I have a function that reads a word, separates the first and the last letter and the remaining content mixes it and at the end writes the first and last letter of the word but with the mixed content.
Hello -> H lle o
But I want you to be able to read a phrase and do the same in each word of the sentence. What I can do?
import Data.List
import System.IO
import System.Random
import System.IO.Unsafe
import Data.Array.IO
import Control.Monad
import Data.Array
oracion = do
frase <- getLine
let pL = head frase
let contentR = devContent frase
charDisorder <- aleatorio contentR
let uL = last frase
putStrLn $ [pL] ++ charDisorder ++ [uL]
aleatorio :: [d] -> IO [d]
aleatorio xs = do
ar <- newArray n xs
forM [1..n] $ \i -> do
t <- randomRIO (i,n)
vi <- readArray ar i
vt <- readArray ar t
writeArray ar t vi
return vt
n = length xs
newArray :: Int -> [d] -> IO (IOArray Int d)
newArray n xs = newListArray (1,n) xs
devContent :: [Char] -> [Char]
devContent x = init (drop 1 x)
That should go like this:
doStuffOnSentence sentence = mapM aleatorio (words sentence)
Whenever You are dealing with monads (especially IO) mapM is real lifesaver.
What's more, if You want to concatenate the final result You can add:
concatIoStrings = liftM unwords
doStuffAndConcat = concatIoStrings . doStuffOnSentence
Im a beginner to haskell and I've tried to create a function which counts the numbers of a character in a string. The problem I have is that I am only able to count either the number of occurences of a uppercase or a lowercase character. I want to count both of them. E.g. For the string Mum the result for counting m should be 2.
My function right now looks like this:
import Data.Char
countList :: [Char] -> Char -> Int
countList str c = length $ filter (== c) str
What would your suggestions on solving this be?
import Data.Char (toUpper)
countChar :: Char -> [Char] -> Int
countChar char = length . filter (\c -> toUpper c == toUpper char)
countChar 's' "Stdudents" => 2
countChar 'S' "Sstudents" => 3
countChar 'S' "$tudent$$" => 0
Given a character 'char', filter the entire string for any character whose uppercase matches the uppercase of 'char'. Feed the new filtered string to the 'length' function to get the total count.
A neat way to obtain the toUpper c == toUpper char comparison is to use the on combinator:
import Data.Function
countChar char = length . filter (on (==) toUpper char)
Just transform all to lowercase:
import Data.Char
countList :: [Char] -> Char -> Int
countList str c = length $ filter (== toLower c) $ map toLower str
You can also use just use fold, here a ghci example:
Prelude Data.Char> let countList = \str c -> foldl (\x y -> x + if ((toLower y) == (toLower c)) then 1 else 0) 0 str
Prelude Data.Char> countList "AAaabCC" 'a'
From a String like "abc123def45" i want to get -> [123, 45].
I have the following now:
getDecimals :: String -> [Int]
getDecimals xs = [ digitToInt x | x<-xs , isDigit x]
Only this method is returning -> [1,2,3,4,5].
How can i do this?
If you are using Data.List.Split you can do this.
import Data.List.Split
import Data.Char
getDecimals :: String -> [Int]
getDecimals = map read . wordsBy (not . isDigit)
Here is a (quite long) on-liner to do this:
import Data.List
import Data.Char
getDecimals = ((map (read::String->Int)).(filter (isNumber.head)).(groupBy (\a b -> (isNumber a) && (isNumber b))))
Now let's break it down:
( map (read::String->Int) ). -- Go over the list of numerical strings and read them as Ints
( filter (isNumber.head) ). -- Filter out the strings which are not begining with digit
( groupBy -- Split the given list based on the following comparison function:
(\a b -> (isNumber a) && (isNumber b)) -- The comparison function to return true if both arguments are digits
Since we are using the . function, which is function composition, the functions above are applied in the order bottom to top to the given argument list. I am pretty sure there is more elegant ways to do this, but I can't think of any at this moment.
I've never played with regex-applicative before, so I guess I'll give it a go!
NOTE: the cleanest version, but the least interesting, is way down at the bottom.
The first version here is written to use just one regular expression, which means it's not at all lazy (oy!).
import Text.Regex.Applicative
import Data.Char
fakeDigitToInt :: Char -> Int
fakeDigitToInt x = ord x - ord '0'
digit = fakeDigitToInt <$> psym isDigit
addDigit big small = 10*big+small
number = addDigit <$> reFoldl Greedy addDigit 0 digit <*> digit
spacers = many (psym $ not . isDigit)
numbersInCrud = many (spacers *> number) <* spacers
readNumbersFromCrud = maybe [] id . match numbersInCrud
To make a lazy version, it's necessary to break things up a bit more, using more features of the parsing system. While I'm at it, I'll fix up the types a bit:
import Text.Regex.Applicative
import Data.Char
import Data.List (unfoldr)
fakeDigitToInt :: Char -> Int
fakeDigitToInt x = ord x - ord '0'
digit :: Num n => RE Char n
digit = fromIntegral . fakeDigitToInt <$> psym isDigit
addDigit big small = 10*big+small
number :: Num n => RE Char n
number = addDigit <$> reFoldl Greedy addDigit 0 digit <*> digit
spacers = many (psym $ not . isDigit)
pullNumber :: Num n => String -> Maybe (n, String)
pullNumber = findLongestPrefix (spacers *> number)
readNumbersFromCrud :: Num n => String -> [n]
readNumbersFromCrud = unfoldr pullNumber
The cleanest version
This is kind of boring, but it is simple:
import Text.Regex.Applicative
import Text.Regex.Applicative.Common
import Data.Char
import Data.List (unfoldr)
spacers = many (psym $ not . isDigit)
pullNumber :: Num n => String -> Maybe (n, String)
pullNumber = findLongestPrefix (spacers *> decimal)
readNumbersFromCrud :: Num n => String -> [n]
readNumbersFromCrud = unfoldr pullNumber
And because I couldn't resist, here's the (almost) one-liner:
import Text.Regex.Applicative
import Text.Regex.Applicative.Common
import Data.Char
import Data.List (unfoldr)
readNumbersFromCrud :: Num n => String -> [n]
readNumbersFromCrud = unfoldr . findLongestPrefix $
many (psym $ not . isDigit) *> decimal
I have a list of lists of strings e.g;
[["h","e","l","l","o"], ["g","o","o","d"], ["w","o","o","r","l","d"]]
And I want to rename repeated values outside a sublist so that all the repetitions are set to new randomly generated values throughout a sublist that are not pre-existing in the list but the same inside the same sublist so that a possible result might be:
[["h","e","l","l","o"], ["g","t","t","d"], ["w","s","s","r","z","f"]]
I already have a function that can randomly generate a string of size one called randomStr:
randomStr :: String
randomStr = take 1 $ randomRs ('a','z') $ unsafePerformIO newStdGen
Presuming you want to do what I've outlined in my comment below, it's best to break this problem up into several smaller parts to tackle one at a time. I would also recommend leveraging common modules in base and containers, since it will make the code much simpler and faster. In particular, the modules Data.Map and Data.Sequence are very useful in this case. Data.Map I would say is the most useful here, as it has some very useful functions that would otherwise be difficult to write by hand. Data.Sequence is used for efficiency purposes at the end, as you'll see.
First, imports:
import Data.List (nub)
import Data.Map (Map)
import Data.Sequence (Seq, (|>), (<|))
import qualified Data.Map as Map
import qualified Data.Sequence as Seq
import Data.Foldable (toList)
import System.Random (randomRIO)
import Control.Monad (forM, foldM)
import Control.Applicative ((<$>))
Data.Foldable.toList is needed since Data.Sequence does not have a toList function, but Foldable provides one that will work. On to the code. We first want to be able to take a list of Strings and find all the unique elements in it. For this, we can use nub:
lettersIn :: [String] -> [String]
lettersIn = nub
I like providing my own names for functions like this, it can make the code more readable.
Now that we can get all the unique characters, we want to be able to assign each a random character:
makeRandomLetterMap :: [String] -> IO (Map String String)
makeRandomLetterMap letters
= fmap Map.fromList
$ forM (lettersIn letters) $ \l -> do
newL <- randomRIO ('a', 'z')
return (l, [newL])
Here we get a new random character and essentially zip it up with our list of letters, then we fmap (<$>) Map.fromList over that result. Next, we need to be able to use this map to replace letters in a list. If a letter isn't found in the Map, we just want the letter back. Luckily, Data.Map has the findWithDefault function which is perfect for this situation:
replaceLetter :: Map String String -> String -> String
replaceLetter m letter = Map.findWithDefault letter letter m
replaceAllLetters :: Map String String -> [String] -> [String]
replaceAllLetters m letters = map (replaceLetter m) letters
Since we want to be able to update this map with new letters that have been encountered in each sublist, overwriting previously encountered letters as needed, we can use Data.Map.union. Since union favors its first argument, we need to flip it:
updateLetterMap :: Map String String -> [String] -> IO (Map String String)
updateLetterMap m letters = flip Map.union m <$> makeRandomLetterMap letters
Now we have all the tools needed to tackle the problem at hand:
replaceDuplicatesRandomly :: [[String]] -> IO [[String]]
replaceDuplicatesRandomly [] = return []
For the base case, just return an empty list.
replaceDuplicatesRandomly (first:rest) = do
m <- makeRandomLetterMap first
For a non-empty list, make the initial map off the first sublist
(_, seqTail) <- foldM go (m, Seq.empty) rest
Fold over the rest, starting with an empty sequence and the first map, and extract the resulting sequence
return $ toList $ first <| seqTail
Then convert the sequence to a list after prepending the first sublist (it doesn't get changed by this function). The go function is pretty simple too:
go (m, acc) letters = do
let newLetters = replaceAllLetters m letters
newM <- updateLetterMap m letters
return (newM, acc |> newLetters)
It takes the current map m and an accumulation of all the sublists processed so far acc along with the current sublist letters, replaces the letters in said sublist, builds a new map for the next iteration (newM), and then returns the new map along with the accumulation of everything processed, i.e. acc |> newLetters. All together, the function is
replaceDuplicatesRandomly :: [[String]] -> IO [[String]]
replaceDuplicatesRandomly [] = return []
replaceDuplicatesRandomly (first:rest) = do
m <- makeRandomLetterMap first
(_, seqTail) <- foldM go (m, Seq.empty) rest
return $ toList $ first <| seqTail
go (m, acc) letters = do
let newLetters = replaceAllLetters m letters
newM <- updateLetterMap m letters
return (newM, acc |> newLetters)
It's always better to keep impure and pure computations separated.
You cannot replace by letters, which are already in a list, so you need to get a string of fresh letters:
fresh :: [String] -> String
fresh xss = ['a'..'z'] \\ foldr union [] xss
This function replaces one letter with another in a string:
replaceOne :: Char -> Char -> String -> String
replaceOne y y' = map (\x -> if x == y then y' else x)
This function replaces one letter each time with a new letter for every string in a list of strings:
replaceOnes :: Char -> String -> [String] -> (String, [String])
replaceOnes y = mapAccumL (\(y':ys') xs ->
if y `elem` xs
then (ys', replaceOne y y' xs)
else (y':ys', xs))
For example
replaceOnes 'o' "ijklmn" ["hello", "good", "world"]
A bit tricky one:
replaceMany :: String -> String -> [String] -> (String, [String])
replaceMany ys' ys xss = runState (foldM (\ys' y -> state $ replaceOnes y ys') ys' ys) xss
This function replaces each letter from ys each time with a new letter from ys' for every string in xss.
For example
replaceMany "mnpqstuvxyz" "lod" ["hello", "good", "world"]
'l's in "hello" are replaced by the first letter in "mnpqstuvxyz"
'l' in "world" is replaced by the second letter in "mnpqstuvxyz"
'o' in "hello" is replaced by the third letter in "mnpqstuvxyz"
'o's in "good" are replaced by the fourth letter in "mnpqstuvxyz"
'd' in "world" is replaced by the seventh letter in "mnpqstuvxyz"
This function goes through a list of strings and replaces all letters from the head by fresh letters, that ys' contains, for each string in the rest of the list.
replaceDuplicatesBy :: String -> [String] -> [String]
replaceDuplicatesBy ys' [] = []
replaceDuplicatesBy ys' (ys:xss) = ys : uncurry replaceDuplicatesBy (replaceMany ys' ys xss)
I.e. it does what you want, but without any randomness — just picks fresh letters from a list.
All described functions are pure. Here is an impure one:
replaceDuplicates :: [String] -> IO [String]
replaceDuplicates xss = flip replaceDuplicatesBy xss <$> shuffle (fresh xss)
I.e. generate a random permutation of a string, that contains fresh letters, and pass it to replaceDuplicatesBy.
You can take the shuffle function from https://www.haskell.org/haskellwiki/Random_shuffle
And the final test:
main = replicateM_ 3 $ replaceDuplicates ["hello", "good", "world"] >>= print
The whole code (without shuffle): http://lpaste.net/115763
I think this is bound to raise more questions than it answers.
import Control.Monad.State
import Data.List
import System.Random
mapAccumLM _ s [] = return (s, [])
mapAccumLM f s (x:xs) = do
(s', y) <- f s x
(s'', ys) <- mapAccumLM f s' xs
return (s'', y:ys)
pick excluded for w = do
a <- pick' excluded
putStrLn $ "replacement for " ++ show for ++ " in " ++ show w ++ " excluded: " ++ show excluded ++ " = " ++ show a
return a
-- | XXX -- can loop indefinitely
pick' excluded = do
a <- randomRIO ('a','z')
if elem a excluded
then pick' excluded
else return a
transform w = do
globallySeen <- get
let go locallySeen ch =
case lookup ch locallySeen of
Nothing -> if elem ch globallySeen
then do let excluded = globallySeen ++ (map snd locallySeen)
a <- lift $ pick excluded ch w
return ( (ch, a):locallySeen, a)
else return ( (ch,ch):locallySeen, ch )
Just ch' -> return (locallySeen, ch')
(locallySeen, w') <- mapAccumLM go [] w
let globallySeen' = w' ++ globallySeen
put globallySeen'
return w'
doit ws = runStateT (mapM transform ws) []
main = do
ws' <- doit [ "hello", "good", "world" ]
print ws'
Is there a way to read an integer from the console in Haskell? I'm asking for something pretty much like C++'s cin or Java's Scanner.nextInt().
And by that I mean that given this input:
1 2 3
2 3
4 25 12 7
I should be able to read them all, not at the same time (maybe reading 4 of them, doing some calculations and then read the rest) ignoring the fact that they are in separate lines.
The easiest solution is probably
getAll :: Read a => IO [a]
getAll = fmap (fmap read . words) getContents
getInts :: IO [Int]
getInts = getAll
which will read all input into a single list.
When in doubt, use Parsec! (not always, and not really, but who cares)
import Text.ParserCombinators.Parsec
import Text.Parsec.Numbers
value = do
num <- parseFloat
return num
line = many value
then "rinse and repeat", with getLine until you EOF.
Note: you can do it without Parsec using read and friends, but this way is more extendable and preferred for more complicated grammars.
Using Parsec:
import Text.ParserCombinators.Parsec
import Text.Parsec.Numbers
import Control.Applicative ((*>), (<*))
line = spaces *> many1 (parseFloat <* spaces)
main = putStrLn "Enter numbers:" >> fmap (parse line "") getLine >>= print
Running it:
$ ghc parsenums.hs
$ ./parsenums
Enter numbers:
345 23 654 234
A more "manual" way to do it would be something like:
import Data.Char (isDigit, isSpace)
getInts :: String -> [Int]
getInts s = case span isDigit (dropWhile isSpace s) of
("", "") -> []
("", s) -> error $ "Invalid input: " ++ s
(digits, rest) -> (read digits :: Int) : getInts rest
Which might be much clearer to see how it works. In fact, here's one that's completely from the ground up:
getInts :: String -> [Int]
getInts s = case span isDigit (dropWhile isSpace s) of
("", "") -> []
("", s) -> error $ "Invalid input: " ++ s
(digits, rest) -> strToInt digits : getInts rest
isDigit :: Char -> Bool
isDigit c = '0' <= c && c <= '9'
isSpace :: Char -> Bool
isSpace c = c `elem` " \t\n\r"
charToInt :: Char -> Int
charToInt c = fromEnum c - 48
strToInt :: String -> Int
strToInt s = go 0 s where
go n [] = n
go n (c:rest) = go (n * 10 + charToInt c) rest