Hide Detail Point in AchartEngine library - graphics

I want to hide Detail Point when using the AChartEngine libary as following image.
I also read the AChartEngine Document but can not find out the answer,
Please tell me how,

Try this
where renderer is XYMultipleSeriesRenderer .


Liferay 7 : Customize a form

I want to create and customize a form in Liferay-7, and I really don't know how to make it , because i can't modify the liferay standard form.
Any idea about how can I start?
What I want to create :
Thank you .
This looks pretty much a basic form and you just need a different layout set. Following this documentation here. This should help you in building the form you need.

Using prevNext Modx Addon

I need to display previous and next resource with tv in one parent using this addon in modx
But there is some simple documentation, and i can see it has a lot of options, is it posible that someone can show me simple example of tlp.
https://modx.com/extras/package/prevnext shows clear description and parameters.
Use pdoNeighbors (part of pdoTools) - it has better documentation and examples.

Setting opacity for .vtk file

I tried to visualize a brain dataset. Actually, I think it works but I should set the opacity. From what I read on the internet, vtkpiecewisefunction must be used for solution.
However, when I change the code according to http://vtk.org/gitweb?p=VTK.git;a=blob;f=Examples/Medical/Cxx/Medical3.cxx, I encountered with a problem. I do not know how to change the reader and filter part of the code. The code, .vtk file and image that I get exist on the link: https://www.dropbox.com/sh/51kjftvdko3g6s8/wEe88Id9QN
Could you please tell me how I change this? Besides, you may inform me about another way of solution which adjusts the opacity of image.
Please let me know the image that you get is the same with the one on the link because it might be related to the graphics driver of my computer.
Thank you.
When I want to change the opacity, I ause the actor:

How to convert forms to xpages programatically?

I need to convert Notes Form to Xpage programatically ?
If anyone knows , please help me .
Thanks in advance..
There is a transformer from GBS that does this:
Or an article (not programmatic) on how to do it:
However i'd look at articles like the following which are arguing whether doing something like this is missing the point of XPages or not and whether it would be a benefit to re write and gain the full advantages of XPages instead of a hybrid.

Adding Comments and ratings to Sharepoint document libraries or Picture libraires

Is there a ready made solution to allow users to add comments to an image posted in SharePoint picture library or basically any item in a document library?
What I need is allow user who are viewing an image from a picture library for example to add comment, view comments others have left and provide some sort of voting. Similar to what you get with Facebook or Youtube.
What is the easiest way to do that? preferably something free
Here you go and you can Customize as needed .
