How to prevent Hazelcast's MapStore from saving entries to often? - store

I have a Hazelcast (version 3.1.6) map with a map store configured this way:
<map-store enabled="true">
So I expected that entry will be stored ~once in 60 seconds (if it is being updated). But instead, if I update map entry, say, 10 times in quick succession, will be called ~10 times too (but after 60 seconds). The most strange thing that it sometimes get called less than 10 times (but never one time as I want it to). Is there any way to change this behavior? I have a very write-intensive storage so these excessive store() calls create heavy load on it.

Currently that isn't possible. Some customers need to have each update written to storage for auditing purposes. But I think it certainly is an interesting feature to have as a sort of 'write cache' to prevent hitting storage too often.
Can you create a ticket for it? I'll add the appropriate tags.
Once the 3.2 version release on done, we are going to focus a lot less on features, but will be shifting out attention to scalability and performance. Your feature falls nicely in those categories.

Can we provide access to the map's dirty entries as part of the solution. This way there will be more freedom to write any kind of writer for the map.


What is the best way to query timeseries data with cassandra?

My table is a time series one. The queries are going to process the latest entries and TTL expire them after successful processing. If they are not successfully processed, TTL will not set.
The only query I plan to run on this is to select all entries for a given entry_type. They will be processed and records corresponding to processed entries will be expired.
This way every time I run this query I will get all records in the table that are not processed and processing will be done. Is this a reasonable approach?
Would using a listenablefuture with my own executor add any value to this considering that the thread doing the select is just processing.
I am concerned about the TTL and tombstones. But if I use clustering key of timeuuid type is this ok?
You are right one important thing getting in your way will be tombstones. By Default you will keep them around for 10 days. Depending on your access patter this might cause significant problems. You can lower this by setting the directly on the table or change it in the cassandra yaml file. Then it will be valid for all the newly created table gc_grace_seconds
It is very important that you make sure you are running the repair on whole cluster once within this period. So if you lower this setting to let's say 2 days, then within two days you have to have one full repair done on the cluster. This is very important because processed data will reaper. I saw this happening multiple times, and is never pleasant especially if you are using cassandra as a queue and it seems to me that you might be using it in your solution. I'll try to give some tips at the end of the answer.
I'm slightly worried about you setting the ttl dynamically depending on result. What would be the point of inserting the ttl-ed data that was successful and keeping forever the data that wasn't. I guess some sort of audit or something similar. Again this is a queue pattern, try to avoid this if possible. Also one thing to keep in mind is that you will almost always insert the data once in the beginning and then once again with the ttl should your processing be o.k.
Also getting all entries might be a bit tricky. For very moderate load 10-100 req/s this might be reasonable but if you have thousands per second getting all the requests every time might not be a good idea. At least not if you put them into single partition.
Separating the workload is also good idea. So yes using listenable future seems totally legit.
Setting clustering key to be timeuuid is usually the case with time series thata and I totally agree with you on this one.
In reality as I mentioned earlier you have to to take into account you will be saving 10 days worth of data (unless you tweak it) no matter what you do, it doesn't matter if you ttl it. It's still going to be ther, and every time cassandra will scan the partition will have to read the ttl-ed columns. In short this is just pain. I would seriously consider actually using something as kafka if I were you because what you are describing simply looks to me like a queue.
If you still want to stick with cassandra then please consider using buckets (adding date info to partitioning key and having a composite partitioning key). Depending on the load you are expecting you will have to bucket by month, week, day, hour even minutes. In some cases you might even want to add artificial columns to reduce load on the cluster. But then again this might be out of scope of this question.
Be very careful when using cassandra as a queue, it's a known antipattern. You can do it, but there are a lot of variables and it extremely depends on the load you are using. I once consulted a team that sort of went down the path of cassandra as a queue. Since basically using cassandra there was a must I recommended them bucketing the data by day (did some calculations that proved this is o.k. time unit) and I also had a look at this solution basically there are a lot of good stuff in this repo when using cassandra as a queue, data models etc. Basically this team had zombie rows, slow reading because of the tombstones etc. etc.
Also the way you described it it might happen that you have "hot rows" basically since you would just have one wide partition where all your data would go some nodes in the cluster might not even be that good utilised. This can be avoided by artificial columns.
When using cassandra as a queue it's very easy to mess a lot of things up. (But it's possible for moderate workloads)

Updating lucene index frequently causing performance degrade

I am trying to add on my project where searching getting more complicated data. but transaction (or table modifying frequently like inserting new data or modifying the field which is used in lucene index).
Is it good to use searching here?
How can I find modified fields & update to specific lucene index which is already created? Lucene index contains documents that are deleted from the table then how can I remove them from lucene index?
while loading right now,
I have removed index which are not available in the table based on unique Field
inserting if index does not exist otherwise updating all index which are matching table unique field
While loading page it's taking more time than normal, due to my removing/inserting/updating index method calling.
How can I proceed with it?
Lucene is absolutely suited for this type of feature. It is completely thread-safe... IF you use it the right way.
Solution pointers
Create a single IndexWriter and keep it in a globally accessible singleton (either a global static variable or via dependency injection). IWs are completely threadsafe. NEVER open multiple IWs on the same folder.
Perform all updates/deletes via this singleton. (I had one project doing 100's of ops/second with no issues, even on slightly crappy hardware).
Depending on the frequency of change and the latency acceptable to the app, you could:
Send an update/delete to the index every time you update the DB
Keep a "transaction log" or queue (probably in the same DB) of changed rows and deletions (which are are to track otherwise). Then update the index by consuming the log/queue.
To search, create your IndexSearcher with searcher = new IndexSearcher(writer.GetReader()). This is part of the NRT (near real time) pattern. NEVER create a separate IndexReader on an index folder that is also open by an IW.
Depending on your pattern of usage you may wish to introduce a period of "latency" between changes happening and those changes being "visible" to the searches...
Instances of IS are also threadsafe. So you can also keep an instance of an IS through which all your searches go. Then recreate it periodically (eg with a timer) then swap it using Interlocked.Exchange.
I previously created a small framework to isolate this from the app and make it reusable.
Having said that... Hosting this inside IIS does raise some problems. IIS will occasionally restart your app. Is will also (by default) start the new instance before stopping the existing one, then swaps them (so you don't see the startup time of the new one).
So, for a short time there will be two instances of the writer (which is bad!)
You can tell IIS to disable "overlapping" or increase the time between restarts. But this will cause other side-effects.
So, you are actually better creating a separate service to host your lucene bits. A simple self hosted WebAPI Windows service is ideal and pretty simple. This also gives you better control over where the index folder goes and the ability to host it on a different machine (which isolates the disk IO load). And means that the service can be accessed from other parts of your system, tested separately etc etc
Why is this "better" than one of the other services suggested?
It's a matter of choice. I am a huge fan of ElasticSearch. It solves a lot of problems around scale and resilience. It also uses the latest version of Java Lucene which is far, far ahead of in terms of capability and performance. (The same goes for the other two).
BUT, ES and Solr are Java (which may or may not be an issue for you). AzureSearch is hosted in Azure which again may or may not be an issue.
All three will require climbing a learning curve and will require infrastructure support or external third party SaaS commitment.
If you keep the service inhouse and in c# it keeps it simple and you have control over the capabilities and the shape of the API can be turned for your needs.
No "right" answer. You'll have to make choices based on your situation.
You should be indexing preferrably according to some schedule (periodically). The easiest approach is to keep the date of last index and then query for all the changes since then and index new, update and remove records. In order to keep track of removed entries in the database you will need to have a log of deleted records with a date it was removed. You can then query using that date to what needs to be removed from the lucene.
Now simply run that job every 2 minutes or so.
That said, is not really suited for web application, you should consider using ElasticSearch, SOLR or AzureSearch. Basically server that can handle load and multi threading better.

Are GridCacheQueue elements also GridCacheElements?

I'm in the process of evaluating GridGain and have read and re-read all the documentation I could find. While much of it is very thorough, you can tell that it's mostly written by the developers. It would be great if there were a reference book written by an outsider's perspective.
Anyway, I have five basic questions I'm hoping someone from GridGain can answer and clarify for me.
It's my understanding that GridCacheQueue (and the other Distributed Data Structures) are built on top of the GridCache implementation. Does that mean that each element of the GridCacheQueue is really just a GridCacheElement of the GridCache map, or is each GridCacheQueue a GridCacheElement, or do I have this totally wrong?
If I set a default TTL on the GridCache, will the elements of a GridCacheQueue expire in the TTL time, or does it only apply to GridCacheElements (which might be answered in #1 above)?
Is there a way to make a GridCacheQueue expire after some period of time without having to remove it manually?
If a cache is set-up to be backed-up onto other nodes and the cache is using off-heap memory and/or swap storage, is the off-heap memory and/or swap storage also replicated onto the back-up nodes?
Is it possible to create a new cache dynamically, or can it only be created via configuration when the node is created?
Thanks for any insightful information!
After experimenting with a GridCache and a GridCacheQueue, here's what I've learned about my 5 questions:
I don't know how the GridCacheQueue or its elements are attached to a GridCache, but I know that the elements of a GridCacheQueue DO NOT show up as GridCacheElements of the GridCache.
If you set a TTL on a GridCache and add a GridCacheQueue to it, once the elements of the GridCache begin expiring, the GridCacheQueue becomes unusable and will cause a GridRuntimeException to be thrown.
Yes, see #2 above. However, there doesn't seem to be a safe way to test if the queue is still in existence once the elements of the GridCache start to expire.
Still have no information about this yet. Would REALLY like some feedback on that.
That was a question I never should have asked. A GridCache can be created entirely in code and configured.
Let me first of all say that GridGain supports several queue configuration parameters:
Colocated vs. non-colocated. In colocated mode you can have many queues. Each queue will be assigned to some grid node and all the data in that queue will be cached on that grid node. This way, if you have many queues, each queue may be cached on a different node, but queues themselves should be evenly distributed across all nodes. Non-colocated mode, on the other hand is meant for larger queues, where data for the same queue is partitioned across multiple nodes.
Capacity - this parameter defines maximum queue capacity. When queue reaches this capacity it will automatically start evicting elements oldest elements.
Now, let me try to tackle some of these questions.
I believe each element of GridCacheQuery is a separate element in cache, but implementation marks them as internal elements. That is why you don't see these elements when iterating through cache.
TTL should not be used with elements in the queue (GridGain will be adding this feature soon). For now, you should limit the maximum size of the queue by specifying queue 'capacity' at creation time.
I don't believe so, but I think this feature is being added. For now, you can try using org.gridgain.grid.schedule.GridScheduler to schedule a job that will delete a queue later.
The answer is YES. Both, data in off-heap and swap spaces is backed up and replicated the same way as main on-heap cache data.
A cache should be created in configuration, either from code or XML. However, GridGain has a cool notion of GridCacheProjection which allows to create various sub-caches (cache views) on the same cache. For example, if you store Person and Organization classes in the same cache, then you can use cache projection for type Person when working with Person class, and cache projection of type Organization when working with Organization class.

Users last-access time with CouchDB

I am new to CouchDB, but that is not related to the problem. The question is simple, yet not clear to me.
For example: Boris was on the site 5 seconds ago and viewing his profile Ivan sees it.
How to correctly implement this feature (users last-access time)?
The problem is that, if we update users profile document in CouchDB, for ex. property last_access_time, each time a page is refreshed, than we will have the most relevant information (with MySQL we did it this way), but on the other hand, we will have _rev of the document somewhere about 100000++ by the end of the day.
So, how do you do that or do you have any ideas?
This is not a full answer but a possible optimization. It will work in addition to any other answers here.
Instead of storing the latest timestamp, update the timestamp only if it has changed by e.g. 5 seconds, or 60 seconds.
Assume a user refreshes every second for a day. That is 86,400 updates. But if you only update the timestamp at 5-second intervals, that is 17,280; for 60-seconds it is 1,440.
You can do this on the client side. When you want to update the timestamp, fetch the current document and check the old timestamp. If it is less than 5 seconds old, don't do anything. Otherwise, update it normally.
You can also do it on the server side. Write an _update function in CouchDB, which you can query like e.g. POST /db/_design/my_app/_update/last-access/the_doc_id?time=2011-01-31T05:05:31.872Z. The update function will do the same thing: check the old timestamp, and either do nothing, or update it, depending on the elapsed time.
If there was (a large) part of a document that is relatively static, and (a small) part that is highly dynamic, I would consider splitting it into two different documents.
Another option might be to use something more suited to the high write throughput of small pieces of data of that nature such as Redis or possibly MongoDB, and (if necessary) have a background task to occasionally write the info to CouchDB.
CouchDB has no problem with rapid document updates. Just do it, like MySQL. High _rev is no problem.
The only thing is, you have to be responsible about your couch from day 1. All CouchDB users must do this anyway, however you may have to do it sooner. (Applications with few updates have lower risk of a full disk, so developers can postpone this work.)
Poll your database and run compaction if it needs it (based on size, document count, seq_id number)
Poll your views and run compaction too
Always have enough disk capacity and i/o bandwidth to support compaction. Mathematical worst-case: you need 2x the database size, and 2x the write speed; however, most applications require less. Since you are updating documents, not adding them, you will need way less.

alternative to polling database?

I have an application that works as follows: Linux machines generate 28 different types of letter to customers. The letters must be sent in .docx (Microsoft Word format). A secretary maintains MS Word templates, which are automatically used as necessary. Changing from using MS Word is not an option.
To coordinate all this, document jobs are placed into a database table and a python program running on each of the windows machines polls the database frequently, locking out jobs and running them as necessary.
We use a central database table for the job information to coordinate different states ("new", "processing", "finished", "printed")... as well to give accurate status information.
Anyway, I don't like the clients polling the database frequently, seeing as they aren't working most of the time. Clients hpoll every 5 seconds.
To avoid polling, I kind of want a broadcast "there's some work to do" or "check your database for some work to do" message sent to all the client machines.
I think some kind of publish/subscribe message queue would be up to the job, but I don't want any massive extra complexity.
Is there a zero or near zero config/maintenance piece of software that would achieve this? What are the options?
Is there any objective evidence that any significant load is being put on the server? If it works, I'd make sure there's really a problem to solve here.
It must be nice to have everything running so smoothly that you're looking at things that might only possibly be improved!
Is there a zero or near zero config/maintenance piece of software that would achieve this? What are the options?
Possibly, but what you would save in configuration and implementation time would likely hurt performance more than your polling service ever could. SQL Server isn't made to do a push really (not easily anyway). There are things that you could use to push data out (replication service, log shipping - icky stuff), but they would be more complex and require more resources than your simple polling service. Some options would be:
some kind of trigger which runs your executable using command-line calls (sp_cmdshell)
using a COM object which SQL Server could open and run
using a SQL Agent job to run a VBScript (which would again be considered "polling")
These options are a bit ridiculous considering what you have already done is much simpler.
If you are worried about the polling service using too many cycles or something - you can always throttle it back - polling every minute, every 10 minutes, or even just once a day might be more appropriate - this would be a business decision, so go ask someone in the business how fast it needs to be.
Simple polling services are fairly common, because they are, well... simple. In addition they are also low overhead, remotely stable, and error-tolerant. The down side is that they can hammer the database into dust if not carefully controlled.
A message queue might work well, as they're usually setup to be able to block for a while without wasting resources. But with MySQL, I don't think that's an option.
If you just want to reduce load on the DB, you could create a table with a single row: the latest job ID. Then clients just need to compare that to their last ID to see if they need to run a full poll against the real table. This way the overhead should be greatly reduced, if it's an issue now.
Unlike Postgres and SQL Server (or object stores like CouchDb), MySQL does not emit database events. However there are some coding patterns you can use to simulate this.
If you have one or more tables that you wish to monitor, you can create triggers on these tables that add a row to a "changes" table that records a queue of events to process. Your triggers filter the subset of data changes that you care about and create records in your changes table for each event you wish to perform. Because this pattern queues and persists events it works well even when the workers that process these events have outages.
You might think that MyISAM is the best choice for the changes table since it's mostly performing writes (or even MEMORY if you don't need to persist the events between database server outages). However, keep in mind that both Memory and MEMORY and MyISAM have only full-table locks so your trigger on an InnoDB table might hit a bottle neck when performing an insert into a MEMORY and MyISAM table. You may also require InnoDB for the changes table if you're using a ON DELETE CASCADE with another InnoDB table (requires both tables to use the same engine).
You might also use SHOW TABLE STATUS to check the last update time of you changes table to check if there's something to perform. This feature wont work for InnoDB tables.
These articles describes in more depth some of alternative ways to implement queues in MySQL and even avoid polling!
How to notify event listeners in MySQL
How to implement a queue in SQL
5 subtle ways you're using MySQL as a queue, and why it'll bite you
