Mongoose: best way to upsert data defined in conditions array - node.js

I trying to find best way for insert/update mongodb documents within one query, without calling save foreach element in result. Is it possible?
This code create document only with setData object.
conditions.idUser = {$in: uids};
db.Data.update(conditions, {$set: setData}, { multi: true, upsert: true }, function(err) {
But I need to save multiple documents, like {idUser : uid1, ..}, {idUser: uid2, ...}


MongoDB update query in subarray

An update in the array of objects inside another array of objects.
mongodb field that I'm working on:
otherFields: values,
tasks: [
_id: mongodb.objectID(),
title: string,
_id: mongodb.objectID(),
title: string,
completed: boolean //field need to be update.
otherFields: value
sample mongodb document
I need to find the document using the task_id and the item_id and update a completed field in item of a task. Using the mongoose findOneAndUpdate method
const path = "tasks.$.items." + item_id + "completed";
{ _id: req.user._id, "tasks._id": taskID },
{ $set: { [path]: true }});
The above query doesn't work!!!
There is no need to use multiple query conditions, since you'd like to update a specific item that has an unique ID. Therefore you could use something along the lines:
{ 'tasks.items._id': itemID },
Keep in mind this structure is far away from optimized as it would basically look through the entire database...
Also now that I think of it, you'd also have issue with the update, as there are two nested arrays within the document. Read more here: How to Update Multiple Array Elements in mongodb

Mongoose, Nodejs - replace many documents in one I/O?

I have an array of objects and I want to store them in a collection using only one I/O operation if it's possible. If any document already exists in the collection I want to replace it, or insert it otherwise.
These are the solutions that I found, but doesn't work exactly as I want:
insertMany(): this doesn't replace the document that already exists, but throws exception instead (This is what I found in the Mongodb documentation, but I don't know if it's the same as mongoose).
update() or ‎updateMany() with upsert = true: this doesn't help me as well, because here I have to do the same updates to all the to stored documents.
‎There is no replaceMany() in mongodb or mongoose.
Is there anyone how knows any optimal way to do replaceMany using mongoose and node.js
There is bulkWrite (, which makes it possible to execute multiple operations at once. In your case, you can use it to perform multiple replaceOne operations with upsert. The code below shows how you can do it with Mongoose:
// Assuming *data* is an array of documents that you want to insert (or replace)
const bulkData = => (
replaceOne: {
upsert: true,
filter: {
// Filter specification. You must provide a field that
// identifies *item*
replacement: item
You need to query like this:
/Your Condition/
}, {
$set: {
"New Key": "Value"
}, {
multi: true,
upsert: true
It fulfils your requirements..!!!

MongoDB ignore <query> on upsert

I'm trying to upsert a document into MongoDB using the main Node driver. I want to query by _id, and if that _id doesn't exist, then create a new document with a normal ObjectId. However, from the MongoDB docs:
The update creates a base document from the equality clauses in the query parameter, and then applies the update expressions from the update parameter.
Meaning that it will try to use whatever I compared the _id to in the query section as the document's new id. The problem is that, if the document doesn't exist yet, I'm comparing _id to null, so when it creates the new document, it sets the _id as null. Is there a way to avoid this behavior? I want to query by _id, but not use whatever I compare it to in the upsert. Here's my code so far:
_id: order._id
$set: order,
$setOnInsert: {_id: ObjectId()}//tried with and without this
upsert: true,
returnOriginal: false
Here, order, is an object with a few fields. And for my purposes, I need to query by _id, not some other indexed field.

MongoDb: Insert or update multiple documents with a unique index

I have a MongoDB collection with a unique index.
I am trying to insert or update an array of documents into that collection.
If there is NO existing document in the collection matching the unique index of the document, that new document should be inserted into the collection.
However, if there IS already a document in the collection with that unique index, it should be updated with the fields of the new document. Any fields that are NOT present in the new document should be left untouched.
This is what I have currently which is working for inserting (but NOT for updating).
const mongojs = require('mongojs');
const db = mongojs('mongodb://');
// items is an array of documents
db.items.insert(items, (err, task) => {
if (err) {
I understand this is wrong and it currently gives this error:
E11000 duplicate key error index: database.items.$upc_1 dup key:
What is the proper query for this?
You can try using mongodb bulkWrite api:
var ops = []
items.forEach(item => {
updateOne: {
filter: { _id: unique_id },
update: {
$set: { fields_to_set_if_exists },
$setOnInsert: { fileds_to_insert_if_does_not_exist }
upsert: true
db.collections('collection_name').bulkWrite(ops, { ordered: false });
I don't believe that you can update an entire array of documents at the same time. Therefore, you would have to update each item in the array individually.
items.forEach((item) => {
db.items.update({_id: item._id}, item, {upsert: true}, (err, task) => {
if (err) {
The {upsert: true} option will update if a record exists and insert if not.
What are you looking for is an upsert, not an insert. It can be done by the following code:
upsert: <boolean>,
multi: <boolean>,
writeConcern: <document>,
collation: <document>
Query will search for a document using the parameters of the query, if it finds, it will update the fields mentioned in . If it doesn't find, it will insert a new document with the fields and values of .
The last object (with multiple fields), contains a field to say if an upsert is desired and one called "multi" to say if an update on multiple documents is desired.
For example:
This will search for a document with the name "item1" and set its price to 20. If it doesn't find, it will create a new one with price 20.
One thing to be noticed though is:
If you don't use the tag $set on the fields, it will substitute the whole document.
Supposing you have a document like this:
If you run the following two queries:
it will yeld different results:
First one:
Second one:
If you don't call $set, it will change the whole document.
More information on the manual:
Hope my answer was helpful

mongoose distinct and populate with documents

I have the following model:
var followerSchema = new Schema({
id_follower: {type: Schema.Types.ObjectId, ref: 'Users'},
id_post: {type: Schema.Types.ObjectId, ref: 'Posts'}
I want to be able to find all posts for a list of followers. When I use find, it returns me of course multiple times the same post as multiple users can follow the same post.
So I tried to use distinct, but I have the feeling the "populate" does not work afterwards.
Here is my code:
.exec(function (err, postFollowers) {
It only returns me the array of the posts, and it is not populated.
I am new to mongoDB, but according to the documentation of mongoose, the "distinct" method should return a query, just as the "find" method. And on a query you can execute the "populate" method, so I don't see what I am doing wrong.
I also tried to use the .distinct() method of the query, so then my code was like this:
.exec(function (err, postFollowers) {
In that case it works, but as in the documentation of mongoose you need to provide a callback function when you use the distinct method on a query, and so in my logs I get errors all over. A workaround would be to have a dummy callback function, but I want to avoid that...
Does anybody has an idea why the first attempt is not working? And if the second approach is acceptable by providing a dummy callback?
Would this be the right way considering the current lack of support in mongoose?
.distinct('id_post',function(error,ids) {
Posts.find({'_id':{$in : ids}},function(err,result) {
You can simply use aggregate to group and populate the collection.
now we have the desired result
db.<your collection name>.aggregate([
$match: {<match your fields here>}
$group: {_id: <your field to group the collection>}
$lookup: {
from: "<your collection of the poupulated field or referenced field>",
localField: "<give the id of the field which yout want to populate from the collection you matched above cases>",
foreignField: "_id", //this references the id of the document to match the localField id in the from collection
as: 'arrayName', //<some name to the returned document, this is a single document array>
$project: {
//you really don't want the whole populated fields, you can select the fields you want
<field name>:
<1 or 0>, // 1 to select and 0 to not select
//you can add multiple fields here
//to select the fields that just returned from the last stage we can use
"arrayName._id": <1 or 0>,
//at last you can return the data
.then((data) =>{
we have distinct() by $group and
populate() by $lookup
and we also select() by $project
