Meteor Performance Issue - node.js

So I have a Meteor application that is working fine on my local machine, but when I deploy to production is has terrible delays resulting in terrible performance.
Currently it talks to two services - a data processing service and mongodb. As well as the client of course.
I'm using Meteor 7.1.2, so I know it's using capped collections and op-log tailing.
I've optimized my code in every way possible but its still slow in the following ways:
Slow to load
Intermittent (bad) delays when sending requests to the data processing server.
Any suggestions would be VERY appreciated , as i've just about had it with Meteor and thinking about switching to bare-bones express and building on that.

Can you please try to use Kadira?
It will show you what's really happening.
Disclaimer: I maintain Kadira.


How do I make NodeJS applications scalable

I am designing a chat application in NodeJS using express, mongo db, socket io. What points should I keep in focus while designing the architecture for this application. The target audience for this app is going to be more then 50K users concurrently using it.
I have previously in my career designed apps that were used by 2k end users at max. But this is something new for me. I did a lot of research on it and came up with the following points.
1- Start using queuing services like RabbitMQ
2- Increase your server space/ram as the usage increases.
Can someone please point me in the write direction a book on NodeJS architecture patterns and scalability. A guide, a walk through any sort of help is highly appreciated.
Here some tips:
You should take a look at the Cluster module you can also use wrk for HTTP benchmark.
Make sure you use caching.
If you are using Docker you should use the swarm mode.
Use Amazon Elastic

How to host nodejs application with

I have build an chat application using nodejs with mysql database. I have developed on my windows system and it works fine.
Now I want to make it live on a server to check its real time performance, As a beginner I don't know which server hosting should I choose to develop nodejs application, so someone please suggest me a hosting for nodejs application?
If you want something relatively easy to test on, Heroku will provide you with a free instance.
I can also recommend Azure over Amazon for a simple nodejs based app. The main reason is that Azure has a very simplified interface for deploying node apps after a little bit of minor setup. Amazon offers similar capabilities, but the last time I looked at them they aren't quite as simple to get up and running. Again, they're competitive in cost and reliability, this is just a subjective opinion on what I think will be easier for a dev to get up and running without prior experience.
I use Dokku, an open source solution for a Heroku like PaaS. Either of those are great for doing git style deployments. Heroku has better documentation, and doesn't require your own server so I would start with them.

Nodejs API code coverage based on actual production traffic

I'm working on a quite large nodejs code base which have been refactored and migrated from legacy to new service version several times and I highly suspect that some code is not used any more.
This dead code is still well tested, but I would like to get rid of it.
I had the idea to run 1 API server using Istanbul, put in in the production pool for some time (few minutes/hours/days) and see what code is actually useful (and identify probable dead code).
According to its documentation, Istanbul cover can handle long-lived processes, so this seems not to be an issue.
My concern is about memory overhead and potential slowness due to the instrumentation of the code, and more globally any thoughts, feedback and recommandation about getting code coverage based on real traffic would be very helpful.
Your best bet to do what you want would be to run your app on
SmartOS, OmniOS or some other illumos/OpenSolaris distro and use DTrace.

meteor for very fast data

I just started with Meteor app development and have a use case which I am not sure is good for meteor.
We have a java application that pushes data to redis at a very fast rate (data updates in less than 50 milliseconds) and we are building a web application (on NodeJS) which connects to this redis instance and sends the data to the client. For now (with native NodeJS app), we are sending data only twice a second (as we do not require such fast updates).
My question is, how can I achieve the same with Meteor? As we know Meteor has live-query which will tend to send data as soon as it changes, but this is not optimum for us. Is there a way to tune live-query to send data say only after a certain time?
I think you are looking for ways to throttle meteors calls. This could be done with this library.
This issue has been also discussed here. Reading up on it I think they still haven't implemented it in core. This would make sense since there are no out-of-the-box throttling mechanisms in node or iojs.
Hope this was helpful.

Run client code on nodejs

I am developing a chat application using the nodejs/ on the server side
Now, it is time to test how scalable it is
so, i think i can simulate a large number of clients effectively using nodejs also , but running the client code this time
the question is, How can i run the client library on nodejs? is this possible?
if so, can anyone please provide a simple example
my code is running fine on the browser, with the usual development load, the issue is not about the code is running or not, actually i am not planning to run the same client code, just openning a large number of connections , and sending thousands of messages to have a preliminary figure about scalability and resource consumption
also, any suggestion on testing server scalability will be appreciated
thanks a lot
What you're looking for isn't going to really be helpful. Even if you could simulate client-side in a node process, it wouldn't have the same dynamic properties as actual access from browsers. You'd be able to determine things like the maximum number of connections you could handle without running out of resources, but your general performance metrics would be pretty artificial and not generalizable.
