Azure two VM's in cloud service, can not RDP to one - azure

I am new to Azure and trying to setup our companies testing environment in Azure.
As I understand it for two machines to talk to each other in Azure they need to be in the same cloud service, i.e. our web server and DB server.
So I have created a service, then created each of the VM's in that service. They are both running. In the endpoints I can see:
web server:
HTTP TCP 80 80 -
HTTPS TCP 443 443 -
PowerShell TCP 5986 5986 -
Remote Desktop TCP 50232 3389 -
db server:
MSSQL TCP 1433 1433 -
PowerShell TCP 54327 5986 -
Remote Desktop TCP 52459 3389 -
in the cloud service the input areas
protoApp : 123.456.789.227:80
protoApp : 123.456.789.227:443
protoApp : 123.456.789.227:5986
protoApp : 123.456.789.227:50232
protodb : 123.456.789.227:1433
protodb : 123.456.789.227:54327
protodb : 123.456.789.227:52459
I can connect to the protodb server but not the protoapp server (on the given ports).
There are two / three questions really.
Should they both be in the same cloud service?
Should the live DB and web server be in a seperate cloud server (not created them yet)
Can anyone think of a reason why I can no longer MSTSC / rdp to one of the machines, even though the endpoints say its all fine, the machine is running and the cloud service says it has it as an endpoint.

No reason why not, though you should look at creating a Virtual Network to connect them
You should consider this if
Performance dictates it
You want extra security - consider somebody hacks the web server, they then immediately have access to the same server that hosts the data. Really you should restrict the incoming IPs for MSSQL to something trusted anyway, or the same subnet if you use a Virtual Network
Cost is not an issue
I've sometimes had trouble using mstsc to directly connect via RDP to Azure VMs. If you go to and navigate to your VM, there will be a "Connect" option at the bottom. This will download a .rdp file which might help.
Something else worth noting, If you're using Azure VMs, you won't qualify for Microsoft's uptime SLA unless you have two or more VMs per cloud service configured as part of an Availability Set. So straight away you should consider that the number of VMs you're planning will double if you want to have a production/highly available environment, and you should consider the impact this will have on your application architecture too.


Enabling port for tcp in Azure VM

I have created a Windows WCF Service and I want to host it inside Azure VM.
The service is locally running fine inside the VM, but when attempting to access the service outside of the VM, I cannot connect to the service at the specified port.
While requesting the service, I'm getting the following error:
SocketException (0x274d): No connection could be made because the target machine actively refused it...
Also, while pinging the VM through the command prompt with public ip, I'm getting Request timed out.
I have enabled the port for TCP in Azure inbound rules as well as in VM firewall inbound rules. The VM is Windows Server.
How can I access the service running in the VM from another system?
Any help is appreciated.
check application is running on the port you exposed
check windows level firewall allows traffic on that port from your destination
check NIC level NSG allows traffic on that port from your destination
check subnet level NSG allows traffic on that port from your destination
you might also have Azure Firewall\UDR\NVA in the networking setup, check those as well (this is highly unlikely if you are not running an enterprise grade setup).

Connecting to private TCP service on Azure VM

I am testing my own TCP client/server software, trying to use an Azure VM for testing. I have done this successfully on a Azure VM that I set up over a year ago. Now I have created a new VM that I need to test with. My service is installed on the VM and is monitoring port 18971. In the Azure portal, I have created an "endpoint" for TCP for that port. The machine is running Windows 2012. I have configured Windows Firewall with inbound and outbound rules to allow all TCP traffic to/from that port. I have also tried turning the firewall off. Still, my client software does not work, I receive error 10060 on the Winsock API "connect". I tried both the domain name and the IP address.
Any ideas of what else I have to do to allow TCP traffic? I am pretty sure this is an Azure configuration problem - I have successfully tested the software on direct connected machines as well as the old Azure VM I mentioned (I see no difference between it and the one I am trying now).
I guess you use the new type of VM with a resource manager on the old portal which you have "endpoint" for TCP for that port. You have to open some ports (endpoints) on new VM via the new portal. Refer to this.
For the new type of VM with a resource manager, you have to allow the port 18971 in the inbound port rules of NSG associated with your Azure VM or subnet.
Navigate to your virtual machine settings, and find Networking---Add inbound port rule.

Not able to access application hosted on Linux VM on Azure cloud

I have created a CentOS 7.1 VM using Resource Manager deployment model.
I am not able to access the application using a browser on a machine connected to internet.
However I am able to access the application on same machine and other VM on same virtual network using private IP address.
I configured Network Security Group and allowed port 80 and 443 in Inbound Rules.
Well, it turned out that I needed to open ports under "Inbound Security Rules" and needed to open all in "Source Port Range". For doing so, i needed to put * there and in Destination port for https - 443 etc.
This * thing was the catch which i was missing in all the Inbound security rules for allowing the ports.

Connection to azure virtual machine public port is timed out

I am using Azure Virtual Machine (Windows Server 2008 R2 image) provided from the gallery and created Public port and private port using the portal. I did remote log in to VM and I run a TCP server application inside VM (TCP server binds to the private port of the VM). Problem I face is that I can not connect it through the public IP and port (from external machine). I have created a inbound rule in VM's Firewall, where I enable connection to the Private port of VM. I tried recreating the VM, also the new ports. Still problem persists. One more thing I observed is that my TCP Client is able to connect to RemoteDesktop port of the VM also the PowerShell port. But does not connect to the port that I created through the portal. Pls suggest what can be wrong?
Note: I also observed some weird behavior. I enabled all ports for my TCP Server app in Inbound rule of firewall and found that some unknown IP (was similar to azure internal IP) is connecting to my server. Why it is happening?
I would like to understand as to how you are trying to connect with the Virtual Machine, using RDP or trying to test the connectivity, for example, using Port Ping.
Endpoints for RDP and Powershell are configured by default. So if you are trying to connect using Remote Desktop, you can directly connect to the VM using MSTSC from Run and provide the IP of the VM followed by the Port Number using the below format
However if you would like to test the connectivity to the VM, I suggest you to use Port Ping instead of ICMP ping since ICMP traffic is blocked by the Azure load balancer and the ping requests timeout. While Ping.exe uses ICMP, other tools such as PsPing, Nmap, or Telnet allow you to test connectivity to a specific TCP port.
On the other hand, after creating the VM, you can add endpoints additionally as needed. You can also manage incoming traffic to the public port by configuring rules for the Network Access Control List (ACL) of the endpoint.
The private port is used internally by the virtual machine to listen for traffic on that endpoint.
The public port is used by the Azure load balancer to communicate with the virtual machine from
external resources. After you create an endpoint, you can use the network access control list
(ACL) to define rules that help isolate and control the incoming traffic on the public port. For
more information, see About Network Access Control Lists.

Database hosted in Azure virtual machine is the same as if hosted on normal remote hosts?

I would like to host a firebird database in an Azure virtual machine.
Normally, I would indicate in a program a connection like this:
hostname:databasename connect to remote host. In azure, you cannot do that.
I would need to connect with something like:
The client would be talking to ? thinking that someport is the port to communicate with the database server.
So it seems I would need a proxy to login-connect to windows azure cloud resources and the client would then use the proxy to talk with the database server. This looks like a hassle - are there any alternatives?
I'm not entirely sure of your Cloud architecture in Azure, but assuming you have one VM with your DB installed you should be able to open up a a public endpoint (via the portal for your Cloud Service) and connect to that via it's public IP address & the port).
Windows Azure does have more advanced features that allows you to connect to specific VM's within a Cloud Service via Port Forwarding.
Michael Washam has a great blog post on this 'Windows Azure Virtual Machines':
The architecture of cloud services makes endpoint configuration
interesting. Since each cloud service has a single public IP address
but multiple virtual machines can reside in it how do you address
individual servers directly in a non-load balanced fashion?
Port forwarding allows you to configure an endpoint on a specific VM
listening on any of the ephemeral ports that will then be forwarded to
the correct internal port.
