How to prevent a Chrome App from being closed? - google-chrome-extension

I am building my first local Chrome App using this tutorial
My goal is to build an app that launches fullscreen when the PC is started.
The app can be closed by pressing a certain button (Q) but otherwise the user should not be able to close the app.
Is this possible using Google Chrome Apps? How do you launch fullscreen, and how do you prevent the user from closing the app?
Can you prevent the user right-clicking to inspect the page, or clicking on the top menu bar to close the app?

Sounds like you may want to use kiosk mode. Use this manifest permission for your app, as listed here.
You can enter kiosk mode from the chrome command line as well, with --kiosk.


using to launch a window in PWA mode

I'd like to use my chrome extension to create and manage the focus for windows in my Progressive Web App. Focusing windows works well, but whenever I try to create a new window using, the url loads into a new web browser window and not within the PWA. Is there a way to get chrome to recognize that a url within that scope should always load within the PWA?
My app requires allowing the user to micromanage their window focus to keep their workflow fast, and unfortunately vanilla .open() and .focus() have loads of limitations within chrome.

Make electron window able to receive click event when above keynote app

I am working on electron app where i open a child window which i want to be above all the windows (not above fullscreen windows though), I managed to do it by using
win.setAlwaysOnTop(true, "screen-saver");
It now stays on top of all other open apps and keynote app presentation mode, i want user to be able to click buttons inside my window but now the issue is as soon as user clicks on button or just window in my child window, keynote window minimizes (as focus shifts to my window).
What i tried : I tried almost all available window option given in electron docs with different variations, I also tried playing with modals, but obviously modals stay in window itself, i want to keep main app minimized and keep child window on top of other apps. I also found electron-modal package, but that also behaves same.
working example
I was trying different application to check is any other application is able to do it, and i found that zoom app window (in screen share mode) is able to stay on top of keynote app and you can click buttons inside that app, you can move window, and keynote app keeps running in the background with no issues. I am trying to achieve exactly same behaviour.
This is something that you won't be able to recreate with electron currently, except through a native node module that manipulates your window related OS flags.
You can follow this issue on the Electron repository, since the flags introduced there should resolve your issue, or at least give you a point of entry to make your own PR or node_module.

Electron : App minimize or not visible after click outside browserWindow or Windows key+D

I am developing a desktop widget which shows current system status. But the problem is when any user clicks outside of browser window the app get hide/not visible on the desktop. The same thing happens when user press key windows key +D. Is there anything that we can do for preventing this or catch this event and call Because lots of desktop widget support this kind of feature.
Edit: I have tried alwaysOnTop property of browserWindow, but I don't want to show my app above the other apps. Like any desktop widget which always shows on the desktop.

How To Hide Chrome Web Driver Icon (Python-Selenium)

Goal: Run chrome web driver in background without showing an app icon in the dock or application bar. FYI: I can already run chrome headless, but I have not been able to hide or not show the chrome icon in my app bar.
Reason: I am building an application that accesses various websites in parallel and I would not like the chrome app icons to display for the synchronous tasks that are taking place. I want to run these tasks in the background.
Current Code with chrome options that will display headless chrome
chrome_options = Options()
driver = webdriver.Chrome(executable_path=executable_text, chrome_options=chrome_options)
list of chrome options:
one of many posts explaining how to do headless chrome: Selenium - chrome Driver fail to start in background (without a start-up window)
How can I hide the chromedriver app icons from displaying? Is there a chrome option I can set in addition to setting the 'headless' chrome option? Is this more of an OS setting that needs to be made to run chromedriver in the background? I am successfully able to run multiple chromedrivers in headless mode but it would be nice to NOT show the chrome icons in the dock or application tray similar to how phantomjs does not launch an app icon.
^In the image above those are the chromedrivers that run in headless mode displaying in my dock and ideally for my program I would not even want to display those icons since it is all background processing anyways.
Update (this worked for me to hide the chromedriver icons at least on my Mac):
I was not able to find a Chrome Option to accomplish hiding the chromedriver icons that appear in the dock. However, I was able to edit the Info.plist file for Chrome as part of my program to do the trick (of hiding chromedriver icons) using the LSBackgroundOnly key.
In the Info.plist for Chrome, programmatically, I entered:
On my Mac using python3 code I used os.system to execute a terminal command using defaults to enter the LSBackgroundOnly key when the program is executing and then at the end of program execution I delete the LSBackgroundOnly key from the Info.plist.
like this:
defaults write /Applications/Google\ LSBackgroundOnly -string '1'
defaults delete /Applications/Google\ LSBackgroundOnly
AS INFO: This is tricky because your normal chrome app may start up in background mode if you don't add/delete LSBackgroundOnly properly during program execution. In my experience, worst case scenario you may have to manually remove LSBackgroundOnly from the Info.plist file then restart your computer to get Chrome out of background mode.
I remove the LSBackgroundOnly key from the Info.plist file in my program after program execution because the key only needs to be in the file when the chromedrivers are launched. After that I want to be able to use regular Chrome app without issues of it opening in background mode. But, if you understand your program execution and handle your exceptions, this will definitely work to hide the icons correctly and there will be nothing different in using your regular Chrome app.
Happy hacking.
This is not possible using Selenium. I don't really understand why you want to do this. Is there a real purpose, or it's just you don't want it to show? Even if the Chrome app shows on the dock, in headless mode, it works pretty good.
However, if you want your icon to not appear in the dock when opened, then you need to disable it by modifying the Info.plist file for that application.
In your Info.plist for Chrome, add this
This will prevent your app icon from appearing in dock, when working. I found this out a long time ago and this is the post where I saw it.
PS - I have not tested it for Chrome app. Please test at your own peril.

How to close tabris application

Is it possible to minimize or close tabris application (client side) ?
I wanna accomplish the same behavior that is implement on hardware control. (back button on top level page or home button) but I wanna invoke this when a certain criteria in my app is satisfied.
On ios you can not close an application. On Android closing the last open shell (eg by pressing the back button or programmatic) also closes the app.
