How to pass cat output as a wget url parameter? - cron

I have a small file containing just a number located at /mnt/1wire/342342342/temperature
I need to create a cron to wget (and here goes that line)
I believe I should use somewhat cat /myfile | wget ?
I don't want to create any temporary files and I want to output the received data from get to null.

Did you try
wget`cat /mnt/1wire/342342342/temperature` -o /dev/null -O /dev/null
# -o output log
# -O output document


Create Directory, download file and execute command from list of URL

I am working on a Red Hat Linux server. My end goal is to run CRB-BLAST on multiple fasta files and have the results from those in separate directories.
My approach is to download the fasta files using wget then run the CRB-BLAST. I have multiple files and would like to be able to download them each to their own directory (the name perhaps should come from the URL list files), then run the CRB-BLAST.
Example URLs:
Ideally, the file name determines the directory name, for example, TC_3370/.
I think there might be a solution with cat URL.txt | mkdir | cd | wget | crb-blast
Currently I just run the commands in line:
mkdir TC_3370
cd TC_3370/
wget url
crb-blast -q TC_3370_chr.v1.0.maker.CDS.fasta.gz -t TCV2_annot_cds.fna -e 1e-20 -h 4 -o rbbh_TC
Try this Shellcheck-clean program:
#! /bin/bash -p
while read -r url; do
mkdir -v -- "$dir"
cd "./$dir" || exit 1
wget -- "$url"
crb-blast -q "$file" -t TCV2_annot_cds.fna -e 1e-20 -h 4 -o rbbh_TC
done <URL.txt
See Removing part of a string (BashFAQ/100 (How do I do string manipulation in bash?)) for an explanation of ${url##*/} etc.
The subshell (( ... )) is used to ensure that the cd doesn't affect the main program.
Another implementation
# Read lines as url as long as it can
while read -r url
# Get file name by stripping-out anything up to the last / from the url
# Get the destination dir name by stripping anything from the first __chr
# Compose the wget output path
# Successfully created the destination directory AND
mkdir -p -- "$dest_dir" &&
# Successfully downloaded the file
wget --output-file="$fasta_path" --quiet -- "$url"
# Process the fasta file into fna
crb-blast -q "$fasta_path" -t "$fna_path" -e 1e-20 -h 4 -o rbbh_TC
# Cleanup remove destination directory if any of mkdir or wget failed
rm -fr -- "$dest_dir"
# reading from the URL.txt file for the whole while loop
done < URL.txt
Download files from list is task for -i file option, if you have file named say urls.txt with one URL per line you might simply do
wget -i urls.txt
Note that this will put all files inside current working directory, so if you wish to have them in separate dirs, you would need to move them after wget finish.

How to download multiple files using wget in linux and save them with custom name for each downloaded file

How to download multiple files using wget. Lets say i have a urls.txt containing several urls and i want to save them automatically with a custom filename for each file. How to do this?
I tried downloading 1 by 1 with this format "wget -c url1 -O filename1" successfully and now i want to try do batch download.
You might take look at xargs command, you would need to prepare file with arguments for each wget call, lets say it is named download.txt and
-O file1.html
-O file2.html
and then use it as follows
cat download.txt | xargs wget -c
which is equivalent to doing
wget -c -O file1.html
wget -c -O file2.html
Add the input file and a loop:
for i in `cat urls.txt`; do wget $i -O filename-$i; done

wget -O for non-existing save path?

I can't wget while there is no path already to save. I mean, wget doens't work for the non-existing save paths. For e.g:
wget -O /path/to/image/new_image.jpg
If /path/to/image/ is not previously existed, it always returns:
No such file or directory
How can i make it work to automatically create the path and save?
Try curl
curl --create-dirs -o /path/to/save/images.jpg
mkdir -p /path/i/want && wget -O /path/i/want/image.jpg
To download a file with wget, into a new directory, use --directory-prefix without -O:
wget --directory-prefix=/new/directory/
Using -O new_file in conjunction with --directory-prefix, will not create the new directory structure, and will save the new file in the current directory.
It may even fail with "No such file or directory" error, if you specify -O /new/directory/new_file
I was able to create folder if it doesn't exists with this command:
wget -N -P /path/to/image
wget is only getting a file NOT creating the directory structure for you (mkdir -p /path/to/image/), you have to do this by urself:
mkdir -p /path/to/image/ && wget -O /path/to/image/new_image.jpg
You can tell wget to create the directory (so you dont have to use mkdir) with the parameter --force-directories
alltogether this would be
wget --force-directories -O /path/to/image/new_image.jpg
After searching a lot, I finally found a way to use wget to download for non-existing path.
wget -q --show-progress -c -nc -r -nH -i "$1"
--quiet --show-progress
Kill annoying output but keep the progress-bar
Resume download if the connection lost
Overwriting file if exists
Download in recursive mode (What topic creator asked for!)
Tell wget do not use the domain as a directory (for e.g:
- without this option, it will download to "")
File with URLs need to be download (in case you want to download a lot of URLs,
otherwise just remove this option)
Happy wget-ing!

Wget Output in Recursive mode

I am using wget -r to download 3 .zip files from a specified webpage. Here is what I have so far:
wget -r -nd -l1
Right now, the zip files all begin with abc_*.zip where * seems to be a random. I want to have the first downloaded file to be called, the second to be, and the third to be
Is this possible with wget?
Many thanks!
I don't think it's possible with wget alone. After downloading you could use some simple shell scripting to rename the files, like:
i=1; for f in abc_*.zip; do mv "$f" "xyz_$"; i=$(($i+1)); done
Try to get a listing first and then download each file separately.
let n=1
wget -nv -l1 -r --spider 2>&1 | \
egrep -io 'http://.*\.zip'| \
while read url; do
wget -nd -nv -O $(echo $url|sed 's%^.*/\(.*\)_.*$%\1%')_$ "$url"
let n++
I don't think there is a way you can do it within a single wget command.
wget does have a -O option which you can use to tell it which file to output to, but it won't work in your case because multiple files will get concatenated together.
You will have to write a script which renames the files from abc_*.zip to xyz_*.zip after wget has completed.
Alternatively, invoke wget for one zip file at a time and use the -O option.

WGET without the log file

Every time I use wget a Log file is being saved automatically on my server. is there anyway to run this command without logging?
You could try -o and -q
-o logfile
Log all messages to logfile. The messages are
normally reported to standard error.
Turn off Wget's output.
So you'd have:
wget ... -q -o /dev/null ...
This will print the site contents to the standard output, is this what you mean when you say that you don't want logging to a file?
wget -O -
I personally found that #Paul's answer was still adding to a Log file, regardless of the Command line output of -q
Added -O to /dev/null ontop of the -o output file argument.
wget [url] -q -o /dev/null -O &> /dev/null
