reformatting report file using linux shell commands combining multiple lines output into one - linux

I have a file that contains the following input:
name: ted
I like the out put to look like this
tedd 88 45 4 350
janet 256 44 4 1
Can someone help with this please ?

This should work:
awk -F':' '{printf "%s %s",$2,ORS=NF?"":"\n"}END{print "\n"}' file
$ cat file
$ awk -F':' '{printf "%s %s",$2,ORS=NF?"":"\n"}END{print "\n"}' file
ted 88 45 4 350
janet 256 44 4 1


Compare two files and write the unmatched numbers in a new file

I have two files where ifile1.txt is a subset of ifile2.txt.
ifile1.txt ifile2.txt
2 2
23 23
43 33
51 43
76 50
81 51
100 72
Desire output
I was trying with
diff ifile1.txt ifile2.txt > ofile.txt
but it is giving different format of output.
Since your files are sorted, you can use the comm command for this:
comm -1 -3 ifile1.txt ifile2.txt > ofile.txt
-1 means omit the lines unique to the first file, and -3 means omit the lines that are in both files, so this shows just the lines that are unique to the second file.
This will do your job:
diff file1 file2 |awk '{print $2}'
You could try:
diff file1 file2 | awk '{print $2}' | grep -v '^$' > output.file

Difference between column sum in file 1 and column sum in file 2

I have this input
file 1 file 2
A 10 222 77.11 11
B 20 2222 1.215 22
C 30 22222 12.021 33
D 40 222222 145.00 44
The output I need is (11+22+33+44)- (10+20+30+40) = 110-100=10
thank you in advance for your help
Here you go:
paste file1.txt file2.txt | awk '{s1+=$5; s2+=$2} END {print s1-s2}'
Or better yet (clever of #falsetru's answer to do the summing with a single variable):
paste file1.txt file2.txt | awk '{sum+=$5-$2} END {print sum}'
If you want to work with column N in file1 and column M in file2, this might be "easier", but less efficient:
paste <(awk '{print $N}' file1) <(awk '{print $M}' file2.txt) | awk '{sum+=$2-$1} END {print sum}'
It's easier in the sense that you don't have to count the right position of the column in the second file, but less efficient because of the added extra awk sub-processes.
Using awk:
$ cat test.txt
file 1 file 2
A 10 222 77.11 11
B 20 2222 1.215 22
C 30 22222 12.021 33
D 40 222222 145.00 44
$ tail -n +2 test.txt | awk '{s += $5 - $2} END {print s}'

Linux-Change line between two awk scripts

I have two awk scripts to run in Linux. The output of each one is in one line.
How can I separate the two output into two lines?
For example:
awk '{printf $1}' f.txt >> a.txt
awk '{printf $3}' f.txt >> a.txt
The output of the first script is:
35 56 40 28 57
And the second output is:
29 48 73 26
If I run them one after another, the output will become:
35 56 40 28 57 29 48 73 26
Is there any way to get the result to:
35 56 40 28 57
29 48 73 26
Thank you!~
Although I don't understand how you manage to get the spaces between fields the way you do it, you can add an END statement to the first script:
awk '{printf $1} END{print "\n"}'
You can also do this with a single awk command:
awk -v ORS=" " 'BEGIN{ARGV[ARGC++] = ARGV[1]; i = 1 }
NR!=FNR && FNR==1 { printf "\n"; i=3 }
{ print $i }
END { printf "\n" }' f.txt

Slice 3TB log file with sed, awk & xargs?

I need to slice several TB of log data, and would prefer the speed of the command line.
I'll split the file up into chunks before processing, but need to remove some sections.
Here's an example of the format:
uuJ oPz eeOO 109 66 8
uuJ oPz eeOO 48 0 221
uuJ oPz eeOO 9 674 3
kf iiiTti oP 88 909 19
mxmx lo uUui 2 9 771
mxmx lo uUui 577 765 27878456
The gaps between the first 3 alphanumeric strings are spaces. Everything after that is tabs. Lines are separated with \n.
I want to keep only the last line in each group.
If there's only 1 line in a group, it should be kept.
Here's the expected output:
uuJ oPz eeOO 9 674 3
kf iiiTti oP 88 909 19
mxmx lo uUui 577 765 27878456
How can I do this with sed, awk, xargs and friends, or should I just use something higher level like Python?
awk -F '\t' '
NR==1 {key=$1}
$1!=key {print line; key=$1}
END {print line}
' file_in > file_out
Try this:
awk 'BEGIN{FS="\t"}
{if($1!=prevKey) {if (NR > 1) {print lastLine}; prevKey=$1} lastLine=$0}
END{print lastLine}'
It saves the last line and prints it only when it notcies that the key has changed.
This might work for you:
sed ':a;$!N;/^\(\S*\s\S*\s\S*\)[^\n]*\n\1/s//\1/;ta;P;D' file

deleting lines from a text file with bash

I have two sets of text files. First set is in AA folder. Second set is in BB folder. The content of ff.txt file from first set(AA folder) is shown below.
Name number marks
john 1 60
maria 2 54
samuel 3 62
ben 4 63
I would like to print the second column(number) from this file if marks>60. The output will be 3,4. Next, read the ff.txt file in BB folder and delete the lines containing numbers 3,4. How can I do this with bash?
files in BB folder looks like this. second column is the number.
marks 1 11.824 24.015 41.220 1.00 13.65
marks 1 13.058 24.521 40.718 1.00 11.82
marks 3 12.120 13.472 46.317 1.00 10.62
marks 4 10.343 24.731 47.771 1.00 8.18
awk 'FNR == NR && $3 > 60 {array[$2] = 1; next} {if ($2 in array) next; print}' AA/ff.txt BB/filename
This works, but is not efficient (is that matter?)
gawk 'BEGIN {getline} $3>60{print $2}' AA/ff.txt | while read number; do gawk -v number=$number '$2 != number' BB/ff.txt > /tmp/ff.txt; mv /tmp/ff.txt BB/ff.txt; done
Of course, the second awk can be replaced with sed -i
For multi files:
ls -1 AA/*.txt | while read file
bn=`basename $file`
gawk 'BEGIN {getline} $3>60{print $2}' AA/$bn | while read number
gawk -v number=$number '$2 != number' BB/$bn > /tmp/$bn
mv /tmp/$bn BB/$bn
I didn't test it, so if there is a problem, please comment.
