Does RSS Include Kernel Space Memory? - linux

I am writing a simple memory profiler by reading the VmRSS value of /proc/[pid]/status. My question is that does a process' RSS include kernel space memory? Thank you!

No, if you read the code in task_mmu.c you'll see that it's strictly pages allocated to the process. Kernel space memory usage doesn't really have a quantifiable value at process scope. Any memory increase in the kernel after a process starts execution should be negligible though.

AFAIK RSS tells how much user space memory given process occupies.


How to determine the real memory usage of a single process?

How can I calculate the real memory usage of a single process? I am not talking about the virtual memory, because it just keeps growing. For instance, there are proc files like smaps, where you can get the mappings of a process. But this is virtual memory and the values of that file just keeps growing for running process. But I would like to reflect the real memory usage of a process. E.g. if you plot the memory usage of a process it should represent the allocations of memory and also the freeing of memory. So the plot should be like an up and down movement instead of a linear function, that just keeps growing for a running process.
So, how could I calculate the real memory usage? I would appreciate any helpful answer.
It's actually kind of a complicated question. The two most common metrics for a program's memory usage at the OS level are virtual size and resident set size. (These show in the output of ps -u as the VSZ and RSS columns.) Roughly speaking, these tell the total memory the program has assigned to it, versus how much it is currently actively using.
Further complicating the question is that when you use malloc (or the C++ new operator) to allocate memory, memory is allocated from a pool in your process which is built by occasionally requesting an allocation of memory from the operating system. But when you free memory, the memory goes back into this pool, but it is typically not returned to the OS. So as your program allocates and frees memory, you typically will not see its memory footprint go up and down. (However, if it frees a lot of memory and then doesn't allocate it any more, eventually you may see its rss go down.)

Does linux core dumps have thread cpu usage information

Since I'm fairly new to linux and core dumps, I'm not sure what kind of information is stored in core-dumps. It makes me wonder if there is a GDB command to retrieve CPU % usage of threads from a Core dump file. Like the CPU % usage you get from 'top' command. Would be also nice to get memory usage too.
I'm rephrasing the question from my previous posting to stay more focused to the answer I'm looking for.
Reference : How to diagnose a python process chewing CPU in linux
No, it's not possible to obtain info about the CPU usage from a coredump.
The coredump is just the snapshot of the memory of the process at death-time. Any dynamic history is not available: CPU make/model/frequency, system load, number of other processes, kernel scheduling info, etc.
As a side effect, you DO get the memory usage information, as long as you know the memory available on the system that generated the coredump: since the coredump is the memory of the process, the more memory the process used, the bigger the coredump (generally speaking, there are exceptions like regions of memory not included in the codedump).
A core dump is a copy of the crashed process's address space (memory). You can use it to see how much memory the process was using (and you can examine all the data in its memory at the time it crashed), but it doesn't contain any information about CPU usage.
For the future, you can collect this easily enough -- have your process periodically collect memory usage for each thread, and when debugging, hunt for that variable in the core.

Shared memory marked as virtual memory?

I run a program which allocates 64MB as shared memory for IPC communication. pmap shows that chunk of 64MB is allocated. However, "top" shows the RES memory of the proc is just about 40MB! I conclude the shared memory is marked as VIRT. But why? There Linux still has more than 1GB RAM available.
Have you actually used any of that 64MB yet? Linux defers allocation.
cf. Does malloc lazily create the backing pages for an allocation on Linux (and other platforms)?
Linux doesn't load all memory the process "obtain" to RAM , it load memory form virtual place to RAM just when you program refer that block of memory. Here "memory" means private mem & shared mem both.
I haven't done any experiments to verify the above opinion, but I have seen this in many places like SO, and I do believe it . Just FYI.
Shared memory is, just like most if not all of the memory userland programs deal with, virtual. Only active pages need to be mapped to physical (i.e. resident memory). Doing differently would be a waste of resources.
The only exception is when the process specifically locks the pages in RAM with mlock.

what is the memory footprint?

what does it mean by memory footprint of a program?
Quoting wikipedia :
Memory footprint refers to the amount
of main memory that a program uses or
references while running.
(and more I didn't copy-paste)

Allocating memory for process in linux

Dear all, I am using Redhat linux ,How to set maximum memory for particular process. For eg i have to allocate maximum memory usage to eclipse alone .Is it possible to allocate like this.Give me some solutions.
ulimit -v 102400
eclipse eclipse 100MiB of memory.
You can't control memory usage; you can only control virtual memory size, not the amount of actual memory used, as that is extremely complicated (perhaps impossible) to know for a single process on an operating system which supports virtual memory.
Not all memory used appears in the process's virtual address space at a given instant, for example kernel usage, and disc caching. A process can change which pages it has mapped in as often as it likes (e.g. via mmap() ). Some of a process's address space is also mapped in, but not actually used, or is shared with one or more other processes. This makes measuring per-process memory usage a fairly unachievable goal in practice.
And putting a cap on the VM size is not a good idea either, as that will result in the process being killed if it attempts to use more.
The right way of doing this in this case (for a Java process) is to set the heap maximum size (via various well-documented JVM startup options). However, experience suggests that you should not set it less than 1Gb.
