Azure Cloud Service Remote Debugger not available when publishing from Visual Studio Online - azure

Any idea how to enable remote debugging when using Visual Studio Online Hosted Build? When I deploy from visual studio using publish, I'm able to access the Remote Debugger on my Azure Cloud Service. If I publish from Visual Studio Online using the same publish configuration file, I can't use the remote debugger.
The azurePubxml profile has two options <EnableRemoteDebugger> and <RemoteDebuggerConnectorCertificateThumbprint>, which don't seem to be picked up.


Visual Studio 2017 Publish Targets Azure App Service Linux Instead of Azure App Service

We are experimenting with the templates created here: However when we open in Visual Studio 2017 and select publish we are presented with only a Linux App Service:
Instead of:
Can anyone explain what configuration is causing this to happen, as the only option is the Linux preview existing app services we have in Azure are not available to be selected.
I believe it's the presence of the Dockerfile. If you close the Publish UI, delete the Dockerfile, and reopen the Publish UI, it will show the non-Linux App Service option. See here for a little bit of info.

Continuous Deploy node js cloud service project using Visual Studio Team Services

I currently have an Azure Cloud Service within Visual Studio containing simple Node.js web role.
This builds and packages correctly within Visual Studio locally, and deploys perfectly into the Azure cloud service.
When trying to build the solution with Visual Studio Team Services (previously Visual Studio Online), MSBuild fails claiming:
2016-07-01T10:09:56.7893397Z ##[error]C:\Program Files (x86)\MSBuild\Microsoft\VisualStudio\v14.0\Windows Azure Tools\2.8\Microsoft.WindowsAzure.targets(1329,5): Error : WAT070 : The referenced assembly C:\a\1\s\CloudTool\Client\Client.exe was not found. Please make sure to build the role project that produces this assembly before building this Microsoft Azure Cloud Service Project.
...which seems to indicate it's expecting the build of the Node.js project to emit an .exe file.
I followed the same steps as mentioned in this article ( to continuous deploy node js cloud service project.
When I googled it I found this git hub issue link ( ) in which no solution mentioned so I want to know this issue resolved or not if yes how can I solve it because I am not able to find any solution.

Visual Studio 2015 Publish to Azure Securely

When I use the publish option out of Visual Studio 2015 to publish a website to Azure, is there a way to ensure that the publish to the host in secure; not in plain text? Is the publish sent to azure SSL or encrypted?
Looking at the build output in Visual Studio, when you publish using Web Deploy in Visual Studio, the website binaries and other files are sent over SSL. Please look at the screenshot below.

Automated builds with Visual Studio Online (Azure) for an on-premise server not accessible externally?

If an on-premise app server has internet access but isn't accessible externally, what is our options for automated builds with Visual Studio Online (Azure)? We have vms for our development web and sql environments on Azure with TFS online housing our source control.
You can have a check on this article for detailed steps on how to publish app to Azure:
Core steps is: On the Azure Management portal, connect the project to Azure via selecting your app and choosing the Set up publishing with Visual Studio Online link.
VSO agents work on a pull bases and don't need to be accessible externally. As long as the build server has internet access you are good to go...

Publish Azure API App without using Visual Studio

I have created an Azure API App using visual studio. I run it locally its working fine then i published it to Azure from the Visual Studio publish -> Microsoft Azure API App option. The API app is deployed to Azure and working fine.
Is there any other option to deploy it to azure using publish package without using visual studio? If yes then how it can be done, please help.
Or can we create a package for the API App then can be used further?
You don't need to Publish using Visual Studio. Underlying an API app is a "Host". You can see this by browsing to the API app in Ibiza. All the deployment options for Web Apps work with this host. This article highlights the options:
