Migration from VS 2008 to VS2012 or VS 2013 - visual-c++

I recently migrated my VC++ 6.0 application code to Visual studio 2008 in Windows 7. Now, I would like to migrate my project again to Visual studio 2012/2013 in Windows 7. Which is prefered and why?
Visual studio 2008 to visual studio 2012
Visual studio 2008 to visual studio 2013
Please advise.

I would just migrate directly to VS2013. The changes between VS2012 and VS2013 are minor and none of them game-breaking.
I would also suggest looking at http://blogs.msdn.com/b/vcblog/archive/2013/06/27/what-s-new-for-visual-c-developers-in-vs2013-preview.aspx and maybe the official MSDN articles
http://msdn.microsoft.com/en-us/library/vstudio/bb386063(v=vs.110).aspx for VS2012
http://msdn.microsoft.com/en-us/library/vstudio/bb386063(v=vs.120).aspx for VS2013
This may alert you to anything you might want to change\investigate before upgrade. At the end though if your goal is VS2013 then just do 1 upgrade, 1 set of tests etc.


Visual Studio 2017 project not working in VS 2012

I was working on a project in VS 2017(trial) but now i have to work on VS 2012 instead due to company policy. The problem is that now the components in the design are errored out(Error creating control) and i can't proceed any further. Any suggestions on how to make it work in 2012?
Maybe this solution will be able to help you. Seems like a similar issue although it is for a previous version of Visual Studio.
How to downgrade from Visual Studio 2012 project to Visual Studio 2008

What version of TFS should I install when I want to upgrade my Visual Studio 2012 to 2015

I work with Visual Studio Ultimate 2012 and Team Foundation Server 2012. I am planning to upgrade my VS to 2015 version.
May you please share your information with me:
1) Is it needed I upgrade my TFS version as well?
2) What is the best version of TFS for working with VS 2015?
This page describes the compatibility between Team Foundation clients and server. It only covers through Visual Studio 2013. I was not able to locate a similar page for VS 2015, possibly because it is in 'Preview' as of February 2015. However, this page indicates that VS 2013 will connect to TFS 2012 so you should be fine with VS 2015 Preview as well.
[OLD LINK] https://msdn.microsoft.com/en-us/library/dd997788.aspx
[NEW LINK] https://learn.microsoft.com/en-us/vsts/tfs-server/requirements
More specifically to your bullet points:
Upgrading your Team Foundation Server is a separate question from
upgrading Visual Studio which acts as a client for TFS. You
shouldn't need to change your TFS installation just because you
updated Visual Studio.
I didn't find documentation regarding Visual
Studio 2015 Preview and TFS but there is no indicator in the
documentation for Visual Studio 2013 that you need a specific
version to work correctly with TFS 2012.

How to install InstallShield 2010 SP1 (full edition) with Visual Studio 2012

I am not able to see any project template for InstallShield 2010 in Visual Studio 2012.
How to integrate InstallShield 2010 with Visual Studio 2012 after installing it?
I also tried this approach http://flexerasoftware.force.com/articles/en_US/HOWTO/Manually-Enable-Integration-with-All-Versions-of-Visual-Studio-NET. But no result.
Updated 22-Jan-2015
Today I found that installshield 2010 supports visual studio 2010.
InstallShield 2010 was released far before Visual Studio 2012 ever saw the light of day, as such there was no way to integrate it when it shipped. As far as I can tell no Service pack to InstallShield 2010 ever brought this functionality.
The InstallShield 2012 edition is the first edition that integrates into Visual Studio 2012.
The full compatibility matrix is listed on the FAQ you quoted:
Only certain versions of Microsoft Visual Studio .NET are supported with specific versions of InstallShield products. For example:
Microsoft Visual Studio .NET 2012 is supported by InstallShield 2012 Spring and later.
Microsoft Visual Studio .NET 2010 is supported by InstallShield 2011 and later.
Microsoft Visual Studio .NET 2008 is supported by InstallShield 2009 and later.
Microsoft Visual Studio .NET 2005 is supported by InstallShield 11.5 and later.
Microsoft Visual Studio .NET 2003 is supported by InstallShield X and later.
Microsoft Visual Studio .NET 2002 is supported by InstallShield Developer.

Visual Studio 2012 can't see path to the libs etc after updating

I have installed VS 2012 which worked perfectly until last updating. Now it can't see common paths. I tryed to customize them but failed. For example I have some project being ok before but now there are glitches all around it:
here are current settings I done:
This is like those folders look:
While a new project is creating I get such messges:
Besides I have not found how to make settings global (not for only the single project). For sure all that is not very sophisticated but I have too little experience with VS. So I will very appreciate for real help!
And the current version is:
Microsoft Visual Studio Professional 2012
Version 11.0.61030.00 Update 4
Microsoft .NET Framework
Version 4.5.50709
Installed Version: Professional
Team Explorer for Visual Studio 2012 04938-004-0033001-02302
Microsoft Team Explorer for Visual Studio 2012
Visual Basic 2012 04938-004-0033001-02302
Microsoft Visual Basic 2012
Visual C# 2012 04938-004-0033001-02302
Microsoft Visual C# 2012
Visual C++ 2012 04938-004-0033001-02302
Microsoft Visual C++ 2012
Visual F# 2012 04938-004-0033001-02302
Microsoft Visual F# 2012
The problem is resolved.
The cause was that before updating VS placed here:
C:\Program Files (x86)\Microsoft Visual Studio 11.0
but after updating here:
B:\Program Files\Microsoft Visual Studio 11.0
files which paths became broken left at the old location, i.e. here:
c:\Program Files (x86)\VC\
I really don't know why it is possible but reality is such just this.
So the solution was purely empirical:
1. Try to find lost files on the disk where VS was installed before:
Copy them into the directory where it is installed now:
Open any of projects to check if all is correct now:

Visual Studio 2012 and Silverlight 5

Does VS 2012 come with SL 5?, if it doesn't, what can I do?, I guess the tools installed for VS 2010 don't work with VS 2012.
If I don't uninstall VS 2010, will Silverlight 5 work in VS 2012 without doing anything?
According to MS SilverLight Forums.
does anyone know if Silverlight 5 Tools for Visual Studio is
compatible with visual studio 2012 rc? i haven't found a vs2012
specific version.
With this answer
You don't need that. You can create Silverlight projects directly in
Visual Studio 2012 RC. For more Visual Studio 2012 RC compatibility
issues please refer to:
Sincerely, Allen Chen Microsoft Online Community Support
Please remember to mark the replies as answers if they help and unmark
them if they provide no help.
So I assume that it's also true for the RTM release.
