Who should I contact to report a problem with my Foursquare account? I am a business owner and the foursquare account for my restaurant seems like it started off as another local eatery . It has the correct business name but the telephone number is from the other place and early reviews are from the other place as well. Please help.
If the business that started off as another local eatery is your own you can claim it as your own.Just go to the business page and on the right side there should be a box saying:
Is this your business? Claim it now.
Click now and there will be some steps to follow in order to validate your ownership.
I am building a website using mern stack where every user who signs up gets their own subdomain according to the username they entered.
What I have done so far:
Users can create an account and get their subdomain according to the username they entered while signing up.
Owner of the organization can send invites to the team members using email by filling out a simple form where they need to enter the email of the team member.
Now, I would like to know how I can add the team member to the organisation's workspace so they have full access to the workspace. Basically, I don't know what to do after sending an invite.
Please give me some insights on how this can be achieved.
Make an array element in the your model so that contains group_ids of groups joined.
Create a middle-ware function that checks if the user can perform operations in there. If not, throw error.
When the invite is sent, the array element that I talked about should be updated to [...array, group_id selected].
I am a junior developer so might go wrong but I hope this helps.
I am trying to share a capsule that I have built with another person who isn't a collaborator of the capsule on Bixby Developer Center, nor is my Samsung account connected to their device. When they try to test the capsule, it shows this error message.
You don't have access to this capsule revision ID.
I am looking for ways to let them run my capsule without sharing my Bixby Developer account or adding them as a collaborator.
In order to add a collaborator you must first invite them to your namespace/domain, and once the person accepts invitation you can add that person to a specific capsule in that domain.
This is a feature to protect client privacy. In order to execute revision override in IDE or on-device testing on mobile, the current login user must be a member of the team.capsule listed in the DEV center.
There are multiple ways to fix this:
add the person as a member. Details in https://bixbydevelopers.com/dev/docs/dev-guide/developers/managing-caps.managing-your-team. Please make sure add the person to capsule. Invite to the team is not enough.
publish and get approved to marketplace. There would be no need for revision ID. All targeted region users will be able to add and use your capsule.
Send capsule code to the other developer and he/she can test the capsule in IDE after changing the team.capsule namespace. However, this would not work if any config or secret involved.
I would personally suggest #1 is the easiest solution.
You must add the user as a collaborator for them to be able to use your capsule.
I need to build a app with some specific details, and since I never worked with Instagram I have no idea if is possible or not, and also the information that I find on the docs doesn't say much, so hope someone had the same experience.
So basically I need to track some analytic information, for example in my App, for someone to register it needs to login in Instagram and than must follow my Instagram page, I believe this is possible, but then I need to track some information from the users and that is:
Check if the user is hashtaging my company page (to check which users made more shares or something);
Check which users had more engagement;
Can someone tell me if this is possible to track on Instagram API?
The new Instagram graph API is very limited, you cannot make to app and allow user to follow, you cannot access other user posts to check if they hashtagged or engaged.
All you can do is, access only your posts (if business account), and you can access your post's comments. You can also get last 24hrs of an hashtag, but no user info is given.
I am developing an app which needs public_content scope of Live API and aware of new regulations of Instagram. After I complete my app, I will send it to Instagram for review. Issue that I wonder was, Is having a company is strictly required in order to have Live API permission ? Because I saw in documents that developers should show their apps' privacy policy and kind of stuffs.
I dont think you require to have a registered company, but your app/website should look serious and should solve a problem for brands/businesses as mentioned in the 3 approved use case by Instagram.
I used to have http://gramfeed.com for last 5 years and recently had to rename to https://www.picodash.com and refocus the service for more specific audience to get approval. It has to look professional and should NOT be a generic service to all users.
I need public_content permission of instagram, when i applied for it the team denied it with comment
"This permission (public_content) is only granted to apps that enable brands, advertisers, broadcasters and publishers to discover public content. We do not grant access to apps that do not fall into these categories. Please review our documentation (https://www.instagram.com/developer/review) for more information."
This permission is needed and vary important for my plugin which uses below code to change username with their corresponding user id:
Now i want to know 2 things here:
1- Is there any alternative code for plugin to replace with.
2- What are these brands, advertisers, broadcasters and publishers in instagram.
No alternative, you must get your app approved.
Confusing as can be, don't understand it yet myself.
Makes no sense why people are downvoting the question. It's pretty valid.