Apply JSF rendered attribute to span - jsf

I am trying to apply a JSF rendered attribute to a span within an h:panelGroup but the span still renders - below is some sample code I am using.
<span id="myId" rendered="#{myBean.rendered}" class="groupBox" style="left: 1px; top: 8px; height: 38px; width: 339px;" />

The rendered attribute is only recognized by JSF components, not by plain HTML elements.
The JSF equivalent of the desired code can be represented by <h:panelGroup> or <h:outputText>. Both generate a HTML <span> element. If you need a <span> without text content, exactly like as in your question, just use <h:panelGroup>.
<h:panelGroup id="myId" rendered="#{myBean.rendered}" styleClass="groupBox" style="left: 1px; top: 8px; height: 38px; width: 339px;" />
If you need a <span> with text content, use <h:outputText>. You can specify the text content in its value attribute.
Alternatively, if you really, really need to write down a plain HTML <span> element yourself for some reason, then you can always move the rendered attribute to an <ui:fragment> which wraps the entire HTML content.
<ui:fragment rendered="#{myBean.rendered}">
<span id="myId" class="groupBox" style="left: 1px; top: 8px; height: 38px; width: 339px;" />

You can use this as well:
<p:outputPanel style="display:block">


PrimeFaces inputTextarea is not auto resizable

I want to make resizeable inputTextarea in dataTable. Written next xhtml by the Primefaces-Users-Guide and ShowCase
<p:dataTable id="valueSelection" var="value"
<p:column headerText="Test" >
<h:inputTextarea value="#{car.brand}" autoResize="true" cols="38"
style="overflow: hidden; overflow-wrap: break-word; resize: none;"/>
But when the text in inputTextarea is only one row, the height is for two row.
In FireFox the element row is (without class):
<textarea id="mainform:tabPanel:valueSelection:1:j_idt132" name="mainform:tabPanel:valueSelection:1:j_idt132" cols="38" style="overflow: hidden; overflow-wrap: break-word; resize: none;" disabled="disabled">STEVE6666</textarea>
And the generated css is (without height):
element {
overflow: hidden;
overflow-wrap: break-word;
resize: none;
Why primefaces does not generate height in css and class attribute in html tag?
In your example you used h:inputTextarea, which is the default implementation of the component in JSF, and thus, does not support auto resize.
Try to use p:inputTextarea, which is the PrimeFaces one, and check if the desired behavior will happen.

How do I get the id of a jsf component parent knowing its id?

I have a <h:commandLink id="link1" ..> within a <div id="div1">. I want to get the id of this div( the parent element of <h:commandLink id="link1" ..> in the backing bean, I don't want to get it directly but I want get it going through its child( ).
Please How could I achieve this.
Here you can find a sample of my code.
<div style="text-align:center; height: 50px; width: 100%; background: wheat;
border: 1px #6e5d40 solid; margin-top: 5px;">
<ui:repeat var="label1" value="#{backingBean.listOfSearchValue}">
<span class="filterLabel">#{label1} <h:commandLink class="glyphicon glyphicon-remove"></h:commandLink>
Don't just use a plain HTML div, but use a h:panelGroup layout="block". Then it is just a matter of getting the parent of the UIComponent (the button in your case).
See also OmniFaces Components for help with finding components from within your bean, especially getClosestParent(UIComponent component, Class<C> parentType).

How to put an image as watermark in TextField using primefaces?

Click on the following link,
TextBox with search Image on Left
i want the text box exactly the sameway with watermark in it.
I tried multiple ways,but nothing worked
Content from my .xhtml file
<h:inputText id="bundelId" styleClass="icon2" value="">
<p:watermark value="Enter Bundel Id" for="bundelId" styleClass="icon2"></p:watermark>
My css contains following classes
.icon2 {
background: url(search.gif) no-repeat 4px 4px;
padding:4px 4px 2px 20px;
margin: 0;
.icon3 {
float: right;
background: url(search.gif) no-repeat left bottom;
border: 0;
cursor: pointer;
margin: 0;
I have tried with both jsf and primefaces tags together with css classes mentioned above.
Can someone help?
if you are using FontAwesome you could try:
<p:watermark value=" Enter Bundel Id" for="bundelId" />
<h:inputText id="bundelId" value="" style="font-family:Arial, FontAwesome">
 being the unicode for icon-search.

How to resize primefaces galleria dynamically depending on the sorrounding div-container

(How) is it possible to dynamically resize primefaces galleria depending on the size of the sourrounding div-container? The galleria should allways fill the entire surrounding div-container.
Would be jscript/jquery the right approach?
Try make the .ui-galleria width attribute to 100%. Make sure that css class is relative.
In order to make both the gallery and the images inside fill the container, add in the css:
.ui-panel-images {
width: 100%;
height: 100%;
.ui-galleria-panel {
width: 100%;
height: 100%;
Also, add the following to the p-galleria element:
I'm trying something similar, and I also came to a problem.
I am using the p:galleria element like these:
<h:form id="galleriaForm" style="border: 2px solid blueviolet; min-height: 800px">
<p:panelGrid columns="1" layout="grid" style="border: 2px solid aqua; min-height: 100%">
<p:row style="display: inline-block; min-height: 800px;border: 2px solid green; min-width: 100%">
<p:column style="display: inline-block; min-height: 100%; min-width: 100%;border: 2px solid red">
<p:outputLabel value="Überschrift" style="display: block;"/>
<p:galleria value="#{ImageManager.layoutBauenBilderlsite}"
style="display: inline-block; min-width: 100%"
<p:graphicImage url="resources/images/#{image}"
style="height: 1040px; border:1px dotted lightgray; margin-left: 30%"/>
To change the panelHeight attribute the h:body uses onload to call a js function:
function setGalleriaHeight(){
var h = window.innerHeight;
document.getElementById("galleriaForm:galleriaID").setAttribute("panelHeight", String(h));
The panelHeight attribute is set correctly, as I can see with my Browser, but the Element does not change.
To make sure that the attribute is correct I added it in my source code and it worked fine.
I also tried to set the the size as style="height: h" but then only the loaded image "p:graphicImage does not resize with.
Maybe there is someone to know why it does not change.

newbie JSF question - How to achieve this layout?

I'm trying to achieve the layout shown here
Each of the panels should be linked to a backing bean from which I will later add differrent components according to context.
I tried using panelgrid but could not achieve this look.
I would prefer to use just JSF for this but if impossible or too complicated RichFaces is ok too.
It's not only matter of JSF/HTML, but it's also a matter of CSS. The above layout can basically already be achieved as follows:
<h:panelGroup id="header" layout="block"></h:panelGroup>
<h:panelGroup id="leftcol" layout="block"></h:panelGroup>
<h:panelGroup id="rightcol" layout="block"></h:panelGroup>
(which generates the following HTML)
<div id="header"></div>
<div id="leftcol"></div>
<div id="rightcol"></div>
You can style/position it using CSS like as:
#header {
width: 100%;
height: 100px;
#leftcol {
width: 200px;
float: left;
#rightcol {
float: left;
That's all.
You can use the HTML code with which you have achieved the above layout. I.e.
However, the table-less layouts are preferred - i.e. using <div> tags. (see here)
