DNS - Trying to map subdomain to site on EC2 - iis

I have a problem where I can't browse a website hosted on an Amazon EC2 IIS instance by domain name. I can browse it by the public elastic IP address I assigned to the instance.
I created a DNS A record pointing a sub domain to the public Elastic IP address. www.whatsmydns.net shows that it is propagated. However, I can't ping my subdomain (ping cannot find the host).
In IIS I created a binding for my subdomain pointing to the private IP address for the elastic IP.
I don't think it matters, but I also created a binding for an empty host name and * for the IP address to be able to connect by the public IP.
I'm completely new to EC2 and thought I wasn't doing something correctly with the elastic IP and/or IIS binding but it's troubling that I can't ping the subdomain. Or, maybe that is expected since I can't browse the site either.
Where have I gone wrong? What should I try/check next?

You can't ping the EC2 instance because by default the security group assigned to your EC2 instance will be blocking ping. To unblock it, modify your security group and add a Custom ICMP Rule to allow Echo Request and Echo Reply.
As for getting your DNS to work within IIS, if I were you to start with, I'd remove all bindings from IIS and then see if you get anything when using your subdomain.
Double check that your subdomain definitely resolves to your elastic IP, you can do this through a command prompt, e.g. nslookup subdomain.domain.com


Domain not attached to the Cpanel

I registered domain on the WHM and create a new user cpanel with the domain, the domain is added to the cpanel. But when i try to browse the domain name it getting server DNS address could not be found.i updated the name servers with my server name, but nothing changed.
when i try to go through myip/~newuser it going fine to the site file, but with the domain name it's not.
You have a DNS issue in this case. Please check your DNS zone with a tool like intoDns:
See if you get any errors there. If you do, then you have issues with your DNS configuration. Be sure that you have create the parent DNS servers for your domain if you want to use the DNS from WHM (the parent DNS servers should point to your WHM server ip).
Try using external services to query your DNS server to see if it actually works (like MXToolBox etc). Or you can use nslookup or dig right from your WHM server by connecting via ssh.

exposing Azure DNS servers

I have an Azure virtual machine with multiple web sites on it that I would like to expose to the Internet. The VM has Active Directory and DNS installed on it. I created the forward zone (xxx.cloudapp.net) on my server, and added the two web site names to the zone. On the Networks in the Management Portal, I added a DNS server(xxx.cloudapp.net) and gave it the public IP for my server.
So when I try a nslookup from outside of the VM, the names will not resolve. I set the server in nslookup to either the public IP or the name, and it does not resolve. I have logging turned on in the DNS server, but it does not seem to show any requests from my computer.
I must be doing something wrong. Any suggestions? This server is for a demo next week, and worst case, I can buy a couple of domain names.
Try the instance level public-ip address, you will get an ip address per virtual server: https://azure.microsoft.com/documentation/articles/virtual-networks-instance-level-public-ip/

Mapping DNS name to my website which is hosted on azure Virtual machine

How do i map my dns(www.mydomain.com) to my website which is hosted on my virtual machine.
Things i already done.
Created virtual machine in Azure.
Added endpoint on public port 80, private port 80
Website hosted on IIS, and can access via localhost (inside virtual machine) and even via http:// ipaddress/sitename/ (outside of virtual machine)
I already have a DNS name in godaddy.
Also if i have more than one website hosted on my IIS, how do i map to corresponding domains.
Now you need to create DNS record for your VM.
See how to do that at http://support.godaddy.com/help/article/680/managing-dns-for-your-domain-names
You have got two alternatives here:
Create A record (DNS name to IP, e.g. subdomain.example.com -> your VM VIP).
Public Virtual IP (VIP) adress can be found in the VM configuration on manage.windowsazure.com, on the right pane.
Create CNAME record (DNS name to another DNS name, e.g. subdomain.example.com -> VM-Name.cloudapp.net)
DNS Name of your VM can also be found in the VM configuration, on the same right pane.
After that, set appropriate Host Name (e.g. subdomain.example.com) in IIS site binding so that you can reuse the same port (80) for other sites, binding different Host Names for them.
If you need your site to response for localhost or other DNS name, just add it as another binding (see screenshot).

how to link new domain with amazon web services

I got got a new domain that I want to link to aws.
I've already have EC2 instance running.
I'm using Route53 for DNS, and opened 2 records: www.domain.com and domain.com
I updated the register company about the new dns servers from route53.
I do have an elastic IP I linked to my EC2 instance.
the problem is that i can't reach my web site.
I guess I'm missing some parts.
did I miss anything along the way?
EDIT: I can reach my site using the public IP I got from Amazon.
But I can't reach it using my domain.
how can i tell what breaks it?
Some things to check:
Have you definatley set the namservers correctly with the domain registrar?
Have you added the elastic IP address in Route 53?
Some other things that you could possibly check are the firewall settings. This is unlikely the case if you can access the site via the IP address.
Do you know what IP address the domain is resolving to. Is this correct?
Also, you can have look at this blog it will explain lot of things

Amazon Elastic IP + EC2

I have set up an EC2 instance and an Elastic IP which is associated to the instance. I have also set an A record in my DNS provider's Zone editor so that the domain name points to the elastic IP e.g. example.com =
After reading many posts, this seems like it should be enough to work but my domain name still isn't resolving. I can't even ping the IP address! Weirdly I CAN ssh into the EC2 instance via the elastic IP and everything seems fine, except that my domain name doesn't resolve to the EC2 instance!
Any thoughts?
DNS names take a while to propagate so that is probably your first issue.
Go to http://www.whatsmydns.net/ and enter your domain name. If all of the locations are returning with the correct ip then you can safely assume its not a DNS propagation issue.
Enable ICMP rules in the security group. If using the aws console create a new rule for "All ICMP" with a source of "". Enabling this creates a security risk for your server so only enable this temporarily while testing. At this point you should be able to ping your instance.
If using HTTP or HTTPS enable the correct ports on the security group for those protocols and as long as the instance is configured correctly with Apache you should be up and running.
Please check your EC2 security group & make sure desired ports are open
