18 06,12,18 * * * what does this mean in cron issue time? - linux

WHat does the following line mean in Linux - Chrone Time Scheduling
18 06,12,18 * *
Is it it will run 6.18 am, 12.18 pm and 6.18 pm every day for all month of all week.?

Check it out in manual page for crontab, either online or by typing man 5 crontab in terminal.
It means that the command will run at 6:18, 12:18 and 18:18 every day.
Also, I think you're missing one asterix (*) - there should be five time and date fields, and you've got only four (although, in post title, you've got five). Anyway, the full definition would look like:
18 06,12,18 * * *

You can test your cron job on cron job generator site page.
This is very helpful.
Just select whatever options you want for cron job and generate the code.


run cron job between 00:00 - 00:02 - 04:00 - 23:59 on every hour

I want to run a cron job between 0:00am - 02:00am - 04:00am and 23:59am on every hour.
I want to know if this is the correct syntax.
0,0-59 0-2,4-23/1 * * *
No, your syntax is not correctly formatted.
You can use:
0 0 0/1,0-2 ? * *
This will run according to the following rules:
At second :00, at minute :00, every hour between 00am and 02am,
and every hour starting at 00am, of every day
You can check CRON syntax with an explanation at:Cron Expression Generator & Explainer.
Also, I think this site has a really good breakdown to help understand what each section of the CRON expression relates to.
Edit: I just noticed you had the second part about running at 23:59. For this you will need to set up a second CRON job:
0 59 23 * * ? *
Use Case: At 23:59:00pm every day

Can you confirm my crontab line is right

I want to set a cron job to run at 00h15 every Friday. Is this the correct way to do this:
15 0 * * 5
Use this kind of website to validate your crons:

cron expression for every hour starting from specific time

I am able to schedule using this cron expression using nodejs cron-job every one hour (starting from "now").
But I need to set q cron every one hour starting from a specific time. E.g let's say starts from 3:30 AM. can this be done?
The / character allows you to give two expressions to a cron part. The first is a "starting at" argument and the second is "every X units". So, a cron that will run every hour, starting at 03:30 (I.e., at 03:30, 04:30, 05:30, etc.) would look like this:
0 30 3/1 * * * *
You can try this:
30 3/1 * * * * *
Just to add to Mureinik's answer, just "starting at" on the first argument is non-standard and it may not work with every cron. The standard format should be
example: 30 3-23/1 * * *

I need help using cronjob

I'm trying to write a cron job to run automatically a PHP file after 30 days. The PHP file has write permission 777.
Here is my code:
* * * */30 * php -f /var/www/virtual/my_domain_name.com/htdocs/./file.php > /dev/null 2>&1
But this is not working, I got no errors.
When i try:
* * * * * php -f /var/www/virtual/my_domain_name.com/htdocs/./file.php > /dev/null 2>&1
The script works, then it executes the file every second from.
Any ideas?
Putting */30 in the 4th field would cause the job to run only in the 30th month of the year, and every 30 months thereafter during the year -- i.e., never.
Putting */30 in the 3rd field (day of month) would cause it to run on the 30th day of each month (and on the 60th, 90th, ... day of the month if there were such a thing). And given the *s in the other fields, it would run once a minute on that day -- and never in February. I doubt that that's what you want.
If you want a job to run once a month, that's easy:
0 0 12 * * php ...
This will run the job at midnight on the 12th day of each month. Adjust the first two fields to pick a different time and the third to pick a different day.
There is no syntax for running a job once every 30 days. If that's really what you want, you can schedule the job to run once every day:
0 0 * * * php ...
and then have the job itself determine whether the current day is a multiple of 30.

set cronjob time

i was trying to make a code to automatically send mails from a server. I want it to run a php everytime at every hour and 15 minutes and 30 minutes.
Example at 08:15, 08:30, 09:15, 09:30, etc..
Thank you,
How about this?
15-30/15 * * * * * php foo.php
Obviously, replace php foo.php with the command you'd like to run. The 15-30/15 syntax indicates: minutes 15 through 30, with increments of 15. This will make your job run every hour at xx:15 and xx:30.
