How to access NodeJS data through cakePHP? - node.js

Dummy question here but I haven't found any answer on the web for now.
I'm working on a cakephp website, installed on a Raspberry Pi, which is supposed to be able to connect wireless-ly through a local network to an Arduino YUN, get its components list.
For example :
"A LED is connected on ports :
Input : 2,
Output : 6;
and is currently on"
And change the input value :
"turn the LED off"
I'm not supposed to reload the webpage to see the change occurring.
So I figured out I needed NodeJS to send/receive the informations with websockets but I don't know how to connect NodeJS -running on its own webserver- to cakephp.
I'm a complete rookie with NodeJS, just did a few tutorials earlier, so I'm stuck here.
Does anyone know how to deal with this ?
Thanks in advance,

There are a few different libraries you can use to connect to the node server.
You can, of course, just fall back to sending http requests (curl) from your cakephp app to the node server.

I have a few discoveries to add that may help some people.
While searching more deeply on DNode and I found a cakePHP plugin called cake_websocket which make use of
Seems to me that it is an equivalent to specialized in cakePHP (while is 'just' PHP).
I hope it can help someone !

Instead of using any library.
You can try iframe tag with src to your 'node.js' view.html.
So, listen for events on view.html which are triggered from your 'cakephp' view.html
So, you will have cakephp->view.html talking to node.js->view.html which is connected to node.js->index.js(server)


How to setup action on Google API on local server?

I am new for action for Google, and I want a help. I want to create a chatbot and wanna use actions on Google API for this, I came across certain blogs but I can not understand how to setup this thing and local and make use of actions on Google API's in a productive way. I have read the documentation but nothing seems to be work in a desired manner. Please help me with initial steps where I could begin with.
I think you should read the documents properly. Here's the correct address for developing actions :-
This is the perfect document, if you will use If you want to learn faster then you have to watch videos. Here is the link for the basic video.
This is the basic video you need to watch :-
I think this video will help you alot. If still you need some more help for building apps, do reply we will help !
You can test it on your local server by opening up a port on your wifi router and and forward that port to you server ip and port. However, you still https call from to your local server.

Multiple scoreboard's with node/

I'm trying to build an app that uses node/ for a scorekeeper to update a form on a webpage (home/away/time) and have those results stored on the server for all clients to receive.
I'm a relatively new to node and, so would this be the best way to solve this problem?
Thanks for any suggestions.
Not sure if I understood the question, however if you have an online form and you need to push notifications from the server to the clients (i.e. they see updates without having to click or reload the page), you can use, yes.

backboneJS application runs fine in NodeJs but not in any other server?

I was trying to load a json file in Collection of BackboneJS. While trying to run this through nodeJS server, it works fine. But once put in a server environment like XAMPP or even in a remote server it does not work? Any link would be a nice help. ( For reference my code is at github : )
Hey thanks for the helping hand.
Probably I did not understand the situation, so the question is not correct as I see now.
The modified question is:
I have a frontend Application running on NodeJS server at some port.
I am trying to load JSON from another server running on another server.
The answer of #Floby is the way I solved it. Its the CORS thing on the server which provides the JSON. It took me sometime to understand what is happening.

WebSockets noob working with Railo

I am admittedly a complete noob in all things server, Linux, and websockets. I finally managed to set up a VM running Apache, Tomcat, and Railo that I could connect to and serve up CFM pages, all the while learning UNIX command line navigation, server theory, etc, etc...
Here's my problem -- there is only one Railo websocket extension and it is super rinky-dink (I had to modify the CFC just to get the service to start) but I can't get a websocket connection up (I keep getting "unexpected code 200" in Google Chrome). There is minimal documentation, which is not helpful at all.
Basically, I am trying to do some prototyping for a future project that will use websockets. I like Railo for its speed, security, and excellent ability for very database heavy operations. I am interested in Node, but don't know how to get the same security and DB functionality out of Javascript as I can with CFML.
So I have a couple questions: what are my best options for WebSocket servers? Should I be trying to use Apache and/or Tomcat? People keep saying it's totally not worthwhile to have something like Node.js running the websockets portion and something else doing the heavy lifting behind it -- why is this? I'm more than happy writing WS handlers in whatever language if I can just get a nudge in the right direction, some excellent tutorials (I can't seem to find much in this department), or good feedback on how to, from the ground up, set up my Linux box to handle websockets -- and preferably how to handle both websockets and a robust language like Railo.
The Railo extension works fine for me.
What about submitting some test code so that we can debug it? Of course the websockets projects is very young and in full deployment. So feel free to fork and submit patches or suggestions.
You have plenty of options:
Railo Google Group!forum/railo
Github Extension Repository
submit a but in the Railo Jira bugtracker
The main problem of node.js is that it's mono-thread : you won't be able to do background tasks using it and local IO will block your server.
A solution I use is Go. It's very fast, has very good concurrency features and has integrated websocket and json libraries (sample : An efficient web application server is made in a few dozens lines of Go. You'll find that there is still much less documentation on internet than for java or even node.js through.
There are a few implementations of websockets in java but as I'm in the process of switching everything I had in java to Go I hadn't tested them. I know I use Google gson for the json encoding in java and it's very good.
The "unexpected code 200" is caused by Railo's web socket server sending an outdated response. They changed the web socket spec and Chrome uses the newer spec.
The problem seems to be caused by chrome & co implementing the new spec, "draft-ietf-hybi-thewebsocketprotocol-17". It requires the server to respond with "HTTP/1.1 101 Switching Protocols" rather than 200 OK.
The solution here would be to either update the Railo web socket extension yourself or use some other solution:
Here is a complete demo of a web socket chat server written in PHP.
I have used this myself to implement a real-time HTML chat served from an Arch Linux machine that I had lying around. Configuration consisted of simply setting up Apache and PHP then changing the IP address in index.html and in server.php to the external ip address of the server machine.
This flynsarmy demo includes a recent version of PHPWebSocket which is an open source web socket server written entirely in PHP and contained in a single file. The demo hooks into three callbacks: connect, message recieved, and disconnect.
The important thing to note, for me, was that the web socket protocol supports text only, not binary so while extending it for my own chat app I had to implement my own commands to help control the server. Commands in my case looked like this:
!kickusers: username, another_username, a_third_username
My server code would check the first character of all messages for a '!' and if present would treat it as a command. Then I slice up the string to get the command "kickusers" and a list of users to kick. Then I call the appropriate kick function and pass it the array of usernames.
Since my scenario was a chat client this meant that the user could literally type this command into chat and the server would accept and respond to it.
The way all this is deployed on my server is like so:
I have Apache serve the index.html page when the user goes to that location on my server in their browser. The only purpose Apache plays here is to give index.html to the client who requested it.
The index.html page contains html to display the chat and javascript to send and recieve chat to/from the server. Basically, index.html is simply a chat client written in HTML and Javascript and it runs in the browser.
I run server.php via ssh on the server to start up the WEB SOCKET server (totally separate from Apache) which just sits there and handles chat stuff like echoing text to the other connected clients etc.
Though the Arch wiki on installing Apache and PHP is specific to Arch in the way that you install the Apache and PHP packages the sections on configuring Apache and PHP apply to all. I'll save you the google query and give you the link here if you like:
As for prototyping, the reason I gave the link to Flynsarmy's chat demo is because his comments are helpful, he wrote a blog about it, and it comes as a very simple yet complete example of how to do something with web sockets in php.

Node.js and HTML5 Audio

I'm trying to get my node.js server to server up audio files for the HTML5 audio tag. Currently I'm referencing audio files via an express staticProvider, but this will allow the sound to play once and then never again.
From what I've been able to gather in order for the sound to work properly with seeking or looping I need to provide the "Content-Range" header when my audio file is requested. I highly doubt that the express staticProvider is doing this for me, so it would seem that I need to serve the file up using custom code. Unfortunately I'm fairly new to node.js and things like serving files are still a little beyond me. Can anyone offer some advice on how I can provide the appropriate metadata for my audio files?
[EDIT] (Removed old server code since it won't do anyone any good!)
Sorry, I don't typically ask questions this broad, but I'm really at a loss as to where to start with this one. Any suggestions?
So it appears that the solution is just to use updated software. I was trying express rather than the built-in connect HTTP middleware because I thought connect wasn't doing static file serving right. Turns out, I was just looking at the documentation for a newer version of connect while the version that comes with node is a bit older. Once I updated my connect library (I just used npm to install the latest, for those that are curious), the following worked beautifully:
var connect = require('connect');
var server = connect.createServer(
// If your server errors on this line, saying it doesn't know what
// "static" is you need to get the latest connect!
connect.static(__dirname + '/public')
The static serving logic is done by the underlying connect server (using its static middleware). There is code for 'Content-Range' headers (see here, about line 148), but these headers are only set when the underlying client (in your case, the browser's HTML5 implementation) sends the correct request headers.
Maybe this post from google groups can help you out. The topic is slightly different (video streaming), but i think the core of the problem is about the same.
