"Error: 'sessionAsSigner' not found" after Firefox updated to ver 28.0 - xpages

Using sessionAsSigner in SSJS which worked fine until Firefox updated itself to version 28.0
Now get this error: "Error: 'sessionAsSigner' not found"
Still works in Internet Explorer 9.0
Anyone else experienced this and/or know how to resolve it?

I faced this when My xPage/CustomControl and attached ScriptLibrary are signed with different signers.
Resigning the database with server ID and re-building the application fixed the issue.
'sessionAsSigner' works fine now.

I think the browser update was a red herring.
If you get this error every time the code has run then you should ensure all design elements are signed with the same ID. Clean (Project -> Clean) the database if errors continue. I have found that sometimes 2 cleans are needed to resolve this (and other strange xPage issues).
However, I found that even after this has been done a user can still get this error randomly. When the user runs the code a second time it usually runs without error.
I would appreciate anyone's insight into why this could occur randomly.


I have a functionality where i can copy the tokens which has some errors

Errorcode is 05 Access Denied/48 Unable to Log Transaction, this has come from RTL, not a custom function message, and only happens sometime when tokens are being fetched from database.
Everytime I trigger this function I use to get different error, what might be the reason, I have attached the screenshot but I wanted to know the root cause, why these errors are different everytime, would these be a TPS database related error.
Application is developed in Clarion 6.0 and compiled i n 8.0 and these issues don’t come up regulary, this errors are intermittent and occur at any stage, if it works smooth it doesn’t cause any issues but once issue pops up it will keep coming, any idea on these, do you think these is the code issue or can be a clarion custom error?
Files are on network drive and db is topspeed.PFA

codedu ui gives access is denied error for the program under test

I dont know if anyone ever come up with this situation but today I come up with this weird situation with codedu, nothing works when I run tests. Today when I come to office , installed AccessDatabaseEngine for datadriven test and start a testMethod, none of my records are running, I took a new record and also not working. Restart VS or restart PC doesnt help. Please somebody help me getting out of this situation. When I run a test, it bring up the already open application (UAT) but can not play.
I am not sure whether its cause but I installed AccessDatabaseEngine before running any test. I tried to uninstall it but when I look at applications I cant see where its placed..
I noticed that I doesnt record all, I tried to record a new test. It throws "Access is Denied", while capturing the application
and it gives Control not found error when I try to run
I found some pages for same error
I checked CodedUITestBuilder config file and I see this line was commented and I changed it but this did not fixed.
<startup useLegacyV2RuntimeActivationPolicy="true">
<supportedRuntime version="v4.0"/>
I also tried changing properties of CodedUITestBuilder.exe but again same result
Coded UI Test Builder fails to generate code for recorded action
Its fixed after I uninstalled the AccessDatabaseEngine . I installed it by clicking same exe. I should not install it because its too old, that is obvious with its icon.

syntax error on kodi installation error on firestick

I just tried to install kodi on firestick via apps2fire done this on numerous occasions without a hickup but i just encountered this error
[Upload successful,/system/bin/sh: syntax error.'('unexpected]
not sure how to correct it or go near anything in case i do more damage
already done a factory reset on tablet and reinstalled apps 2 fire and kodi 16.1 but still receiving the same error
does anyone know what direction i should take
many thanks
you could try downloader.
Here is step by step instructions - https://kodifiretvstick.com/install-kodi-17-firestick/
In a nut shell just download the app and Enter the website where to find krypton (Stack overflow wont let my type the url so go to the article and fine it on step 11)
and it will download kodi onto the firestick, Ive used this method many times.

cognos error:The request was cancelled by the user.....how to solve without restarting the server

When I try to run a report in cognos 10.1, i always get the error:
XQE error encountered: The request was cancelled by the user.
The error goes away when we restart cognos server. Is there any other way of solving the issue since restarting so many times is a problem.
This happens to me if I run a report, cancel it, then run the same report again. This is due to 'high affinity' getting confused and trying to reuse an process that has been cancelled.
When I run the report for a third time it's fine.
Does it only happen for a single report, all reports, some reports? How exactly do you reproduce the problem?
If restarting the server is an issue you could just install two app servers and restart them one at a time, and your users will experience no down time at all.
I don't think you will be able to solve it here but we can at least get you to think about stating your issue more clearly.

SVN not commiting, no errors shown

Recently I've been having problems with AnkhSVN. When I want to commit, the window "Committing..." comes up and normally it then asks to authenticate, but it doesn't do that anymore, it doesn't do anything anymore. I've waited for an hour but still nothing happens and I receive no error, it just doesn't do anything.
I've found no solutions online, so I hope anyone of you has encountered the same problem and can help me out. I don't know how to check which version I'm using and how to update it. I am using Visual Studio 2008.
Any help would be appreciated.
I already tried the following and it didn't help:
- restart Visual Studio
- restart pc
- clear authentication cache
Update: problem is not only AnkhSVN, the same problem occurs with TortoiseSVN...
I managed to fix the problem with the help of a colleague. I wish I could give a clear explanation but unfortunately the problem remains strange to me. We had to create a new network adapter and pass that to the Virtual Machine to fix it. I assume a corrupt network adapter :s
