fmem compile error with make - linux

I am a beginner in the Linux world and I'm trying to figure out how to run the make command. I'm trying to make use of fmem (memory dump tool), and it is said that "make" must be run from a terminal in the folder.
However I get this:
root#bakie:/root/Desktop/fmem/fmem_1.6-0# make
rm -f *.o *.ko *.mod.c Module.symvers Module.markers modules.order \.*.o.cmd \.*.ko.cmd \.*.o.d
rm -rf \.tmp_versions
make -C /lib/modules/`uname -r`/build SUBDIRS=`pwd` modules
make: *** /lib/modules/3.10-3-686-pae/build: No such file or directory. Stop.
make: *** [fmem] Error 2
I used Debian (Kali ) 3.10-3-686-pae
How can i solved this error to compile ?

fmem is a module that get inserted into the kernel and through which you can access the /dev/fmem (substitute for /dev/mem which was discountinued from linux kernel 2.6 for security reasons).
Like any other kernel driver module, to compile it, you need to have the kernel headers which seem to be missing on your linux. See this link on how to install kernel headers. Once you have the kernel headers, it should compile fine.

make command works if your current directory contains Makefile named file


Linux kernel compile error

I cloned the kernel sources from Linus's github, I made a little modification to the usbhid driver (thats compiles fine as a module, no errors), but if I try to build the whole kernel, I get this error:
AR drivers/gpu/drm/built-in.o
AR drivers/gpu/built-in.o
Makefile:1023: recipe for target 'drivers' failed
make: *** [drivers] Error 2
And thats all nothing specific. What could be the problem?
UPDATE: 9-15-18 This issue is resolved.. The kernel will now compile with the commands I have given below.
Same issue here. 4.19.0-rc3 will not compile on the Threadripper 2990WX. BTW, I am currently running 4.19.0-rc2 with no issues.
These are the commands I used. Please note, I also tried without the LD static flag.
wget && tar -xzf linux-4.19-rc3.tar.gz && cd linux-4.19-rc3 && make -j 64 clean && make -j 64 mrproper && zcat /proc/config.gz >> ./.config && LDFLAGS=--static make -j 64
The issue is in your config file. I have faced the same issue before and and appears to be due to a missing CONFIG option in the .config file generated through make menuconfig.
You need to add these two CONFIG options in your .config file:
In some platforms, the GPU uses firmware that needs to be built-in by stitching it with kernel. This firmware is placed in the directory path provided by CONFIG_EXTRA_FIRMWARE option while building the kernel. And unless we don't provide CONFIG_EXTRA_FIRMWARE_DIR path to tell the kernel where to pick this firmware from, the above build failure occurs.

Arch Linux: make - no such file or directory

I have a problem by compiling a driver (WLAN-dongle Edimax ac600).
I´m using an Archlinux on my raspberry-pi and want to install my dongle for 5Ghz. During comiling the driver I get this message. I tried to install the linux-headers without success. (in other threads it will be a solution)
Here is my output of make:
[root#raspberry_pi_1 rtl8812AU]# make make ARCH=arm CROSS_COMPILE= -C
/lib/modules/4.9.43-1-ARCH/build M=/root/rtl8812AU modules make[1]:
*** /lib/modules/4.9.43-1-ARCH/build: No such file or directory. Stop. make: *** [Makefile:1576: modules] Error 2
I found out that my pi has a two-arch...-directories:
Only the second one has the build directory...
How can I fix the problem?!
thanks a lot,
a Linux noob...
[Reputation is too low to post comment]
Use uname -r to make sure which version of the kernel you use.
If it's 4.9.43 : you have newer version of the kernel and this confuse your installer. You should reboot on the 51 one
If it's 4.9.51 : You messed up your installation step and are trying to compile for an old target. You should review the compilation process and change every mention of the 4.9.43 to 4.9.51 since it's the version you use.
If you upgrade your kernel, you may have to rebuild the thing again (You may like to have script in the future ;) ) with the new kernel version.

Intel Galileo adding kernel header files to the cross compile toolchain

im on BSP v1.1
yocto is 1.6
I'm trying to set up the cross compile toolchain to compile character driver code
but the output i get is
[mark#localhost ~]$ ${CC} first.c -o first
first.c:1:24: fatal error: linux/init.h: No such file or directory
^ compilation terminated.
I think the issue is that
the header is not in the toolchain
there is no at this location
I think something has to be added as IMAGE_INSTALL or IMAGE_FEATURE but i dont know what
am I on the right track ?
does anyone know what i have to add ?
or am i completely off tracks altogether?
Well, first and foremost, you can never build a kernel module by just running ${CC} on it. You should always use a Makefile, which redirects most of its work to the kernel source Makefil.
Create a Makefile for you module, consisting of something similar to:
obj-m += hello-1.o
make -C $(KERNEL_SRC M=$(PWD) modules
make -C $(KERNEL_SRC) M=$(PWD) clean
Example taken from The Linux Kernel Module Programming Guide (Note that the actual commands needs to have a tab character for indentation).
Then you'll have to define KERNEL_SRC to be /opt/iot-devkit/1.6.1/sysroots/i586-poky-linux/usr/src/kernel/, either in the Makefile, or from your make call. (Using a variable like KERNEL_SRC will ensure that your module recipe automatically picks the right location when building using bitbake).
To manually build your kernel module:
Source the environment-* file for your SDK.
Go to you modules directory.
KERNEL_SRC=/opt/iot-devkit/1.6.1/sysroots/i586-poky-linux/usr/src/kernel LDFLAGS="" make
However, this will fail, as fixdep can't be found. We'll fix this manually.
cd /opt/iot-devkit/1.6.1/sysroots/i586-poky-linux/usr/src/kernel
make silentoldconfig scripts
Go back to your modules directory.
KERNEL_SRC=/opt/iot-devkit/1.6.1/sysroots/i586-poky-linux/usr/src/kernel LDFLAGS="" make
This should now produce hello.ko which you should be able to insmod on the Galileo board.

How to install Kernel Modules from Source Code. Error while make process

I want to install the kernel modules to lib/modules/ . Actually there has to be created a folder in lib/modules/(uname-r) after doing make modules , but there are only created 3 folders called "build", "kernel" and "source". I also get an error after make modules:
DEPMOD 3.4.79
WARNING: COULDN't open directory /lib/modules/3.4.79: No such file or direcoty
FATAL: Could not open /lib/modules/3.4.79/modules.dep.temp for writing: No suhc file or directory
make: *** [_modinst_post] Error 1
Indeed there is no directory called that, but how can I add it?
Did you try \"make modules_install\"?
to install modules
make modules_install
to install kernel
make install
Out-of-tree modules
For the benefit of future Googlers, this is what Buildroot 2018.05 does to install out-of-tree modules for LInux v4.19:
cd linux_kernel_source
mkdir -p /build/dir/default/x86_64/target/lib/modules/4.19.0/extra
/usr/bin/make -f ./scripts/Makefile.modinst
mkdir -p /build/dir/default/x86_64/target/lib/modules/4.19.0/extra
cp /build/dir/default/x86_64/build/kernel_modules-1.0/./buildroot_dep.ko /build/dir/default/x86_64/target/lib/modules/4.19.0/extra
/build/dir/default/x86_64/host/bin/x86_64-buildroot-linux-uclibc-strip --strip-debug /build/dir/default/x86_64/target/lib/modules/4.19.0/extra/buildroot_dep.ko
/bin/bash ./scripts/ /build/dir/default/x86_64/host/sbin/depmod 4.19.0
So we can see that it uses the ./scripts/Makefile.modinst and ./scripts/ in tree scripts, plus some ugly manual copying of the modules.
Found by building a package that contains kernel modules with V=1 and kernel_modules_package_name-reconfigure and simplifying the output commands, works every time :-).
The only missing question is how depmod was obtained, so we do another verbose build with host-kmod-reconfigure, and basically obtain:
where the source is obtained from:
In tree modules are installed with make modules_install as mentioned at: How to install Kernel Modules from Source Code. Error while make process

building /lib/modules/$(uname -r)/build while compiling a kernel

I am cross-compiling 3.4.0 kernel for an embedded device. Then I would like to install compat-wireless drivers which require /lib/modules/3.4/build directory and sub-files. Could anyone explain how can I build that directory so that when I do INSTALL_MOD_PATH=newmodules make modules_install it would load /lib/modules/$(uname -r)/build directory as well? I would appreciate for a clear explanation.
I am using debian distro. I know I can install the kernel headers by apt-get install linux-headers-$(uname -r), but I doubt it would be a good idea since the kernel sources might not be identical.
Typically /lib/modules/$(uname -r)/build is a soft-link to the directory where performed the build. So the way to do this is to simply do a
make modules_install INSTALL_MOD_PATH=/some/root/
in the build directory of the kernel where /some/root is where you want your cross compile pieces to end up. This will create a link to your kernel build path in /some/root/lib/modules/$(uname -r) ... verify that.
Now when you build the compat_wireless drivers specify the kernel build directory in the Makefile as /some/root using the KLIB_BUILD variable (read the Makefile)
make modules KLIB_BUILD=/some/root/lib/modules/$(uname -r)/build
this should do the trick for you.
In answer to your comment below:
Keep "newmodules" outside the kernel directory it's a bad idea to put it in the kernel directory. so mkdir newmodules somewhere like /home/foo or /tmp or something. This is one of the reasons your build link is screwed up
ALSO .../build is a soft link /to/kernel/build/location it will only copy over as a soft-link. You also need to copy over the actual kernel source / kernel build directory to your microSD, using the same relative location. For example,
Let's say your kernel source is in:
Your kernel build directory is:
Your newmodules (after following 1.) is in:
So under /tmp/newmodules/ you see the modules installed in a tree like:
lib/modules/$(uname -r)/
when you do an ls -al in this directory, you'll see that build is a soft link to:
build -> /usr/src/linux-3.5.0-build/
Now let's say your microSD is mounted under /mnt/microSD
then you need to do the following
mkdir -p /mnt/microSD/usr/src
cp -a /usr/src/linux-3.5.0 /usr/src/linux-3.5.0-build /mnt/microSD/usr/src
cp -a /tmp/newmodules/lib /mnt/microSD/lib
Now you have all the content you need to bring over to your embedded environment. I take it you are doing the compat_wireless build on your target system rather than cross compiling it?
If your kernel build is the same as the kernel source then just copy over the kernel source and ignore the linux-3.5.0-build in copy instructions above
This is old, but some people will need this information.
I have spent many hours to figure out where build folder comes from, and why it is just a link when I compile my own kernel. Finally figured it out;
Linux kernel usually just links the build and source folders to the source folder.
Arch linux (probably some other distros too); has a manual script for deleting those links, and adding (filtered) files to build folder.
I've extracted that script to work standalone (in a kernel source tree) here:
