Yesod: Connecting to an existing database with data - haskell

I have gone through this chapter and all the examples mentioned there are making the database schema initially and then operating over them.
But what to do if there is already an existing database schema with data ? Is there any way to create schema from it ?

You can use the sql= attributes in the models file to specify the table and column names in the existing schema. In this setup, you likely want to avoid using Persistent's automatic migration capabilities as well.


is there way to define schema while reading from mongo document in python

I working on some ETL flow which reads data from Mongo DB using Google Data fusion. While the data is read from the source, we are facing issues with missing key fields in the document, as the source is inconsistent with key across the documents inside the collection. I'm just looking for a way, to define a schema while reading and the program should return null value when the key is absent inside the document.
Not sure whether it is duplicate question, but need some help around this.
Thanks in advance

Can CouchDB do this?

I evaluating CouchDB & I'm wondering whether it's possible to achieve the following functionality.
I'm planning to develop a web application and the app should allow a 'parent' table and derivatives of this table. The parent table will contains all the fields (master table) and the user will selectively choose fields, which should be saved as separate tables.
My queries are as follows:
Is it possible to save different versions of the same table using CouchDB?
Is there an alternative to creating child tables (and clutter the database)?
I'm new to NoSQL databases and am evaluating CouchDB because it supports JSON out of the box and this format seems to fit the application very well.
If there are alternatives to NOT save the derivatives as separate tables, the better will the application be. Any ideas how I could achieve this?
Thanks in advance.
CouchDB is a document oriented database which means you cannot talk in terms of tables. There are only documents. The _rev (or revision ID) describes a version of a document.
In CouchDB, there are 2 ways to achieve relationships.
Use separate documents
Use an embedded array
If you do not prefer to clutter your database, you can choose to use option (2) by using an embedded array.
This gives you the ability to have cascade delete functionality as well for free.

MongoDB - various document types in one collection

MongoDB is schemaless, which means a collection (table in relational DB) can contain documents (rows) of different structure - having different fields, for instance.
I'm new to Mongo, so I decided to use Mongoose which should make things a bit easier. Reading the guide:
Defining your schema
Everything in Mongoose starts with a Schema. Each schema maps to a
MongoDB collection and defines the shape of the documents within that
Notice at the last sentence. Doesn't it conflict with the schemaless philosophy of MongoDB? Or maybe it's that in 99% of cases, I want a collection of documents of the same structure, so in the introductory guide only that scenario is discussed? Does Mongoose even allow me to create schemaless collection?
MongoDB does not require a schema, but that confuses a lot of people from a standard SQL background so Mongoose is aimed at trying to bridge the gap between SQL and NoSQL. If you want to maintain a collection with different document types, than by all means do not use Mongoose.
If you're okay with the schemaless nature of MongoDB there is no reason to add additional abstractions and overhead to MongoDB which is what Mongoose surely applies.
The purpose of Mongoose is to use a Schema, there are other database drivers you can use to take advantage of MongoDBs Schemaless nature such as Mongoskin.
If you want to utilize the Mongoose's Schema Design and make an exeception you can use: Mongoose Strict.
According to the docs:
The strict option, (enabled by default), ensures that values passed to our model constructor that were not specified in our schema do not get saved to the db.
NoSQL doesn't mean no schema. It means, the database doesn't control schema. For instance, with MongoDB, you can look hard to find anything that determines a field in a document is a string, or a number or a date. The database doesn't care. You could store a number in a field in one document and in another document in the same collection, and in the same field, you could store a string. But, from a coding perspective, that can become quite hairy and would be bad practice. This is why you still have to define data types. So, you still need a schema of sorts and why Mongoose offers and, in fact, enforces this functionality.
Going a conceptual level higher now, the major concept of NoSQL is to put schema inside your code and not in some file of SQL commands i.e. not telling the DB what to expect in terms of data types and schema to be controlled by the database. So, instead of needing to have migration files/paths and versioning on database schema, you just have your code. ORMs, for example, try to bridge this issue too, where they often have automated migration systems.
ORMs also try to avoid the Object Relational Impedance Mismatch problem, which MongoDB avoids completely. Well, it doesn't have relationships per se, so the problem is avoided out of necessity.
Getting back to schema, with MongoDB and Mongoose, if you or one of your team make a change to the schema in the code, all your other team members need to do to get the database to work with it is pull in that new code. Voila, the schema is up-to-date and will work. No need to also pull in a copy of the newer migration file (to determine the new schema of the DB) to then have to run it on a (copy of the) db to update it too, just to continue programming. There is no need to make changes in schema in multiple places.
So, in the end, if you can imagine your schema is always in your code (only), making changes to an application with a database persisting state like MongoDB is a good bit simpler and even safer. (Safer, because code and schema can't get out of sync, as it's the one and the same.)

Kohana ORM - Table's type

In Kohana ORM, do we need to set up the database table with type of InnoDb. I learn that MyISam is a little bit faster than InnoDb. For example, here
is the Database schema for ORM driver, can we simply use MyISam without defining foreign-keys and leave the rest to our code using $_has_many, $_belong_to...?
Thank you:)
Kohana ORM doesn't differentiate between mysql table engines and it cannot use foreign key constraints to manage dependencies automatically.
So whichever table engine you use - you still has to specify $_belongs_to etc relation maps manually.

Initial DB structure / data for MongoDB + NodeJS web application

I'm developing a web application in Node.js with MongoDB as the back end. What I wanted to know is, what is the generally accepted procedure, if any exists, for creating initial collections and populating them with initial data such as a white list for names or lists of predefined constants.
From what I have seen, MongoDB creates collections implicitly any time data is inserted into the database and the collection being inserted into doesn't already exist. Is it standard to let these implicit insertions take care of collection creation, or do people using MongoDB have scripts setup which build the main structure and insert any required initial data? (For example, when using MySQL I'd have a .sql script which I can run to dump and rebuild /repopulate the database from scratch).
Thank you for any help.
If you have data, this post on SO might be interresting for you. But since Mongo understands JavaScript, you can easily write a script that prepares the data for you.
It's the nature of Mongo to create everything that does not exist. This allows a very flexible and agile development since you are not constrainted to types or need to check if table x already exists before working on it. If you need to create collections dynamically, just get it from the database and work it if (no matter if it exists or not).
If you are looking for a certain object, be sure to check it (not null or if a certain key exists) because it may affect your code if you work with null objects.
There's is absolutely no reason to use setup scripts merely to make collections and databases appear. Both DB and collection creation is done lazily.
Rember that MongoDB is a completely schema free document store so there's no way to even setup a specific schema in advance.
There are tools available to dump and restore database content supplied with mongo.
Now, if your application needs initial data (like configuration parameters or whitelists like you suggest) it's usually best practice to have your application components set up there own data as needed and offer data migration paths as well.
