How to delete data based on rowid - python-3.x

Using python, how do i get to delete data based on lastrowid. The code i have deletes all the rows
import re
import sys
import difflib
import sqlite3
def main():
while True:
name = input ('Please Type your Question: ').lower().split()
name2 = name[:]
import sqlite3
for item in name2:#break
conn = sqlite3.connect("foods.db")
cursor = conn.cursor()
cursor.execute("INSERT INTO INPUT33 (NAME) VALUES (?);", (name2,))
cursor.execute("select MAX(rowid) from [input33];")
for rowid in cursor:break
for elem in rowid:
m = elem
cursor.execute("DELETE FROM INPUT33 (NAME) WHERE NAME = name")

To get the last inserted rowid, use the cursor's lastrowid attribute.
To delete a record with a specific rowid, use that column in the WHERE condition:
cursor.execute("INSERT INTO input33(Name) VALUES(?)", ("whatever",))
rowid = cursor.lastrowid
cursor.execute("DELETE FROM input33 WHERE rowid = ?", (rowid,))


SQLAlchemy - insert from a result object?

The below query makes a result set in the variable 'result'
I need to insert that into the iconndest (the new MySQL server). But I have no idea how to insert the query result into the new table? I just want to do Insert into DB.TBL SELECT * FROM RESULT. But I am not sure how?
import mysql.connector
import pandas as pd
from sqlalchemy import create_engine
import multiprocessing as mp
from multiprocessing import cpu_count
engine_source = create_engine("CONN STRING")
iconn = engine_source.connect()
result = iconn.execute('SELECT QUERY')
engine_dest = create_engine("CONN STRING")
iconndest = engine_dest.connect()
iconndest.execute('SELECT * from ')
except Exception as e:
print('extract: ' + str(e))
What you describe is very simple if we use .mappings() to convert the list of Row objects to a list of RowMapping objects when we retrieve the results. RowMapping objects behave like dict objects when passed as parameter values:
import sqlalchemy as sa
source_engine = sa.create_engine("mssql+pyodbc://scott:tiger^5HHH#mssql_199")
destination_engine = sa.create_engine("sqlite://")
with source_engine.begin() as conn:
results = (
SELECT 1 AS id, N'foo' AS txt
SELECT 2 AS id, N'bar' AS txt
# [{'id': 1, 'txt': 'foo'}, {'id': 2, 'txt': 'bar'}]
destination_engine.echo = True
with destination_engine.begin() as conn:
conn.exec_driver_sql("CREATE TABLE t (id int, txt varchar(10))")
sa.text("INSERT INTO t (id, txt) VALUES (:id, :txt)"), results
"""SQL emitted:
INSERT INTO t (id, txt) VALUES (?, ?)
[generated in 0.00038s] ((1, 'foo'), (2, 'bar'))

counting strings through columns

I'm pretty new to python or programming at all so I'd like to get help on the following problem
My table is set up like this:
Now I try to count all '✓' and set the number to column Teilnahme.
# Connect
connection = sqlite3.connect("kekse.db")
# cursor
cursor = connection.cursor()
# Abfrage
sql = "SELECT * FROM kekse ORDER BY ID"
for dsatz in cursor:
i = 0
for x in range(2 , 19):
if str(dsatz[x]) == '✓':
i += 1
cursor.execute('UPDATE kekse SET Teilnahme='+str(i)+' WHERE ID=?', dsatz[0]
#print(dsatz[1], i, "Teilnahmen")
Try and use cast in your update where its getting updated -
import sqlite3
# Connect
con = sqlite3.connect("dbname.db")
# cursor
cur = con.cursor()
for row in cur.execute("select * from testtab"):
cur.execute("update testtab set id=21 where id = cast("+str(2)+" as int)")

adding key:value from dictionary to sqlite3 db and retrieving them back

I am saving sequences with different ids associated with them as two column in sqlite3 DB where sequence is a column and ids_string are another column. I have problem with retrieving from the database
The dictionary is created as uniqe_sequence = [list of ids]
the sequence is a string of roughly 7000 characters or less and the list of ids could be up to 1 million characters
import sys
from Bio import SeqIO
from Bio.Seq import Seq
import time
import sqlite3
conn = sqlite3.connect('Sausql_012419.db')
c = conn.cursor()
c.execute("create table Sau (sequence text, list_of_ids text)")
for record in sequences_dict_d:
c.execute("insert into Sau values (?,?)", (record,'._/'.join(sequences_dict_d[record])))
c.execute("SELECT COUNT(*) FROM Saureus_panproteome")
sql_count = c.fetchall()
print("saved sql database of {} proteins in --- {:.3f} seconds ---".format(sql_count[0][0],time.time() - start_time))
#retrieval exact sequence match
for record in SeqIO.parse(queryfile, _format):
conn = sqlite3.connect('Sausql_012419.db')
c = conn.cursor()
c.execute('select list_of_ids from Sau where sequence = str(record.seq)')
print(c.fetchall()) # or do something with the list_of_ids

Insert 2 date values into columns in sqlite db using python

New to using sqlite with python. I am trying to insert two date values into two date columns in sqlite db via Python.
import sqlite3
def create_connection(db_file):
# Create a database connection to a SQLite database
# Param: db_file as str. Return: connection objects or None
conn = sqlite3.connect(db_file)
cur = conn.cursor()
return conn, cur
except Error as e:
print (e)
return None
my_conn, my_cur = create_connection(dpd_sqlite_db_dir)
def create_sqlite_table_if_nonexist(conn, table_name):
sql = 'create table if not exists '+table_name+' (data_download_date datetime, script_executed_date datetime)'
create_sqlite_table_if_nonexist(my_conn, 'df_timestamp_en')
def insert_timestamp(conn, timestamp):
# execute insert into db
sql = ''' INSERT INTO df_timestamp_en (data_download_date, script_executed_date) VALUES(?,?) '''
cur = conn.cursor()
cur.execute(sql, timestamp)
return cur
timestamp_info = ('2018-10-30', '2018-11-30')
insert_timestamp(my_conn, timestamp_info)
It runs and created the table with two date columns, but it doesn't insert the timestamp_info's values.

how to translate datebase tables(sqlite3) to numpy array

a datebase contained 80 tables ,every table is a 18000x4 matrix ,how can I translate these to a 80x18000x4 numpy array?
the db :
I wrote a function. Do you have any better idea?
import sqlite3 as sql
import os
def db_to_array(db,r,c):
db = sql.connect(db)
cursor = db.cursor()
cursor.execute("SELECT name FROM sqlite_master WHERE type='table';")
tables = cursor.fetchall()
if not os.path .exists(wd +'/temp/'):
os.makedirs(wd +'/temp/')
for table_name in tables:
table_name = table_name[0]
table = pd.read_sql_query("SELECT * from %s" % table_name, db)
table.to_csv(wd +'/temp/'+ table_name + '.csv', index_label='index')
ss=os.listdir(wd +'/temp/')
for i in range(len(ss)):
ddd=np.array(pd.read_csv(wd +'/temp/'+ss[i]))
return dd
