How to use Custom Fields on the envelope - docusignapi

I am new to DOCUSIGN and learning the features of it.
I could see there is a feature to create custom Fields for a template.
I am not able to find the documentation about how to use custom fields in the envelope.
Is it possible to use the custom fields as a placeholder inside email to fill some data dynamically. So that the creator of envelope just fills in the information in the custom field and it will be used in the email body/subject etc..
is this possible.
need some advise.

"Custom fields" in DocuSign exist at various levels -- i.e., Envelope Custom Fields, Document Custom Fields, Recipient Custom Fields, etc. -- and simply facilitate you being able to associate metadata you specify with a specific object. For example, you might create an Envelope Custom Field called "CustId" and populate that field with the Id of the corresponding customer for each Envelope you create/send. Then, because you associated "CustId" value with each Envelope, you could later utilize this data for reporting purposes (for example: to find all envelopes associated with a particular customer). Custom fields cannot facilitate the functionality you've inquired about.
It's not possible via DocuSign functionality to utilize 'placeholders' as you've described to dynamically inject Envelope-specific values into the Email Subject/Body. However, you could easily have your application collect the relevant information (perhaps from the sender via a webform, or via a database lookup if you're app already has the relevant info there), and then use that information to programmatically (in your code) assemble the complete Subject and Body for the email, before using an API call to create the Envelope (specifying Subject and Body as part of your API request).


DocuSign - Custom Fields without Recipients

How to create custom fields that have no link to recipients? Would it be prefill tools? the only option I found but it asks for recipientId and when I give a Get we don't have this information.
It depends on what you are trying to do:
If you are trying to add metadata to the envelope, but not change the way to documents look (meaning, the data is not imprinted on the documents for recipients to see), then you can use envelope custom fields. Those could be set via the web app or via API.
If, on the other hand, you want something to be visible to recipients, meaning, you want a change to the way to documents look and you don't want that to be associated with a recipient, then you need pre-fill fields. These can also be set via API, see this blog post.

DocuSign Recipient and Custom Fields

I am new to DocuSign technology and need to get few pointers.
I have tested some java API to send emails out thru Docusign and did my homework. Few questions:
Can I create a DocuSign Template without a Recipient? DocuSign is not letting me to add custom fields without a recipient.
My use case is: Put a template on docusign with some custom fields (say 10). My application would pass values for 3 custom fields along with new recipient (email address). I expect recipient would fill rest of custom fields.
How can I create/send an envelope with a Template ID and Recipients? I see error that you can pass only one of them.
I am able to pass values to custom fields via EnvelopeDifinition->TemplateRole->Tabs->TexTabs. But, the values are not populated if there are multiple recipients.
I am looking at some guidance on the approach for my use case and some pseudo code if that helps.
You cannot create a template without recipients, because you cannot create an envelope without recipients. At least one is required. A template is a repetitive envelope and if it were created without recipients - you can have an envelope without recipients which is not allowed.
There are two types of recipients in templates. The one you probably need is a role based (templateRole) that does not include the email/name but has to be provided when an envelope is created from the template (also called placeholder). That recipient can still have fields (tabs, tags) and the API can provide the value for some of them.
This article talks about how to set the values of tabs in an envelope created from a template and is exactly what you're saying you want to do.

Docusign - Populate tabs in envelope using REST API

I have created a template in DocuSign with a number of fields. I have also built an application that creates an envelope from that template and sends it using the REST API.
In that process I also would like to prepopulate those fields in the envelope document before sending to the first recipient. For achieving this I have looked at the update method for recipient tabs (
However when using the update method I need to have the tabId which is unique for each envelope. If I have 20 tabs in a document I have to fetch them all for getting the ID before doing an update. Is there a better way of doing this?
The API must be able to determine the unique tab you wish to update, so a unique ID of some sort is required to do so. Note also tabs are for a specific recipient and you need to specify the page number as well.

DocuSign API: Changing the filename when signing from a template

Using the DocuSign API via VisualStudio, I create and send an Envelope out to customers based on a Template on my DocuSign account which contains a list of the recipients and a standard pdf document.
I specify the TemplateRoles and the TemplateId using the EnvelopeDefinition object then create the Envelope. The pdf document returned when everything is signed will have the same name as the pdf on the Template document.
What I need to do is change the name of this document for each Envelope/customer. Ideally I could change the document name to that of the customer to make it easier to store and find, instead of getting a lot of different docs back with one generic name.
Is it at all possible to change the name of the finished document?
I don't know about changing the name of the document.
But you can change the subject of the envelope when you create the envelope. And it is the subject of the envelope that you see in the DocuSign web tool.
You can also set an envelope custom property and later search for envelopes with that property. Using this technique, you could easily bring up all envelopes related to a particular customer (probably best to store your customer_id as an envelope custom property in this case).
This is a bit of a hack but it works.
You can create a dummy cc recipient and their name can be anything (their email address can be random letters). Set up your template with the merge fields to include in the message subject (this also automatically edits the envelope name). Using this guide:
Then when you create your envelope from the template, fill in the dummy name with whatever text you want to be added to the envelope name.

Modifying the envelope once created on docusign

Can we modify the envelope once created ?(Draft and Sent both the status). If possible, can you point me to the documentation for same?
Yes, you can modify an "in-process" Envelope, but only certain properties of an existing Envelope can be changed. I'd suggest that you search the table of contents in the DocuSign REST API guide ( for the word "modify" -- that will show you (at a glance) the types of things that can be modified. For example, you'll see that these types of things can be modified on an existing Envelope:
envelope custom fields (p141)
custom document fields (p154)
email setting overrides (p162)
recipient information (p171)
recipient tabs (p178)
