In my organization we have one old project/application which was build on Visual Basic 6.0
In that application we have export to Excel "button" where data gets populated into different tabs in spreadsheet with click. It was working very well with Excel 2010 and later until we moved to EXCEL 2013.
Issue: We need data to get exported into 2 tabs in excel 2013 whereas its coming in 1 tab only. I tried using package and deployment wizard and all possible help available. So far no luck. Please let me know if you have any questions or if I am not enough clear. Please find below my code.
Dim uprev As Integer
Dim xlApp As Excel.Application
Dim xlBook As Excel.Workbook
Dim xlSheet As Excel.Worksheet
Dim xlsheet2 As Excel.Worksheet
Dim ExcelWasNotRunning As Boolean ' Flag for final release.
Dim n As Integer
Dim n1 As Integer
Dim n2 As Integer
Dim i As Integer
Dim lastrevdate As String
Dim lastrevrow As Integer
Dim lastrow As Integer
Dim previouspcno As Integer
Dim xlcol As String
Dim j As Integer
Dim k As Integer
Dim dc As Adodc
Dim mrc As Recordset
Dim qpa As New QPArray
Dim Found As Long
Dim StartInd As Long
Dim bFound As Boolean
Dim crlf As String
On Error GoTo errorhandler1
crlf = Chr(13) & Chr(10)
ReDim qs(10) As String
ReDim q(10) As Integer
ReDim hdr(15) As Integer
ReDim rev(10, 0) As String
ReDim part(0) As String
ReDim sl(nof) As String
ReDim cmpsql2(0) As String
ReDim deletedfromsql(3, 0) As String
Dim doThis As Integer
Dim iReturn As Integer
Dim revlev As String
Dim Date_Engr As String
Dim Date_Checker As String
'On Error Resume Next ' Defer error trapping.
'Removed, not checking to see if excel is open properly
'Bert - 6/5/07
'Set xlApp = GetObject(, "Excel.Application")
'If Err.Number <> 0 Then
' ExcelWasNotRunning = True
' MsgBox ("Please Close Excel before continuing")
' Exit Sub
'End If
Err.Clear ' Clear Err object in case error occurred.
iReturn = MsgBox("Please Close ALL Excel applications before continuing", vbOKOnly, "WARNING")
ExcelWasNotRunning = True
Screen.MousePointer = vbHourglass
Set xlApp = Excel.Application
'path(8) = "C:\SwitchGear\Files1\eng_prod\Jobs\cs01157\medt\"
If Dir(Defaults.medt & "\" & cs & sos & "mbom.xls", vbNormal) <> "" Then
mbomflag = 1
FileCopy Defaults.medt & "\" & cs & sos & "mbom.xls", Defaults.medt & "\" & cs & sos & "mbom.bak"
Set xlBook = GetObject(Defaults.medt & "\" & cs & sos & "mbom.xls")
Set xlSheet = xlBook.Worksheets(1)
Set xlsheet2 = xlBook.Worksheets(2)
qs(1) = "1. Do not list changes on rev sheet" & crlf
qs(1) = qs(1) & "2. list changes on rev sheet but do not increase rev level" & crlf
qs(1) = qs(1) & "3. list changes on rev sheet and increase rev level"
qs(0) = InputBox(qs(1))
If qs(0) = "" Then Exit Sub
Loop Until qs(0) > "0" And qs(0) < "4"
If qs(0) = "3" Then ' up the revision
uprev = 2
revlev = xlsheet2.Cells(5, 3) + 1
Date_Engr = Date
Date_Checker = Date
uprev = 1
revlev = xlsheet2.Cells(5, 3)
Date_Engr = xlSheet.Cells(16, 2) ' get the old rev number
Date_Checker = xlSheet.Cells(16, 3)
End If
lastrow = xlSheet.Cells.Range("E20").End(xlDown).Row
ReDim cmpxl2(0) As String
ReDim cmpxl3(0) As String
ReDim cmpxl4(0) As String
n = 0
For i = 20 To lastrow
If xlSheet.Cells(i, 2) <> "" Then
n = n + 1
ReDim Preserve cmpxl2(n) As String
ReDim Preserve cmpxl3(n) As String
ReDim Preserve cmpxl4(n) As String
cmpxl2(n) = xlSheet.Cells(i, 2) & " " & Format(i)
cmpxl3(n) = xlSheet.Cells(i, 3)
cmpxl4(n) = xlSheet.Cells(i, 4)
End If
Next i
n1records = Adodc1.Recordset.RecordCount
'If n > n1records Then 'it's been deleted from sql so find the part and add to xl revision sheet
n1 = 0
ReDim cmpsql2(n1records) As String
With Adodc1.Recordset
For i = 1 To n1records
If i = 1 Then
End If
cmpsql2(i) = !pcno
Next i
End With
For i = 1 To n
bFound = qpa.Find(cmpsql2(), Left$(cmpxl2(i), 4), Found, , 1)
If bFound = False Then
q(1) = Val(Mid$(cmpxl2(i), 6))
n1 = n1 + 1
ReDim Preserve deletedfromsql(3, n1)
deletedfromsql(1, n1) = xlSheet.Cells(q(1), 2)
deletedfromsql(2, n1) = xlSheet.Cells(q(1), 3)
deletedfromsql(3, n1) = xlSheet.Cells(q(1), 4)
End If
Next i
'End If
n = 0
n = n + 1
If xlsheet2.Cells(n + 13, 1) > " " Then
ReDim Preserve rev(10, n)
ReDim Preserve part(n)
'part(n) = xlSheet.Cells(n + 13, 3) & "*" & xlSheet.Cells(n + 13, 1)
If xlsheet2.Cells(n + 13, > CDate(lastrevdate) Then
lastrevdate = xlsheet2.Cells(n + 13, 8-)
End If
For i = 1 To 10
rev(i, n) = xlsheet2.Cells(n + 13, i)
Next i
Exit Do
End If
If engr = "" Then
engr = xlSheet.Cells(14, 2)
chcked = xlSheet.Cells(14, 3)
End If
mbomflag = 0
revlev = 0
If engr = "" Then
engr = UCase$(InputBox("Enter Mechanical drafter's Initials:", "Enter Initials"))
'If engr = "" Then Exit Sub
chcked = UCase$(InputBox("Enter Checker's Initials:", "Enter Initials"))
'If chcked = "" Then Exit Sub
End If
End If
'Set xlBook = GetObject(path(2) & "vb\sql\ebomtemplate.xls")
Set xlBook = GetObject(Defaults.ApplicationPath & "\mbomTemplate.xls")
Set xlSheet = xlBook.Worksheets(1)
Set xlsheet2 = xlBook.Worksheets(2)
If revlev = 0 Then
xlsheet2.Cells(14, 8= Date
End If
'xlSheet.PageSetup.Zoom = 50
If UBound(rev, 2) > 0 Then
lastrevrow = UBound(rev, 2) + 13
For i = 14 To UBound(rev, 2) + 13
For j = 1 To 10
xlsheet2.Cells(i, j) = rev(j, i - 13)
Next j
Next i
lastrevrow = 13
End If
'If uprev = 1 Then
' xlBook.Application.Visible = True
' xlBook.Parent.Windows(2).Visible = True
' xlBook.Parent.Windows(2).Activate
' xlSheet.Activate
'bFound = bringwindowtotop(hwnd)
'ActiveSheet.Visible = True
xlBook.Application.Visible = True
xlBook.Parent.Windows(1).Visible = True
'bFound = bringwindowtotop(hwnd)
'End If
'Found = apiShowWindow(hwnd, SW_SHOWMINIMIZED)
'Found = apiShowWindow(hwnd, SW_SHOWMAXIMIZED)
Me.Visible = False
Screen.MousePointer = vbDefault
'If uprev = 1 Then
' xlBook.NewWindow.Activate
' With xlBook.NewWindow
' .ActiveSheet = 2
' .Zoom = 50
' End With
'End If
'xlBook.Application.Visible = True
'xlBook.Parent.Windows(1).Visible = True
'qs(1) = "03040609121314151617181920212223242526272829303132333435"
cs = UCase$(cs)
sos = UCase$(sos)
xlSheet.Cells(10, 2) = cs & Left$(sos, 5)
If Val(framestr(0, 0, 15)) < 8 Then qs(1) = "2" Else qs(1) = "4"
xlSheet.Cells(10, 3) = "-" & Mid$(sos, 6, 1) & Right$(sos, 1) & "B" & qs(1) & "004"
xlSheet.Cells(12, 2) = Right$(sos, 3)
xlSheet.Cells(10, 6) = framestr(0, 0, 3)
'xlSheet.Cells(12, 3) = "0"
'xlSheet.Cells(16, 2) = Date
'xlSheet.Cells(16, 3) = Date
xlSheet.Cells(10, 4) = framestr(0, 0, 658) 'sold to
xlSheet.Cells(11, 4) = framestr(0, 0, 657)
xlSheet.Cells(12, 4) = framestr(0, 0, 656)
xlSheet.Cells(14, 2) = engr
xlSheet.Cells(14, 3) = chcked
xlSheet.Cells(14, 4) = framestr(0, 0, 655) 'for
xlSheet.Cells(14, 6) = framestr(0, 0, 661) 'purchase order
xlSheet.Cells(15, 4) = framestr(0, 0, 654)
xlSheet.Cells(16, 4) = framestr(0, 0, 653)
qs(1) = "L12:" & Trim$(Mid$(xlcol, (nof + 1) * 2 - 1, 2)) & "16"
xlSheet.Cells.Range(qs(1)).Value = " "
For i = 1 To nof
xlSheet.Cells(19, i + 11) = i
Next i
For i = 1 To nof + 1
qs(1) = Trim$(Mid$(xlcol, i * 2 - 1, 2)) & "12:" & Trim$(Mid$(xlcol, i * 2 - 1, 2)) & "16"
With xlSheet.Cells.Range(qs(1)).Borders(xlLeft)
.LineStyle = xlContinuous
.Weight = xlMedium
End With
Next i
qs(1) = Chr(76) & "12:" & Trim$(Mid$(xlcol, nof * 2 - 1, 2)) & "12"
With xlSheet.Cells.Range(qs(1)).Borders(xlTop)
'.LineStyle = xlContinuous
.Weight = xlMedium
End With
qs(1) = Chr(76) & "16:" & Trim$(Mid$(xlcol, nof * 2 - 1, 2)) & "16"
With xlSheet.Cells.Range(qs(1)).Borders(xlBottom)
'.LineStyle = xlContinuous
I am aware VB 6 is outdated and not sure why they don't move to VB.NET. I would really appreciate if anyone can help. Thanks in advance :)
Your problem is nothing to do with VB6 being outdated. The problem is that this code is unrunnable. I can only make a guess that this is some hacked version based on the real running code. I will make some guesses based on approximately what this code should really look like. However, it would be a good idea to provide the actual code.
By "tabs", I take it you mean "worksheets". I am guessing that they are called "Sheet1" and "Sheet2". So basically, only "Sheet1" is actually getting re-populated. "Sheet2" remains as it previously looked.
I would suggest that you put a breakpoint on the line:
Set xlsheet2 = xlBook.Worksheets(2)
See whether xlsheet2.Cells(14,8) evaluates to the date you expect to see on that worksheet.
After stepping through this line, ensure that xlsheet2 actually points to the worksheet you expect it to. I would also put breakpoints on every line which reads or writes xlsheet2.Cells(x,y) evaluate it, and look at sheet2, ensuring that the value read or written back is correct.
This is about the structure of a calendar and since I already have too many functions built in, I am not allowed to change the block with vbNewLine , so I need to find a way to solve the problem at this one point:
A function should compare two values and trigger an action in case of a match.
The value myArray(i, 2) ist the Day-Number:
Private Sub InitVariables()
intMonth = Me.cboMonth
intYear = Me.cboYear
lngFirstDayOfMonth = CLng(DateSerial(intYear, intMonth, 1))
intFirstWeekday = getFirstWeekday(lngFirstDayOfMonth)
intDaysInMonth = getDaysInMonth(intMonth, intYear)
End Sub
Private Sub InitArray()
Dim i As Integer
ReDim myArray(0 To 41, 0 To 2)
For i = 0 To 41
myArray(i, 0) = lngFirstDayOfMonth - intFirstWeekday + 1 + i
If Month(myArray(i, 0)) = intMonth Then
myArray(i, 1) = True
myArray(i, 2) = Day(myArray(i, 0))
myArray(i, 1) = False
End If
Next i
End Sub
Private Sub LoadArray()
Dim db As DAO.Database
Dim rs As DAO.Recordset
Dim rsFiltered As DAO.Recordset
Dim strsql As String
Dim i As Integer
Dim OrgTime As Date
Dim MyStrTime As String
On Error Resume Next
strsql = "SELECT * from qrytblImVst;"
Set db = CurrentDb
Set rs = db.OpenRecordset(strsql)
If Not rs.BOF And Not rs.EOF Then
For i = LBound(myArray) To UBound(myArray)
If myArray(i, 1) Then
rs.Filter = "[vDate]=" & myArray(i, 0)
Set rsFiltered = rs.OpenRecordset
Do While (Not rsFiltered.EOF)
OrgTime = rsFiltered!vZeit
MyStrTime = Format(OrgTime, "hh:mm")
myArray(i, 2) = myArray(i, 2) & vbNewLine _
& "<div><font color=red> " + MyStrTime + " </div>"
End If
End If
Next i
End If
Set rsFiltered = Nothing
Set rs = Nothing
Set db = Nothing
End Sub
Private Sub PrintArray()
'On Error Resume Next
Dim strCtlName As Variant
Dim strCtlName1 As Variant
Dim i As Integer
Dim lngBlack As Long
Dim lngWhite As Long
lngBlack = RGB(36, 39, 50)
lngWhite = RGB(166, 166, 166)
For i = LBound(myArray) To UBound(myArray)
strCtlName = "TXT" & CStr(i + 1)
Controls(strCtlName).Tag = i
Controls(strCtlName) = ""
Controls(strCtlName) = myArray(i, 2)
If IsNull(Controls(strCtlName)) Then
Controls(strCtlName).Visible = False
Controls(strCtlName).Visible = True
End If
If CStr(Me.cboMonth) = CStr(Month(Date)) And CStr(Me.cboYear) = CStr(Year(Date)) And Len(myArray(i, 2)) <> 0 Then
If Split(myArray(i, 2), vbNewLine)(0) = CStr(Day(Date)) Then
Controls(strCtlName).BorderColor = lngRed
Controls(strCtlName).BorderWidth = 2
End If
Controls(strCtlName).BorderColor = lngWhite
Controls(strCtlName).BorderWidth = 1
End If
strCtlName = "CAL" & CStr(i + 1)
Controls(strCtlName).Tag = i
Controls(strCtlName) = ""
If InStr(myArray(i, 2), "div") Then
Controls(strCtlName) = Left(myArray(i, 2), 2)
Controls(strCtlName) = myArray(i, 2)
End If
If IsNull(Controls(strCtlName)) Then
Controls(strCtlName).Visible = False
Controls(strCtlName).Visible = True
End If
Next i
End Sub
This is how the comparison looks:
If Left(myArray(i, 2), 2) = CStr(Day(Date)) Then
Controls(strCtlName).BorderColor = lngRed
Controls(strCtlName).BorderWidth = 2
End If
I always get a FALSE as a result because vbNewLine changes the day number value in such a way that there is no match.
To check what is causing the problem I added "//" and it looks like this
msgbox Left(myArray(i, 2), 2) & "//"
The result is:
How can I solve this problem, for all calendar days? Thanks!
Your comparison is looking at the first two characters of the stored value. When the day number is less than 10, the second character will be vbNewLine because the day number is only one digit.
Instead of using Left to capture a fixed number of characters, you can use Split to capture everything to the left of vbNewLine.
If Split(myArray(i, 2), vbNewLine)(0) = CStr(Day(Date)) Then
Controls(strCtlName).BorderColor = lngRed
Controls(strCtlName).BorderWidth = 2
End If
Split will return Error (9) when myArray(i,2) doesn't have a value. You'll need to introduce a check for that case:
If Len(myArray(i,2)) <> 0 Then
If Split(myArray(i, 2), vbNewLine)(0) = CStr(Day(Date)) Then
Controls(strCtlName).BorderColor = lngRed
Controls(strCtlName).BorderWidth = 2
End If
End If
I am trying to make a Bill of Material list from my CAD software(Creo), this is exported out as a text file and its almost working perferct. The problem is that the text file spits out all parts in model, and I would like to count up duplicates instead of list them out after each other i.e quanties larger then 1.
My code does this nicely if the duplicate is listed in the row above, however if its nested(sub assy) this does not work. In picture below 00151564.asm(level 2) should be listed as quantity=3 but the parts on level 3 should be listed as quantity=1
Below is the original textfile creo spitts out, groups and patterns makes extra unwanteded indents, and material is just sometimes given..
Here is my code:
Sub simen2(Optional myFile As String = "Z:\Prosjekt\33907\Equipment and
Dim text As String
Dim textline As String
Dim textlineTemp As String
Dim foo As String
Dim output As String
Dim parent As String
Dim grandma As String
Dim greatgrandma As String
Dim greatgreatgrandma As String
Dim partNumber As String
Dim quantity As Integer
Dim material As String
Dim wsOut As Worksheet
Dim i, k As Long
Dim level, levelOld, levelTemp, levelTempOld, subtractLevel As Integer
Dim duplicate As Boolean
Dim levelDictionary As Object
'Init variables
Set wsOut = ThisWorkbook.Worksheets("Output")
subtractLevel = 0
quantity = 1
duplicate = True
partNumberOld = ""
commonNameOld = ""
levelOld = 0
levelTemp = 0
levelTempOld = 0
materialOld = ""
textlineOld = ""
material = "NA"
materialOld = "NA"
text = wsOut.Cells(1, 1).Value
wsOut.Cells(1, 1).Value = text
wsOut.Cells(1, 2).Value = Now
wsOut.Cells(1, 3).Value = myFile
Call write2ExcelHeader(wsOut)
Set levelDictionary = CreateObject("Scripting.Dictionary")
i = 0
k = 1
FileNum = FreeFile()
Open myFile For Input As #FileNum
Line Input #FileNum, foo
Line Input #FileNum, foo
Do Until EOF(FileNum)
k = k + 1
' read in
Line Input #FileNum, textline
' Get level, however group and pattern fuck things up
If InStr(10, textline, "<HTML>") > 0 Or InStr(textline, "Pattern") > 0 Or InStr(textline, "Group") > 0 Then
levelTemp = getLevel(textline)
If levelTemp < levelTempOld Then
subtractLevel = 0
End If
If InStr(textline, "Pattern") > 0 Or InStr(textline, "Group") > 0 Then
subtractLevel = subtractLevel + 1
k = 1
End If
End If
' Grab material
If InStr(textline, "Materials") > 0 Then
Line Input #FileNum, textline
material = Trim(Replace(textline, "<curr>", ""))
End If
'we need to find out if the line has number as first item, i.e trim away spaces, it prints out previous item here...
If InStr(10, textline, "<HTML>") > 0 Then
'textlineTemp = RemoveHTML(textline)
'textlineTemp = Replace(textlineTemp, "Ã", "Ø")
partNumber = getPartNumber(textline)
commonName = getCommonName(textline)
partType = getType(partNumber)
material = "NA"
' add part to dictionary, this is unique parts
If levelDictionary.exists(partNumber) Then
levelDictionary(partNumber) = levelDictionary(partNumber) + 1
levelDictionary.Add partNumber, 1
End If
' Remove duplicates ......
If partNumberOld = partNumber And levelTempOld = levelTemp Then
duplicate = True
quantity = quantity + 1
quantity = 1
duplicate = False
End If
' get family history
level = levelTemp - subtractLevel
LevelArray(level) = partNumber
'lets present result
If Not duplicate Then
If level > 1 Then
parent = LevelArray(level - 1)
parent = "NA"
End If
If level > 2 Then
grandma = LevelArray(level - 2)
grandma = "NA"
End If
If level > 3 Then
greatgrandma = LevelArray(level - 3)
greatgrandma = "NA"
End If
If level > 4 Then
greatgreatgrandma = LevelArray(level - 4)
greatgreatgrandma = "NA"
End If
If i > 0 Then
Call write2Excel(wsOut, i + 2, partNumberOld, commonNameOld, quantityOld, materialOld, levelOld, partTypeOld, parentOld, grandmaOld, greatgrandmaOld, greatgreatgrandmaOld)
End If
i = i + 1
End If
End If
'we always uses previous values for print out
partNumberOld = partNumber
commonNameOld = commonName
levelOld = level
levelTempOld = levelTemp
partTypeOld = partType
quantityOld = quantity
materialOld = material
textlineOld = textline
parentOld = parent
grandmaOld = grandma
greatgrandmaOld = greatgrandma
greatgreatgrandmaOld = greatgreatgrandma
Close #FileNum
Debug.Print "How many parts " & i
Call DeList(wsOut)
Call CreateList(wsOut, "FilterOutput")
Call totalBOM(levelDictionary)
End Sub
An alternative OO approach using a class module. Output is to a sheet named "Output2".
Update 1 - Added debugging log, creo.log in same folder as workbook.
Option Explicit
Sub ProcessTextFile()
Const TXTFILE = "treetool_Rextroth.txt" '"treetool20210503.txt"
Const MAX_LEVEL = 10
Dim tree() As clsItem, item As clsItem
Dim ruler() As Integer, level As Integer, rs
Dim FileNum As Integer, textline As String, text As String
Dim start_name As Integer, width_name As Integer, n As Long
Dim t0 As Single: t0 = Timer
ReDim tree(MAX_LEVEL)
ReDim ruler(MAX_LEVEL)
FileNum = FreeFile()
Open ThisWorkbook.Path & "\" & TXTFILE For Input As #FileNum
' use first header line to get common name column position
Line Input #FileNum, textline
start_name = InStr(1, textline, "PTC_COMMON_NAME")
width_name = InStr(1, textline, "PRO_MP_") - start_name
' skip
Line Input #FileNum, textline
' set start level and indent
Set tree(0) = New clsItem
tree(0).level = 0
tree(0).id = "NA"
level = 1
ruler(1) = 1
' open log file
Dim fso, ts
Set fso = CreateObject("Scripting.Filesystemobject")
Set ts = fso.createtextfile("creo.log")
' scan text file
n = 2
Do Until EOF(FileNum)
n = n + 1
Line Input #FileNum, textline
rs = ParseLine(textline, n, ts)
If rs(0) = "ASM" Or rs(0) = "PRT" Then
' determine level from indent
level = GetLevel(ruler, rs(2), level, ts)
' create new item
Set item = New clsItem
With item
.itemtype = rs(0)
.id = rs(1)
.name = Mid(textline, start_name, width_name)
.qu = 1
.level = level
.parent = tree(level - 1).id
.creo = n
End With
' build tree
Set tree(level) = item
tree(level - 1).addItem item
' groups or patterns
ElseIf rs(0) = "GRP" Or rs(0) = "PTN" Then
' increase ruler for current level by 2
ruler(level) = ruler(level) + 2
ts.writeline n & " " & rs(0) & " change ruler(" & level & ")=" & ruler(level)
' materials
ElseIf rs(0) = "MTL" Then
If item.itemtype = "PRT" Then
' get material from next line
n = n + 1
Line Input #FileNum, textline
item.material = Trim(Replace(textline, "<curr>", ""))
End If
End If
' output tree
Application.ScreenUpdating = False
With Sheets("Output2")
text = .Range("A1")
.Range("A1") = text
.Range("B1") = Now
.Range("C1") = TXTFILE
With .Range("A2:H2")
.Value2 = Array("Part No", "Common Name", _
"Qu.", "Material", "Level", "Type", "Parent", "Creo Lines")
.Interior.Color = RGB(255, 200, 0)
.Font.Bold = True
End With
' save objects to sheet
tree(0).SaveToWorksheet .Range("A3")
' prettify
.Range("C:C,E:E").HorizontalAlignment = xlCenter
.Columns("H:H").HorizontalAlignment = xlRight
.ListObjects.add(xlSrcRange, .UsedRange.Offset(1), , xlYes).name = "Table2"
.ListObjects("Table2").TableStyle = "TableStyleLight1"
End With
Application.ScreenUpdating = True
MsgBox Format(n, "#,###") & " lines parsed in " & _
Format(Timer - t0, "0.00") & " seconds"
End Sub
' determine level from indent using ruler
Function GetLevel(ByRef ruler, indent, level, ts) As Integer
Dim n As Integer
n = level ' current level
' is this an increase on previous
If indent > ruler(n) Then
ts.writeline "GetLevel before ruler(" & n & ")=" & ruler(n)
n = n + 1
' find previous level
n = 0
n = n + 1
Loop While indent > ruler(n)
End If
ruler(n) = indent ' update
ts.writeline "Level now " & n & " ruler(" & n & ")=" & indent
GetLevel = n
End Function
' determine linetype, partno, indent
Function ParseLine(s As String, n, ts) As Variant
Dim indent As Integer, partno As String
Dim tmp As String, linetype As String
indent = Len(s) - Len(LTrim(s)) ' no of spaces
If InStr(1, s, "<HTML>") Then
tmp = WorksheetFunction.Trim(s)
partno = Split(tmp, " ")(0)
linetype = Right(partno, 3)
ts.writeline vbCrLf & n & " INDENT=" & indent & " '" & s
ElseIf InStr(1, s, "Materials") Then
linetype = "MTL"
ElseIf InStr(1, s, "Group") Then
linetype = "GRP"
ElseIf InStr(1, s, "Pattern") Then
linetype = "PTN"
End If
ParseLine = Array(linetype, partno, indent)
End Function
class module clsItem
Option Explicit
' this class represent a part or assembly
Public id As String ' partno
Public name As String ' common name
Public itemtype As String ' PRT or ASM
Public parent As String
Public level As Integer
Public qu As Integer
Public material As String
Public creo As String ' source line nos in Creo file
Public items As New Collection
' add items
Public Function addItem(obj As clsItem)
' check if exists, if so increment quantity
Dim item As clsItem, bExists As Boolean
For Each item In items
If = Then
item.qu = item.qu + obj.qu
item.creo = item.creo & " " & obj.creo
bExists = True
Exit For
End If
' does not exist so add new
If Not bExists Then items.add obj,
End Function
' save object and all children
Public Sub SaveToWorksheet(rng As Range)
Const SP = 5 ' no of spaces to indent at each level
Dim item As clsItem
If level > 0 Then
rng = Space(level * SP) & id
rng.Offset(0, 1) = name
rng.Offset(0, 2) = qu
rng.Offset(0, 3) = material
rng.Offset(0, 4) = level
rng.Offset(0, 5) = itemtype
rng.Offset(0, 6) = parent
rng.Offset(0, 7) = creo
Set rng = rng.Offset(1)
End If
' recurse
For Each item In Me.items
item.SaveToWorksheet rng
End Sub
This scans the Output sheet and creates a new sheet called "No Duplicates". However, with the bugs in your data I suspect this won't work for more complex cases e.g. where an assembly appears in other assemblies at different levels.
Update 1 - dictionary at each level
Sub RemoveDuplicates()
Const START_ROW = 3 ' skip headers
Const COL_PARTNO = 1 ' A
Const COL_QU = 3 ' C
Const COL_LEVEL = 5 ' E
Const COL_TYPE = 6 ' F
Dim wb As Workbook, ws As Worksheet, wsNew As Worksheet
Dim iLastRow As Long, i As Long, r As Long
Dim PartNo As String, isASM As Boolean
Dim dictLevel As Integer, level As Integer
' dictionary at each level
Dim dictASM(10) As Object, arQu As Variant
Set wb = ThisWorkbook
Set ws = wb.Sheets("Output")
iLastRow = ws.Cells(Rows.Count, "A").End(xlUp).Row
ReDim arQu(iLastRow)
For i = 0 To 10
Set dictASM(i) = CreateObject("Scripting.Dictionary")
dictLevel = 0
PartNo = Trim(ws.Cells(r, COL_PARTNO))
isASM = Trim(ws.Cells(r, COL_TYPE) = "ASM")
arQu(r) = ws.Cells(r, COL_QU)
level = ws.Cells(r, COL_LEVEL)
If isASM Then
' is this a new assembly clear lower level dictionaries
If level < dictLevel Then
For i = dictLevel To UBound(dictASM)
Set dictASM(i) = CreateObject("Scripting.Dictionary")
dictLevel = level
If dictASM(dictLevel).exists(PartNo) Then
' duplicate assembly
' increment first occurence
i = dictASM(dictLevel)(PartNo)
arQu(i) = arQu(i) + arQu(r)
arQu(r) = 0
level = ws.Cells(r, COL_LEVEL)
' delete lower level items
Do While ws.Cells(r + 1, COL_LEVEL) > level
r = r + 1
arQu(r) = 0 ' delete later
' first occurence
dictASM(dictLevel).add PartNo, r
End If
End If
End If
r = r + 1
Loop While r < iLastRow
' create new sheet without duplicates
Set wsNew = Sheets.add
wsNew.Name = "No Duplicates"
ws.Range("A2:G2").Copy wsNew.Range("A2") ' header
For r = START_ROW To iLastRow
If arQu(r) > 0 Then
ws.Cells(r, 1).Resize(1, 8).Copy wsNew.Cells(i, 1)
wsNew.Cells(i, COL_QU) = arQu(r)
i = i + 1
End If
MsgBox Format(iLastRow - 1, "#,###") & " rows scanned", vbInformation
End Sub
I figure there must be a way to drastically shorten this sub procedure. The reason why I even want to is because it's freezing up the application on the elseif userform1.optTerm line because that worksheet it pulls the data from is 6x longer in rows than the optInSeat list.
Sub LoadEmployee_Cmb_HC()
Dim isWS As Worksheet: Set isWS = ThisWorkbook.Worksheets("In Seat")
Dim tWs As Worksheet: Set tWs = ThisWorkbook.Worksheets("Terms")
Dim a, b As Long, c As Variant, i As Long
If UserForm1.optInSeat = True Then
If UserForm1.optEmployeeName = True Then
For i = 2 To isWS.Cells(Rows.Count, 4).End(xlUp).row
x = Application.CountIf(isWS.Range("D" & 4, "D" & i), _
isWS.Cells(i, 4).Value)
If x = 1 Then
UserForm1.cmbEmployee.AddItem isWS.Cells(i, 4) & " - " & isWS.Cells(i, 1)
End If
Next i
For a = 0 To UserForm1.cmbEmployee.ListCount - 1
For b = 0 To UserForm1.cmbEmployee.ListCount - 1
If UserForm1.cmbEmployee.List(b) > UserForm1.cmbEmployee.List(a) Then
c = UserForm1.cmbEmployee.List(a)
UserForm1.cmbEmployee.List(a) = UserForm1.cmbEmployee.List(b)
UserForm1.cmbEmployee.List(b) = c
End If
ElseIf UserForm1.optEmployeeID = True Then
For i = 2 To isWS.Cells(Rows.Count, 1).End(xlUp).row
x = Application.CountIf(isWS.Range("A" & 1, "A" & i), _
isWS.Cells(i, 1).Value)
If x = 1 Then
UserForm1.cmbEmployee.AddItem isWS.Cells(i, 1) & " - " & isWS.Cells(i, 4)
End If
Next i
For a = 0 To UserForm1.cmbEmployee.ListCount - 1
For b = 0 To UserForm1.cmbEmployee.ListCount - 1
If UserForm1.cmbEmployee.List(b) > UserForm1.cmbEmployee.List(a) Then
c = UserForm1.cmbEmployee.List(a)
UserForm1.cmbEmployee.List(a) = UserForm1.cmbEmployee.List(b)
UserForm1.cmbEmployee.List(b) = c
End If
End If
ElseIf UserForm1.optTerm = True Then
If UserForm1.optEmployeeName = True Then
For i = 2 To tWs.Cells(Rows.Count, 4).End(xlUp).row
x = Application.CountIf(tWs.Range("D" & 4, "D" & i), _
tWs.Cells(i, 4).Value)
If x = 1 Then
UserForm1.cmbEmployee.AddItem tWs.Cells(i, 4) & " - " & tWs.Cells(i, 1)
End If
Next i
For a = 0 To UserForm1.cmbEmployee.ListCount - 1
For b = 0 To UserForm1.cmbEmployee.ListCount - 1
If UserForm1.cmbEmployee.List(b) > UserForm1.cmbEmployee.List(a) Then
c = UserForm1.cmbEmployee.List(a)
UserForm1.cmbEmployee.List(a) = UserForm1.cmbEmployee.List(b)
UserForm1.cmbEmployee.List(b) = c
End If
ElseIf UserForm1.optEmployeeID = True Then
For i = 2 To tWs.Cells(Rows.Count, 1).End(xlUp).row
x = Application.CountIf(tWs.Range("A" & 1, "A" & i), _
tWs.Cells(i, 1).Value)
If x = 1 Then
UserForm1.cmbEmployee.AddItem tWs.Cells(i, 1) & " - " & tWs.Cells(i, 4)
End If
Next i
For a = 0 To UserForm1.cmbEmployee.ListCount - 1
For b = 0 To UserForm1.cmbEmployee.ListCount - 1
If UserForm1.cmbEmployee.List(b) > UserForm1.cmbEmployee.List(a) Then
c = UserForm1.cmbEmployee.List(a)
UserForm1.cmbEmployee.List(a) = UserForm1.cmbEmployee.List(b)
UserForm1.cmbEmployee.List(b) = c
End If
End If
End If
End Sub
Instead of trying to shape the data using code, I would suggest creating an SQL statement based on runtime logic, opening a recordset with that data, and pushing the result back into the combobox.
Add a reference (Tools -> References...) to Microsoft ActiveX Data Objects; the latest version, usually 6.1.
(Credit goes to CDP1802's answer, which is the basis for much of the logic here.)
Dim source As String
If optInSeat = True Then
source = "'In Seat$'"
ElseIf optTerm = True Then
source = "Terms$"
End If
If Len(source) = 0 Then Exit Sub ' Do nothing
' sort by columns
Dim orderBy As String, expr As String
If optEmployeeName Then
expr = "Trim(F1) & ' - ' & Trim(F4)"
orderBy = "F1, F4"
ElseIf optEmployeeID Then
expr = "Trim(F4) & ' - ' & Trim(F1)"
orderBy = "F4, F1"
expr = "Trim(F1) & ' - ' & Trim(F4)"
End If
Dim connectionString As String
connectionString = _
"Provider=Microsoft.ACE.OLEDB.12.0;" & _
"Data Source=""" & ThisWorkbook.FullName & """;" & _
"Extended Properties=""Excel 12.0;HDR=No"""
Dim sql As String
sql = _
"SELECT " & expr & " " & _
"FROM [" & source & "]"
If Len(orderBy) > 0 Then sql = sql & " ORDER BY " & orderBy
Dim rs As New ADODB.Recordset
rs.Open sql, connectionString
' The 2D array comes back in the wrong direction to be set directly.
' We use WorksheetFunctions.Transpose to switch the direction.
cmbEmployees.List = WorksheetFunction.Transpose(rs.GetRows)
Select unique items using a Dictionary Object and sort them in an array. This sorts in ascending order.
Sub LoadEmployee_Cmb_HC()
Dim wb As Workbook, ws As Worksheet
Dim dict, k As String, i As Long
Dim order(2) As Integer
Set wb = ThisWorkbook
Set dict = CreateObject("Scripting.Dictionary")
' data source
If UserForm1.optInSeat = True Then
Set ws = wb.Sheets("In Seat")
ElseIf UserForm1.optTerm = True Then
Set ws = wb.Sheets("Terms")
End If
' sort by columns
If UserForm1.optEmployeeName = True Then
order(1) = 4: order(2) = 1
ElseIf UserForm1.optEmployeeID = True Then
order(1) = 1: order(2) = 4
End If
If order(1) = 0 Or ws Is Nothing Then
' do nothing
' get unique values start in row 4
For i = 4 To ws.Cells(Rows.Count, order(1)).End(xlUp).Row
k = Trim(ws.Cells(i, order(1)).Value)
If Len(k) > 0 And Not dict.exists(k) Then
dict.Add k, k & " - " & Trim(ws.Cells(i, order(2)))
End If
' sort and populate combo
Call SortCombo(dict, UserForm1.ComboBox1)
End If
End Sub
Sub SortCombo(ByRef dict, cmb As ComboBox)
Dim ar, a As Long, b As Long, i As Long, tmp As String
ar = dict.keys
i = UBound(ar)
For a = 0 To i
For b = a To i
If ar(b) < ar(a) Then
tmp = ar(a)
ar(a) = ar(b)
ar(b) = tmp
End If
ar(a) = dict.Item(ar(a)) ' replace with value after it sort
cmb.List = ar
End Sub
Alternative sort using temporary sheet
Sub SortCombo2(ByRef dict, cmb As ComboBox)
Dim wsTmp As Worksheet, rng As Range, k, ar() As String, i As Long
Set wsTmp = ThisWorkbook.Sheets(3)
ReDim ar(dict.Count - 1, 0)
i = 0
For Each k In dict.keys
ar(i, 0) = dict(k)
i = i + 1
Set rng = wsTmp.Range("A1:A" & dict.Count)
rng = ar
With wsTmp.Sort
.SetRange rng
.Header = xlGuess
.MatchCase = False
.Orientation = xlTopToBottom
End With
cmb.List = rng.Value2
End Sub
Test data generator
Sub data()
Dim ws As Worksheet, i, s, n
Set ws = Sheets("Terms")
For i = 4 To 35000
s = ""
For n = 1 To 25
s = s & Chr(65 + Int(Rnd() * 26))
ws.Cells(i, 1) = s
ws.Cells(i, 4) = "D" & i
MsgBox "done " & i - 1
End Sub
I'm trying to populate a form from another table. I have an identifier (formNumber). The loop's purpose is the find all the rows in the table with the same formNumber, then list the details in a form.
Problem encountered is in the fields using startTableRow, startSubdesc1, startSubdesc2, startRemark. I dont know when they are all repeating the same values, that have already been inputted. An item should only appear once.
Dim wsCurrent As Worksheet, _
loTable1 As ListObject, _
lcColumns As ListColumns, _
lrCurrent As ListRow
Set wsCurrent = Worksheets("Expenses")
Set loTable1 = wsCurrent.ListObjects("Expenses")
Set lcColumns = loTable1.ListColumns
'Loop through and find new entries which haven't been form'd yet
For x = 1 To loTable1.ListRows.Count
Set lrCurrent = loTable1.ListRows(x)
If lrCurrent.Range(1, lcColumns("form sent?").Index) = "" And _
lrCurrent.Range(1, lcColumns("form #").Index) <> "" Then
formNumber = lrCurrent.Range(1, lcColumns("form #").Index).Value
'Set first lines on the form
Worksheets("form").Cells(10, 10).Value = formNumber
'Loop through the Expense sheet and as long as the form number doesn't _
'change, write it to the table on the form
startTableRow = 20
startSubdesc1 = 21
startSubdesc2 = 22
startRemark = 54
Do While lrCurrent.Range(1, lcColumns("form #").Index).Value = formNumber
expensesDate = lrCurrent.Range(1, lcColumns("Date").Index).Value
expensesItem = lrCurrent.Range(1, lcColumns("Description").Index).Value
expensesSubdesc1 = lrCurrent.Range(1, lcColumns("Sub-description 1").Index).Value
expensesSubdesc2 = lrCurrent.Range(1, lcColumns("Sub-description 2").Index).Value
expensesRemarks = lrCurrent.Range(1, lcColumns("Remarks").Index).Value
**Worksheets("form").Cells(startTableRow, 5) = expensesItem
Worksheets("form").Cells(startSubdesc1, 5) = expensesSubdesc1
Worksheets("form").Cells(startSubdesc2, 5) = expensesSubdesc2
Worksheets("form").Cells(startRemark, 3) = expensesRemarks
Worksheets("form").Cells(12, 10) = expensesDate**
lrCurrent.Range(1, lcColumns("form sent?").Index).Value = "Yes"
x = x + 1
startTableRow = startTableRow + 3
startSubdesc1 = startSubdesc1 + 3
startSubdesc2 = startSubdesc2 + 3
startRemark = startRemark + 1
'Need to subtract one from x to loop through the row again
x = x - 1
'Clear data in table on form
For t = 20 To 45
Worksheets("form").Cells(t, 3).Value = ""
Worksheets("form").Cells(t, 5).Value = ""
Next t
'Clear data in REMARK on form
For r = 54 To 57
Worksheets("form").Cells(r, 3).Value = ""
Next r
End If
Next x
End Sub
End Sub
The problem with your code is in the while loop the lrCurrent does not change. after x = x +1 you need to set
lrCurrent = loTable1.ListRows(x) IF x <= loTable1.ListRows.Count
Also then need to protect against running past the end of table by adding another condition
And x <= loTable1.ListRows.Count
to the Do While line at the start.
Here is an example with fewer variables by using .offset
Sub FillForm()
Dim wb As Workbook, ws As Worksheet, wsForm As Worksheet
Set wb = ThisWorkbook
Set ws = wb.Sheets("Expenses")
Set wsForm = wb.Sheets("form")
Dim tbl As ListObject
Set tbl = ws.ListObjects("Expenses")
' create look up for column names
Dim ColNum As New Collection
Dim cell As Range, ix As Integer
For Each cell In tbl.HeaderRowRange
ix = ix + 1
ColNum.add ix, cell.Value
Debug.Print cell.Value
' scan table for not sent items
Dim sFormNo As String, rec As Range
Dim iCount As Integer ' count of lnes with same form no
Dim bSearch As Boolean, iSearch As Integer
Dim iRow As Integer
bSearch = False ' search for matching form no
With tbl
For iRow = 1 To .ListRows.Count
Set rec = .ListRows(iRow).Range
If rec(ColNum("form #")) <> "" _
And rec(ColNum("form sent?")) = "" Then
sFormNo = rec(1)
wsForm.Range("J10") = rec(ColNum("form #"))
wsForm.Range("J12") = rec(ColNum("Date"))
bSearch = True
End If
' search rest of table for more records
If bSearch Then
'Clear data in table on form
'wsForm.Range("C20:C45").ClearContents ' required ?
iCount = 0
' search from existing row down to end
For iSearch = iRow To .ListRows.Count
Set rec = .ListRows(iSearch).Range
' check match
If rec(ColNum("form #")) = sFormNo _
And rec(ColNum("form sent?")) = "" Then
' fill in form
With wsForm.Range("E20").Offset(3 * iCount, 0)
.Offset(0, 0) = rec(ColNum("Description"))
.Offset(1, 0) = rec(ColNum("Sub-description 1"))
.Offset(2, 0) = rec(ColNum("Sub-Description 2"))
End With
wsForm.Range("C54").Offset(iCount, 0) = rec(ColNum("Remarks"))
' update form sent column
rec(ColNum("form sent?")) = "Yes"
iCount = iCount + 1
Debug.Print "Search for " & sFormNo, rec(ColNum("form #")), iCount, iSearch
End If
MsgBox iCount & " lines added", vbInformation, "Completed " & sFormNo
bSearch = False
End If
End With
MsgBox "Ended", vbInformation
End Sub
I'm using the code below to loop through some data on an Excel spreadsheet and open a Word document. I want to then cycle through a word document and find all of the words that were on the Excel sheet. This works okay until I try and find the words on the Excel sheet and then I get a "bad file name" message. I've highlighted the line below where the error occurs. I'm sure it is a syntax error, I just don't know what the correct syntax is. Thanks for the help.......
Dim MyDB() As String
Dim MyCol() As String
Dim MyDBCnt As Integer
Dim MyColCnt As Integer
Dim DBCnt As Integer
Dim ResRow As Integer
Dim r As Integer
Dim x As Integer
Dim PrevRow As Integer
ResRow = 1
r = 5
x = 1
PrevRow = 4
Do Until Len(Trim(Cells(r, 4))) + Len(Trim(Cells(r, 5))) = 0
ReDim Preserve MyDB(1 To x)
If (Trim(Cells(r, 4)) & "." & Trim(Cells(r, 5))) = (Trim(Cells(PrevRow, 4)) & "." & Trim(Cells(PrevRow, 5))) Then
' do nothing
MyDB(x) = Trim(Cells(r, 4)) & "." & Trim(Cells(r, 5))
x = x + 1
End If
r = r + 1
PrevRow = PrevRow + 1
x = x - 1
MyDBCnt = x
r = 5
x = 1
Do Until Len(Trim(Cells(r, 4))) + Len(Trim(Cells(r, 5))) = 0
ReDim Preserve MyCol(1 To x)
MyCol(x) = Trim(Cells(r, 6))
r = r + 1
x = x + 1
x = x - 1
MyColCnt = x
MyLastRow = Cells.Find("*", [a1], , , xlByRows, xlPrevious).Row
ResRow = MyLastRow
Set WordApp = CreateObject("word.Application")
Set WordDoc = WordApp.Documents.Open("R:\Report Web\SQL Doc.docx")
WordApp.Visible = True
tmp = WordDoc.Name
Dim j As Integer
DBCnt = 1
With WordApp.Selection
Do Until DBCnt > MyDBCnt
With Documents(WordDoc).Find ***ERROR OCCURS HERE
.Text = MyDB(DBCnt)
j = 0
Do While .Execute(Forward:=True) = True
j = j + 1
End With
If j > 0 Then
MsgBox MyDB(DBCnt) & " was found " & j & " times."
End If
DBCnt = DBCnt + 1
End With
Find is not a valid property of the Document object. You need to use it on either the Selection or the Range object. For example:
Dim rngFind as Word.Range
Set rngFind = WordDoc.Content
With rngFind.Find
End With