Find the top of the tree(the root) in haskell - haskell

I have a tree like this:
data Tree a
= Empty
| Leaf a
| Node a (Tree a) (Tree a) String
deriving (Show)
and I need a function which finds the top of the tree. I have written this:
root :: Tree a -> a
root (Leaf a) = a
root (Node a _ _ _) = a
which perfectly works, but when I have an Empty tree, I have an error message.
If I add
root Empty = Empty
I have an error again because it does not return a value of type a. What can I do ?

You have no sensible value of a in case of the Empty constructor. The type Maybe encodes exactly what you need in this case: a sensible value or no value. Therefore the following would be an idiomatic way of implementing your function:
root :: Tree a -> Maybe a
root (Leaf a) = Just a
root (Node a _ _ _) = Just a
root _ = Nothing
You can easily compose this function with other functions of your library using functors, applicative functors and monads. E.g.:
functionOnPlainA :: a -> a
functionOnPlainA = error "implement me"
-- So simply we can lift our plain function to work on values of type `Maybe`.
-- This is a Functor example.
functionOnMaybeA :: Maybe a -> Maybe a
functionOnMaybeA = fmap functionOnPlainA
-- Because the above is so simple, it's conventional to inline it,
-- as in the following:
applyFunctionOnPlainAToResultOfRoot :: Tree a -> Maybe a
applyFunctionOnPlainAToResultOfRoot tree = fmap functionOnPlainA $ root tree
-- And here is an example of how Monads can serve us:
applyRootToMaybeTree :: Maybe (Tree a) -> Maybe a
applyRootToMaybeTree maybeTree = maybeTree >>= root


How to Access Fields of Custom Data Types without Record Syntax in Haskell?

I'd like to understand how to access fields of custom data types without using the record syntax. In LYAH it is proposed to do it like this:
-- Example
data Person = Subject String String Int Float String String deriving (Show)
guy = Subject "Buddy" "Finklestein" 43 184.2 "526-2928" "Chocolate"
firstName :: Person -> String
firstName (Subject firstname _ _ _ _ _) = firstname
I tried applying this way of accessing data by getting the value of a node of a BST:
data Tree a = EmptyTree | Node a (Tree a) (Tree a) deriving (Show, Read, Eq)
singleton :: a -> Tree a
singleton x = Node x EmptyTree EmptyTree
treeInsert :: (Ord a) => a -> Tree a -> Tree a
treeInsert x EmptyTree = singleton x
treeInsert x (Node a left right)
| x == a = Node x left right
| x < a = Node a (treeInsert x left) right
| x > a = Node a left (treeInsert x right)
getValue :: Tree -> a
getValue (Node a _ _) = a
But I got the following error:
Could someone explain how to access the field correctly without using the record syntax and what the error message means? Please note that I'm a beginner in Haskell. My purpose is to understand why this particular case throws an error and how to do it it correctly. I'm not asking this to be pointed to more convenient ways of accessing fields (like the record syntax). If someone asked a similar question before: Sorry! I really tried finding an answer here but could not. Any help is appreciated!
You forgot to add the type parameter to Tree in your function's type signature
getValue :: Tree -> a
should be
getValue :: Tree a -> a
Expecting one more argument to `Tree'
means that Tree in the type signature is expecting a type argument, but wasn't provided one
Expected a type, but Tree has a kind `* -> *'
Tree a is a type, but Tree isn't (?) because it is expecting a type argument.
A kind is like a type signature for a type.
A kind of * means the type constructor does not expect any type of argument.
data Tree = EmptyTree | Tree Int Tree Tree
has a kind of *
It is like the type signature of a no-argument function (technically this is not really called a function, I think)
f :: Tree Int
f = Node 0 EmptyTree EmptyTree
A kind of * -> * means the type constructor expects an argument.
Your Tree type has a kind of * -> *, because it takes one type argument, the a on the left hand side of =.
A kind of * -> * is sort of like a function that takes one argument:
f :: Int -> Tree Int
f x = Node x EmptyTree EmptyTree

Is it possible to create a function in Haskell that operates on a set of types?

I have been searching google for a while, but was not able to find an answer:
Say I have Tree ADT that is polymorphic, a base payload sum type and two extention sum types:
data Tree a = Node a [Tree a] | Empty
data BasePayload = BaseA String | BaseB Int
data Extention1 = Ext1A String String | Ext1B Int
data Extention2 = B | A
I cannot modify the base type, and I do not know if and how many extention types are used at compile time. Is it possible to create functions that work like this:
type GeneralTree = Tree SomeBoxType
transform :: Tree (SomeBoxType (any | BasePayload)) -> Tree (SomeBoxType any)
transform :: Tree (SomeBoxType (any | Extention1)) -> Tree (SomeBoxType any)
transform :: Tree (SomeBoxType (any | Extention2)) -> Tree (SomeBoxType any)
Is something like this possible? When I searched I found GADT, which is not what I need and DataKinds and TypeFamilies, which I did not understand 100%, but dont think will help here. Is that Row Polymorphism?
Thanks for your help.
I suspect you just want a Functor instance. Thus:
instance Functor Tree where
fmap f (Node x children) = Node (f x) (fmap (fmap f) children)
fmap f Empty = Empty
Now fmap can be given any of these types:
fmap :: (Either any BasePayload -> any) -> Tree (Either any BasePayload) -> Tree any
fmap :: (Either any Extention1 -> any) -> Tree (Either any Extention1 ) -> Tree any
fmap :: (Either any Extention2 -> any) -> Tree (Either any Extention2 ) -> Tree any
As an aside, I find the Empty constructor very suspicious. What's the difference between Node 0 [] and Node 0 [Empty] for example? Is Node 0 [Empty, Empty] a sensible value to have at all? Consider using Data.Tree, which comes with your compiler, doesn't have this issue, and already has a Functor instance.

What is the correct definition of `unfold` for an untagged tree?

I've been thinking in how to implement the equivalent of unfold for the following type:
data Tree a = Node (Tree a) (Tree a) | Leaf a | Nil
It was not immediately obvious since the standard unfold for lists returns a value and the next seed. For this datatype, it doesn't make sense, since there is no "value" until you reach a leaf node. This way, it only really makes sense to return new seeds or stop with a value. I'm using this definition:
data Drive s a = Stop | Unit a | Branch s s deriving Show
unfold :: (t -> Drive t a) -> t -> Tree a
unfold fn x = case fn x of
Branch a b -> Node (unfold fn a) (unfold fn b)
Unit a -> Leaf a
Stop -> Nil
main = print $ unfold go 5 where
go 0 = Stop
go 1 = Unit 1
go n = Branch (n - 1) (n - 2)
While this seems to work, I'm not sure this is how it is supposed to be. So, that is the question: what is the correct way to do it?
If you think of a datatype as the fixpoint of a functor then you can see that your definition is the sensible generalisation of the list case.
module Unfold where
Here we start by definition the fixpoint of a functor f: it's a layer of f followed by some more fixpoint:
newtype Fix f = InFix { outFix :: f (Fix f) }
To make things slightly clearer, here are the definitions of the functors corresponding to lists and trees. They have basically the same shape as the datatypes except that we have replace the recursive calls by an extra parameter. In other words, they describe what one layer of list / tree looks like and are generic over the possible substructures r.
data ListF a r = LNil | LCons a r
data TreeF a r = TNil | TLeaf a | TBranch r r
Lists and trees are then respectively the fixpoints of ListF and TreeF:
type List a = Fix (ListF a)
type Tree a = Fix (TreeF a)
Anyways, hopping you now have a better intuition about this fixpoint business, we can see that there is a generic way of defining an unfold function for these.
Given an original seed as well as a function taking a seed and building one layer of f where the recursive structure are new seeds, we can build a whole structure:
unfoldFix :: Functor f => (s -> f s) -> s -> Fix f
unfoldFix node = go
where go = InFix . fmap go . node
This definition specialises to the usual unfold on list or your definition for trees. In other words: your definition was indeed the right one.

Haskell: associating a polymorphic function for each level in a tree

Good day!
I have a tree of elements:
data Tree a = Node [Tree a]
| Leaf a
I need to get to the leaf of that tree. The path from the root to the leaf is determined by a sequence of switch functions. Each layer in that tree corresponds to a specific switch function that takes something as a parameter and returns an index to the subtree.
class Switchable a where
getIndex :: a -> Int
data SwitchData = forall c. Switchable c => SwitchData c
The final goal is to provide a function that expects all necessary SwitchData and returns
the leaf in a tree.
But I see no way
to enforce the one-to-one mapping at type-level. My current implementation of switch
functions accepts a list of SwitchData instances:
switch :: SwitchData -> Tree a -> Tree a
switch (SwitchData c) (Node vec) = vec `V.unsafeIndex` getIndex c
switch _ _ = error "switch: performing switch on a Leaf of context tree"
switchOnData :: [SwitchData] -> Tree a -> a
switchOnData (x:xs) tree = switchOnData xs $ switch x tree
switchOnData [] (Leaf c) = c
switchOnData [] (Node _) = error "switchOnData: partial data"
The order and the exact types of Switchable instances
are not considered neither at compile time nor at runtime, the correctness is left for a programmer, which bothers me a lot. That gist reflects the current state of affair.
Could you suggest some ways of establishing that one-to-one mapping between layers in a context tree and particular instances of Switchable?
Your current solution is equivalent to simply switchOnIndices :: [Int] -> Tree a -> a (simply apply getIndex before storing in list!). Make this explicitly "partial" by wrapping the return in Maybe and this may actually be the ideal signature, simple and fine.
But apparently, your real use case is more complex; you want to have basically different dictionaries at each level. Then you actually need to link the multiple levels of types to those of tree depths. You're in for some crazy almost-dependent-typed hackery!
{-# LANGUAGE GADTs, TypeOperators, LambdaCase #-}
infixr 5 :&
data Nil = Nil
data s :& ss where
(:&) :: s -> ss -> s :& ss
data Tree switch a where
Node ::
(s -> Tree ss a) -- Such a function is equiv. to `Switchable c => (c, [Tree a])`.
-> Tree (s :& ss) a
Leaf :: a -> Tree Nil a
switch :: s -> Tree (s :& ss) a -> Tree ss a
switch s (Node f) = f s
switchOnData :: s -> Tree s a -> a
switchOnData sw (Node f) = switchOnData ss $ f s
where (s :& ss) = sw
switchOnData _ (Leaf a) = a
data Sign = P | M
signTree :: Tree (Sign :& Sign :& Nil) Char
signTree = Node $ \case P -> Node $ \case P -> Leaf 'a'
M -> Leaf 'b'
M -> Node $ \case P -> Leaf 'c'
M -> Leaf 'd'
testSwitch :: IO()
testSwitch = print $ switchOnData (P :& M :& Nil) signTree
main = testSwitch
Of course, this greatly limits the flexibility of the tree structure: each level has a fixed predetermined number of nodes. In fact, that makes the entire structure of e.g. signTree equivalent to simply (Sign, Sign) -> Char, so unless you really need a tree for some specific reason (e.g. extra information attached to the nodes), why not just use that!
Or, again, the way simpler [Int] -> Tree a -> a signature. But using existentials makes no sense to me at all here.
Let's assume that we're traversing a Tree at a particular Node and have our particular kind of desired polymorphic Switchable value available as well. In other words, we want to take a step
step :: Switchable -> Tree a -> Maybe (Tree a)
Here the output Tree is one of the children of the input Tree and we wrap it in a Maybe just in case something goes wrong. So let's try to write step
step s Leaf{} = Nothing
step s (Node children) = switch s (?extract children)
Here, the challenge arises out of defining ?extract as we need it to polymorphically produce the right kind of value for switch s to operate on. We can't meaningfully use polymorphism to get this to work:
-- won't work!
class Extractable b where
extract :: [Tree a] -> b
since now switch . extract is ambiguous. In fact, if Switchable operates by existentially quantifying a value that it needs passed in then there is no way (outside of Typeable) to build an extract that works properly. Instead, we need each Switchable to have its own individual extract with the proper type, a type that only exists inside of the context of the data type.
{-# LANGUAGE ExistentialQuantification #-}
data Switchable = forall pass . Switchable
{ extract :: [Tree a] -> pass
, switch :: pass -> Int
step s (Node children) = children `safeLookup` switch s (extract s children)
But due to the containment of this existential type, we know that there's absolutely no way to use a Switchable except to immediately compute the existentially hidden pass value and then consume it with switch. There's not even any reason to store pass since the only way we can get any information out of it is to use switch.
Altogether this leads to the intuition that Switchable ought to be this instead.
data Switchable = Switchable { switch :: [Tree a] -> Int }
step s (Node children) = children `safeLookup` switch s children
Or even
data Switchable = Switchable { switch :: [Tree a] -> Tree a }
step s (Node children) = Just (switch s children)

Nil Value for Tree a -> a in Haskell

So I have a tree defined as
data Tree a = Leaf | Node a (Tree a) (Tree a) deriving Show
I know I can define Leaf to be Leaf a. But I really just want my nodes to have values. My problem is that when I do a search I have a return value function of type
Tree a -> a
Since leafs have no value I am confused how to say if you encounter a leaf do nothing. I tried nil, " ", ' ', [] nothing seems to work.
Edit Code
data Tree a = Leaf | Node a (Tree a) (Tree a) deriving Show
breadthFirst :: Tree a -> [a]
breadthFirst x = _breadthFirst [x]
_breadthFirst :: [Tree a] -> [a]
_breadthFirst [] = []
_breadthFirst xs = map treeValue xs ++
_breadthFirst (concat (map immediateChildren xs))
immediateChildren :: Tree a -> [Tree a]
immediateChildren (Leaf) = []
immediateChildren (Node n left right) = [left, right]
treeValue :: Tree a -> a
treeValue (Leaf) = //this is where i need nil
treeValue (Node n left right) = n
test = breadthFirst (Node 1 (Node 2 (Node 4 Leaf Leaf) Leaf) (Node 3 Leaf (Node 5 Leaf Leaf)))
main =
do putStrLn $ show $ test
In Haskell, types do not have an "empty" or nil value by default. When you have something of type Integer, for example, you always have an actual number and never anything like nil, null or None.
Most of the time, this behavior is good. You can never run into null pointer exceptions when you don't expect them, because you can never have nulls when you don't expect them. However, sometimes we really need to have a Nothing value of some sort; your tree function is a perfect example: if we don't find a result in the tree, we have to signify that somehow.
The most obvious way to add a "null" value like this is to just wrap it in a type:
data Nullable a = Null | NotNull a
So if you want an Integer which could also be Null, you just use a Nullable Integer. You could easily add this type yourself; there's nothing special about it.
Happily, the Haskell standard library has a type like this already, just with a different name:
data Maybe a = Nothing | Just a
you can use this type in your tree function as follows:
treeValue :: Tree a -> Maybe a
treeValue (Node value _ _) = Just value
treeValue Leaf = Nothing
You can use a value wrapped in a Maybe by pattern-matching. So if you have a list of [Maybe a] and you want to get a [String] out, you could do this:
showMaybe (Just a) = show a
showMaybe Nothing = ""
myList = map showMaybe listOfMaybes
Finally, there are a bunch of useful functions defined in the Data.Maybe module. For example, there is mapMaybe which maps a list and throws out all the Nothing values. This is probably what you would want to use for your _breadthFirst function, for example.
So my solution in this case would be to use Maybe and mapMaybe. To put it simply, you'd change treeValue to
treeValue :: Tree a -> Maybe a
treeValue (Leaf) = Nothing
treeValue (Node n left right) = Just n
Then instead of using map to combine this, use mapMaybe (from Data.Maybe) which will automatically strip away the Just and ignore it if it's Nothing.
mapMaybe treeValue xs
Maybe is Haskell's way of saying "Something might not have a value" and is just defined like this:
data Maybe a = Just a | Nothing
It's the moral equivalent of having a Nullable type. Haskell just makes you acknowledge the fact that you'll have to handle the case where it is "null". When you need them, Data.Maybe has tons of useful functions, like mapMaybe available.
In this case, you can simply use a list comprehension instead of map and get rid of treeValue:
_breadthFirst xs = [n | Node n _ _ <- xs] ++ ...
This works because using a pattern on the left hand side of <- in a list comprehension skips items that don't match the pattern.
This function treeValue :: Tree a -> a can't be a total function, because not all Tree a values actually contain an a for you to return! A Leaf is analogous to the empty list [], which is still of type [a] but doesn't actually contain an a.
The head function from the standard library has the type [a] -> a, and it also can't work all of the time:
*Main> head []
*** Exception: Prelude.head: empty list
You could write treeValue to behave similarly:
treeValue :: Tree a -> a
treeValue Leaf = error "empty tree"
treeValue (Node n _ _) = n
But this won't actually help you, because now map treeValue xs will throw an error if any of the xs are Leaf values.
Experienced Haskellers usually try to avoid using head and functions like it for this very reason. Sure, there's no way to get an a from any given [a] or Tree a, but maybe you don't need to. In your case, you're really trying to get a list of a from a list of Tree, and you're happy for Leaf to simply contribute nothing to the list rather than throw an error. But treeValue :: Tree a -> a doesn't help you build that. It's the wrong function to help you solve your problem.
A function that helps you do whatever you need would be Tree a -> Maybe a, as explained very well in some other answers. That allows you to later decide what to do about the "missing" value. When you go to use the Maybe a, if there's really nothing else to do, you can call error then (or use fromJust which does exactly that), or you can decide what else to do. But a treeValue that claims to be able to return an a from any Tree a and then calls error when it can't denies any caller the ability to decide what to do if there's no a.
