Split a string and search a domain for each individual word with Grails and Groovy - search

I'm creating a search function to browse through one of my domain classes.
I have a string which i would like to split into individual words, so that I can search through my domain class for each word.
For example, my User class has a name attribute and a biography attribute.
If I searched "Tom Chicago" in my system, it would return all the users with a name like %tom% or with a name like %chicago% AND all the users with a biography containing either of those words to.
I have started my search function like this:
def userCriteria = User.createCriteria()
userResults = userCriteria.list(){
like("name", "%${q}%")
like("biography", "%${q}%")
Obviously this is not doing quite what I'd like it to do. How can I adjust it so that it does?

While this is going to create some horrible SQL statements it will do what you want. Not sure I could in good faith use this in a production system when such things as Searchable exist.
def userCriteria = User.createCriteria()
def userResults = userCriteria.list() {
or {
q.split(" ").each { t ->
ilike("name", "%$t%")
ilike("biography", "%$t%")


Yii2 : Getting class name from relation attribute

I went through all API documentation of Yii 2.0 to find a way to reverse back to relation class name from a model attribute.
let us suppose that class Customer has a relation
$this->hasOne(Country::className(), ['id' => 'countryId']);
and in a controller function the parameter was the attribute "countryId". How is it possible to detect the class name for the related model
Get the name of the class by removing Id from the end of the variable and capitalize it. But I cannot image any situation where this would be a normal development practice. You can also define am array to make this translation for the model.
You can try to use http://php.net/manual/en/intro.reflection.php to get the names of all the functions and try to guess the name of the relation / model based on the name of the field. If you name your classes and relation fields in a proper name then you should be able to try to again guess the model.
This still feels like a hack, create a function that returns the name of the model based on the field... easiest solution. I know you try to be lazy but this is a hacky way of programming.
I'm not very clear on what data you have to start with here. If you only have a column countryId I am not sure. But say you have the relation name 'country' and the following code in your Customer model:
public function getCountry()
return $this->hasOne(Country::className(), ['id' => 'countryId']);
This is what I would do:
$relationName = 'country';
$customer = new Customer;
$relation = $customer->getRelation($relationName);
$relationModelClass = $relation->modelClass;
You could look at \yii\db\ActiveQuery::joinWithRelations() for how they do it.

Efficiently validating large list of objects

I have a function that is meant to remove items from a Collection if a certain field does not pass a validation check (either email or phone, but that's not important in this context). Problem is that a regular expression is relatively slow, and I have lists of 1 million+ items.
My function
public HashSet<ListItemModel> RemoveInvalid(HashSet<ListItemModel> listItems)
string pattern = (this.phoneOrEmail == "email")//phoneOrEmail is set via config file
//RFC 5322 compliant email regex. see http://www.regular-expressions.info/email.html
//north-american phone number regex. see http://stackoverflow.com/questions/12101125/regex-to-allow-only-digits-hypens-space-parentheses-and-should-end-with-a-dig
#"(?:\d{3}(?:\d{7}|\-\d{3}\-\d{4}))|(?:\(\d{3}\)(?:\-\d{3}\-)|(?: \d{3} )\d{4})";
Regex re = new Regex(pattern);
if (phoneOrEmail == "email")
return new HashSet<ListItemModel>(listItems.Where(x => re.IsMatch(x.Email,0)));
return new HashSet<ListItemModel>(listItems.Where(x => re.IsMatch(x.Tel, 0)));
This takes way too long to execute. Is there a faster way of returning a subset that contains only valid emails/phone numbers?
I need to come up with something that is lightning quick. My other operations usually take only a couple of seconds on 700k+ items, but this method is taking forever and I hate that. I will be experimenting with a series of LINQ .Contains(x,y,z) checks, but in the meantime, I'd like some input from people who are smarter than me.

Lucene wild card search

How can I perform a wildcard search in Lucene ?
I have the text: "1997_titanic"
If I search like "1997_titanic", it is returning a result, but I am not able to do below two searches:
1) If I search with only 1997 it is not returning any results.
2) Also if there is a space, such as in "spider man", that is not finding any results.
I retrieve all movie information from a DB and store it in Lucene Documents:
public Document createMovieDoc(Movie m){
document.add(new StoredField("moviename", m.getName()));
TextField field = new TextField("movienameSearch", m.getName().toLowerCase(), Store.NO);
And to search, I have this method:
public List searh(String txt){
PhraseQuery phQuery= new PhraseQuery();
Term term = new Term("movienameSearch", txt.toLowerCase());
BooleanQuery b = new BooleanQuery();
b.add(phQuery, Occur.SHOULD);
TopFieldDocs tp= searcher.search(b, 20, ..);
for(int i=0;i<tp.length;i++)
int mId = tp[i].doc;
Document d = searcher.doc(mId);
String moviename = d.get("moviename");
return list;
I'm not sure what analyzer you are using to index. Sounds like maybe WhitespaceAnalyzer? It sounds like, when indexing "1997_titanic" remains a single token, while "spider man" is split into the token "spider" and "man".
Could also be SimpleAnalyzer which uses a LetterTokenizer. This would make it impossible to search for "1997", since that tokenizer will eliminate all numbers for the indexed representation of the text.
Your search method doesn't look right. You aren't adding any terms to your PhraseQuery, so I wouldn't expect it to find anything. You must add some terms in order for anything to be found. You create a Term in what you've provided, but nothing is ever done with that Term. Maybe this has something to do with how you've pick your excerpts, or something? Not sure, I'm a bit confused by that.
In order to manually construct a PhraseQuery you must add each term individually, so to search for "spider man", you would do something like:
PhraseQuery phQuery= new PhraseQuery();
phQuery.add(new Term("movienameSearch", "spider"));
phQuery.add(new Term("movienameSearch", "man"));
This requires you to know what the analyzer was doing at index time, and tokenize the input yourself to suit. The simpler solution is to just use the QueryParser:
//With whatever analyzer you like to use.
QueryParser parser = new QueryParser(Version.LUCENE_46, "defaultField", analyzer);
Query query = parser.parse("movienameSearch:\"" + txt.toLowerCase() + "\"");
TopFieldDocs tp= searcher.search(query, 20);
This allows you to rely on the same analyzer to index and query, so you don't have to know how to tokenize your phrases to suit.
As far as finding "1997" and "titanic" individually, I would recommend just using StandardAnalyzer. It will tokenize those into discrete tokens, allowing them to be searched very easily, with a simple query like: movienameSearch:1997.

How to iterate over list of terms within a taxonomy

Provided a taxonomy name or ID, how do I iterate over a list of terms within the said taxonomy?
E.g. I want to do something like this:
var taxonomyId = 15;
foreach(dynamic item in get_terms(taxonomyId)) {
You need to inject ITaxonomyService in your controller/driver, and ITaxonomyService has a method which returns the list of terms for a taxonomyId.
IEnumerable<TermPart> GetTerms(int taxonomyId);
you can pass these terms to the view using model/viewmodel.
you can look into ITaxonomyService implementation in taxonomy module for further details.

How can I change column name convention in Grails?

For now I have field "String firstName" it converted to "first_name" and i want "firstname" as default in Hibernate. Is it posible? Table and Column Names
class Person {
String firstName
static mapping = {
table 'people'
firstName column:'firstname'
You can change the naming strategy for the entire project. From the documentation https://grails.github.io/grails-doc/latest/guide/GORM.html#customNamingStrategy.
By default Grails uses Hibernate's
ImprovedNamingStrategy to convert
domain class Class and field names to
SQL table and column names by
converting from camel-cased Strings to
ones that use underscores as word
separators. You can customize these on
a per-instance basis in the mapping
closure but if there's a consistent
pattern you can specify a different
NamingStrategy class to use.
Configure the class name to be used in grails-app/conf/DataSource.groovy in the hibernate section, e.g.
So, something like this in your DataSource.groovy
dataSource {
pooled = true
dbCreate = "create-drop"
hibernate {
cache.use_second_level_cache = true
naming_strategy = org.hibernate.cfg.DefaultNamingStrategy
