Using OData to execute a remote Domain Service method - domain-driven-design

As far as I got it so far, OData is more meant to consume data, i.e. in a read-only manner. I want to ask whether it's intended to use OData to invoke remote functions, for example a Domain Service's method.
When looking at the OData 4.0 spec, chapter 4.3 "Addressing Entities", there are indeed terminologies like actionCall, entityFunctionCall etc. But this so far is of course also only meant for "serving", I assume.
I'd like to do something like Does that make sense?

If I understand you correctlu, you want to invoke an unbound action, which is called "Action Import" since your action "ApproveBankAccount" does not bounded to any type....
According to the Odata Protocol, the folloding URL should be "POST": the "Account" should be included in Payload.
Payload: { abcde-123456 }
Aternatively, you can also design bounded action "Approve" on entity type "BankAccount", the posted URL should be:

OData is a standardized protocol for creating and consuming data APIs. OData builds on core protocols like HTTP and commonly accepted methodologies like REST. The result is a uniform way to expose full-featured data APIs.
Except providing functions and actions bound to entities, OData also provides service level functions and actions.
Please reference this URL for the sample:
But it is based on OData v3, and there will soon be samples for OData v4.


Pass parameters from C# function app to another Javascript function app in Azure

I need to set up an application in Azure and make communicate 2 functions (one written in C# and one written in JavaScript).
The C# fragment consists in analyzing a XML feed, get the data and save in objects then finally send them to the other JavaScript function by parameter.
I did read that we could establish communication between both functions using HTTP calls but is it possible to do it with parameters ?
If not, would have any suggestions in order to achieve something like this properly? I'm getting started with Azure and i don't have enough visibility to know what is recommened in such a situation
Thank you for your advices
Yes, this is absolutely possible. How you do this is up to you. If you look at the default HTTP trigger templates, you can see that they take parameters (for example, as query string parameters). You can find more examples in the HTTP and webhook recipes documentation.
You can use other trigger types for cross-function communication as well. Take a look at this documentation for related best practices:

Can Azure Functions be used with URI path IDs?

I am wondering if it is possible to configure an Azure Function App to accept a URI-path ID as is typically used in RESTful services, e.g. /api/foo/1, where the function is foo. I haven't been able to find documentation on this and the binding information that I have found suggests that this isn't possible (I don't see a way to map it). It doesn't "just work" with the typical HTTP trigger (which supports /api/foo?id=1). In that configuration one receives a 404 response, I'm guessing because it doesn't know to call the foo function with the ID suffix in the URI.
In case it matters, I'm using C# to write my function.
You are correct that URI parameters are not supported at this time. If you'd like, you can create a feature suggestion for this here in our repo. Thanks :)

Is there a way to link a specific method to a Route in ServiceStack?

The Problem
I'm aware of the basic way to create a route/endpoint in ServiceStack using methods with names like "Get", "Post", "Any", etc inside a service but in the particular case that I'm trying to work with I have an existing service (which I can make an IService via inheritance) that can not be retrofitted w/ServiceStack attributes and currently uses DTOs for the requests and responses.
This service contains many functions that I do not want to manually mask (as this is a pass-through layer) but otherwise already conform to ServiceStack's requirements. What I'm wondering is if there's a way to manually create these routes in a way that would work like I've mocked up here. My existing functions and DTOs already contain the information I would need to define the routes so if this approach is possible it would only require me to enumerate them at initialization time as opposed to generating the services layer manually.
I noticed there is an extension method on Routes.Add that takes an Expression of type Expression> but I was not able to get that working because I believe the underlying code makes assumptions about the type of Expression generated (LambdaExpression vs MemberExpression or something like that). I also may be barking up the wrong tree if that's not the intended purpose of that function but I can not find documentation anywhere on how that variant is supposed to work.
I'm not sure this is necessary but to shed some light on why I want to do this as opposed to retrofitting my existing layers: The current code is also used outside of a web service context and is consumed by other code internally. Retrofitting ServiceStack in to this layer would make every place that consumes it require ServiceStack's assemblies and be aware of the web service which is a concern I want separated from the lower code. We were previously using MVC/WCF to accomplish this goal but we want some of the features available from ServiceStack.
the current architecture looks like this:
data -> DAL -> discrete business logic -> composition -> web service
Hopefully that makes enough sense and I'm not being obtuse. If you would like any more details about what I want to do or why I'll try to update this post as soon as possible.
You might use the fallback route in order to provide your own routing mechanism.
Then you get the request.Path property and route using your own mapping of path:Function which can be stored in a simple dictionary.
Anyway, if you go this path I don't see much benefit in using servicestack. It seems you just need an http handler that routes requests to existing services.

ServiceStack.Examples\src\ServiceStack.Examples is not RESTful?

I'm struggling to see how this is RESTful. I'm referring to the downloaded GitHub ServiceStack.Examples\src\ServiceStack.Examples\ServiceStack.Examples.sln. I do not see anything restful about this, there is no RESTful routes here at all and the method names are all verbs but they're all like GEtThis, etc. I don't see any Http verb attributes, nothing here.
Can someone explain what this is here becuase I feel like it doesn't even belong in the ServiceStack examples...??
Nobody said that example was supposed to be RESTful.
ServiceStack is a general services framework that lets you implement SOAP, MQ or REST+Web/HTML services with the same service.
The example your looking at is one of the first examples ever created for ServiceStack which makes use the Old API. You can compare and contrast it with the New API here. Since the example implements IService<T> it's not a REST service, since every HTTP Verb will invoke the same implementation above. To provide different implementations for each verb with the Old API you would need to inherit RestServiceBase<T> instead, or preferably use the New API.
If you want to consume this service via SOAP or MQ hosts than you need to ensure its accessible via POST by either maintaining single operation per Request DTO like this or by using a method named either Post() or Any() in the New API.

Service Stack migrating RPC to REST issues

Trying to sell a move to ServiceStack from traditional ASP.Net /SOAP web services with the management team.
I am struggling with a some RPC'ish issues. Requirement is that I support SOAP (even backhandedly) in the hope of selling my service consumers on REST.
Take for example a service called "ReplaceItem" which basically requires:
Close out item number
Replacement item number
Store Number
Bunch of other replacement item data
Should I create a ReplacementItem DTO? It seems to be if I have a number of these type of functions I am just going to have tons of DTOs instead of tons of RPC methods. Plus what is the "id" in this case and what REST method would I be using?
I get that REST/SS gives me basic CRUD functionality for domain level structures like Items/Customers/etc, but how do I handle non-CRUD methods in SS.
I am also having issues with multiple parameters making up the primary key for a certain service. Almost all Inventory tables are structured by Item Number AND Store Number. I'd rather not dump the creation of some composite string on the service client. How do I handle this?
ServiceStack promotes a SOA-like message-based design that is optimal and provides many natural benefits for remote services.
My initial thoughts would look something like
POST {CloseItemNumber} /item/1/close
POST {ItemNumber} /item/1?replace=true
POST {ItemNumber} /item/1
POST {ItemNumber} /item/1 i.e. same DTO/service different values.
Where ItemNumber and CloseItemNumber are separate Request DTOs and services.
Designing Service APIs
I prefer to structure my services around 'resources/nouns' and design my service APIs as actions that apply operations to them.
If the operation requires more information than storing the Resource DTO I would create a separate service with the additional metadata.
i.e. Here's how I would convert Amazons 'RPC' service to be more REST-ful:
Into how I prefer to write it:
FormData: InstanceId=i-6058a509&Device=/dev/sdh&AUTHPARAMS
Which would still use an explicit AttachVolume Request DTO.
Another example I use to showcase the different between WCF RPC and ServiceStack's coarse-grained message-based approach is in:
Difference between an RPC-chatty and message-based API:
This is a typical API that WCF encourages:
public interface IService
Customer GetCustomerById(int id);
Customer[] GetCustomerByIds(int[] id);
Customer GetCustomerByUserName(string userName);
Customer[] GetCustomerByUserNames(string[] userNames);
Customer GetCustomerByEmail(string email);
Customer[] GetCustomerByEmails(string[] emails);
This is an equivalent message-based API we encourage in ServiceStack:
public class Customers {
int[] Ids;
string[] UserNames;
string[] Emails;
public class CustomersResponse {
Customer[] Results;
Note: If you want your same services to support a both SOAP and a REST-based API, you will need to structure your services slightly differently to overcome SOAP's limitation of tunnelling all operations through HTTP POST.
Problem i still have when deciding to switch from 1 chatty RPC api to a REST api is that instead of having several functions easy to maintain, i find myself with either 2 solutions :
multiplying DTOs and services that makes internal code for the services being chatty and complex
putting into a single route (OnGet) all the code managing the service but this way i have to parse the different parameters to 'discover' which parameters have been requested (to simplify instead of having multiple simple functions with pre-defined parameters i now have only one function that has to determine which parameters are meaningful ... but that is VERY hard to maintain - code is more complex to me now).
In the proposed solution to solve GetCustomerById, GetCustomersByEmails etc. the point to me is that instead of having simple queries, we now have to dynamically construct the query based on the filled parameters - that can make the code tricky and hard to maintain - having to manage possible combinations of multiple parameters - some combinations not being possible too.
Feeling little bit sad about that as i REALLY don't like WCF at all.
Mixing WCF and REST seems summum of the complexity - the worst for me (complexity of defining a REST api + complexity of WCF).
Are my feelings shared or did i miss something ?
