merging custom ribbon controls using custom ui editor - excel

I have created custom ribbon control in both the 2007 and 2010. i have added few features in 2010. i wanna use these new features in 2007 also. so for merging these i have used custom ui editor tool. and i have saved this as well. when i opened up this new to the 2007 all my new controls showed up correctly. but when i open it in the 2010, the controls showed correctly without the icon images. for example, control is "Picture" then nearby this control one small image will be there. this small icon images not showing up in the 2010 version. did i do anything wrong ? please anyone help me for showing it correctly !

Make sure you have added the icons as well to that version's xml. The pictures name must match the xml.
Click Insert and then Icons..., browse and select the pictures you want to use as button images.
You can have different sets of pictures for 2007/2010, but better to only use 2007 UI part if both versions are to be the same.


Power Apps - Rich Text Editor in form: Randomly unable to view/edit (possible height issue)

I'm having an issue with the Rich Text Editor displaying in a custom Power Apps form I created thru/for SharePoint Online. Below are the details
Somewhat randomly, The Rich Text Editor control loads incorrectly. It appears that the Height is displaying incorrectly, regardless of the FormMode (New, Edit, or View). The user is unable to view/edit any text to the control.
Expected Behavior
FormMode.Edit & FormMode.View
The only workaround we have at the moment is to refresh (F5) the webpage, but this doesn't always fix the issue. Some users refresh 20 - 30 times before the form is fully visible.
Steps to Reproduce
The issue is random, so it's difficult to reproduce when you want it to happen. Below are steps to create the form in SharePoint & Power Apps.
In SharePoint Online, create a list with a column for Enhanced rich text (Rich text with pictures, tables, and hyperlinks)
List Settings Form Settings: Enable the custom form in PowerApps option
List Settings Form Settings: Select the **Modify form in PowerApps link.
If the default control is not a Rich Text Editor, you may need to modify it.
Width = 1124
Height = 158
Save & Publish the PowerApps form.
Select +New in the SharePoint list to display the custom form.
See the problem section above. Keep in mind, this is random.
What I've Tried
I found a post in the Power Apps Community for Rich Text Editor Not displaying text input section. Unfortunately, I haven't been able to get this to work. Also, the post suggests it would be fixed toon and that was back in 2018, so I wouldn't expect to still see the issue.
I noticed the rich text box had a larger height value than it's parent, but adjusting that didn't fix the issue.
Any assistance would be much appreciated.
Thanks in advance!

Is there a way to add custom icons to a ribbon using VBA through a callback to the UI Editor?

I am making a ribbon for my office. I have programmed all the macros already, except for the icons.
In the UI Editor, I have set everything to be done via a callback in VBA.
I have loaded all the icons using the MS Excel stock icons, however I have 9 icons that have to be added as they are not part of the excel standards.
I can't use different icons as the buttons in the ribbon paste the pictures that I need to display as the icons.
In the UI editor, I have set it up that all the buttons use "getimage=getimage" and have programmed a callback in VBA.
I don't seem to be able to change the 9 specific buttons to "image=pic1" and use the icons (pic1-pic9) I have loaded in the UI Editor.
When I try to do that, I get an error saying "the 'Image' attribute is not declared"
So now I am looking for a workaround in VBA.
Current callback code for a standard Icon:
Case "eButton03": RibbonImage = "ObjectPictureFill"
I need the code above to pull in a picture instead of using the standard icon.
let's say the picture is saved in C:\Pic\Pic1.png
Use this list:
You can also use or create custom images, add your picture "yourpic.png" via Excel's "Insert Icons" option in the Custom UI Editor.
Use the code
To use your picture as a custom icon.

Can MS Office Ribbons hold a Picture Box?

My question is pretty simple, can I put a picture box in a MS Ribbon Customization (VSTO add-in). I can tell that it's not a readily available option from the designer, but can it be done from the XML? I haven't found an examples that do it.
The end goal is to have an image run out to the right of the controls in the ribbon, which would quickly allow someone walking behind a series of users see "which team they were on"/"program version" they were using.

How to set icon size in Outlook 2010 add in c#

I develope an outlook 2010 add-in,
I have Office.CommandBars cmdBars that holds Office.CommandBarButton,
I set the buttonTemp_Dial.Style = Office.MsoButtonStyle.msoButtonIconAndCaption
and buttonTemp_Dial.Picture have a reference to icon pic.
The icon in add in is small how can I change it to big Icon?
the add-in is in separate tab in Outlook, is there a way to put the add in to the "Home" tab?
If you use the old CommandBars based API, your button will appear on the Addins tab, which is probably not something that you want.
Your add-in (on the low level) needs to implement the IRibbonExtensibility interface and return your customization as XML - see

How to add hover effect to visio drawing in sharepoint webpart

I've created a web part page which contains visio drawing in sharepoint site. Now I want to show shape data when the mouse hover on specific shapes, instead of clicking "Toggle the visibility of shape information pane".
e.g. When mouse hovers at one employee image, more detailed information which is included in "Shape Data" can pop up, showing "Name:XXX, ID:XXX, Age:XXX..."
I've tried to add "Comment" in "shape sheet", but the hover over effect only works in Visio Design Mode. It does not work after I integrated the drawing in sharepoint webpart.
Also, I tried another approach by saving visio drawing as htm webpage. However, the data will not be dynamically updated in that way.
How could I achieve this function? Do I need to use javascript? If so, how could I integrate javascript to the webpage I already created with visio drawing?
This will walk you through the process.
Creating an Office Plan ECMAScript Mashup Drawing in Visio 2010 to Display in SharePoint Server 2010
