Location of emacs socket - linux

I use emacs on a remote server. Since my sessions usually involve dozens of files and processes, I've been using the emacs server and connecting to it with the emacs client. That has the advantage that, if my ssh connection is interrupted for whatever reason (which happens very often since I'm in England and the server's in California), I simply connect to the emacs server again and continue working like nothing has happened.
However, some time ago, the administrators of the server have changed its configuration so that "unused" files get regularly purged from the /tmp directory, which is where the emacs socket is by default. Since the time stamp doesn't get updated after its initial creation, the purging process assumes that it's an unused file, which means that I can't connect to my server any more although it's running.
Does somebody know of a way to tell emacs to create the socket in a directory other than the default?
By the way, I also tried using a script that renews the socket's time stamp regularly, but it's still being deleted.
Thanks in advance.

It seems that server-socket-dir and server-auth-dir are the variables you are looking for, from the documentation C-hvserver-socket-dirRET
The directory in which to place the server socket. If local sockets
are not supported, this is nil.
Directory for server authentication files. We only use this if
server-use-tcp' is non-nil. Otherwise we useserver-socket-dir'.

I finally found out myself, so sharing with everybody. Works with TCP and unix sockets.
ATMP="${HOME}/.tmp" # alternative tmp directory, choose any directory you like
mkdir $ATMP
env TMPDIR=${ATMP} emacs --daemon=$SOCKETNAME # start the daemon; SOCKETNAME can be anything
emacsclient -s ${ATMP}/$SOCKETNAME $OTHER_ARGS # start the client


How to launch a "rogue" cli server as unprivileged user

Let's state a situation:
I have the possibility to run arbitrary commands on a server as an unprivileged user, through "unconventional means".
I do not have the possibility to login using ssh to that server, either as my unprivileged user or anything else. So I do not have currently a CLI allowing me to run any commands I would like in a "normal" way.
I can ping that server and nothing prevents me to connect to arbitrary ports.
I still would like to have a command line to allow me to run arbitrary command as i wish on that server.
Theoretically nothing would prevent me to launch any program as my unprivileged user, including one that would open a port, allow some remote user to connect to it and just forward any commands to bash, returning the result. I just don't know any good program to do that.
So, does any one know? I looked at ways to launch ssh_server as an unprivileged user but some users reported that recent versions of ssh_server do not allow that anymore. Actually I don't even need ssh specifically, any way to get a working CLI would do the trick. Even a crappy node.js program launching an http server would work, as long as I have a CLI (... and it's not excessively crappy, the goal is to have a clean CLI, not something that bugs every two characters).
In case you would ask why I would like to do that, it's not related to anything illegal ^^. I just have to work with a very crappy Jenkins server for which I'm not allowed to have direct access to its agents. Whoever is responsible for that server doesn't give a sh** about its users' needs so we have to use hacky solutions just to have some diagnostic data about that server (like ram, cpu and disk usage, installed programs, etc...). Having a CLI that I can launch some time instead of altering a build configuration and waiting 20 minutes to have an answer about what's going on would really help.
Thanks in advance for any answer.
So do you have shell access to the server at least once? E.g., during the single day of the month when you are physically present at the site of your client or the outsourcing contractor?
And if you have shell access then, can you or your sysmin install Cockpit?
It listens on port 9090.
You can then use the credentials of your local user and open a terminal window in your browser. See sidebar item "Terminal" on the screenshots of the cockpit homepage.
According to the documentation
Cockpit has no special privileges and doesn’t run as root. It creates a session as the logged in user and has the same permissions as that user.

Syncing between a windows based server (host) and linux server(client) using SFTP

My task is to sync folders between two computers. One which acts as a windows server which is the host and the other one is a linux based server. The file transfer has to be secure and encrypted. Are there are any free softwares which will help me do this task.
Additionally the syncing should automatically happen after every pre decided interval.
I have a recollection that WinSCP can be invoked through command line. There, you have the option to synchronize folders (and the whole hierarchy there in). It may be worth trying.
Total Commander also has FTP/SFTP capabilities, but I'm not sure you can invoke it through command line.
One point to consider: If the process is to run automatically, you need to hard-code the username and password for the connection. There your security becomes compromised.

Is there any jsch ChannelSftp's function work like command 'cp'

These days,I am work with jsch-0.1.41,operate resources on a remote linux server via ChannelSftp.I find that there is no function provide the functionality similar to shell command "cp".Now I want to copy a file from a directory to the other,these two directory both remote directory on linux server.
Any wrong point in my presentation,please point it out.Thanks.
The SFTP protocol doesn't offer such a command, and thus also JSch's ChannelSftp doesn't offer it.
You have basically two choices:
Use a combination of get and put, i.e. download the file and upload it again. You can do this without local storage (simply connect one of the streams to the other), but this still requires moving the data twice through the network (and encrypting/decrypting twice), where it wouldn't be really necessary. Use this only if the other way doesn't work.
Don't use SFTP, but use an exec channel to execute a copy command on the server. On unix servers, this command is usually named cp, on Windows servers likely copy. (This will not work if the server's administrator somehow limited your account to SFTP-only access.)

WinSCP: The requested name is valid, but no data of the requested type was found. Connection failed

I'm supposed to access a server, but when I use WinSCP with FTP protocol to log in, I just get a warning that
The requested name is valid, but no data of the requested type was found.
Connection failed.
I really have very little experience with working remotely on servers, or even logging into them. What are my alternatives?
This is the WSANO_DATA. error Quoting Microsoft documentation:
The usual example for this is a host name-to-address translation attempt ... which uses the DNS (Domain Name Server). An MX record is returned but no A record—indicating the host itself exists, but is not directly reachable.
(This can possibly happen for newly registered domain names that are no fully setup yet.)
https://learn.microsoft.com/en-us/windows/win32/winsock/windows-sockets-error-codes-2#WSANO_DATA or
It could have been a temporary issue. Also make sure you specify your hostname without the leading ftp:// (though the latest version of WinSCP will strip it automatically).
You can find a very nice discussion on the same issue with WinSCP here
You can also try FileZilla or Putty
If you are typing your address like ftp://ftp.domain.com or things like that, remove the first part and just keep ftp.domain.com in your host address box.
You might want to consider PuTTY, which comes with a number of tools including a ssh client and a secure copy tool like WinSCP called pscp. Possibly even more valuable is the psftp client, which allows secure ftp to remote servers. PuTTY can be run from a usb drive, making it easy to carry with you to any computer, allowing you to remote into your server from all over the world.
You're probably using WinSCP to send or get files from/to the server, right? You might want to state that in your question. For that, you're probably better off with FileZilla. (You need the FileZilla client, not the Server)

How can I secure an emacs-server?

I'd like to ensure that only I can connect to an emacs server that I initialised. I frequently use machines that other people could be SSH'd into, and I don't see what's to stop them opening emacsclient and running M-x kill-emacs which would screw me over.
I looked at the documentation for emacsserver and emacsclient but couldn't find what I was looking for.
Is there a way to do this?
That happens out of the box, of course! The Emacs server creates a socket that only you can access (permissions 600 or 700, in a directory with permissions 600 for good measure).
It looks like you can specify server-socket-file for the server and server-socket-dir for emacsclient. Simply place the socket in a directory where only you have access and you should be set.
