How to create publishing profile for azure virtual machine? - azure

How to create publishing profile for a website running on azure virtual machine?
I know how to do it for Azure Web Site, but can this be done if I have IIS running on a VM in azure?
I also have a console application running using task scheduler on this VM, it would be nice to automate that deployment too.
( After working with Rails and Php frameworks, I miss the common config file used by the website and CronJob to connect to the DB)

You need to set up Webdeploy in the azure VM. it is same as an on-premises server.
Web Deploy Installation.. You need to install prerequisites - .net framework.
Configuring IIS 7 with webdeploy / Or with IIS8
Set up endpoints on azure vm to do webdeploy. Port 8172 for Webdeploy.
Then you can create a publish profile in Visual Studio 2012/13 to deploy to this endpoint.
or You can do it using Powershell scripts.


Migration of On-Prem to Azure

I have a web application that is running on my localhost and i want to use azure app service or azure vm to launch it online. which is the best choice?
Solution to host webapplication
There are ways to deploy your application to Azure Cloud.
Method 1 : Azure App Service is fully managed platform for deploying application and scaling apps. it has built-in web hosting feature and supports multiple languages and frameworks.
Please follow the steps to deploy application to App Service.
1.Create sample web application using Visual Studio application.
Create a new project
Right click on created application and choose Publish
Note: Before publish application to Azure, login to visual studio with Azure Account.
Select target-Azure Cloud.
5.Select target platform windows or Linux.
Click on App Service (Windows) > Create new (window)" in App Service (Windows) >Create new.
Select your subscription, resource group & hosting plan.
Check the Application deployment status in visual studio account.
9.Test the application with Azure App service URL once deploy the application to Azure app service.
Go to Azure Portal > Azure App Service > overview > Url.
Application working with App service Url
Method 2: Azure VM
To deploy an application in an Azure VM with IIS, you can follow below steps:
Create an Azure VM with required configuration such as the operating system and size.
Azure Portal > Create > Select Server OS.
2.Use RDP to connect to the Azure VM.
You can use FTP to upload your code to the Azure VM.
Now, open the IIS Manager and create a new website in that IIS.
After that, you can configure the website to point to the location of your application code on the VM.
Finally, test your application.

Azure: change an existing Windows Web App to a Linux Web App (docker)

I have an existing Windows Web App in Azure which I want to migrate to a Linux (docker) Web App. It is easy to setup a new Linux Web App with a new URI and that all works. However, I need to preserve the existing URI ( that I have on the Windows Web App and use it in the Linux Web App.
Any downtime is not acceptable, so I cannot just "test" if I can remove the current Windows Web App and "re-use" the same URI.
Created ASP.Net Core Web App and deployed to Azure Windows App Service.
Tried to deploy the same Web App to Linux App Service(Docker), got the below warning.
Tried to continue the steps to provide the configuration access to docker container, got the below error.
For the apps which we want to deploy in Azure Linux Docker, we need to Enable Docker and provide Docker OS , which is not required for Azure Windows App Service.
remove the current Windows Web App and "re-use" the same URI.
It is suggested to create a new App Service Plan and deploy to Linux App (Docker).

Need Assistance in deploying Redmine in azure as PaaS

I am trying to run redmine in Microsoft Azure in Web App.I have created a web app (in Ruby Runtime Environment) and have installed the redmine stack in it (through SSH). But i am not able to run redmine through that web app. I know there is a one click solution for redmine. But it will create a virtual machine which is IaaS (Infrastructure as a Service).But i want to deploy redmine as PaaS (Platform as a Service) in azure. Can you help me in this?

Azure VM (Not Classic) - Cannot deploy website using Web Deploy from VS 2013

I'm getting a time out error in VS Publish Web module when trying to validate my http connection to our Azure VM. I'm simply looking for a better way for our small dev team to deploy our MVC website to the VM other than publishing to file or publishing to FTP.
I've got Web Deploy on our Windows 2016 server, and the proper
services are running.
Remote Service is installed with Web Deploy.
Port 8172 is open and I am able to connect using Telnet from my
remote box.
I updated the pubxml file with:
Not sure what else to try at this point, but this has been a PITA to say the least. Thanks for any input! FYI - This is not Azure Classic.
Screenshot of Error

Windows azure web role on local IIS

I am developing windows azure web role. Can I host the azure web role on my local IIS.
If yes..what are the steps I need to follow ?
Local Machine is currently running on windows server 2008 R2
There are two ways to achieve that, with varying levels of fidelity to the target environment.
The simplest is just to run your website project locally. You can attach it as a virtual directory on IIS and run it from the browser or debug it from Visual Studio. This will run as a regular IIS web application, but it won't be running as a web role.
The second is to package your application as a cloud service and run it under the Windows Azure Compute Emulator installed on your development machine. There are several tutorials on how to do that, including:
Developing and Deploying Windows Azure Cloud Services Using Visual Studio - see "Debugging a Windows Azure Application Locally".
Run a Windows Azure Application in the Compute Emulator
Windows Azure Basics–Compute Emulator
Building the web role for the Windows Azure Email Service application - 3 of 5
How-to deploy application to Windows Azure Compute Emulator with CSRUN
The Compute Emulator simulates several features of Windows Azure Cloud Services, but yout have to be aware of Differences Between the Compute Emulator and Windows Azure. Your application can tweak its behavior according to the environment by reading the RoleEnvironment.IsAvailable and RoleEnvironment.IsEmulated properties.
The Compute Emulator uses IIS Express locally for your dev/test work. IIS Express should be already set up for you when you installed the SDK+Tools. (Older versions of the SDK relied on full IIS 7 - more info here).
If you're talking about developing for running in production locally: It doesn't exactly work this way. A web role translates to a Windows Server virtual machine with some startup scaffolding code to allow you to install things in your VM, tweak the registry, etc. Since web role instances are stateless, every time a new instance is launched, the startup script is executed (same if an instance crashes due to hardware failure and is brought up again on another machine).
If you want to run the web app itself locally, then you'd need to take specific actions, based on whether your code is executing in Windows Azure or on a local machine (and then package it a bit differently - you wouldn't include the web role project). You can check RoleEnvironment.IsAvailable + RoleEnvironment.IsEmulated to help you out.
