I wrote a program that read information from a .wav file . I received the following results.
chunkId :RIFF
chunkSize :13481688
format :WAVE
subchunk1ID :fmt
subchunk1Size :16
Audioformat :1
numberofchanels :1
samplerate :44100
Byterate :88200
BlockAlign :2
bitspersample :16
subchunk2Id :PAD
subchunk2Size :4044
The size of file is 13481696 .Normally, subchunk2Id is "data" and subchunk2Size=chunksize-36. This file run OK with audio player (Rhythmbox music player in Ubuntu). But I don't know why this format like that
It's okay because the subchunk id is 'PAD'. A typical player is going to skip right past it to the 'data' chunk. 'PAD' chunks are often used to reserve space so that an 'INFO' can replace it in the future without having to move the 'data' chunk around.
I'm recording audio with Julia and want to be able to trigger a 5 second recording after the audio signal exceeds a certain volume. This is my record script so far:
using PortAudio, SampledSignals, LibSndFile, FileIO, Dates
stream = PortAudioStream("HDA Intel PCH: ALC285 Analog (hw:0,0)")
buf = read(stream, 5s)
save(string("recording_", Dates.format(now(), "yyyymmdd_HHMMSS"), ".wav"), buf, Fs = 48000)
I'm new to Julia and signal processing in general. How can I tell this only to start recording once the audio exceeds a specified volume threshold?
You need to test the sound you capture for average amplitude and act on that. Save if loud enough, otherwise rinse and repeat.
using PortAudio, SampledSignals, LibSndFile, FileIO
const hassound = 10 # choose this to fit
suprathreshold(buf, thresh = hassound) = norm(buf) / sqrt(length(buf)) > thresh # power over threshold
stream = PortAudioStream("HDA Intel PCH: ALC285 Analog (hw:0,0)")
while true
buf = read(stream, 5s)
if suprathreshold(buf)
save("recording.wav", buf, Fs = 48000) # should really append here maybe???
I'm using AVFoundation capture session to output audio buffers through AVCaptureAudioDataOutput. The capture session is using the default application audio session. (ie. captureSession.usesApplicationAudioSession = true). I don't alter the audio session in any way.
The strange behavior is that the capture session returns audio buffers captured at a different frequency than the default audio session's sample rate.
print(AVAudioSession.sharedInstance().sampleRate) \\ 48000
func captureOutput(_ output: AVCaptureOutput, didOutput sampleBuffer: CMSampleBuffer, from connection: AVCaptureConnection) {
if connection.audioChannels.first != nil {
print(sampleBuffer.presentationTimeStamp) \\ CMTime(value: 2199812320, timescale: 44100, flags: __C.CMTimeFlags(rawValue: 3), epoch: 0)
delegate?.captureOutput(sampleBuffer: sampleBuffer, mediaType: .audio)
My expected behavior is that the sample buffer's timescale would also be 48000.
For a little extra info, if I do change the default audio session, for example, change preferred sample rate to 48000, the sample buffer's timescale will change to 48000 as expected. Is this a bug or am I misunderstanding something?
You need to set the capture session's automaticallyConfiguresApplicationAudioSession to false and do your own audio session configuration before starting the capture session.
Like this:
// use audioSession.setPreferredSampleRate() to request desired sample rate
captureSession.automaticallyConfiguresApplicationAudioSession = false
try! AVAudioSession.sharedInstance().setCategory(.playAndRecord) // or just record
try! AVAudioSession.sharedInstance().setActive(true) // worked without this, but feels wrong
I'm beginner to FFMPEG API and I need to process audio sample.
I see that audio sample data stored in AVFrame->data[0], but I don't know how audio sample stored in FFMPEG AVFrame.
For example:
There are 2 channels,
frame->nb_samples = 64,
frame->linesize[0] = 256.
I don't know how audio sample data stored in frame->data[0].
The audio samples are pointed to by
and they're frame->linesize[0] bytes long
The sample_fmt of your AVCodecContext will tell you the format of the samples, which will be one of the following:
For FLT you cast the pointers to float* and for S16 you cast to int16_t*
Am running my ALSA Driver on Ubuntu 14.04, 64bit, 3.16.0-30-generic Kernel.
Hardware is proprietary hardware, hence cant give much details.
Following is the existing driver implementation:
Driver is provided sample format, sample rate, channel_count as input via module parameter. (Due to requirements need to provide inputs via module parameters)
Initial snd_pcm_hardware structure for playback path.
#define DEFAULT_PERIOD_SIZE (4096)
#define DEFAULT_NO_OF_PERIODS (1024)
static struct snd_pcm_hardware xxx_playback =
.formats = SNDRV_PCM_FMTBIT_S16_LE,
.rates = (SNDRV_PCM_RATE_8000 | \
SNDRV_PCM_RATE_16000 | \
SNDRV_PCM_RATE_48000 | \
.rate_min = 8000,
.rate_max = 96000,
.channels_min = 1,
.channels_max = 1,
.period_bytes_min = DEFAULT_PERIOD_SIZE,
.period_bytes_max = DEFAULT_PERIOD_SIZE,
.periods_min = DEFAULT_NO_OF_PERIODS,
.periods_max = DEFAULT_NO_OF_PERIODS,
Similar values for captures side snd_pcm_hardware structure.
Please, note that the following below values are replaced in playback open entry point, based on the current audio test configuration:
(user provides audio format, audio rate, ch count via module parameters as inputs to the driver, which are refilled in snd_pcm_hardware structure)
xxx_playback.formats = user_format_input
xxx_playback.rates = xxx_playback.rate_min, xxx_playback.rate_max = user_sample_rate_input
xxx_playback.channels_min = xxx_playback.channels_max = user_channel_input
Similarly values are re-filled for capture snd_pcm_hardware structure in capture open entry point.
Hardware is configured for clocks based on channel_count, format, sample_rate and driver registers successfully with ALSA layer
Found aplay/arecord working fine for channel_count = 1 or 2 or 4
During aplay/arecord, in driver when "runtime->channels" value is checked, it reflects the channel_count configured, which sounds correct to me.
Record data matches with played, since its a loop back test.
But when i use channel_count = 3, Both aplay or arecord reports
"Broken configuration for this PCM: no configurations available"!! for a wave file with channel_count '3'
ex: Playing WAVE './xxx.wav' : Signed 16 bit Little Endian, Rate 48000 Hz, Channels 3
ALSA lib pcm_params.c:2162:(snd1_pcm_hw_refine_slave) Slave PCM not usable
aplay: set_params:1204: Broken configuration for this PCM: no configurations available
With Following changes I was able to move ahead a bit:
Driver is provided channel_count '3' as input via module parameter
Modified Driver to fill snd_pcm_hardware structure as payback->channels_min = 2 & playback->channels_min = 3; Similar values for capture path
aplay/arecord reports as 'channel count not available', though the wave file in use has 3 channels
ex: aplay -D hw:CARD=xxx,DEV=0 ./xxx.wav Playing WAVE './xxx.wav' : Signed 16 bit Little Endian, Rate 48000 Hz, Channels 3
aplay: set_params:1239: Channels count non available
Tried aplay/arecord with plughw, and aplay/arecord moved ahead
arecord -D plughw:CARD=xxx,DEV=0 -d 3 -f S16_LE -r 48000 -c 3 ./xxx_rec0.wav
aplay -D plughw:CARD=xxx,DEV=0 ./xxx.wav
Recording WAVE './xxx_rec0.wav' : Signed 16 bit Little Endian, Rate 48000 Hz, Channels 3
Playing WAVE './xxx.wav' : Signed 16 bit Little Endian, Rate 48000 Hz, Channels 3
End of Test
During aplay/arecord, In driver when "runtime->channels" value is checked it returns value 2!!! But played wavefile has ch count 3...
When data in recorded file is checked its all silence
Driver is provided channel_count '3' as input via module parameter
Modified Driver to fill snd_pcm_hardware structure as playback->channels_min = 3 & playback->channels_min = 4; Similar values for capture path
aplay/arecord reports as 'channel count not available', though the wave file in use has 3 channels
Tried aplay/arecord with plughw, and aplay/arecord moved ahead
During aplay/arecord, In driver when "runtime->channels" value is checked it returns value 4!!! But played wavefile has ch count 3...
When data in recorded file is checked its all silence
So from above observations, the runtime->channels is either 2 or 4, but never 3 channels was used by alsa stack though requested. When used Plughw, alsa is converting data to run under 2 or 4 channel.
Can anyone help why am unable to use channel count 3.
Will provide more information if needed.
Thanks in Advance.
A period (and the entire buffer) must contain an integral number of frames, i.e., you cannot have partial frames.
With three channels, one frame has six bytes. The fixed period size (4096) is not divisible by six without remainder.
Thanks CL.
I used period size 4092 for this particular test case with channel count 3, and was able to do loop back successfully (without using plughw).
One last question, when I used plughw earlier, and when runtime->channels was either 2 or 4, why was the recorded data not showing?
I am trying to decode audio samples from various file formats using ffmpeg. Therefore I have started some experimenting based on the code in this discussion: How to decode audio via FFmpeg in Android . I use the latest FFMPEG release (1.0) and compile it using https://github.com/halfninja/android-ffmpeg-x264
AVFormatContext * pFormatCtx;
int lError;
if ((lError = avformat_open_input(&pFormatCtx, filename, NULL, 0))
!= 0) {
LOGE("Error open source file: %d", lError);
if ((lError = avformat_find_stream_info(pFormatCtx, 0)) < 0) {
LOGE("Error find stream information: %d (Streams: %d)", lError, pFormatCtx->nb_streams);
LOGE("audio format: %s", pFormatCtx->iformat->name);
LOGE("audio bitrate: %d", pFormatCtx->bit_rate);
audioStreamIndex = av_find_best_stream(pFormatCtx, AVMEDIA_TYPE_AUDIO,
-1, -1, &codec, 0);
//if (audioStreamIndex < 0 || audioStreamIndex >= pFormatCtx->nb_streams)
// audioStreamIndex = 0;
LOGE("Stream: %d (total: %d)", audioStreamIndex, pFormatCtx->nb_streams);
LOGE("audio codec: %s", codec->name);
FFMPEG is compiled using enable-decoder=mp1/mp2/mp3/ogg/vorbis/wav/aac/theora and without any external libraries (e.g. libmp3lame, libtheora, etc.)
Opening of mp3 and wav files works without problems producing the following output for instance for mp3:
audio format: mp3
audio bitrate: 256121
stream: 0 (total: 1)
audio codec: mp3
But when I try to open an ogg file I get this:
Error find stream information: -1 (Streams: 1)
When I manually set audioStreamIndex=0 and comment out the return statement:
Error find stream information: -1 (Streams: 1)
audio format: mp3
audio bitrate: 0
stream: 0 (total: 1)
audio codec: mp3
For m4a (AAC) I get this:
audio format: mp3
audio bitrate: 288000
stream: 0 (total: 1)
audio codec: mp1
but later it fails in avcodec_decode_audio3.
I also tried to manually force a format without success:
AVInputFormat *pForceFormat= av_find_input_format("ogg");
if ((lError = avformat_open_input(&pFormatCtx, filename, pForceFormat, 0))
// continue
Is there something wrong with the loading code which makes it only work with mp3 and wav and fails for other formats?
The problem was a missing demuxer.