How to implement HMAC-SHA authentication from scratch? - security

I would like to implement authentication for a web app api using a similar technique to the AWS Signature Process. The server will render html for user web browser clients. The app will also return json for non-browser clients (iphone, android, blackberry, ipad, etc.) I am trying to write authentication code that will allow a single user to be signed (remembered) in to the app from multiple clients. Logging out from any one client should not revoke the token/cookie for all the other clients.
When a user sign up or logs in, how does a client (native mobile client or web browser especially) get the private/secret key? My understanding is the key should not be sent over a network? Can it just be sent over ssl?
For browser clients is the private key stored in a cookie or in some other form of local storage?? I.e. for generic api token authentication would the token be stored in a cookie on the browser and in a db on the phone
When the client is a browser, how does it sign a request signature with private key? i.e. generate a hash of the id + private key + request. For native mobile clients or server to server communication I believe there are libraries that can be used to generate a signed request. When the request originates from a browser how does this work?
If a user is required to be remembered on multiple clients (tablet, iphone, work computer, home laptop, etc.) would the user need to have a set of private keys/tokens for each client?
I would have used Devise with Rails but it requires you to write your own token authentication code.
I am also looking at OAuth, which questions 2 and 4 both apply to, but would really like to investigate the AWS method.

You start with a solution (HMAC) but I do not think your "problem" fits your solution :).
I'll try to answer this to the best of my knowledge.
To my understanding ,a private key would be derived of a public key that is shared. Or you could share a private key, but only if authentication is already established (in other words: you already know for sure who you are talking to) and the connection is secured (encrypted). You still will be vulnerable to man in the middle attacks though.
I'm not sure. A cookie is not secure. Steal the cookie, steal the private key. My preference would be a locally stored key(file or storage), encrypted by a password.
You would have to devise some sort of a client side library (in javascript or something like it).
Why share keys when you could share a token, like oAuth implements. The token is generated by your application and is valid for a limited time. This way you share access, but not the means to aquire access to your application. You login with username and password (or keyfile) and you get a token that grants you access untill the token is revoked.


Restricting traffic to server from only my mobile application

I have a requirement to secure my JAX-RS resources and only accept requests that originate from authorized mobile applications. Is this possible? How can this be done?
All of my resources are protected already with user authentication, the goal here is to reduce user ID fishing attempts. I know one solution would be to keep the response error with an invalid user ID generic, but the application is very large and at the moment this isn't possible.
One idea I came up with is to use JWT tokens signed with a shared secret. Then I could add an Authorization filter on the server to check the signature. If it doesn't validate then discard the request. Does this sound like a viable option?
My concern is the security of the shared secret on a mobile device, could it be compromised with a rooted device?
Using tokens is the preferred way. But the secret key is not shared. Only the server has access to it. That secret key is used to generate the message authentication code(MAC) of the JWT. Since secret key is only known by the server, no one else can generate a JWT with a valid signature. Secret may be persisted or application scoped.
Once a client is authenticated using credentials, server must send a signed JWT to the client.
That JWT must contains necessary information to identify the client and state(if necessary).
Then client send that token in a header field along with all the other requests.
Server validates the JWT using secret key and process the request.
Even though client can change the JWT body, he cannot get it verified. That's the whole point of using a signature.

security - how to secure api key in HTTP GET request

I'm new to cryptography and I'm trying to prevent against man-in-the-middle-attack in a web service I'm developing. The way the web service work is that a user registers on the service using his email address and password and creates an application. Each application is given an application id and an application key. The application id is public (that's how the public communicates with that application) but the application key is private. The user credits his application by loading a pin (a 16 digit numeric string). Loading the pin is done via a HTTP Get request.
Now here is my question: how can the user do a HTTP GET request with his application id (the way the server identifies the application) and his application key (the way the server authenticates him) without compromising his application key?
Because our server has SSL (and I read that SSL protects against man-in-the-middle-attack), I was thinking about simply having users submit their application id and application key as parameters in the GET request, but after reading around, I decided this may not be secure. This is also because after doing the HTTP GET request to load the pin, the user may configure his account that we submit the server response via another HTTP GET request to a URL of his choice. And since we want to do an echo back of his application id and application key so he can authenticate that the request was really from us, I was worried his key might be compromised.
So I decided we should have the user do a md5 hash of his app id and app key to provide a hashed parameter and submit that instead of his app key in the GET request. Then on our server, since we already know the user's app id and app key, we can simply do an md5 hash of both and compare it with the hash parameter the user submitted. But then I also thought that may be insecure because if someone intercepts the hash parameter, the attacker can use that same hash parameter to submit several requests since the app id and app key is static. So in the long run, the hash parameter is no different from the app key.
Now I'm thinking, we should have the user do a md5 hash of his app id, his app key and the pin he wants to load to get the hash parameter. This way, since the pin is always different each time, even if an attacker intercepts a request, the authentication process would not be compromised for other requests because the attacker would not be able to reuse that hash with other requests.
For example, if a user has the following credentials:
1. app_id: 1234
2. app_key: bghuTHY678KIjs78
And a user wants to load the pin: 1234567890123456
He generates the hash by doing an md5 hash of "1234:bghuTHY678KIjs78:1234567890123456". That gives him 210a4c92d85473af9d5f48b4ee182ddd. Then he does a HTTP Get request to the address below:
Is this method secure? Or should I simply just have the users submit their app id and app key in the HTTP GET request since we have SSL?
The user secret should never be sent over the network. Instead, ask the user to sign his requests using his secret. HMAC is the relevant algorithm.
By the way, MD5 is obsolete and insecure for all crypto needs.
Use Secure Remote Password (SRP6a) and register a password verifier and salt for the 16 digit pin. The pin you never send to the server (you can store it in browser local storage for convenience of the user). Then authenticate the client using SRP6a which results in a strong shared secret session key for each successful authentication. Then use HMAC SHA256 to sign API calls using the session key. See the thinbus-srp JavaScript library and its demos of using SRP6a to authenticate resulting in a session key. See the JWS "HS256" (HMAC with SHA-256, 256+ bit secret) algorithm and any library implementing that as an example of signing a web API with a shared secure key.
The SRP6a authentication protocol is a secure zero-knowledge password-proof where the server does not know the password. The server issues a random challenge to the client which generates a password-proof based on the challenge. The server uses the verifier the client provided for their password to check the password-proof. If the 16 digit pin uses uppercase letters like a standard software license key it is infeasible to run a dictionary attack on the verifier. Use the modern browser webcrypto secure random number generator to generate the pin at the browser. Even you won't be able to obtain the password.
The overhead of using SRP6a to authenticate is that you need the client to first fetch the server challenge. The benefit for your use case is that if the client provides a good password-proof based on the challenge the both the client and server share a secure session key. No-one intercepting the traffic can know the session key. With that shared secret you can sign and verify every API call and verify the signature at the server. No-one intercepting any part of any exchange between you and the client end-to-end from registration through to usage can gain any advantage.

Securely pass session to browser from OAuth'd app

This is quite a conceptional question, but I'm also interested in implementation details.
Let's say I have an API written in Node.js.
Clients (primarily an iOS app) authenticate via OAuth and then use the session token to authorize each following request.
I now want to point from the app to a browser based web app and take over the authenticated session.
This should, of course, be highly secure and must not be vulnarable in a theoretic sense, but as far as possible in an implementation wise thinking.
I must, somehow, ensure that the request comes from the same device and user, etc.
I thought of generating a short valid token that the client must send, but also this does not seem quite secure when having in mind the TLS protected API.
You want to be more secure than OAuth.
From OAuth's perspective, whomever possess the token, is authorised to act on the user's behalf. You may wish to include a secondary secret or verify the IP but I doubt it will do much for you in practice:
If the platform you are on (e.g. iOS) is not compromised, than the OAuth token will be entropy enough to confirm the user's identity. If the platform IS compromised, then any secret your application can set can also be extracted by the assumed attacker.

How to restrict access to HTTP API for mobile applications?

I'm currently developing an API for an online service.
I would like to give access for mobile and web developers to create their applications.
Developers will have the usual number reqs/minute limits for their applications.
What are the best practices for authenticating applications?
For web applications it's easy. We provide token, token is valid for a domain so even if somebody will try to use anywhere else it will fail.
How to do that for mobile applications?
We can provide token. Such token needs to be distributed with application on the device
and means that somebody will sniff that token he can write another application that will use the same token. This will mean that original user will have to revoke old token, create a new one and release new version (that his users will have to download again).
Do you know any solution for that?
I'm not sure that your developers would be able to securely do this without having some form of communication with their own host and some form of user account on their system. As you said, if you included a long-lived token in an app, no matter what obfuscation is done it could eventually be discovered by reverse engineering techniques.
There are 2 options that I can see:
1. Short lived token
In this scheme the mobile application contacts the developer's system to receive an short auth token.
During enrollment and periodically thereafter, developers generate a public-private keypair and give you the public key.
Each auth token would need to include an unencrypted "developer key ID" of some sort and an encrypted bit of data including the token's issue data and a salt of pseudo-random data. The developer's host would encrypt the data using a private key in a public-private keypair. This keeps the secret in a controlled and secure space. The encrypted data needs to include the salt in order to prevent known-plaintext attacks on your developers' keys.
The app sends the token to you, you can determine it's legitimacy by:
Use the unencrypted developer key ID to determine which key to use in decrypting the encrypted string.
Has the developer key ID been revoked or expired? (due to key compromise, dev API subscription expiration or abuse, etc). If it was revoked, deny access.
Does the encrypted data in the token decrypt correctly? If not, deny access.
Has the token expired? (based on the encrypted token date) If so, tell the client to get a new token from the dev server. Their software should do this before contacting your API, but you have to check just in case. I'd suggest that tokens be allowed to live for a relatively short time since copying a token between apps is a weakness.
Allow access
You could also use symmetric encryption instead of public-private key encryption, but then you and the dev both know the secret. It'd be more secure if only the dev knows it.
2. Pass API calls through dev host
It'd be possible for mobile applications to talk to their developer's host instead of your host for calls to the API. When the dev host receives one of the calls, it simply passes the call through to your API and adds their secret token.

Is there a secure way to connect to an IMAP server on behalf of a user?

I'm working on a web application which involves connecting to Gmail on behalf of a user to check for new messages. Is there a way to securely store the user's credentials so that they can still be recovered for the login, or is there some way to obtain a token for Gmail to use in connections?
EDIT: The application is meant to be used mostly with mobile users, so they won't be logging into the site frequently. Thus, storing information in a cookie isn't viable.
If you logged into GMail's web interface it gives you a token in the form of a cookie. If yYou could use that token and the web interface then you could access their email without storing their credentials. Of course that isn't IMAP access, and it expires (as a good token should).
Alternatively you could encrypt their credentials with a value you store as a cookie on their computer. Then when they access your site you can check their mail without ever storing the encrypted credentials with the key to decrypt it.
Neither is an ideal solution, but hopefully they get you moving in the right direction.
