How can I change the Start Automatically setting in IIS 8.5 - iis

I have a problem with a web site running on an IIS 8.5 server that is not started automatically when the server reboots. The site is originally installed through ServerManager, where there is this line of code:
site.ServerAutoStart = false;
Now I would like to change this setting through the IIS Manager interface.
In IIS 7.5 i can set a web site to start automatically by setting the Start Automatically property under Advanced settings. But this setting is gone in IIS 8.5.

I found a solution to my problem inspired by this question:
How to config application pool in IIS 7.5 automatically re-start when it was stopped?
It is possible to access and edit all the detailed settings through the Configuration Editor, which can be accessed through the Features View in IIS Manager. I realize that in the link Mr Mo sent, the Configuration Editor was used, but it is not specified very clearly how to access it.

Check it out:
I think it will solve the issue.


IIS 7.5 - Change Application Pool Start Mode to Always Running

I have IIS 7.5 and I have installed the Application Initialization Module for it. Now, I am trying to change the StartMode of an application pool, but do not see the StartMode option in the IIS Manager. I have looked under Basic and Advanced Settings. I am thinking that the next place to edit this value would be in the Machine.Config. So, I have found that file, but I am unsure where the update would be placed in there. I believe it should be set to AlwaysRunning.
Any help would be appreciated.
I found the Configuration Editor under the Management section of the IIS manager.
EDIT: startMode is in section system.applicationHost/applicationPools under applicationPoolDefaults. It can also be configured on a per-item basis in Application Pools - Advanced Settings.
In this entry i found the answer.
To setup the pool set the attribute startMode to AlwaysRunning of the IIS config file C:\Windows\System32\inetsrv\config\applicationHost.config:
<add name="MyAppWorkerProcess" managedRuntimeVersion="v4.0" startMode="AlwaysRunning" />
And you need implements others things to reach that your App always running
If you like to have a UI, look at this link
and download the "".
after install you find a new icon on the iis-manager (on the server-element).

unable to launch iis express web server port 80 is in use

I have MVC4 web application project in visual studio 2010. When I want to start it, I have the following error:
Unable to launch the IIS Express Web server: Port"80" is in use.
The problem came after changing the property "Use Local IIS Webserver"
If you already have something monitoring port 80 (such as full IIS), then you cannot use another thing to monitor the same port.
Thus, if you do want to use IIS Express, make sure in Project Url: field you specify another port number other than 80.
In VS 2013:
Go to your Web Project Properties, Web Tab.
Select "IIS Express" from the dropdown.
Enter a project URL, such as http://localhost:64510/
If you have "Override application root URL" checked, uncheck it.
The port is probably in use. I usually end the iisexpress.exe. This works if for some reason the port is open and you want to close it.
CTRL+ALT+DEL -> Task Manager ->End process for iisexpress.exe
I just had this happen to me, and didn't understand why as everything had worked fine until restarting my machine. Seems that the full IIS service was running, but only within the manager had it been STOPPED, so when I restarted it turned back on.
Open up the Internet Information Services (IIS) Manager (use search programs and files, too. See image)
Right click on localhost (top level, left pane), select STOP. Not called 'localhost'? This will probably be called your machine name, but if you hover over the top level on the left pane, you should see 'https://localhost/'. This is what you want. Right click and select STOP.
Now, this is assuming you only want to run IIS Express sites, as anything that required the full IIS won't be running. You should be good to go!
If IIS is running and you are using IIS Express you should stop IIS for it to work.
Such error can appear when YourApp.csproj file contains conflicted settings.
<!-- conflicted settings -->
If you want to use IIS Express you should change IISUrl to http://localhost:11222/ or another free port.
<!-- settings for IIS Express -->
If you want to use IIS you should set UseIISExpress to false.
<!-- settings for IIS -->
Another answer does mention this, however, if you're using IIS Express within Visual Studio AND have IIS enabled in Windows Features; It will be the "Default IIS Site" that is using port 80. Simple open IIS and stop the site running by right-clicking on the top node.
Sql Server could also be the culprit. I stopped Sql Server and it freed up the port.

IIS 7.5 - no default site / no http binding

I enabled/installed IIS on my win 7 home premium hoping to be able to run asp pages on my comp.
There are two issues that I don't know how address:
1- I don't see the Default Website in the IIS Manager
2- I don't have http option under binding
This is what I did...
I enabled/installed IIS 7.5
Control Panel - Programs - Turn Windows Features On or Off
checked everything under "Intenet Information Services"
checked everything under "Intenet Information Services Hostable Web Core"
I open the IIS Manager and see three panes (windows):
Connections on the left
Features or Content view in the middle section
Actions on the right
This is my question # 1: Any idea why I don't see any default site in the connections pane?
Server name
Application Pools
Sites (folder)
**** nothing here !!! ****
My question #2 relates to binding... when I want to set up a new site, I do the following:
(in Actions pane) - add web site
site name:
app pool: ASP .NET v4.0
Physical path: C:\inetpub\wwwroot\testsite
Under binding type, these are the options that I see... but there's no http option available.
Binding type:
- net.tcp
- net.pipe
- net.msmq
- msmq.formatname
Any idea why and/or what to do to have http option available?
I should probably mention that I am running xampp 1.8.0 on my comp as well on port 80.
Any tips or suggestions are appreciated!
I had the same issue and the only solution was:
Remove WAS (Windows Activation Services)
Remove IIS
Install WAS
Install IIS
open the IIS and see the default web site with both HTTP and HTTPS bindings

IIS 7.5 Does Not Reset

Setup: Windows Server 2008 R2, IIS 7.5
We currently have multiple ASP.NET applications hooked up to the "Default Web Site" site in IIS on a server.
Default Web Site
I have recompiled the binary for the site, and copied over the files for "Site_v1", then done an IISRESET command.
My issue is that the web app does not actually reset. Our app logs initialization of certain core objects, and the logs do not show that the app is restarting.
Our current theory is that some user has a browser open to one of the default web sites, and that's preventing me from correctly resetting IIS.
Anyone seen anything like this?
Thanks in advance.
Note: I'm posting this to Stack Overflow and not Super User because this is a problem on a development server. I'd like to solve this as a developer correctly compiling an application, rather than as a sys admin changing server settings. Hope that makes sense.
From Werner's suggestion in the comments, I deleted the temporary files for Site_v2, but could not delete them for Site_v1. Some process was locking the files. After resetting IIS, Site_v1 was working properly, but not Site_v2.
MS have stopped support for the IISReset command, which means that your approach is OK, but will not work any more. It works for IIS6.0, but not 7.0 or 7.5.
It can be done "by hand" using the GUI, but that is not scripted. I have the same issue, working on an alternative.

IIS -> Isapi_Redirect -> Tomcat

I've been trying for days to get Tomcat up and running through IIS via the Jakarta Connector.
I've followed all of Microsoft's instructions -- put the connector .dll in %tomcatdir%\bin\win32\i386\, added the registry entry, added a filter (pointing to the .dll) to the default web site... and yet, any time I try to access a Tomcat web app, I get the "You are not authorized to view this page" error.
Has anyone experienced this? Help!
I use this redirect with Tomcat 5.5 and IIS 5 or 6. I haven't tried it with IIS 7.
You have to modify the file to choose which paths to redirect, but besides that it works pretty much straight up. It adds all the registry garbage for you.
Ah, except on IIS 6 you have to add the isapi redirect.dll into its application whitelist.
Try this mate, it can help you.
It tells you how to configure access to tomcat website via IIS and the necessary to set up tomcat server as a windows service and then forward the website to IIS via port 80. You will do this by installing a custom ISAPI filter in IIS that understands how to use the AJP protocol (Apache JServ Protocol) to communicate with tomcat. The main idea is to use Tomcat Connector ISAPI available to download from apache web site.
I used it with IIS 8 and 7
