How to make an OS X menubar in JavaFX - javafx-2

I'm unable to make a JavaFX MenuBar show as a standard OS X menu bar, at the top of the screen.
Here's what I've tried in my subclass of Application:
public void start(Stage primaryStage) throws Exception {
final Menu menu1 = new Menu("File");
final Menu menu2 = new Menu("Options");
final Menu menu3 = new Menu("Help");
MenuBar menuBar = new MenuBar();
menuBar.getMenus().addAll(menu1, menu2, menu3);
primaryStage.setTitle("Creating Menus with JavaFX 2.0");
final Group rootGroup = new Group();
final Scene scene = new Scene(rootGroup, 800, 400, Color.WHEAT);
I assumed that the use of
would do the trick, but actually it makes the menuBar disappear altogether.
I'm using Java 1.8.0-b132 on OS X 10.9

I've had success with this code:
MenuBar menuBar = new MenuBar();
final String os = System.getProperty("");
if (os != null && os.startsWith("Mac"))
BorderPane borderPane = new BorderPane();
primaryStage.setScene(new Scene(borderPane));

It looks like OS X only displays the Menus if they have MenuItems inside them (which is a bit weird, as you can attach functionality to empty Menus).

I created a little project that gives you access to the auto-generated menu bar on OS X: NSMenuFX
Update: With the new pure JavaFX version, the API has slightly changed
It allows you to replace the default Mac OS menu bar items, so you can to something like this:
// Get the toolkit
MenuToolkit tk = MenuToolkit.toolkit();
// Create default application menu with app name "test"
Menu defaultApplicationMenu = tk.createDefaultApplicationMenu("test");
// Replace the autogenerated application menu
// Since we now have a reference to the menu, we can rename items
defaultApplicationMenu.getItems().get(1).setText("Hide all the otters");
You can of course also add new menu items as you do in your example above.

I just ran into this issue myself - I noticed that the system menubar wouldn't initially appear in OSX until I switched to another application and back.
Wrapping the setUseSystemMenuBar call in a runLater did the trick, so I unscientifically concluded there's more window setup required before OSX can successfully register an application menu.
Platform.runLater(() -> menuBar.setUseSystemMenuBar(true));

Credits to this tutorial that I have followed with success:
Below I paste the most important part to get an OS X menu bar compatible with Win classic menu bar:
public void start(Stage primaryStage) throws Exception {
MenuBar menuBar = new MenuBar();
Menu menu = new Menu("java");
MenuItem item = new MenuItem("Test");
primaryStage.setScene(new Scene(new Pane(menuBar)));;

Building on dmolony with some corrections:
MenuBar menuBar = new MenuBar ();
if( System.getProperty("","UNKNOWN").equals("Mac OS X")) {
BorderPane borderPane = new BorderPane ();
borderPane.setTop (menuBar);
primaryStage.setScene (new Scene (borderPane));


Gridpane positioning in Java Fx

I am new to Java Fx using Netbeans 7.3.1.I am experimenting new things with Gridpane and I just want to place a Gridpane in a another position other than the left topmost position of the window..The root.getChildren().add(gridpane); adds the gridpane to the topmost left corner of the window.. How can i place the Gridpane on another place of the window without adding any new child or root!!My root is just a group and the current code just overlaps the gridpane with the Menubar.. My full code is this!!
public class Menu extends Application {
public void start(Stage primaryStage){
Group root = new Group();
Scene scene = new Scene(root, 300, 250);
primaryStage.setTitle("Hello World!");
MenuBar menuBar = new MenuBar();
javafx.scene.control.Menu m = new javafx.scene.control.Menu("File");
m.getItems().add(new MenuItem("New"));
m.getItems().add(new SeparatorMenuItem());
m.getItems().add(new MenuItem("Exit"));
javafx.scene.control.Menu tools = new javafx.scene.control.Menu("Cameras");
.text("Show Camera 1")
GridPane gridpane = new GridPane();
gridpane.setPadding(new Insets(5));
Label fNameLbl = new Label("First Name");
TextField fNameFld = new TextField();
Label lNameLbl = new Label("First Name");
TextField lNameFld = new TextField();
Button saveButt = new Button("Save");
// First name label
GridPane.setHalignment(fNameLbl, HPos.RIGHT);
gridpane.add(fNameLbl, 0, 0);
// Last name label
GridPane.setHalignment(lNameLbl, HPos.RIGHT);
gridpane.add(lNameLbl, 0, 1);
// First name field
GridPane.setHalignment(fNameFld, HPos.LEFT);
gridpane.add(fNameFld, 1, 0);
// Last name field
GridPane.setHalignment(lNameFld, HPos.LEFT);
gridpane.add(lNameFld, 1, 1);
// Save button
GridPane.setHalignment(saveButt, HPos.RIGHT);
gridpane.add(saveButt, 1, 2);
try Scene is used for designing javafx pages...
you can design all your pages according you need.
I'm not sure if it works but try using the following:
Centre can be replaced with any other position as far as I am aware. I hope this helps somewhat.

Nokia S40 LWUIT Back Button

I'm building a nokia s40 app. I've set this app to be in full screen mode and I notice that when I set this full screen mode, I've lost the native back buttons.
I need to build a back button like the native back button (always on screen, in the bottom right side of the screen). I've tried it with a borderlayout and putting it on the south, but the text from the center container doesn't appears over this...and has transparent background.
If anyone has some sample code, it will be great.
this code simply located a button in the bottom right side of the screen. it's work well.
public void startApp() {
Form f = new Form();
//Create a ComponentGroup for all components except backbutton
final ComponentGroup cg = new ComponentGroup();
final Button backButton = new Button("BackButton");
// add this part to your code
f.addOrientationListener(new ActionListener() {
public void actionPerformed(ActionEvent evt) {
Dimension d = new Dimension(Display.getInstance().getDisplayWidth(), Display.getInstance().getDisplayHeight());
backButton.setX(Display.getInstance().getDisplayWidth() - backButton.getPreferredW());
//set CoordinateLayout to f
f.setLayout(new CoordinateLayout(Display.getInstance().getDisplayWidth(), Display.getInstance().getDisplayHeight()));
//Dimension d = new Dimension(Display.getInstance().getDisplayWidth(), Display.getInstance().getDisplayHeight());
cg.setLayout(new BorderLayout());
cg.addComponent(BorderLayout.NORTH, new Button("NORTH"));
cg.addComponent(BorderLayout.EAST, new Button("ESET"));
cg.addComponent(BorderLayout.WEST, new Button("WEST"));
cg.addComponent(BorderLayout.CENTER, new TextArea("sdsdsd"));
backButton.setX(Display.getInstance().getDisplayWidth() - backButton.getPreferredW());
backButton.setY(Display.getInstance().getDisplayHeight() - backButton.getPreferredH() - f.getTitleArea().getLayoutHeight());
you can do like this to any form.
if you want back Button is showed in all forms you can write some OOP programming to do this.
it works well.

Adding space between buttons in VBox

I have a collection of buttons:
VBox menuButtons = new VBox();
menuButtons.getChildren().addAll(addButton, editButton, exitButton);
I want to add some spacing between these buttons, without using a CSS style sheet. I think there should be a way to do this.
setPadding(); is for the Buttons in the VBox.
setMargin(); should be for the VBox itself. But I didn't find a way for the spacing between the buttons.
I'm glad for any ideas. :)
VBox supports spacing out of the box:
VBox menuButtons = new VBox(5);
Just call setSpacing method and pass some value.
Example with HBox (it's same for VBox):
import javafx.application.Application;
import javafx.geometry.Insets;
import javafx.scene.Scene;
import javafx.scene.control.Button;
import javafx.scene.layout.HBox;
import javafx.scene.layout.HBoxBuilder;
import javafx.stage.Stage;
public class SpacingDemo extends Application {
public static void main(String[] args) {
public void start(Stage stage) {
stage.setTitle("Spacing demo");
Button btnSave = new Button("Save");
Button btnDelete = new Button("Delete");
HBox hBox = HBoxBuilder.create()
.spacing(30.0) //In case you are using HBoxBuilder
.padding(new Insets(5, 5, 5, 5))
.children(btnSave, btnDelete)
hBox.setSpacing(30.0); //In your case
stage.setScene(new Scene(hBox, 320, 240));;
And this is how it looks:
Without of spacing:
With spacing:
If you're using FXML, use the spacing attribute:
<VBox spacing="5" />
As others have mentioned you can use setSpacing().
However, you can also use setMargin(), it is not for the pane (or box in your words), it is for individual Nodes. setPadding() method is for the pane itself. In fact, setMargin() takes a node as a parameter so you can guess what it's for.
For example:
HBox pane = new HBox();
Button buttonOK = new Button("OK");
Button buttonCancel = new Button("Cancel");
pane.setMargin(buttonOK, new Insets(0, 10, 0, 0)); //This is where you should be looking at.
pane.setPadding(new Insets(25));
pane.getChildren().addAll(buttonOK, buttonCancel);
Scene scene = new Scene(pane);
primaryStage.setTitle("Stage Title");
You could get the same result if you replaced that line with
If you have several nodes that should be spaced, setSpacing() method is far more convenient because you need to call setMargin() for each individual node and that would be ridiculous. However, setMargin() is what you need if you need margins(duh) around a node that you can determine how much to each side because setSpacing() methods places spaces only in between nodes, not between the node and the edges of the window.
The same effect as the setSpacing method can also be achieved via css:
VBox {
-fx-spacing: 8;

setFocusTraversable behavior on MenuBar in JavaFX 2.0

I have noticed an issue with setFocusTraversable() on MenuBar control. If I call setFocusTraversable(false) on menuBar object the focus traverses (I can see the menubar getting highlighted/selected) to menu when I press Tab from TextField but the event (changed()) does not get fired. If I call setFocusTraversable(true) on menuBar object and press Tab when in TextField the focus does not visually traverses to MenuBar(TextField loses focus) but the event gets fired and additionally the focus can not be set on TextField using Tab or Shift + Tab. I am not sure if this is a bug or problem with my understanding.
Here is the code.
public class MenuTest extends Application
implements ChangeListener
MenuBar menuBar = new MenuBar();
TextField tf1 = new TextField("One");
public static void main(String[] args)
public void start(Stage primaryStage)
Group content = new Group();
BorderPane paneLayout = new BorderPane();
final Menu menu1 = new Menu("File");
Menu exit = new Menu("Exit");
Scene scene = new Scene(paneLayout, 300, 250);
public void changed(ObservableValue ov, Object t, Object t1)
System.out.println("focus gained - " + ov.toString());
Please help.
PS: MenuBar API explicitly says that "MenuBar sets focusTraversable to false." but behaves differently.
Unfortunately you've met a bug:

vaadin application menu

I have a vaadin application that redirect after login to a view with header / left menu and a main panel.
how can I set the menu or any link to switch the main panel according to a specific contents
If I click contact It set ContactLayout in the main panel.
PS: I know how to set a menu like in vaadin documentation but I want to know what to set as command for the menu item.
I suggest you to keep a Map<MenuItem,AbstractLayout> and when a MenuItem is clicked, remove all the components of your Panel, and add the layout get from the Map.
Visually :
public class TestApplication extends Application {
private VerticalLayout contactLayout;
private Panel mainPanel;
Map<MenuItem, AbstractLayout> swapContentMap;
public void init() {
Window mainWindow = new Window("Test Application");
mainPanel = new Panel("Main Panel");
// Create all of your layout
// For now, I just create a fake contact layout
contactLayout = new VerticalLayout();
// Here add your default layout to the right panel
Command myCommand = new MyCommand();
MenuBar menuBar = new MenuBar();
MenuItem menuItem = menuBar.addItem("Contact", myCommand);
//add your other menu item
swapContentMap = new HashMap<MenuBar.MenuItem, AbstractLayout>();
swapContentMap.put(menuItem, contactLayout);
//add your other menu item to the map.
private class MyCommand implements Command
public void menuSelected(MenuItem selectedItem)
Hope it will work.
