SP.Ribbon.WebPartComponent.getWebPartAdder() returns undefined - sharepoint

I am using the source at http://blog.symprogress.com/2010/11/ribbon-insert-any-web-part-using-javascript/ to handle user web part button click event.
The function 'addWebPart()' calls a function 'SP.Ribbon.WebPartComponent.getWebPartAdder()' which is supposed to return adder instance but sometimes it returns undefined.
If I add a while loop to wait for the instance value to return correctly, the browser in my VM stalls for some time. When an instance is returned, the browser becomes responsive again. This only happens in some instances.
I am using SharePoint 2013 and the section of code I am referring to is:
addWebPart = function (wpCategory, wpTitle) {
var webPartAdder = SP.Ribbon.WebPartComponent.getWebPartAdder();
while (webPartAdder == undefined)
webPartAdder = SP.Ribbon.WebPartComponent.getWebPartAdder();
// ... Other stuff ...
How can this issue be resolved?

For anyone looking for an answer to this question, turns out you have to call 'LoadWPAdderOnDemand()' function then wait for the event '_spEventWebPartAdderReady'. Then query for 'window.WPAdder':
addWebPartDelayed = function (webPartAdder, wpCategory, wpTitle) {
var webPart = findWebPart(webPartAdder, wpCategory, wpTitle);
if (webPart) {
var zone = WPAdder._zones[0];
var wpid = WPAdder._createWebpartPlaceholderInRte();
WPAdder.addItemToPageByItemIdAndZoneId(webPart.id, zone.id, 0, wpid);
alert('ERROR: Web part not found! Please try again after sometime.');
addWebPart = function (wpCategory, wpTitle) {
var webPartAdder = window.WPAdder;
if (webPartAdder == undefined) {
function () {
var webPartAdder = window.WPAdder;
addWebPartDelayed(webPartAdder, wpCategory, wpTitle);
addWebPartDelayed(webPartAdder, wpCategory, wpTitle);


Chrome Plugin Manifest V3 - strange behavior of a promise function in popup.js

I'm trying to create a small plugin to make my day-to-day job easier. I have faced a very strange situation within the popup.js script. The promise function randomly refuses to get executed. I have spent some hours trying to debug or at least understand where the issue could be but without any results.
Here is the skeleton of the code:
document.addEventListener('DOMContentLoaded', function () {
// some initialization
document.getElementById("signinbutton").addEventListener("click", function(event) {
try {
// some more initialization
var user_email = '';
var advertiserId = '';
var checkibm = '';
user_email = $('#emailfield').val().trim();
advertiserId = $('#advertiseridfield').val().trim();
checkibm = $('#checkibm').is(':checked');
if (advertiserId && checkibm) {
_act = 'getTokenIdByAdvId',
_data = advertiserId
else if (advertiserId && !checkibm) {
_act = 'getTokenIdByAdvId',
_data = advertiserId
else if (user_email && validateEmail(user_email))
_act = 'getTokenIdByEmail',
_data = user_email
throw new Error("Valid input has not been provided");
act : 'getTokenIdByAdvId',
data: '16910'//encodeURIComponent(user_email)
catch (error){
//doing some error catching here
The code above works perfectly. However, as soon as I fill in the real values in sendMessagePromise e.g
//_act and _data show the proper values when inspected
act : _act,
data: _data//encodeURIComponent(user_email)
the flow skips execution of sendMessagePromise and any other chained function, except the last one ".then(show_ok('Done'))", i.e the only result is the "Done" message on the screen.
I made sure the values are correct. I'm able to debug step-by-step and see the values being properly supplied. I have also put a bunch of console messages inside the chain promise functions to see where the execution gets stuck, but it seems like it doesn't even start executing sendMessagePromise.
As soon as I replace expression back to hardcoded values i.e
act : 'getTokenIdByAdvId',
data: '16910'//encodeURIComponent(user_email)
it starts working again. I'm really stuck and not sure how to debug or which steps to take further.
Please assist

Can i build an event object myself in Google Script App?

I bought a 3rd party google app script to use. However, it can only be called with onEdit method and their codes are private that i cannot make change. Also, what i need is based on time-trigger instead of onEdit-trigger. Thus, I tried to build my own event to trigger the function:
// This function work well and can call the 3rd Party App Script
// It is triggered by onEdit googlesheet, which works well
function funcOnEdit(e) {
// Below is the jsontostring result of the event e
// {authMode:"FULL",oldValue:"false",range:{columnEnd:6,columnStart:6,rowEnd:3,rowStart:3},source:{},triggerUid:"xxx",user:{email:"xxxx#gmail.com",nickname:"xxxx"},value:"TRUE"}
So I build a similar event object which triggered by time to make it happened.
function funcOnTimeTrigger(e) {
var e1 = {authMode:"FULL",oldValue:"false",range:{columnEnd:6,columnStart:6,rowEnd:3,rowStart:3},source:{},triggerUid:"xxx",user:{email:"xxxx#gmail.com",nickname:"xxxx"},value:"TRUE"};
e1.triggerUid = e.triggerUid;
Unfortunately, I cannot find any document and reference code to build an "onEdit" event. Thats why, I tried find the object/class myself.
function getObjType(obj) {
var type = typeof(obj);
if (type === "object") {
try {
// Try a dummy method, catch the error
type = obj.getObjTypeXYZZY();
} catch (error) {
// Should be a TypeError - parse the object type from error message
// type = error.message.split(" object ")[1].replace('.','');
type = error.message;
return type;
// Below function is triggered by onEdit
function funcOnEdit_checker(e) {
// Unfortunately, it cannot show the object name or classname
I have no idea what to do next, may i know if it is possible to build an event class/object ourselves in Google Script App? Can anyone give some hints on how to do so? or it is not possible?
I want to create the event-obj "developers.google.com/apps-script/guides/triggers/events" manually and pass the event "e" to 3rdPartyApp.funcOnEdit function. Is it possible to do so?
Thanks #Cooper idea, who share same thought as me.
And finally I found the result # Explain purpose of `e` event parameter in onEdit
Below is my answer (not yet optimized but work):
function funcOnTimeTrigger(e) {
var e2 = {}
e2["authMode"] = ScriptApp.AuthMode.FULL
e2['user'] = "me";
e2['range'] = SpreadsheetApp.getActive().getSheetByName("XXXXXX").getRange(5,3).activate();
e2.range.columnStart = 5;
e2.range.columnEnd = 5;
e2.range.rowStart = 3;
e2.range.rowEnd = 3;
e2['source'] = SpreadsheetApp.getActive();
e2['oldValue'] = "old";
e2['value'] = "new";
// Run The Program

How can I call addTelemetryInitializer when using the latest Javascript snippet?

I am trying to customise the name attribute for pageview events
This has previously been asked, for example How to provide custom names for page view events in Azure App Insights?
but this and all other solutions I've found (and the Microsoft documentation too) are working with an old version of the javascript snippet, of the form
window.appInsights = appInsights;
// …
The current snippet from the portal is very different though
var sdkInstance="appInsightsSDK";window[sdkInstance]="appInsights";var // ...
}); window[aiName] = aisdk,aisdk.queue && aisdk.queue.length ===0 && aisdk.trackPageView({});
I've tried this sort of thing
var sdkInstance="appInsightsSDK";window[sdkInstance]="appInsights";var aiName=window[sdkInstance],aisdk=window[aiName]||function(e){function n(e){t[e]=function(){var n=arguments;t.queue.push(function(){t[e].apply(t,n)})}}var t={config:e};t.initialize=!0;var i=document,a=window;setTimeout(function(){var n=i.createElement("script");n.src=e.url||"https://az416426.vo.msecnd.net/scripts/b/ai.2.min.js",i.getElementsByTagName("script")[0].parentNode.appendChild(n)});try{t.cookie=i.cookie}catch(e){}t.queue=[],t.version=2;for(var r=["Event","PageView","Exception","Trace","DependencyData","Metric","PageViewPerformance"];r.length;)n("track"+r.pop());n("startTrackPage"),n("stopTrackPage");var s="Track"+r[0];if(n("start"+s),n("stop"+s),n("setAuthenticatedUserContext"),n("clearAuthenticatedUserContext"),n("flush"),!(!0===e.disableExceptionTracking||e.extensionConfig&&e.extensionConfig.ApplicationInsightsAnalytics&&!0===e.extensionConfig.ApplicationInsightsAnalytics.disableExceptionTracking)){n("_"+(r="onerror"));var o=a[r];a[r]=function(e,n,i,a,s){var c=o&&o(e,n,i,a,s);return!0!==c&&t["_"+r]({message:e,url:n,lineNumber:i,columnNumber:a,error:s}),c},e.autoExceptionInstrumented=!0}return t}(
}); window[aiName] = aisdk;
if (aisdk.queue && 0 !== aisdk.queue.length) {
function adjustPageName(item) {
var name = item.name.replace("AppName", "");
if (name.indexOf("Order") !== -1)
return "Order";
if (name.indexOf("Product") !== -1)
return "Shop";
// And so on...
return name;
// Add telemetry initializer
aisdk.queue.push(function () {
aisdk.context.addTelemetryInitializer(function (envelope) {
var telemetryItem = envelope.data.baseData;
// To check the telemetry item’s type:
if (envelope.name === Microsoft.ApplicationInsights.Telemetry.PageView.envelopeType || envelope.name === Microsoft.ApplicationInsights.Telemetry.PageViewPerformance.envelopeType) {
// Do not track admin pages
if (telemetryItem.name.indexOf("Admin") !== -1)
return false;
telemetryItem.name = adjustPageName(telemetryItem);
But it doesn't work (no errors, but no effect on the telemetry either)
Has anyone managed to get anything like this working using the new snippet?
Please try the code below, I can add a custom property by using the latest javascript code snippet:
var sdkInstance="appInsightsSDK";window[sdkInstance]="appInsights";var aiName=window[sdkInstance],aisdk=window[aiName]||function(e){function n(e) { t[e] = function () { var n = arguments; t.queue.push(function () { t[e].apply(t, n) }) } }var t={config: e};t.initialize=!0;var i=document,a=window;setTimeout(function(){var n=i.createElement("script");n.src=e.url||"https://az416426.vo.msecnd.net/scripts/b/ai.2.min.js",i.getElementsByTagName("script")[0].parentNode.appendChild(n)});try{t.cookie = i.cookie}catch(e){}t.queue=[],t.version=2;for(var r=["Event","PageView","Exception","Trace","DependencyData","Metric","PageViewPerformance"];r.length;)n("track"+r.pop());n("startTrackPage"),n("stopTrackPage");var s="Track"+r[0];if(n("start"+s),n("stop"+s),n("setAuthenticatedUserContext"),n("clearAuthenticatedUserContext"),n("flush"),!(!0===e.disableExceptionTracking||e.extensionConfig&&e.extensionConfig.ApplicationInsightsAnalytics&&!0===e.extensionConfig.ApplicationInsightsAnalytics.disableExceptionTracking)){n("_" + (r = "onerror")); var o=a[r];a[r]=function(e,n,i,a,s){var c=o&&o(e,n,i,a,s);return!0!==c&&t["_"+r]({message: e,url:n,lineNumber:i,columnNumber:a,error:s}),c},e.autoExceptionInstrumented=!0}return t}(
instrumentationKey: "xxxxxxxxxx"
); window[aiName] = aisdk, aisdk.queue && 0 === aisdk.queue.length;
// Add telemetry initializer
aisdk.queue.push(function () {
var telemetryInitializer = (envelope) => {
//Add a custom property
envelope.data.name = 'This item passed through my telemetry initializer';
Then in azure portal, the custom property is added:

Node.js while loop return deffered result

What I'm trying to do is this, I have 2 users an attacker and a defender. I want the call hit() function until one of the runs out of Health, hit() should be called on turns, first attacker, then defender, then attacker and so on until one reaches 0 hp.
My idea was to do it with a while loop, with current code all I get is the console.log from hit(), an infinite loop. The data from hit() is returned correctly if it's not inside a loop ... I could simply just work in the while loop and not use the hit function but it would mean repeating a lot of code, since there will be a few things to consider before a hit actually happens.
If you have an alternative to the while loop I'm open to ideas, also I should mention I'm new at node so keep it as simple as possible please. Thank you.
This is the relevant part of the code:
var prepareAttack = function(attacker,defender) {
connectdb().done(function(connection) {
query(connection,'SELECT * FROM members WHERE name = ?', attacker).done(function(result) {
var attackerData = result[0][0]
query(connection,'SELECT * FROM members WHERE name = ?', defender).done(function(result) {
var defenderData = result[0][0]
var attackerHp = attackerData.hp
var defenderHp = defenderData.hp
while(attackerHp > 0 && defenderHp > 0) {
defenderHp = result;
hit(defenderData, attackerData).done(function(result) {
attackerHp = result;
var hit = function (attackerData, defenderData) { // simplified code just relevant parts inside.
var defer = Q.defer()
var newHp = 0;
return defer.promise

Node.js EventEmitter - bad things are happening

I've been trying to resolve a bug in a nodejs application, and have narrowed it down to the way I've implemented event emitters. The application is an express.js app, has uses classes. There's some critical aspect of NodeJS that I must be missing, around memory usage and class / object lifecycles. I was hoping someone could point out why what I'm doing is not working as expected.
Here's the code:
// ServiceWrapper.js:
var events = require('events');
var ServiceClient = function(opts) {
this.foobar = "";
this.opts = opts;
this.hasFoo = false, this.hasBar = false;
ServiceClient.prototype = new events.EventEmitter();
ServiceClient.prototype.getFoo = function() {
var self = this;
self.hasFoo = true;
self.foobar += "foo";
ServiceClient.prototype.getBar = function() {
var self = this;
self.hasBar = true;
self.foobar += "bar";
var ServiceWrapper = function(){}
ServiceWrapper.prototype.getResponse = function(options, callback) {
var servClient = new ServiceClient({});
servClient.on('done', function(what) {
if (servClient.hasFoo && servClient.hasBar) {
console.log("foo && bar")
else {
console.log("Don't have everything: " + servClient.foobar);
module.exports = ServiceWrapper
And then in my express app:
var ServiceWrapper = require('ServiceWrapper');
app.get('/serviceReponse', function(req,res) {
var servWrapper = new ServiceWrapper();
servWrapper.getResponse(function(ret) {
The behaviour on the web app works as expected: response is set to "foobar". However, looking at the logs, it looks like there's a memory leak - multiple instances of servWrapper. After starting the application, the first request generates:
Don't have everything: foo
foo && bar
However, if I refresh the page, I see this:
foo && bar
Don't have everything: foo
foo && bar
foo && bar
And with every refresh, the listener detects multiple 'done' events - foo && bar outputs keeps growing (assuming there's more and more instances of ServiceWrapper that persist in memory).
Why does this happen? (I expect to see the output that I get on the first request from every request).
Thanks to the guys on #node.js on freenode for assisting with this:
sure, but every time you attach listeners, you're attaching them to the same emitter
since you didn't localize the prototype's state to your instance, the prototype methods act upon the state of the prototype object.
I believe you can fix it by simply doing EventEmitter.call(this) in the constructor
See the following link for more info:
