drag and drop database table to form doesn't respond - windows-ce

I'm developing a Windows CE Mobile Application and using SQL Server Compact Edition as database server. However, I cannot drag and drop database tables from Server Explorer to a form's design view. It simply doesn't respond the drop. What could I be missing? I reinstalled and repaired everything. One note that I was able to do this operation a while ago. I also tried creating another database file and dropping tables of the famous Northwind.sdf.
Another thing is: I cannot generate a new data source within my project. When I try that the following error appears:
An error occurred while creating the new data source:
An error occured while generating the data source.

The problem couldn't be solved any of the suggested operations, but the following one.
Start the Visual Studio from the command line:
C:\Program Files\Microsoft Visual Studio 9.0\Common7\IDE\devenv.exe /resetskippkgs
And everything works just fine.


No Tables or Views when Connecting to Excel file in SSIS

Visual Studio 2019
Excel 365 64-bit
Excel file has a single worksheet named raw_products
I added a Data Flow Task to my Control Flow
Added Excel Source to the Data Flow
Opened the Excel Source and clicked "New" to create a new connection manager.
Selected my Excel file (Noted that the Excel version changed from 97-2003 to 2007-2010 after I selected the file).
I selected Table or View for Data Access Mode and was greeted with the error:
No Tables or Views could be loaded
Could not retrieve the table information for the connection manager 'Excel Connection Manager'.
Failed to connect to the source using the connection manager 'Excel Connection Manager'
I went through and tried every version available and none would connect.
A quick search on SO shows that the fixes are anywhere from reverting to Windows 98 or reinstalling VS to installing 32bit or 64bit Access Database drivers.
The purpose of this task is to import the Excel file into my SQL database. If I use the SQL Import Wizard it works perfectly, and I actually saved it as a SSIS package and imported it into the package I'm working on now.
I've tried all the versions available in the connection manager, and I installed the 64bit Access Database Engine drivers (it won't allow me to install the 32bit since I have 64bit office installed). I tried changing the Run64BitRuntime option in the project properties.
I don't want to reinstall VS2019, it took me 4 hours to get it and the Integration Services installed!
EDIT: Against my better judgement I removed VS2019 and Integration Services. It took me almost 8hrs to get them reinstalled and for everything to work again since MS Visual Studio Tools were not removed or registered correctly.
I have reinstalled everything, rebooted at least a dozen times, and I am still having the same issue where it will not show anything. VERY frustrating since this is the most important part of the SSIS package.
You need to Connection manager:
One for the source (Excel) that you already added
One for the target/destination (SQL)
Do you have the second one with SQL? Can you test it if it is successful?
Once it is successful you will have list of tables and you can choose your target table from the list if it exists.

How to update the edmx if getting error of illegal mix collation(utf8_bin,none) and (utf8_bin,none) in mysql

I am getting error when updating the edmx
Unable to generate the model because of the following exception: 'An error occurred while executing the command definition. See the inner exception for details.
Illegal mix of collations (utf8_bin,NONE) and (utf8_bin,NONE) for operation '='
How do I solve this problem ? I have tried so many things. It would be great help if anyone help me to solve out this error.
When one is playing with the tools offered by Microsoft and Oracle simultaneously, the two don't always sit right with each other. Quite recently I had to integrate MySQL with Visual Studio using Entity Framwork and its was quite a mess.
As far as my research on the internet goes, most of the people trying to achieve the said target encountered the following problems or errors and I was unlucky enough to encounter all of them:
Authentication Probelm : "Authentication method 'caching_sha2_password' not supported by any of the available plugins"
Entity Framework doesn't generate the Entity Data Model:
Choose 'EF Designer from database'
Choose the connection from the drop down (localhost) that already tested successfully connecting to MySQL databse
The "Save connection settings in webc.config as" option is checked
I click 'Next' AND the window disappeared and I get back to the code window
No .edmx file is generated
Edmx file is generated but there is no Entity Data Model in it and the output windows shows one of the following 2 exceptions: "Illegal mix of collations (utf8_bin,NONE) and (utf8_bin,NONE) for operation '='" OR "Illegal mix of collations for operations 'Union'"
Entity Framework version is not compatible with the one required by MySQL.
MySQL Integration with Visual Studio Guidelines
Visual Studio 2012 or above
Dot Net Framework 4.5 or above
MySQL Installer Community
MySQL Workbench Community 6.3.9-winx64
MySQL Connector\Net 6.8.8
MySQL For Visual Studio 1.2.7
Entity Framework 5
Installation Steps:
Install the target version of Visual Studio first i.e. VS-2012 or above. The order of installation does matter.
Download the above mentioned MySQL’s components separately.
Install the MySQL Installer Community and let it install all the default components. Select "Sha256_Password" authentication instead of "Caching_Sha2_password".
After its finished installing, close the MySQL installer and reopen it from the start menu.
Click on the “remove” option.
Uninstall MySQL for Visual Studio, MySQL Connector\Net and MySQL Workbench.
Run the setups for MySQL Connector\Net 6.8.8, MySQL for Visual Studio 1.2.7, & MySQL Workbench Community 6.3.9-winx64 individually and install them manually one by one.
Now the MySQL environment is all set to be integrated with Visual Studio and Entity Framework.
The versions of the MySQL Components plus the environment of Visual Studio and its frameworks should exactly match with the ones mentioned above otherwise the things will not be cohesive and the developer will end up dealing with some unwanted and rigid problems.

Error executing: DDE connection

I have installed several versions of SQL Server on my machine, but visual source safe insists in opening any .sql file using Sql Server 2008 management studio.
I have changed the default application for files .sql to be opened using SQL Server 2014 management studio but now when I right click any of my scripts, either to view of edit, it comes out with the message "Error executing: DDE connection" as you can see on the picture below.
has anyone got any solution or suggesting for this?
Does this help?
Have you tried setting this extention in VSS
Explorer->Tools->Options->Custom Editor?
Could you try the following?
ft000002 and ft000003 (whichever one you have listed under
OpenWithProgids) keys under HKCR
Rename .sql record from
and from
Add just one association for .sql file using Windows explorer.
Check HKCU->Software->Microsoft->Windows->CurrentVersion->Explorer->FileExt->
OpenWithProgids You should not have ft0000xx files in there now.
Check if VSS is working as expected now if not revert the changes.

VS2012, SQL Server CE 3.5 with Edmx

I have a program that we distribute to our customer base that uses a SQL Server CE 3.5 database. We recently upgraded our VS from 2010 to 2012. Now I need to modify the database slightly. I understand that VS2012 no longer supports SQL Server CE 3.5, however to upgrade to 4.0 will take me a large chunk of time.
Is there any way to add fields to my EDMX manually? I am able to alter my database with a script but I would like my EDMX to match so I don't have to make more calls to my database.
I have tried adding the field manually, however when I make a call to that table I get an invalid column error. I had already added the field to the database file as well.
Open the project with the edmx in VS2010, replace it with a new one based on the updated database structure, open the project in VS 2012

How to ignore users in VS 11 Sql Server Database project publish

I can't figure out how to ignore users in my vs 11 beta sql server db project when publishing.
Why is this a problem
This is a problem because I want to keep the setting where I want to drop objects that are not in my project but are in the db being published to. If I delete a sproc in my project I'd like to drop the sproc in my db.
Any ideas? I've looked at all of the publish settings and just can't seem to figure it out....
Encountered this as well, since it persists in Visual Studio 2012 RTM / SP1 with SSDT (SQL Server Data Tools). I reached out to Barclay Hill at Microsoft who works on the product, who confirmed that this is currently not possible:
It is frequently asked for i.e drop everything, but users, permissions
and roles. We have it on our backlog, but have not been able to get
to it yet.
