Debian wheezy - lost gnome during install - linux

Upgraded dist, no problem, although lost xbmc, found documentation saying to include additional source for xbmc as install wasn't working.
installed xbmc not realising it's completely replaced/up/down graded dist.
Needless to say I've lost gnome and samba config has been modified. i can fix after i get desktop back, packages are still there but no longer referenced.
when i try an apt-get install gnome i get a lot of message about Dependants and how they're not going to be installed.
any help appreciated.

Try sudo aptitude install gnome-desktop-environment, review solution and do not accept it until you're happy with what's going to be installed/removed.


vs code not installing on Chromebook

I was trying to install vs code on Chromebook with Linux but i get it off the website and go into the file and it says "apt is not install able" and things like it for about five rows of text I hope someone knows the answer.
Try beginning with sudo apt install as opposed to apt install. Linux can be wishy washy when it comes to installs in the terminal.

python3-yaml needs dependency python3-yaml

I am trying to install lutris on SteamOS using Debian, to do so I require python3-yaml; which is becoming a nightmare to install. I found the debian file for python3-yaml online and have checked that I have installed all the dependencies required however I always end up with a strange error stating that the dependency "python3-yaml" is not satisfiable and I am unsure if this is a glitch in the software I am using or if python3-yaml actually needs python3-yaml to be installed.
I have attempted using normal yaml however that has not contributed anything towards my situation.
Could someone suggest a method for me to use to install python3-yaml and give me a few steps for doing it, thank you kindly.
To resolve this
dpkg -i python3-yaml.deb
apt-get install -f

No dashboard/terminal/sidebar displayed in ubuntu 14.04 after removing python3.4

Problem summary: No dashboard/terminal/sidebar displayed in Ubuntu 14.04 after uninstalling Python3.4
How it happened: I was working on a project which requires Python3.5 . My Ubuntu 14.04.5 had already Python3.4 installed in it. After installing Python3.5, I removed Python3.4 as I was facing some problem.
While uninstalling Python3.4(using 'sudo apt-get remove python3.4'), I realized that I have made a mistake by uninstalling it, as it caused to remove many other packages related to display/software updates/other display related packages.
I reinstalled the Python3.4 package and rebooted the system. But then I found that the desktop of my system is not coming properly. There is no dashboard/sidebar/terminal/settings option visible. Even ctr+alt+T not working.
Tried Solution: I installed python3.4/ubuntu-desktop/software-center packages there(using ctr+alt+F1) but they did not improve the situation. I still don't understand which packages I need to install in order to fix this. I appreciate any help for it.
I landed up in the same situation, doing the same thing as you. To make matters worse (may be) I even tried to uninstall Python2. My thinking was, if I have Python3, why do I need 2?
Anyway, I was scrambling to find a fix, when I came across your query, which gave me an idea. I hit Ctrl+Alt+F1, and at the command prompt issued this command:
sudo apt-get install unity
That fixed the issue.
I realize you may have already resolved the issue, but I figured this might help others.

centOS Security Center yum install dependencies failing

I am running a centOS 7 virtual machine and trying to install an RPM package for Security Center 4.7.1. The yum installer fails to find the install packages for the dependencies libexpat and libreadline, however I do have expat and readline installed. I don't understand this because it seems that the Security Center RPM is looking for packages of the wrong names. This link is a screen shot showing the yum install abort, the lack of installed packages required and the packages I do have installed relevant to the problem...
centOS VM screenshot
Any suggestions on how to remedy this without forcing the install and risking non functionality of Security Center?
The package you are trying to install needs
but your installation has probably (from what I can see)
It will be difficult to install this package; I would recommend you to search for a newer SecurityCenter package.
for experts:
there is probably a way to work around this; if you can manage to install an older libreadline and libexpat rpm side by side with the new ones; but that might be risky because there are probably some conflicts and updates might not run too well...

Install Gnome without using yum on centos 4

I'm using CentOS 4.8 , i386.
I would appreciate if any one can help me to install Gnome (or any other GUI) while there is no yum available.
I tried to install yum but since It's a company's server with many things installed on it,
I faced with many problems.
However I decided to find a way to install Gnome without using yum
And please take note:
I'm a neophyte!
Did you try getting the source-code and building it manually?
You can get the code from
GNOME also provides a build tool to make the installation easier.
But, as it has already been pointed out - Servers are best managed over command line. It will give you more power and control over what you are doing.
