Have a look into assembleLegacyURL method of LocalMediaWebURLStrategy class
String realFileName = this.getRealFileNameForMedia(mediaSource);
if (realFileName == null) {
basePath = mediaSource.getLocation().substring(0, lastDotIdx);
lastDotIndexForRealFileName = StringUtils.lastIndexOf(basePath, '/');
String fileName = basePath.substring(lastDotIndexForRealFileName + 1);
} else {
basePath = location.substring(0, lastDotIdx);
lastDotIndexForRealFileName = realFileName.lastIndexOf(46);
if (lastDotIndexForRealFileName != -1) {
realFileName = realFileName.substring(0, lastDotIndexForRealFileName);

Pattern match in nodejs rest url

In my node app I am using the router.use to do the token validation.
I want to skip validation for few urls, so I want to check if the url matches, then call next();
But the URL I want to skip has a URLparam
E.g., this is the URL /service/:appname/getall.
This has to be matched against /service/blah/getall and give a true.
How can this be achieved without splitting the url by '/'
Thanks in advance.
The parameters will match :[^/]+ because it is a : followed by anything other than a / 1 or more times.
If you find the parameters in the template and replace them with a regex that will match any string you can do what you asked for.
let template = '/service/:appname/getall'
let url = '/service/blah/getall'
// find params and replace them with regex
template = template.replace(/:[^/]+/g, '([^/]+)')
// the template is now a regex string '/service/[^/]+/getall'
// which is essentially '/service/ ANYTHING THAT'S NOT A '/' /getall'
// convert to regex and only match from start to end
template = new RegExp(`^${template}$`)
// ^ = beggin
// $ = end
// the template is now /^\/service\/([^\/]+)\/getall$/
matches = url.match(template)
// matches will be null is there is no match.
// ["/service/blah/getall", "blah"]
// it will be [full_match, param1, param2...]
Edit: use \w instead of [^/], because:
The name of route parameters must be made up of “word characters” ([A-Za-z0-9_]).
I believe this is true for most parsers so I have updated my answer. The following test data will only work with this updated method.
let template = '/service/:app-:version/get/:amt';
let url = '/service/blah-v1.0.0/get/all';
template = template.replace(/:\w+/g, `([^/]+)` );
template = new RegExp(`^${template}$`);
let matches = url.match(template);
// Array(4) ["/service/blah-v1.0.0/get/all", "blah", "v1.0.0", "all"]

how to display title of websites in node.js

I want to get title of different site. like this.
if i got to this url it crawl on all the mention site in the url and display title of website.
- Google
- Yahoo
- Twitter
var Urls = 'localhost:1234/index/?';
// remove all special characters like '/' '&' and '='
Urls = Urls.replace(/\&/g, '').replace(/\//g, '').replace(/\=/g, '');
// split it based on url
Urls = Urls.split('url');
//delete first element as its not required
delete Urls[0]
Urls.forEach(function (url) {
//split each element based on '.'
url = url.split('.');
url.forEach(function (ele) {
// if its not 'www' and 'com'
if (ele !== 'www' && ele !== 'com') {
// the title of url
you need to remove all special character as above using regular expression and if urls contains ".org" or ".in" .. etc, then that also need to include inside if condition
