Printing a board in Commodore Basic 4.0? - basic

I'm having trouble with printing a board of dots in Commodore Basic 6502.
This is what I have to far: (it's a subroutine)
10 INPUT "Please enter a number:", X
20 DIM A$(X, X)
30 FOR I = 0 TO X
40 FOR J = 0 TO X
50 A$(I, J) = "."
Can anyone help me out with it because when I paste it into the emulator, type END, and press enter literally nothing happens?
Any help is much appreciated. I'm trying to build a word search game.

Just for laughs, here is some code that does what I think you want to do:
Just type RUN and hit enter!

Snip to fill an array with dots and print it:
10 INPUT "Please enter a number:", X
20 DIM A$(X, X)
21 REM make the array
30 FOR I = 0 TO X
40 FOR J = 0 TO X
50 A$(I, J) = "."
80 REM print the array
90 FOR I = 0 TO X
91 FOR J = 0 TO X
92 PRINT A$(I, J);
99 END


Bit Rotation- Another textbook solution question

The circle commands result in a same size binary string as the original, with a Right Circle taking the rightmost bits and circling them to the other side, and likewise for the Left Circle, taking the leftmost digits and circling them to the other side. For example, the command RC 3 81 will take the binary value for 81, or 1010001 in binary, take the
three right most digits, 001, and circle them to the front of the string resulting in 0011010, which is 26 in decimal. So some examples given
RC 3 81 = 26 OK
LC 5 119 = 125 OK
RC 5 181 = 1389 //I get 173
LC 8 999 = 1017 OK
RC 10 1200 = 361648 //I get 353
LC 10 1200 = 600 OK
When I do RC 5 181
181 binary = 101 10101
RC 10110101 = 10101 101 = 173
RC 10 1200
1200 binary = 1 0010110000
RC 10 10010110000 = 00101100001 = 353
When I check with a C++ program I wrote I get
Enter the command: LC 5 119
The base ten value is: 125
Run again (Y/N): y
Enter the command: LC 8 999
The base ten value is: 1017
Run again (Y/N): y
Enter the command: LC 10 1200
The base ten value is: 600
Run again (Y/N): y
Enter the command: RC 3 81
The base ten value is: 26
Run again (Y/N): y
Enter the command: RC 5 181
The base ten value is: 173
Run again (Y/N): Y
Enter the command: RC 10 1200
The base ten value is: 353
Run again (Y/N): n
Am I crazy and did these wrong- I have no clue how the author got those two values for the Right Circle answers. Your all thoughts please.

SAS loop through 56 character string extract every two characters

Have a couple million records with a string like
"00 00 01 00 00 01 00 01 00 00 00 00 01 01 00 01 00 00 00 00 01"
String has a length of 56. All positions are filled with either a 0 or a 1.
My job is parse the string of each record every two positions
(there are no spaces, that is just for clarification).
If there is a 1 in position two that means increment var1 +1
If there is ALSO a 1 in position four, (don't care about leading "0"'s
in position 1/3/5/9...55, etc.) increment var2 + 1, up to 28 variables.
The entire 56 len string must be parsed every two characters. Potentially
there could be 28 variables that have to be incremented, (but not realistic,
most likely there is only five or six) which could be found in any part of the
string, beginning to end (as long as they are in position 2/4/6/8 up to 56, etc.)
This is what my boss gave me:
if substr(BigString,2,1)='1' then var1+1;
OK. Fine.
A) There are 27 more places to evaluate in the string.
B) there are a couple million records.
28 nested if then do loops doesn't sound like an answer (all I could think of). At least not to me.
I think the author is trying to look for an do-loop method. So my suggest is macro %do or array statment in data step.
data _null_;
text = '000001000001000100000000010100010000000001';
y = length(text);
array Var[28];
do i = 1 to dim(Var);
Var[i] + (substrn(text,i*2,1)='1');
put i = Var[i]=;
Kind of easy, isn't is?
Array the variables that are to be potentially incremented according to string. A DO loop can examine each part of the string and conditionally apply the needed increment.
The SUM statement <variable>+<expression> means the variable's value is automatically retained from row to row.
Due to the nature of retained variables, you might want only the final var1-var28 values at the last row in the data. The question does not have enough info regarding what is to be done with the var<n> variables.
Presume string is named op_string (op for operation). Utilize logical evaluation result True is 1 and False is 0
data want(keep=var1-var28);
set have end=done;
array var var1-var28;
do index = 1 to 28;
var(index) + substr(op_string, 2 * index) = '1'; * Add 0 or 1 according to logic eval;
if done; * output one row at the end of the data set;
Use COUNTC() to count the number of 1's in the string then.
data want;
set have;
value = countc(op_string, '1');
if I understood the problem well, this could be the solution:
EDITED 2. solution:
/* example with same row*/
data test;
/* work by rows*/
%macro x;
%let i=1;
data test_output(drop=i);
set test;
%do %while (&i<=56);
var&i.=var&i.+input(substr(a,&i,1), best8.);
%let i=%eval(&i.+1);
/* results:
a var1 var2 var3 var4 var5 var6 var7 . .
00000100000100010000000001010001000000000100000000011110 0 0 0 0 0 1 0 .......
10000100000100010000000001010001000000000100011100011101 1 0 0 0 0 1 0 .......
01000100000100010000000001010001000000000100000001000000 0 1 0 0 0 1 0 .......
10100100000100010000000001010001000000000111111111111110 1 0 1 0 0 1 0 .......
01100100000100010000000001010001000000000101010101010101 0 1 1 0 0 1 0 .......
00000100000100010000000001010001000000000100001100101010 0 0 0 0 0 1 0 .......

Wordnet database has letters in weird/invalid places

I was noticing that some lines in the database files (like data.verb) are not following the correct format. (The database format is outlined here).
02286687 40 v 0a fall_upon d strike 0 come_upon 9 light_upon 0 chance_upon 0 come_across 2 chance_on 0 happen_upon 0 attain d discover 0 003 # 02285629 v 0000 + 07214432 n 0a01 + 00043195 n 0a01 01 + 08 00 | find unexpectedly; "the archeologists chanced upon an old tomb"; "she struck a goldmine"; "The hikers finally struck the main path to the lake"
Where the w_cnt 0a should be a the number 10. This also happens in other places like:
02575723 41 v 08 flim-flam 0 play_a_joke_on 1 play_tricks 0 trick 0 fob 0 fox 0 pull_a_fast_one_on 0 play_a_trick_on 0 008 # 02575082 v 0000 + 10022759 n 0602 + 00171618 n 0401 + 10463714 n 0404 + 06760722 n 0401 + 00752954 n 0401 + 00779248 n 010c ~ 02578384 v 0000 02 + 09 00 + 30 04 | deceive somebody; "We tricked the teacher into thinking that class would be cancelled next week"
Where 010c isn't a valid number. Unless [digit][letter] is a valid format, but is not described in the documentation I have read so far.
Why are their random letters among the numbers?
Looks like the numbers are in hexadecimal format - A is 10, for example.

Choose For Random Strings In Commodore 64 BASIC

I have this variable declarations on my program:
Now what I want is to randomly choose one of these and PRINT it. But how to do this?
My BASIC is pretty rusty but you should just be able to use something like:
10 X$ = "MAGENTA"
20 Y$ = "CYAN"
30 Z$ = "TAN"
40 A$ = "KHAKI"
50 N = INT(RND(1) * 4)
or, putting it in a subroutine for code re-use:
10 X$ = "MAGENTA"
20 Y$ = "CYAN"
30 Z$ = "TAN"
40 A$ = "KHAKI"
50 GOSUB 1000
70 END
1000 TV = INT(RND(1) * 4)
1010 IF TV = 0 THEN RC$ = X$
1020 IF TV = 1 THEN RC$ = Y$
1030 IF TV = 2 THEN RC$ = Z$
1040 IF TV = 3 THEN RC$ = A$
Of course, you probably should be using arrays for that sort of thing so you can just use:
10 DIM A$(3)
10 A$(0) = "MAGENTA"
20 A$(1) = "CYAN"
30 A$(2) = "TAN"
40 A$(3) = "KHAKI"
50 PRINT A$(INT(RND(1)*4))
The above answer is correct and comprehensive.
This answer, on the other hand, is not, but I was actually doing a little bit of Commodore BASIC last month and decided that string indexing CAN be useful, sometimes, so here's a non-answer that sort of reframes your problem.
110 PRINT MID$(X$,INT(RND(1)*4)*7, 7)
This code gets a random int from 0 to 3, then uses that to find the start index into a single string that contains all four entries, each of which is padded out (where necessary) to 7 characters. That padding is needed because the final parameter to MID$ is the length of the substring to be extracted.
When to consider indexing over an array:
(1) when your string data is near-uniform length, and
(2) when you have a LOT of little strings.
If those two conditions are true, then the full code, including the data, is more compact, and takes less memory due to allocating fewer pointers.
P.S. Bonus point if you find that I've made an off-by-one error!
Here's another way to do it, using one variable for the output and ON..GOSUB to set it based on a random number in the range [1..4].
10 ON INT(RND(1)*4+1) GOSUB 100,110,120,130
30 END
110 A$ = "CYAN":RETURN
120 A$ = "TAN":RETURN

A Scaling Paginator

<< 1 2 3 4 ... 15 16 17 ... 47 48 49 50 >>
<< 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 ... 47 48 49 50 >>
<< 1 2 3 4 ... 44 45 46 47 48 49 50 >>
(the bold is the selected page)
Is there any cleaver logic out there that creates scaling pagination like this? I have created one of these before but it ended up as a mess of logic statements.
The language i am doing this in now is PHP but if you have examples or tips for any language, it would be appreciated.
By scaling i mean when there are only a few pages. The pagination displays this.
<< 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 >>
As the number of pages grow to a certain point, the pagination stops showing all numbers and starts splitting them up.
<< 1 2 3 4 ... 47 48 49 50 >>
<< 1 2 3 4 5 6 ... 47 48 49 50 >>
<< 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 ... 47 48 49 50 >>
<< 1 2 3 4 .. 7 8 9 ... 47 48 49 50 >>
<< 1 2 3 4 .. 15 16 17 ... 47 48 49 50 >>
<< 1 2 3 4 ... 44 45 46 47 48 49 50 >>
<< 1 2 3 4 ... 47 48 49 50 >>
(note, the actual numbers and how many it shows before and after is not relevant)
Sorry for the blob of code but here goes. Hopefully the comments are enough to tell you how it works - if leave a comment and I might add some more.
* Get a spread of pages, for when there are too many to list in a single <select>
* Adapted from phpMyAdmin common.lib.php PMA_pageselector function
* #param integer total number of items
* #param integer the current page
* #param integer the total number of pages
* #param integer the number of pages below which all pages should be listed
* #param integer the number of pages to show at the start
* #param integer the number of pages to show at the end
* #param integer how often to show pages, as a percentage
* #param integer the number to show around the current page
protected function pages($rows, $pageNow = 1, $nbTotalPage = 1, $showAll = 200, $sliceStart = 5, $sliceEnd = 5, $percent = 20, $range = 10)
if ($nbTotalPage < $showAll)
return range(1, $nbTotalPage);
// Always show the first $sliceStart pages
$pages = range(1, $sliceStart);
// Always show last $sliceStart pages
for ($i = $nbTotalPage - $sliceEnd; $i <= $nbTotalPage; $i++)
$pages[] = $i;
$i = $sliceStart;
$x = $nbTotalPage - $sliceEnd;
$met_boundary = false;
while ($i <= $x)
if ($i >= ($pageNow - $range) && $i <= ($pageNow + $range))
// If our pageselector comes near the current page, we use 1
// counter increments
$met_boundary = true;
// We add the percentate increment to our current page to
// hop to the next one in range
$i = $i + floor($nbTotalPage / $percent);
// Make sure that we do not cross our boundaries.
if ($i > ($pageNow - $range) && !$met_boundary)
$i = $pageNow - $range;
if ($i > 0 && $i <= $x)
$pages[] = $i;
// Since because of ellipsing of the current page some numbers may be double,
// we unify our array:
return array_unique($pages);
