Using source to include part of a file in a bash script - linux

I've a bash script that need to use some variables included in a separate file.
Normally, for including the entire file I would use source in the main script.
In this case I need to use just a portion of this file. I can't use (include) the rest of the variables included in the rest of the file.
To filter the content of the config file (let's say just as example from the tag "# start" to "# end") I use awk, but I can't redirect the output to the soruce command.
Below my code:
awk ' /'"# start"'/ {flag=1;next} /'"# end"'/{flag=0} flag { print }'
Do you know any way to redirect the output of this command into source? Is there any other way to include the output in my bash script at run-time?
By the way, I wouldn't like to create temporaty files (it seems me too dirty...)..and I've tried something found on this site, but for some reasons it doesn't work. Below there's the solution I've found.
awk ' /'"# start"'/ {flag=1;next} /'"# end"'/{flag=0} flag { print }' | source /dev/stdin
Thank you,

source can read from a process substitution in bash:
source <( awk ' ... ' )
sed allows a simpler way to get the subset of lines:
sed -n '/#start/,/#end/p'
UPDATE: It appears that this may only work in bash 4 or later.

A correct way of doing it provided by a friend today. Here's the code:
source /dev/stdin <<EOF
$(awk ' /'"# - start"'/ {flag=1;next} /'"# - end"'/{flag=0} flag { print }'
Working perfectly...thanks Andrea! :) (and of course everyone tried to answer)


How to source a variable from script into shell without executing the script

I have the below bash script:
FILES="file_1 file_2 \
export FILES
It has a FILES variable that is written on multiple lines and then the script calls another script.
I want to source the script to have the variable FILES defined in the shell but without calling the other script "run_test"
I tried to grep the FILES variable from script but it gets the first line only in the variable.
Any recommendations please?
You might want the consider an env.sourceme file with shared settings like FILES=.
This file can be sourced by both your original and your new script.
When you don't want/can change the original file, you need to do something else.
When your sed supports -z you can use
source <(sed -rz 's/.*(FILES="[^"]*").*/\1/' inputscript)
You can use grep when you parse the inputscript first:
source <(tr "\n" "\r" < inputscript | grep -Eo 'FILES="[^"]*"' | tr "\r" "\n")

how to pass the filename as variable to a awk command from a shell script

in my shell script i have the following line
PO_list=$(awk -v col="$1" -F";" '!seen[$col]++ {print $col}' test.csv)
which generates a list with the values from column "col" which came from "$1" from file test.csv.
it might be possible to have several files in same location and for this would need to loop among them with a for sentence. For this I have to replace the filename test.csv with a variable, $i for example, which is the index from the list of files.
trying to fulfill my request, I was modifying my line with
PO_list=$(awk -v col="$1" -F";" '!seen[$col]++ {print $col}' $j)
unfortunately, i receive the error message:
awk: cannot open test.csv (No such file or directory)
Can anyone tell me why this error occur and how can I solve it, please?
Thank you,
As you commented in your previous question, you are calling it with
abc$ ./ 2
So you just need to add another parameter when you call it:
abc$ ./ 2 "test.csv"
and the script can be like this:
PO_list=$(awk -v col="$1" -F";" '!seen[$col]++ {print $col}' "$2")
# ^^^^
Whenever you want to use other parameters, remember they are positional. Hence, the first one is $1, second is $2 and so on.
In case the file happens to be in another directory, you can replace ./ 2 "test.csv" by something like ./ 2 "/full/path/of/test.csv" or whatever relative path you may need.

Run awk file from shell script without specifying awk's exact location

I'm trying to debug a shell script that calls an awk file. Which is a nightmare, cause I've never used either before, nor am I very fluent with linux, but anyway
A dev made an awk file and is trying to run it in a shell script.
To try and run it from a separate location, without needing to specify the exact location, they put the awk script in a folder that's in the PATH variable. So that awk file should be available everywhere, right?
When you run it like this...
awk -f script.awk arg1
...can awk find that script? It spits out an error, when the shell script tries to run that awk command:
awk: fatal: can't open source file `script.awk' for reading (No such file or directory)
As you know, awk can't find the script itself.
If the script is marked as executable, and if you have a which command, then you should be able to do:
awk -f `which script.awk` arg1
Alternatively, and probably better, make the script into an executable:
#!/usr/bin/awk -f
BEGIN { x = 23 }
{ x += 2 }
END { print x }
The shebang needs the '-f' option to work on MacOS X 10.7.1 where I tested it:
$ script.awk script.awk
That gives you a self-contained single-file solution.
No, that's not going to work. awk needs the path to the script to run, it won't use the PATH variable to find it. PATH is only used to find executables.

Shell scripts for Meld Nautilus context menu

Beyond Compare provides "Select for compare" and "Compare to Selected" by using two nautilus scripts (stored in /home/user/.gnome2/nautilus-scripts).
Script 1: Select for compare
quoted=$(echo "$NAUTILUS_SCRIPT_SELECTED_FILE_PATHS" | awk 'BEGIN { FS = "\n" } { printf "\"%s\" ", $1 }' | sed -e s#\"\"##)
echo "$quoted" > $HOME/.beyondcompare/nautilus
Script 2: Compare to Selected
arg2=$(cat $HOME/.beyondcompare/nautilus)
arg1=$(echo "$NAUTILUS_SCRIPT_SELECTED_FILE_PATHS" | awk 'BEGIN { FS = "\n" } { printf "\"%s\" ", $1 }' | sed -e s#\"\"##)
bcompare $arg1 $arg2
I am trying to do similar scripts for Meld, but it is not working.
I am not familiar with shell scripts. Can anyone help me understand this:
quoted=$(echo "$NAUTILUS_SCRIPT_SELECTED_FILE_PATHS" | awk 'BEGIN { FS = "\n" } { printf "\"%s\" ", $1 }' | sed -e s#\"\"##)
so that I can adapt to meld.
If you are not rolling your own solution for the sake of learning, I would suggest installing the diff-ext extension to nautilus. It is cross platform and if you are running Debian/Ubuntu installing it should be as simple as sudo apt-get install diff-ext.
Check out some screenshots here -
The quoted=$( ...) assigns whatever output there is to the variable named quoted, and can be used later in the script as $quoted OR ${quoted} OR "${quoted}" OR "$quoted"
The '|' char is called a 'pipe' in unix/linux and it connects the output of the preceding command to feed into the following command.
So you just take the script apart 1 piece at a time and see what it does,
# I would execute below by itself first
# then add on this piped program to see how data gets transformed
| awk 'BEGIN { FS = "\n" } { printf "\"%s\" ", $1 }'
# then add this
| sed -e s#\"\"##
# the capturing of the output to the var 'quoted' is the final step of code
# you **cannot** copy paste this whole block of code and expect it to work ;-)
I don't know what is supposed to be in $NAUTILUS_SCRIPT_SELECTED_FILE_PATHS, so it is hard to show you here. AND, that variable is not defined in any of the code you specify here, so you may only get a blank line when you echo its value. Be prepared to do some research on how that value get set AND what are the correct values.
Also I notice that your code is 'prefixed' as #!/bin/sh. If it is truly /bin/sh then command substitution like quoted=$(....) will not work and should generate an error message. Persumably your system is really using bash for /bin/sh. You can eliminate any possible confusion in the future (when changing to a system where /bin/sh = bourne shell), by changing the 'shebang' to #! /bin/bash.
I hope this helps.
I just discovered diff-ext thanks to this post, excellent!
The first try I did failed: by default diff-ext does not handle backup files (*~ and *.bak). To enable this, run:
$ diff-ext-setup
and in the Mime types pane, check application/x-trash.
Now you can compare a file and its backup.

How to move files based on file (file name and location in file)

I tried but I failed, I have file like: D:/code/3635/ D:/code/3622/ D:/code/3624/ D:/code/3624/
My goal is to move file in first column to location in second column. I tried with while+awk but this did not worked. I would appreciate any help!
awk '{ system("mv "$1" "$2) }' filename
With awk, you can use the system function to build a move command and excute it. Obviously ensure that you are running the command in the directory with the files.
Let's assume, you file has name "data.txt", thus your code might look like this:
while read line; do mv $line; done < data.txt
What you need is just add a mv (space) to the beginning of each line. So you have 100+ ways to do that. If you love awk:
awk '$1="mv "$1' file
will create the mv command, to execute them, you can:
awk '$1="mv "$1' file |sh
I prefer this than the system() function call.
