How exactly does Auhtorization in web applications work? - security

First, i know that there are to components of handling user access to restricted pages in web appliations.
Authentification is about identifying a user.
Authorization: is about determining what parts of the application an authenticated user has access to
I belive this is made with session id.
But does the client have to send the session id with every request he makes? If not how can he be authentified? Or is a cookie used for this?

Sessions exist on the server. They are sometimes (usually) identified by a cookie.
The session can contain a multitude of information that is relevant to the session. E.g. shopping basket.
Server gets the cookie. Looks up the session. Has it timed out? Is it from the same IP address? From the same browser perhaps? Then use the stored information for the generation of the web page

Session still among pages, but it would be destroyed when you close your browser
Cookies still sometime when the time expires


Session vs Cookie, what's the difference?

I have a question about Sessions and Cookies on Node regarding where they are stored and how they work.
To begin with, I understand the following to be true:
With a cookie, it is possible to specify how long it will store your data;
A session saves data while the browser is open;
Cookies are on the client side;
Session is on server side;
Then the following questions arise:
How does the browser and/or the server know that the user has already
logged in and does not need to log in again?
If the Session stays inside a cookie what's the difference?
Where are cookies stored? In the web browser?
I use the (Blackberry?) passport (browser?) but it does everything by itself. I want to better understand how it works behind the scenes.
My affirmations can be wrong. You can correct me, but please explain to me.
Regarding what you understand to be true:
Yes, when setting a cookie, you can specify how long it will persist. In the article HTTP Cookies in Node.js, see the section entitled
"Adding Cookie with expiration Time".
Yes, data can be stored in a
session if it is explicitly placed there by application code. Your server software may also use it to store other information. Here
is a nice short YouTube video on node.js sessions.
Cookies are stored in a file on your computer which is managed by your web
browser, so again, correct. Here's a nice article that explains in more detail: Cookies - Information that websites store on your computer.
As to your other questions:
How does the browser and/or the server know that the user has already
logged in and does not need to log in again?
It generally knows this by storing a cookie in your browser whose value is some sort of session ID that acts as an authentication token. When you are successfully authenticated, it will store a cookie and send this cookie's value as an HTTP header or as part of the URL string, etc. each time you make a request to the server. This token is stored on the server with some sort of expiration time, usually something like 15-60 minutes. The expiration timer is reset to zero with each successful request. If session timeout is 30 minutes for example, the token will be invalid after no request is made within 30 minutes. Therefore, if you walk away from your computer for an hour and try to access another page, you will likely be told you need to log in again.
If the Session stays inside a cookie what's the difference?
As I stated in the answer to the previous question, an authentication token is generally stored as a cookie and sent with each request. It's good to use over and over until the session times out.
So, the difference is: A session is stored on the server. A cookie is stored as a file on your computer by your browser. A session cookie is stored on your computer which is used by the server to track individual user sessions.
Where are cookies stored? In the web browser?
Yes, as stated above, cookies are stored in a file on your computer which is managed by your web browser. See the article I linked to above for more detail.
First off, some general facts.
A cookie is stored in the browser and then sent back to the target server with every request to that server.
A cookie can either contain actual state data (such as backgroundColor=blue) or it can just contain a token that only means something to the server.
Whoever sets a cookie decides how long they want it to last before it "expires". If the server sets the cookie (as cookies can also be set from within Javascript in the web page), then the server decides how long they want the cookie to last.
A server session consists of the server creating a unique token and putting that in a cookie that it sets for that browser. In parallel, it also creates a session object that is stored on the server and it creates a means of associating the token with a particular session object such that when a request comes in and it has a particular token in it, the server can find the corresponding session object.
Note, sessions don't have to use cookies. They can also put a session id in the URL itself and that is occasionally used, but isn't very popular for a variety of reasons.
How does browse and / or server know that the user has already logged in and does not need to log in again?
A server can consider a browser to be already logged in if it finds an appropriate cookie in the incoming request and if it finds an associated session object in the server-side session store and if that session object is both logged in and not expired.
If the Session stays inside the cookie why is this difference?
Usually, when using server-side sessions, all that's in the cookie is a unique token - not any of the actual session data.
Where is the cookie stored? In our browser?
Yes, it's stored on your hard drive by the browser and then sent as an http header along with every request to the server that the cookie is associated with.

Can I disable a cookie from being sent automatically with server requests?

I'm fairly new to website development. I'm working on a site where the user logs in with username/password, and gets a sessionID from the server in response. This sessionID is sent back to the server (and a new one returned) with each request.
I'd like the site to work properly if the user opens it in multiple tabs or windows. i.e. once logged in at one tab, opening a members-only URL in another tab works without loggin in. (And, logging out in one tab logs out from all.) I see no way of doing this without storing the latest sessionID in a cookie. That way the latest sessionID can be "shared" among all tabs.
However I am starting to read up on cookies, and some of the security threats. I was unaware that cookies were sent with every request. I don't need to send my cookie to the server, ever. The sessionID is added to the xhr request's headers -- not read as a cookie. So I'm wondering if there is a way to disable sending of this cookie. My only purpose for it is to allow multiple tabs/windows in the same browser to share the same session.
I was reading up on the path parameter for cookies. Apparently this can be used to restrict when the cookie is sent to a server? What if I set the path to something that would never be used? Would this prevent the cookie from ever being sent out automatically? I only want to access it from JavaScript.
A coworker has put a lot of safeguards into the server-side of this application, which I won't go into here. So this question is just about what client-side precautions I can and should take, particularly with cookies, for optimal security. If there is a better way to allow a members-only site to work properly with multiple tabs open at once, I'm all ears.
I discovered just now that in HTML 5 there is local storage, which stores key/value pairs much like a cookie, but is not sent with every server request. Since it's supported in every browser except IE 7 and earlier, I'll be switching to this to enable sharing data between tabs when available, and use cookies instead on IE 7 and earlier.
The sessionID is stored in a cookie already there's no need to manage it. Because the HTTP protocol is stateless the only way to maintain state is through a cookie. What happens when you set a session value the server will look up the dictionary of items associated with that cookie id (session Id).
What is meant by stateless is that between requests HTTP does not know if your still alive or have closed your browser. Therefore with each request the browser will attach all cookie values to the request on the domain. SessionId is stored in the cookie automatically when they go to your site. The Server then uses that value to look up anything you've set in the users session.
Depending on which programming language and/or server you're using the session could be handled differently but that's usually abstracted away from the programmer.
Now with respect to sessions, there are a number of different things that make them insecure. For example if an attacker were able to get their hands on your session cookie value they could replay that cookie and take over your session. So sessions aren't a terribly secure way of storing user information. Instead what most people do is create an encrypted cookie value with the users details, the cookie could be a "session cookie" meaning as soon as the user closes their browser window the cookie is thrown away from the browser. The encrypted cookie contains user information and role information as well as some identifier (usually the clients ip address) to verify that the user who is submitting the request is the same user the cookie was issued to. In most programming languages there are tools that help in abstracting that away as well (such as the ASP.NET membership provider model).
Check out some details on the HTTP protocol and HTTP cookies on Wikipedia first
and check out the membership provider model on ASP.NET, it's a really good tool for helping to secure your site.
Preventing the browser sending cookies seems to defeat the object of using cookies in the first place.
If you don't want the sessionID to be sent with each request, why set the cookie? A better solution would be to use a custom response header that you send from the server to the browser - this will then be under your control and will not be sent automatically with all browser requests. You are using request headers to send your sessionID anyway so you could receive them from the server using a custom header and read this into your JavaScript from each XHR.

can I discover another users LTPA2 token on the machine / in the browser?

If you put sit Paros on the traffic between your browser and a web application being hosted in WebSphere, you will have two session identifiers passed as part of the cookie section of the HTTP request:
A JSESSIONID. This is your HTTPSession ID as far as I can tell.
An LTPA2 token. This is your “single sign on” session as far as websphere is concerned.
Now, IBM say that a single hosted application cannot invalidate the LTPA2 token when a user is signing out. The thinking behind this is that it is an SSO identifier, so a single application should not be able to invalidate it as it is intended for use across multiple applications. There is no configuration in WAS to declare “this environment hosts only one application so therefore that app can invalidate the LTPA2 token”.
What is worrying is that these LTPA2 sessions hang around for a configurable amount of time. Therefore, if another user got a handle on a users’ LTPA2 token, they can use it to access that users’ session and therefore their sensitive data.
You can prevent a man in the middle attack to capture the session value by forcing the transmission of the cookie to occur over SSL, and by specifying HTTP only for cookies. However, I am still worried about the cookie being available on the local machines’ hard drive. The browser has to store it somewhere, so therefore there has got to be a way to get access to it?
My question is, is it possible for someone to get an LTPA2 value such as this from the hard drive? Say someone sits down in a library, signs in to their online banking, does some work and then logs out. Is it possible for the next user to get the LTPA2 token somehow?
I tried searching through the directories where I thought FireFox 4 and IE8 would store the cookie, but couldn’t pattern match the value. My gut instinct is that it may be possible to find this data on certain browsers?
By default the LTPA2 token is a "Session Cookie" Websphere does not set an expiry on that cookie, and it is just stored in Browser Memory until the user closes their browser.
Unless your client is explicitly manually pulling that cookie and storing it client side, it will not be stored in any files on the user's machine.
You can invalidate the LTPA token if you want to.
But this would require using IBM extensions (naturally)
Look at these:
LTPA token is non-standard, but is simply a credential/token and does not impact the application development team.
Redirects to the ibm_security_logout URL in order to remove the LTPA token when users log out.
Though these articles are old, these should still work (as these basics haven't changed a lot over the years)
By invalidating the LTPA token(which as Terrell mentioned in a "in memory session cookie" )all your worries that you had should be gone.

what is the vulnerability of having Jsessionid on first request only

Recently we removed jsessionid from URL did cookies based session management to prevent "session hijacking attack"
But we found that first request URL always has jsessionid when cookies are enabled and subsequent request URL has NO jsessionid.
using the jsessionid from first url we could directly hit other pages in the workflow
Question : is there any security vulnerability exposing jsessionid only on first request?
There is a solution to remove jsessionid from first request , but wanted to check , if its really vulnerable to mandate the changes
EDIT : I got my doubt clarified. Thanks for replies.
What you've done here could improve the overall security of the solution somewhat, but won't necessarily prevent session hijacking.
the security issue with placing the session ID in the URL is that URLs are exposed in various places (eg, copy and pasted URLs could expose a live session, URLs can be stored in proxy server logs, web server logs and browser history), which could allow an attacker to grab a valid session ID and get access to your users data.
Ideally you should remove the JSESSIONID from the URL in all places, and only use cookie storage.
Additionally if you want to mitiate Session hijacking there's a number of other areas to consider.
You need to use SSL on all pages where the session ID is passed (this is to mitigate the risk of the session ID being intercepted in transit (eg, the Firesheep attack).
If the session ID is set before you authenticate the user, you should ensure that a new session ID is issued when the user logs in.
Also if possible the session cookies should be use of the httpOnly and secure flags, to reduce the risk of them being leaked over cleartext channels.
There's some good additional information on the OWASP Site
BTW if you've got more question on the security side of things, there's a stack exchange site specifically for that at
did cookies based session management to prevent "session hijacking attack"
Whats stopping the cookie being hijacked?
Session managment is a server side thing - You need to server to check (based on the cookie) that the user is meant to be logged in.
I don't think you've improved security here at all to be honest, take a look at this excellent article to see why.
If someone gets hold of the session id then they pretty much hijack the whole session, see Predictable Session IDs vulnerability.

Where are store SessionID on the client

I have a web site in ASP 3.0. This web site initialize authentication by session on the server, and retreive the id of the user in the session. A multiple clients access to the web site with no problem.
Some of them lost there session. I think is due to a client configuration with the sessionID token or someting like that.
Could some body tell me where are stored the sessionID on the client machine.
I read this post and just need to know what will be the name of the cookie ? Is it the same cookie that we can read/write in code ?
I try to find a way to identify, the sessionID storing on the client machine and the connected session on the server. Did a way to do that ?
The server allocates a session and stores its ID in a cookie, known as the session cookie. The ASP Session cookie has this format:-
Note that last 8 characters in the name of the cookie will vary from one instance of your application to the next. Hence to even discover the cookie you need to enumerate all the cookies looking for any that match the pattern ASPSESSIONIDxxxxxxxx.
I'm not sure what you could usefully do with this cookie once you have acquired it.
Session ID's can be stored in multiple ways on the client but it's the server configuration that specifies the exact way. If possible, cookies will be used. Otherwise, the session ID might be part of the URL or be part of the web page itself as a hidden form variable.
Also, session ID's are often created to time out after a while. If a user isn't contacting the server within e.g. 20 minutes, the session expires and a new session would be required.
