Cannot run program "npm" in directory - node.js

When i am traversing the to src/main/app/ folder structure where i have the package.JSON & gruntfile, i am able to run npm install and grunt command. But when i am trying to run the mvn jetty:run and a property file in the root folder of the project when POM file is present, it is throwing error that it cannot run npm install in the folder structure src/main/app/.
This is the exact error:
[INFO] ------------------------------------------------------------------------
[ERROR] Failed to execute goal org.codehaus.mojo:exec-maven-plugin:1.2.1:exec (n
pminstall) on project my-abc-web: Command execution failed. Cannot
run program "npm" (in directory "C:\Users\Achyut_J01\Documents\GitHub\infras\my-abc\my-abc-web\src\main\app"): CreatePro
cess error=2, The system cannot find the file specified -> [Help 1]
It's a Windows Machine.

I used this workaround to have a cross-platform Maven build : declare the npm executable name as a Maven variable, and use Maven filters to modify this executable name when running on Windows.
It can work the same for Grunt, Bower etc.
This workaround is not necessary any more if you use exec-maven-plugin >=1.6.0 (thanks Manmay for the information in the comments): it was a bug of this plugin (see, that has been fixed in 1.6.0 (see
<!-- Override the executable names for Windows -->

In Windows Platform, use npm.cmd to replace npm

Evidently you are on a Windows system. npm is a batch file and not an executable. There are issues running a batch file from maven exec plugin. You may want to explore the workaround suggested in the link, like
deconstruct the .bat script into its actual commands
use cmd.exe and pass node as parameter - refer to this.

See the link for details:
In the directory where node is installed rename the batch file so that the existing npm.cmd file is picked. See screenshot below:
This method is preferable if you build the projects targeting linux and windows both. Moreover, also if the no. of pom files is also large.

Make sure that the directory in which node and npm are installed is added to your PATH variable. If it is, you shouldn't have to change your .pom files at all. This is tested on 1.6.0, so you may have to use the workaround mentioned by #Mossroy if you use 1.5.0.

npm is a shell script.
renaming it on windows worked for me.
Windows searched 'npm' and did not find,
it then tries npm.bat which exists


vaadin-maven-plugin npm registry configuration

For context, I'm running a jenkins build which has no direct internet access. We have a nexus with proxy repositories for maven, nodejs and npm.
I'm using the recommended frontend-maven-plugin to download and install node and npm. This step works fine. Afterwards the vaadin-maven-plugin is used with the prepare-frontend and build-frontend goals.
Apparently, this triggers the actual npm install so I need it to contact the private npm registry, yet I can't find any setting to specify this. I did find a npmRegistryURL variable in the vaadin-maven-plugin configuration, but apparently this isn't used for the build-frontend goal.
My pom setup looks like this:
<id>install node and npm</id>
I've also tried to let the frontend-maven-plugin handle the npm install but that doesn't work because the vaadin-maven-plugin is manually adding extras to the node_modules/#vaadin folder.
So I got the same Error: Cannot find module '#vaadin/stats-plugin' as specified in Vaadin issue 10306
I've also tried to add a .npmrc file to the root of my project to specify the npm registry, but that had no effect. Should this work or is it simply not checked by the vaadin-maven-plugin?
Some help would be greatly appreciated. I can't manually configure the node installation by using npm config set registry because it's not a static node installation, so the configuration needs to happen inside of the actual maven build.
After quite a bit of searching and testing, there seem to be 2 ways of solving this problem.
Option 1 is to configure the frontend-maven-plugin with an npm execution/goal.
The default argument is install, but it doesn't have to be. That way you can use this execution to run the npm config set registry command.
<id>npm config</id>
<arguments>config set registry</arguments>
WARNING: from my experience, this saves the given registry in a user folder .npmrc file, which would probably affect every npm build on your jenkins, since it would save it for the default jenkins-user. Therefore, this did not seem like a proper solution.
Option 2 is adding a .npmrc file to the root of your project.
I tried doing this at first but it didn't work (as specified in the question). This only seemed to be the case on my local workstation, probably because I also had nodejs and npm actually installed and the settings were being overridden somewhere else. During the jenkins build this worked as intended.
Option 2 definitely seemed like the better way to go forward, so that's what I did for now. Still annoyed by the lack of vaadin-maven-plugin documentation, but at least I got it to work.

New Vaadin 14 app fails to run, error "Failed to determine 'node' tool." Missing Node.js and npm tools

I used the Get Started page to create a new Vaadin 14 app, after choosing the Plain Java Servlet option.
The web page successfully downloaded a .zip file which I unzipped, and opened with IntelliJ Ultimate Edition version 2019.2. I waited a few minutes while Maven did its thing, downloading and reconfiguring the project. Eventually I went to the Maven panel within IntelliJ, and ran the Lifecycle items clean and install.
I received the following error message on the console.
[ERROR] Failed to execute goal com.vaadin:vaadin-maven-plugin:14.0.0:prepare-frontend (default) on project acme: Execution default of goal com.vaadin:vaadin-maven-plugin:14.0.0:prepare-frontend failed:
[ERROR] ======================================================================================================
[ERROR] Failed to determine 'node' tool.
[ERROR] Please install it either:
[ERROR] - by following the guide to install it globally
[ERROR] - or by running the frontend-maven-plugin goal to install it in this project:
[ERROR] $ mvn com.github.eirslett:frontend-maven-plugin:1.7.6:install-node-and-npm -DnodeVersion="v10.16.0"
[ERROR] ======================================================================================================
See discussion on Vaadin Forum.
I filed Ticket # 6262 Configure Maven to automatically install Node.js & npm, suggesting to the Vaadin team that requiring and omitting Node.js & npm is a problem.
Update: Non-issue in 14.2
Vaadin 14.2 & 16 have been changed to now include automatically the necessary npm tool in a Maven-driven project. No need to manually install Node.js & npm.
To quote this blog post:
Automatic Node.js install
Starting from versions 14.2 and 16, the Node.js install (which includes npm) happens automatically. It is installed to a .vaadin folder inside the home folder, and reused from there for all Vaadin projects. As before, Node is only used to build the frontend side of things; it does not run after you deploy for production!
And further improvement: pnpm instead of npm.
Frontend dependency management that just works - pnpm
Behind the scenes, npm has been used to manage frontend dependencies since 14.0. Now, we’ve added support for pnpm, which introduces the following benefits:
Shorter build time, compared to npm on your local machine and CI system, because pnpm only downloads packages once and reuses them from a local cache.
No need to delete package.json, lock file or the node_modules folder when updating the Vaadin version in your project.
In 14.2, npm is still used by default, but we encourage you to test pnpm and give us your feedback. Trying pnpm is easy: there is no migration, just enable it by using a configuration property or Maven plugin configuration. You can learn more about pnpm here. Vaadin 16 will use pnpm by default.
I have verified this works well. I have now manually removed the Node.js/npm installation from my Mac.
The Vaadin 14 team expects you to have Node.js and npm tools installed on your computer.
As alternative, Vaadin 14 seems to be working with Node.js/npm being automatically installed within your project (rather than globally on your computer) by the frontend-maven-plugin tool you can specify in your Maven POM file. See XML snippet below for your POM.
If you would prefer to install Mode/npm globally on your computer, be sure to read the other Answer by Tom Novosad.
As of Vaadin 14, the Vaadin team is switching:
From HTML Imports, Bower, and WebJars
To ES6 Modules, npm, and Webpack, with Node.js
…as part of their transition from Polymer 2 to Polymer 3.
See blog post, Bower and npm in Vaadin 14+.
Hopefully, as Vaadin-on-Java users, we need not care about these underlying technical details… but for one thing: Unfortunately, the npm & Node.js tools are required but not bundled within your Vaadin project by default.
You have two solutions:
Install the tools globally.
Install within your project.
I prefer the latter. And I prefer to have Maven auto-install them within my project, with less housekeeping for me to do manually.
CAVEAT: I do not know the limitations or ramifications of my node/npm-per-project solution. I barely have any idea of the purpose or nature of either node/npm, and have no idea how Vaadin makes use of them. So use this solution at your own risk. All I can say is that it seems to be working for me.
Add frontend-maven-plugin to your project
The frontend-maven-plugin tool can be used by Maven to download and install Node.js with npm within your Vaadin project.
Open the Maven POM file within your Vaadin project.
Add the following block inside the <build> <defaultGoal>jetty:run</defaultGoal> <plugins> element of that POM.
<!-- Use the latest released version: -->
<!-- optional: you don't really need execution ids, but it looks nice in your build log. -->
<id>install node and npm</id>
<!-- optional: default phase is "generate-resources" -->
<!-- optional: with node version greater than 4.0.0 will use npm provided by node distribution -->
<!-- <npmVersion>2.15.9</npmVersion>-->
<!-- optional: where to download node and npm from. Defaults to -->
<!-- <downloadRoot></downloadRoot>-->
Of course, you can tweak that snippet to use the latest version numbers. Check the Node.js page for the latest versions number.
Notice that we commented-out the npm item, as that tool is bundled with the latest versions of Node.js.
Remaining steps:
In the Maven panel within IntelliJ, run the Lifecycle items named clean and install. Wait a moment as some more items are downloaded and configured. (Notice the item "Installing node version v10.16.3" in your console history.)
In that same panel, in the section Plugins > jetty, run the jetty:run item. Wait a moment as the Jetty server launches to run your Vaadin app.
On the console you should see something like this (that mysterious Quiet Time warning is perennial with all releases of Vaadin):
[INFO] Started Jetty Server
[INFO] Using Non-Native Java sun.nio.fs.PollingWatchService
[WARNING] Quiet Time is too low for non-native WatchService [sun.nio.fs.PollingWatchService]: 1000 < 5000 ms (defaulting to 5000 ms)
Point your web browser to: http://localhost:8080/ to see the "Click Me" button appear, as your app successfully runs.
This solution came from the project page for the Maven plugin frontend-maven-plugin. Note that the example POM fragment there is incorrect, failing to wrap the <execution> tag within a plural <executions> tag. I filed ticket # 838 there.
You may want to follow this discussion in the Vaadin Forums.
For your reference, here is a complete POM file to compare to yours.
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
<project xmlns="" xmlns:xsi=""
<!-- Repository used by many Vaadin add-ons -->
<id>Vaadin Directory</id>
<!-- Replace artifactId with vaadin-core to use only free components -->
<!-- Webjars are only needed when running in Vaadin 13 compatibility mode -->
<!-- Added to provide logging output as Vaadin uses -->
<!-- the unbound SLF4J no-operation (NOP) logger implementation -->
<!-- Jetty plugin for easy testing without a server -->
<!-- If using IntelliJ IDEA with autocompilation, this
might cause lots of unnecessary compilations in the
<!-- Use war output directory to get the webpack files -->
Take care of synchronizing java dependencies and imports in
package.json and main.js files.
It also creates webpack.config.js if not exists yet.
<!-- Use the latest released version: -->
<!-- optional: you don't really need execution ids, but it looks nice in your build log. -->
<id>install node and npm</id>
<!-- optional: default phase is "generate-resources" -->
<!-- optional: with node version greater than 4.0.0 will use npm provided by node distribution -->
<!-- <npmVersion>2.15.9</npmVersion>-->
<!-- optional: where to download node and npm from. Defaults to -->
<!-- <downloadRoot></downloadRoot>-->
<!-- Production mode is activated using -Pproduction -->
<!-- Runs the integration tests (*IT) after the server is started -->
<!-- Pass location of downloaded webdrivers to the tests -->
<!-- use phase "none" to skip download step -->
The Problem is in method
FrontendUtils::getNpmExecutable(String baseDir)
from flow-server.jar. This method tries to locate
in $baseDir (which is project root folder in case of prepare-frontend goal). When that path does not exist, code continues executing "where/which npm.cmd" to get absolute path of 'npm.cmd'. In my case, got NodeJS installed globally, it returns correct path.
Subsequently code continues trying to execute "path-to-npm.cmd\npm.cmd -v", to ensure that npm.cmd exists and is runnable.
And here is the problem in method:
ProcessBuilder FrontEndUtils::createProcessBuilder(List<String> command)
In this method under certain circumstances program code sets environment variable 'PATH' to path of npm.cmd (since ProcssBuilder.environment() returns map which does not contain 'PATH' variable).
Next when trying to execute command 'path-to-npm\npm.cmd -v', the exit value of the process is 1, and stderr is non-empty, because 'chcp' command is called before other stuff in 'npm.cmd' (probably SETLOCAL command), but since now 'chcp' is not in PATH.
Following code evaluates these conditions (exit code 1, stderr nonempty) as an error in execution of npm.cmd and
Failed to determine 'npm.cmd' tool.
message is printed.
This happens on my Windows 10, Vaadin Flow 14.0.1, NodeJS 10.16.3 installed globally.
Also got the same issues when running tomcat server with an application, since $baseDir variable contains path to tomcat bin directory.
As a workaround it is sufficient to make symbolic link of NodeJS directory into your project root (and if application running on Tomcat, also make link of NodeJS to Tomcat's bin directory).
This problem appeared when I was testing new Vaadin 14.
I followed instructions, installed node, but I was doing that with previously opened Idea with another project (other to the this).
The problem went away only when I restarted Idea.
To be more exact there is a case when the real error can be found in the logs at plugin run:
Command '[C:\Program Files\nodejs\npm.cmd, -v]' failed with exit code '1'
but if you run the same command from prompt then you see that nothing wrong with the command and exit code.
As somebody mentioned the problem is that Windows tries to run "chcp" but it is not on the PATH (manipulated by the maven plugin). This happened in my case since I modified in the registry to run cmd always with UTF encoding. In Windows this is implemented by executing "chcp 65001" along with (before) any batch or command files like npm.cmd ...
My simple solution was copy from System32 dir to nodejs directory...
After the installation of node i had the same problem compiling vaadin app.
It was needed to restart the PC to locate node and run successfully.
The solution I found was to add
to your JVM startup args.
The answer came from this thread.
Almost same here.
Win 10, JDK 11.0.2, node 10.16.2 installed globally
mvn results in
[ERROR] Failed to determine 'npm.cmd' tool.
[ERROR] Please install it either:
[ERROR] - by following the guide to install it globally
[ERROR] - or by running the frontend-maven-plugin goal to install it in this project:
[ERROR] $ mvn com.github.eirslett:frontend-maven-plugin:1.7.6:install-node-and-npm -DnodeVersion="v10.16.0"
So... first advice to install it globally fails. second one works.

YUI fails to compress in Confluence plugin

I'm developing a confluence plugin and I'm using bower as my package manager.
When I try to compile and package the plugin the SDK tries to minify all the JS files using YUI compressor.
The minification process fails due to various reasons (reserved words, syntax errors), all caused by the packages installed by bower.
When I don't minify the code everything passes, and the plugin works fine.
I tried atlas-compile --fail-never, didn't help.
Any idea on how I can minify the code without having to modify the packages code? Or maybe put a flag that will cause only the files that are in atlassian-plugin.xml to be minified?
In the pom.xml, ensure that you don't compress JS with <compressResources>false</compressResources> e.g. around here...
I am trying to solve the same issue and I came to believe this is not possible. (It's 2016, people. This is not rocket science.)
The error I am getting is:
[INFO] --- maven-confluence-plugin:6.2.4:compress-resources (default-compress-resources) # confluence-tagging ---
[INFO] Compiling javascript using YUI
[ERROR] illegal character
And then errors in some file deep in node_modules that should definitely not be included in the plugin build.
I tried to list all available options for the compressor plugin using this command:
atlas-mvn help:describe -Dplugin=com.atlassian.maven.plugins:maven-confluence-plugin -Dgoal=compress-resources -Ddetail=true
The list says that there is no such option. I tried to configure it to use Closure Compiler instead, but it did not help much. The configuration is this:
Which just gives me even longer list of errors.
At this point, I am giving up.
Here are some relevant links: - desperately outdated

How to use cobertura.ser generated by ant to be used while running maven integration test

I run integration-test with cucumber cases (say: with tag#abc in feature files) with following command and pom.xml snippet -
pom.xml snippet:
<cucumber.options>--format pretty --format
mvn command to run the test case:
mvn clean integration-test -Dcucumber.options="--format pretty --format html:target/cucumber/cucumber-html1 --tags #abc"
Every thing works fine with cases being executed and all reports produced. The problem arises when I try to get the coverage of the test cases.
I tried all possible combinations to generate a cobertura coverage report with cobertura-maven-plugin and version2.5.2 (without using ant instrumnet/report), but it just does not create any report, nor any .ser file or anything. Only logs say that - No files to instrument and does nothing.
Losing the battle, I finally downloaded cobertura ( and created custom cobertura.xml. And when I run the following ant commands for ex -
ant -f cobertura.xml instrument
mvn clean integration-test -Dcucumber.options="--format pretty --format html:target/cucumber/cucumber-html1 --tags #abc"
ant -f cobertura.xml report
Luckily though, it creates all the reports/.ser file etc. However, after running all of it, it shows as zero coverage in the final coverage report for all used classes. That could be because (as I think) the mvn command did not use/manipulate the cobertura.ser created by ant instrument.
So, please help me out in this, that what and where I put something in my pom.xml so that when I run the mvn command, it uses the instrumented file (output generated by ant insturment command) and update it. so that i can use that file for my report generation using ant report. I tried putting all possible entries in pom.xml. but it did not help.
Note: I am looking for this particular solution because all my efforts have gone wastedtrying to make cobertura-maven-plugin work. I dont' know the reason, but this plugin just doesn't work for me for creating report or even running the cases.

How to make maven build platform independent?

When building using Maven on my mac, on mvn install i get
[WARNING] Using platform encoding (MacRoman actually) to copy filtered
resources, i.e. build is platform dependent!
Is it possible to either build for a given platform (Linux) or otherwise make build platform independent?
It happens when you have not provided following in your pom.xml
Absence of this means you are using platform specific encoding and that's why the warning.
And if #Kal's answer doesn't work for you, perhaps you can learn from my last 30 minutes... below link adds an additional line to the above answer and solved my problem. My problem was related to the maven-resources-plugin 2.6, but the provider of the following solution had a different problem it solved...
For specific needs:
<!-- -->
If the plugin is already configured one should merely add
