how to open system date, sound, display properties in linux? - linux

I know there are APIs in windows like "desk.cpl", "timedate.cpl" , "sndvol".
I use these in system command to open from a SLOT.
I want to know about these alternatives for Linux.
Please help me is there any command to open these 3 from terminal I only want to show this.

Execute following command in terminal
gnome-control-center display
gnome-control-center datetime
gnome-control-center sound

As a Linux user I do not know what those MS-Windows "things" you mention actually do and you appear to take that for granted. So I have to guess here:
to get the current system time on shell level you can use date. See the man page for details: man date.
for the current volume setting, not easy to answer, since Linux is a very modular system. Most likely you could ask DBus about that, but this really depends on what desktop environment and what sound system you use. You might try amixer get PCM|tail -n1|sed -r 's/.*\[(.*)%\].*/\1/', but as said that really depends...
No idea what "desk.cpl" does, so I cannot say anything about this "thing".


Persistent prompt in Linux (not just shell)

I spent several decades using Digital Equipment Corporation's VMS operating system, and one of the things I really miss is the terminal driver's 'read-with-prompt' functionality.
It would display the prompt and position the cursor for input, as you'd expect, but the prompt was immune to things like CTRL/U, CTRL/R, and CTRL/W. It was an attribute of the read operation, and every time the terminal driver was ready to read from the terminal with this option, it would show the prompt. The user couldn't erase it, so if it went off the screen he'd still know what was being requested.
This is one of the few things that I think VMS did better than U*X -- unless there's a Linuxish way of doing this.
So far I've never found it, but maybe I'm just not looking in the right place.
Is there a way on Linux to read from a tty with a persistent prompt?

where to look for previously executed commands

I want to understand how up/down arrow keys help to navigate through previously executed commands. which memory it access to get last executed command?
Currently i am working on unix similar Machine "Stratus VOS" where i can see only last 1 executed command and that too with F10 key.
I want to create a script/tool which can help to me to get at least last 10-15 executed commands to save my time during development work.
what i noticed so far on Stratus Machine:
1: fc command doesn't work.
2. no HISTFILE is maintained. no history command works.
what i thought to implement:
find which memory in system holds last executed command, access that memory(whenever Enter key is pressed ) and keep writing in file.
am i on right track? is there any better solution for this?
I would suggest that while possible your solution is possibly overcomplex and likely to be difficult and possibly unreliable. I would instead consider using the Stratus VOS GNU tools package which includes a full GNU Bash shell with all the features you expect including the command history support.
A little documentation on GNU tools for Stratus VOS appears to be available here though I would suggest contacting your vendor for more information or support.

Getting screen brightness in a Linux kernel module

I'm trying to get current screen brightness in my Linux kernel module. However, I don't know how can I access the brightness variable, though easily get it in an user-space application using the sysfs interface.
Please let me know a clue about this problem.
Thank you.
Usually modern Desktops (GNOME/XFCE4/KDE) provide utilities to change the brightness but answering your question you should look on your /sys/class directory for it. HINT: look for backlight you will find one driver which provides you that functionality.
In my case it is samsung-laptop module and intel.
For me
$ cat actual_brightness
This worked to get the actual brightness.You might want to go to /sys/class/backlight and try to ls to see whats in store.
You can change directory to /sys/class/backlight/acpi_video0 and then open actual_brightness file.
cd /sys/class/backlight/acpi_video0
cat actual_brightness

Detect Fast User Switch Linux

I'm currently attempting to detect when a user has fast-user-switched to another user on the Linux platform (specifically, Fedora 14-16, RedHat 4.7-6.x, CentOS 4-6, OpenSuse 10-11). I've been looking for something similar to the WTSRegisterSessionNotification() function that is available on Windows, but all I've come across is a bunch of references to bugs in the Wine software.
Has anyone else run across this snag? There seems to be a ton of resources on how to do this on Windows and Mac OS X (which is fine), but on Linux there seems to be nothing...
Apparently, on newer systems (at least Fedora 16) this may appear to be a viable option. I wonder if it has a DBus interface...More to come soon!
First of all, I need to tell you I'm not an expert in this area, but I have enough knowledge to give you pointers to places where you may go and learn more. So I may be wrong in some ways.
My guess is:
this is not easy
for most methods you may implement there are probably many ways to trick them into believing something that's not true, which may lead to security problems
your method may depend on the:
chosen Linux Distribution
version of the Distribution
Desktop Environment
Display Manager
As far as I know (and I may be wrong if something changed during the last years), fast user switching is implemented by launching another X server on another VT. So one way would be to detect if there are multiple X servers running.
But there are many cases where there multiple X servers running and it's not because of fast user switching. Examples: Multiseat or even simple Xephyr logins. With Xephyr and XDMCP, you may even have the same user logged in twice in a non-fast-user-switching case.
I started googling about this and found this old web page:
If things haven't changed since then, you should study ConsoleKit and PolicyKit (and also DeviceKit and maybe Systemd today) and their DBus APIs.
There are also the commands ck-list-sessions and ck-launch-session. But I believe you can fool these commands easily: try to ck-launch-session xterm and then ck-list-session.
Why exactly are you trying to detect fast user switching? What's your ultimate goal? Maybe you can solve your problem without trying to detect fast user switch...
Well it appears that the most useful way of getting at this information is to use the ConsoleKit DBus interface.
The following procedure outlines how to enumerate the sessions and determine if they are active or not:
1.) Enumerate the sessions using the following:
Bus: org.freedesktop.ConsoleKit
Path: /org/freedesktop/ConsoleKit/Manager
Method: org.freedesktop.ConsoleKit.Manager.GetSessions
What is returned is an array of object paths that export the Session interface. These, in turn, can be queried using DBus to get their appropriate properties. For example, I used dbus-send to communicate with ConsoleKit to enumerate the sessions in my system:
dbus-send --system --print-reply --dest=org.freedesktop.ConsoleKit /org/freedesktop/ConsoleKit/Manager org.freedesktop.ConsoleKit.Manager.GetSessions
And what I received in return was the following:
method return sender=:1.15 -> dest=:1.205 reply_serial=2
array [
object path "/org/freedesktop/ConsoleKit/Session2"
2.) Using the returned object path(s), I can query them for their attributes, such as if they are active or not using the following:
Bus: org.freedesktop.ConsoleKit
Path: /org/freedesktop/ConsoleKit/Session2
Method: org.freedesktop.ConsoleKit.Session.IsActive
Depending on the method, I can query what I need from the session(s)! Using the ConsoleKit interface I can also retrieve the identifier for the current session, so I can always query it to see if it's active when I need to. Just for fun, here's the output of the following command:
dbus-send --system --print-reply --dest=org.freedesktop.ConsoleKit /org/freedesktop/ConsoleKit/Session2 org.freedesktop.ConsoleKit.Session.IsActive
method return sender=:1.15 -> dest=:1.206 reply_serial=2
boolean true
You have to do it by polling to be sure of working on all machines (you obviously don't have to have DBus running to do user switching!).
Solaris, HP-UX, and others, do not do user switching on the console.
Platforms to support: linux, FreeBSD, AIX. Linux/BSD use virtual terminals; AIX uses /dev/lft0 if you're interested.
Suppose you want to reliably and securely run a application on the console, and restart it on the new active X server when the console switches to another VT. The problems are that you may or may not have a desktop environment running (some of us use twm!). The session may not have been started via a login manager (you could do Ctrl-Alt-F2 on linux, login, and run startx quite happily). The system might not even have xdm/gdm/similar installed.
The dumb solution is the only reliable one: every few seconds, query what the active virtual terminal is (VT_GETSTATE on linux, VT_GETACTIVE on BSD). If it's changed, you know a switch has happened. If you switched to a non-graphical session (eg with Ctrl-Alt-F1) there won't be an X server active.
Otherwise, you have to hunt hard to find which display number is active. For example, you might see two X servers in ps, with display numbers :1 and :2. Which of those is on VT7 though? The final piece of the puzzle, mapping VT numbers to display numbers, is the hardest. This question is answered in this duplicate question, "Which virtual terminal is a given X process running on?".

How to find which process the linux os running at a given moment?

So a OS multi-tasks and runs one process at a given moment (assuming it's a single core machine). Is there a way I can track/poll and find which process was running at what time and at what time it was put in the queue and retrieved back. Are there any system calls for this ?. Is there a way to achieve this without modifying the linux kernel's source.
I think you need lttng, it definitely give a you a elaborate view of the system's task switch thing(and much more than that) with the lttng viewer. Lttng's kernel part has been merged to current Linux kernel, and you can use it if your kernel has enabled this feature. Here is some screen shots for lttng.
I don't think you can do this natively. AFAIK linux does not a keep a history track of this information.
That's an illogical question. If you are querying the OS from a script/process then the active program is ... YOURS.
Though I guess if you want the history you could watch the /proc directory or the output from ps
