NSOperationQueue Pause & Resume? - multithreading

I implemented Thread pooling using NSOperationQueue. In which i set maxConcurrentOperationCount to 25. i.e. concurrently 25 threads are running at a time.
I am uploading chunks to a server by using this NSOperationQueue. So chunks are allocated to the first 25 threads. After the NSOperationQueue is full, I want to pause the chunking reading part, then whenever threads from the queue complete, resume the chunking part to allocate new threads to NSOperationQueue to replace the thread which complete.
My Code:
NSOperationQueue *operationQueue = [NSOperationQueue new];
NSInvocationOperation *operation = [[NSInvocationOperation alloc] initWithTarget:self selector:#selector(upload:) object:f_objChunkDetails->FileStream];
NSUInteger oprCnt=operationQueue.operationCount;
if(oprCnt >= 5) {
// wait till queue has a free slot
} else {
[operationQueue addOperation:operation];
So how to pause and resume is used in NSOperationQueue? How to implement ManualResetEvent in Objective-C?

Don't wait or pause. Instead, move your job creation (and check) into a new method. That method should loop to create jobs up to the available limit and then return. Each job that is created should have a completionBlock added which calls the job creation method.
In this way you are event triggered instead of blocking.
Generally, the completionBlock should change to the main thread before calling the job creation method.


Can one thread block complete ForkJoinPool

I was reading https://dzone.com/articles/think-twice-using-java-8
Somewhere in between it states that
The problem is that all parallel streams use common fork-join thread pool, and if you submit a long-running task, you effectively block all threads in the pool.
My question is - shouldn't other threads in pool complete without waiting on long running task? OR is it talking about if we create two parallel streams parallely?
A Stream operation does not block threads of the pool, it will utilize them. Depending on the workload split, it is possible that all threads are busy processing the Stream operation that was commenced first, so they can not pick up workload for another Stream operation. The article seems to wrongly use the word “block” for this scenario.
It’s worth noting that the Stream API and default implementation is designed for CPU bound task which do not wait for external events (block a thread). If you use it that way, it doesn’t matter which task keeps the threads busy for the overall throughput. But if you are processing different requests concurrently and want some kind of fairness in worker thread assignment, it won’t work.
If you read on in the article you see that they created an example assuming a wrong use of the Stream API, with truly blocking operations, and even call the first example broken, though they are putting it in quotes unnecessarily. In that case, the error is not using a parallel Stream but using it for blocking operations.
It’s also not correct that such a parallel Stream operation can “block all other tasks that are using parallel streams”. To have another parallel Stream operation, you must have at least one runnable thread initiating the Stream operation. Since this initiating thread will contribute to the Stream processing, there’s always at least one participating thread. So if all threads of the common pool work on one Stream operation, it may degrade the performance of other parallel Stream operations, but not bring them to halt.
E.g., if you use the following test program
long t0 = System.nanoTime();
new Thread(() -> {
Stream.generate(() -> {
long missing = TimeUnit.SECONDS.toNanos(3) + t0 - System.nanoTime();
if(missing > 0) {
System.out.println("blocking "+Thread.currentThread().getName());
return "result";
}).parallel().limit(100).forEach(result -> {});
System.out.println("first (blocking) operation finished");
for(int i = 0; i< 4; i++) {
new Thread(() -> {
+" starting another parallel Stream");
Object[] threads =
Stream.generate(() -> Thread.currentThread().getName())
System.out.println("finished using "+Arrays.toString(threads));
it may print something like
blocking ForkJoinPool.commonPool-worker-5
blocking ForkJoinPool.commonPool-worker-13
blocking Thread-0
blocking ForkJoinPool.commonPool-worker-7
blocking ForkJoinPool.commonPool-worker-15
blocking ForkJoinPool.commonPool-worker-11
blocking ForkJoinPool.commonPool-worker-9
blocking ForkJoinPool.commonPool-worker-3
Thread-2 starting another parallel Stream
Thread-4 starting another parallel Stream
Thread-1 starting another parallel Stream
Thread-3 starting another parallel Stream
finished using [Thread-4]
finished using [Thread-2]
finished using [Thread-3]
finished using [Thread-1]
first (blocking) operation finished
(details may vary)
There might be a clash between the thread management that created the initiating threads (those accepting external requests, for example) and the common pool, however. But, as said, parallel Stream operations are not the right tool if you want fairness between a number of independent operations.

Can `ItemReader` in spring batch wait until the point in time when the data can be available for processing similar like Blocking Queues?

At present I am following the below strategy for processing items in a step.
TaskletStep processingStep = stepBuilderFactory.get(getLabel() + "-" + UUID.randomUUID().toString())
.<Object, Object>chunk(configuration.getChunkSize())
TypedJobParameters typedJobParameters = new TypedJobParameters();
runStep(processingStep, typedJobParameters);
This Task Step does some additional work too like compressing the file and copying it to a different location therefore it took so long time to complete. How can I offload this additional work to background threads.
If background thread keep polling till new file arrives for compression then it may consume more CPU cycles whereas if we can put that thread on wait and notify it when new file arrives then it will become more complex.
How can I start a new TaskStep parallel to my existing above TaskStep in such way that ItemReader of that new TaskStep wait until the point in time when the file arrives for processing like blocking queues?
You can delegate "expensive" work to background thread if you define your processor as an AsyncItemProcessor. You can assign task executor to it with thread pool and delegate processor which will do actual work in background thread.
Item reader will accept other files and will assign them to threads in task executor. When background thread completes processing of file it will be then assigned back to writer.
AsyncProcessor asyncProcessor = new AsyncProcessor();
AsyncItemWriter asyncItemWriter = new AsyncItemWriter();
TaskletStep processingStep = stepBuilderFactory.get(getLabel() + "-" + UUID.randomUUID().toString())
.<Object, Object>chunk(configuration.getChunkSize())
TypedJobParameters typedJobParameters = new TypedJobParameters();
runStep(processingStep, typedJobParameters);

Understanding Threads Swift

I sort of understand threads, correct me if I'm wrong.
Is a single thread allocated to a piece of code until that code has completed?
Are the threads prioritised to whichever piece of code is run first?
What is the difference between main queue and thread?
My most important question:
Can threads run at the same time? If so how can I specify which parts of my code should run at a selected thread?
Let me start this way. Unless you are writing a special kind of application (and you will know if you are), forget about threads. Working with threads is complex and tricky. Use dispatch queues… it's simpler and easier.
Dispatch queues run tasks. Tasks are closures (blocks) or functions. When you need to run a task off the main dispatch queue, you call one of the dispatch_ functions, the primary one being dispatch_async(). When you call dispatch_async(), you need to specify which queue to run the task on. To get a queue, you call one of the dispatch_queue_create() or dispatch_get_, the primary one being dispatch_get_global_queue.
NOTE: Swift 3 changed this from a function model to an object model. The dispatch_ functions are instance methods of DispatchQueue. The dispatch_get_ functions are turned into class methods/properties of DispatchQueue
// Swift 3
DispatchQueue.global(qos: .background).async {
var calculation = arc4random()
// Swift 2
dispatch_async(dispatch_get_global_queue(DISPATCH_QUEUE_PRIORITY_BACKGROUND, 0)) {
var calculation = arc4random()
The trouble here is any and all tasks which update the UI must be run on the main thread. This is usually done by calling dispatch_async() on the main queue (dispatch_get_main_queue()).
// Swift 3
DispatchQueue.global(qos: .background).async {
var calculation = arc4random()
DispatchQueue.main.async {
// Swift 2
dispatch_async(dispatch_get_global_queue(DISPATCH_QUEUE_PRIORITY_BACKGROUND, 0)) {
var calculation = arc4random()
dispatch_async(dispatch_get_main_queue()) {
The gory details are messy. To keep it simple, dispatch queues manage thread pools. It is up to the dispatch queue to create, run, and eventually dispose of threads. The main queue is a special queue which has only 1 thread. The operating system is tasked with assigning threads to a processor and executing the task running on the thread.
With all that out of the way, now I will answer your questions.
Is a single thread allocated to a piece of code until that code has completed?
A task will run in a single thread.
Are the threads prioritised to whichever piece of code is run first?
Tasks are assigned to a thread. A task will not change which thread it runs on. If a task needs to run in another thread, then it creates a new task and assigns that new task to the other thread.
What is the difference between main queue and thread?
The main queue is a dispatch queue which has 1 thread. This single thread is also known as the main thread.
Can threads run at the same time?
Threads are assigned to execute on processors by the operating system. If your device has multiple processors (they all do now-a-days), then multiple threads are executing at the same time.
If so how can I specify which parts of my code should run at a selected thread?
Break you code into tasks. Dispatch the tasks on a dispatch queue.

How to wake up a sleeping thread in mac

I am new to Objective C. I am putting a thread to sleep using
[NSThread sleepForTimeInterval:10.0f];
but when particular events occurs I want to wake up this sleeping thread. How do I wake up this sleeping thread?
This can't be done. If a thread sleeps using that method it cannot be woken until the time is over.
Something like this could be emulated using a NSCondition object.
I would propose the use of NSTimer over the use of NSThread, mainly due to the limitations of execution control of a sleeping thread. NSTimer allows immediate cancellation, via a call to invalidate, which could be called in response to some user cancellation. NSTimer provides two types of firing: repeating and non-repeating. The code below uses an NSTimer to make repeated calls to a specified selector:
//delayInSeconds and intervalInSeconds are NSTimeInterval values calclulated elsewhere
NSDate *fireDate = [[NSDate date] dateByAddingTimeInterval:delayInSeconds];
//Create a timer that will repeat, starting with the fireDate
//Optionally, userInfo could contain an object. checkSomething:
// would take one parameter, the NSTimer which would carry the userInfo
//timer is a strong property defined for a particular class, as an instance variable.
self.timer = [[NSTimer alloc] initWithFireDate:fireDate
//Launch the timer on the main run loop
[[NSRunLoop mainRunLoop] addTimer:timer forMode:NSRunLoopCommonModes];
Limitations of Sleeping an NSThread
One clear disadvantage of sleeping a thread is that waking it up is such an unconventional solution (involving the use of a signal to kill the process), that one of the only options left is to use a flag. This is a problem because there will be a delay for significant sleep times. For instance, if a sleep time is 10 seconds, then there could be as much as a 10 second delay before the flag is read, and the application responds.
Since sleepForTimeInterval is a class method, it is not possible to call cancel on the sleeping thread.

How to wait in the main thread until all worker threads have completed in Qt?

I have designed an application which is running 20 instance of a thread.
for(int i = 0;i<20;i++)
How can I wait in the main thread until those 20 threads finish?
You need to use QThread::wait().
bool QThread::wait ( unsigned long time = ULONG_MAX )
Blocks the thread until either of
these conditions is met:
The thread associated with this
QThread object has finished execution (i.e. when it returns from
run()). This function will return true if the thread has finished. It
also returns true if the thread has
not been started yet.
time milliseconds has elapsed. If time is
ULONG_MAX (the default), then the wait
till never timeout (the thread must
return from run()). This function
will return false if the wait timed
This provides similar functionality to
the POSIX pthread_join() function.
Just loop over the threads and call wait() for each one.
for(int i = 0;i < 20;i++)
If you want to let the main loop run while you're waiting. (E.g. to process events and avoid rendering the application unresponsible.) You can use the signals & slots of the threads. QThread's got a finished() singal which you can connect to a slot that remembers which threads have finished yet.
You can also use QWaitCondition
What Georg has said is correct. Also remember you can call signal slot from across threads. So you can have your threads emit a signal to you upon completion. SO you can keep track of no of threads that have completed their tasks/have exited. This could be useful if you don't want your Main thread to go in a blocking call wait.
